

When Memes Spoil Real Life Conversations

It was one of those situations. Where people are getting together, chitchatting, laughing, having a good time.

And eventually the subject reminds somebody of some story or vid they'd like to share.

I remember the headwall moment I had when I bought my Ipad1 and someone was quite excited about it, which was great, but the vid he brought up when trying the iPad out, was the cell phone popcorn chain! Argh!

The same thing happened again years later.

We had company, and I brought down my iPad Mini. We talked about that and about various companies and operating systems etc. all was going swimmingly until somebody suddenly remembered something that was so funny they just HAD to share!

They then proceeded to tell the story about how apple sued Samsung for 1.5 billion bucks, the suit was settled in Apple's favour, and Samsun paid up entirely in nickels!

I immediately got that sinking feeling and urge to eye roll. Didn't I see this story listed on hoax-busting sites? I was pretty sure I had. I never read it because I'd always come across the listing while looking for something else and just never gave it much thought. It wasn't likely anyone I knew would send me that kind of rumour chain, and I never saw it posted on my FB feed or anywhere else I go.

But I remembered seeing a story that went something like that, archived.

After our company left, and after dinner, I checked it out.

Sure enough, there it was. *Facepalm* and as I suspected, yes, it is malarkey!

There is a suit, but it hasn't been settled yet. And the impracticability and impossibility of storing and transporting that many nickels should've dawned on anyone who's ever heard this story.

*gong-boo* Not really so funny after all, is it?

Over and out.


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