

Confession: I Fell For The Becky And Ralph Wolf Story Meme

Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 12:33:54 -0700

Newb Ocean Elf: Wow, this one is touching. It brought tears to my eyes and that's not easy to do.

Present-time Ocean Elf: *Gah, seriously? Was I REALLY this soft? That viral must've invaded my inbox on a sad day. Geez, how embarrassing!

The mangle:


Chain: Subject: [CanadianExotics] Trust

Previous forwarder: A friend sent this to me today and it brought major tears to my eyes and I wanted to share it all with you.

Ocean Elf: Well, at least Newb me only had "tears" not "major tears" but the previous forwarder has always been easily moved by chain letters involving animals. She hasn't exactly deserted the eco/animal welfare movements yet as far as I know.

The chain is a glurge about a little girl and a wolf.

I won't go through the entire thing, but sum it up instead. It was somewhat well-written, as far as stories of this ilk go, I just can't be absolutely certain if it's a true account or not, but very much doubt it. Also, a summary can get you through it without the risk of reducing you to a little salty pool at your computer, putting you emotionally down for the count.

Little blonde-haired, brown-eyed Arizonian Becky is lonely.

Becky has imaginary dogs until she finds a big wolf and gets her family and a vet to pull it out of danger.

Wolf gets better and recovers slowly. Becky names him Ralph.

Ralph loves Becky most out of all other people and creatures.

Becky loves Ralph.

Ralph misses Becky when she's in school.

Ralph goes away during mating seasons and sires how many pups?

Ralph gets shot by some neighbor years later.

Ralph doesn't die right away but he degenerates until he finally dies at the stump where he was first rescued.

Inside that stump are wolf pups.

See, I can get myself and you all through that without any of us shedding tears and feeling compelled to re-share.

But seriously, what is the likelihood of this? Seems pretty hokey to me. Wolves live in packs, and they keep their pups in dens. And there would have to be a she-wolf in the equation, who would definitely not be receptive to some strange human coming around to see the pups. If I remember correctly, the rest of the pack, and the parents all feed the pups, too. So a hollowed out tree stump just doesn't seem a sufficient place to raise wolf pups.

Over and out.


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