Why Mangle Memes? The Mission

Bullies are detestable. Real bullies, not to be confused with everyone/anyone who gets judged as bullies by the liberal-hijacked "anti-bullying movement that has become a form of bullying

Bullies are emotionally manipulative. Many are frauds and malicious liars against people and entities.

That is exactly what social vengeance/cleansing warriors, forward-or-die, guilt-tripping, depressing/tear-jerking, fear-mongering , misleading, slanderous/libellous stories ruining the reputations of innocent people, alarmist slactivism, charity scam, religious-exploitive, etc. chain letters and those who originate them, are.

That's why it is important to do what we can to smash chain letters to keep these hoaxes from going any further.

Don't believe and spread those bogus virals that claim the Red Cross ceos are getting huge pay hikes. None of them are true.

Will Our Words Condemn Us?

If we rely on memes to speak for us, Definitely.

You could be conveying that you'll believe anything when carelessly passing along that forward, especially if you don't read and think carefully about what it actually says, and you don't research online to see if it is true. And by research, I don't mean using Snopes. They used to have a reputation for reliability, but that has changed, and it is coming out that even in the past, they were a lot more sketchy than I originally thought.

From touching poems and cute animal pictures, to bizarre and false warnings about chicken, shellfish and vitamin C, getting syphilis or herpes from eating out, especially any and all fast food places (the food-cops and animal rights zealots would love all eateries shut down or restricted to vegan menus, so would love everyone to believe these chain letter rumours,) disturbing viral videos about ruthless dictators and helpless children, soliciting donations and "sharing" (spreading the viral,) Chain letters are designed to put your emotions into overdrive so you will forward impulsively without question. What's more, there may be very little or absolutely no truth at all to these chain letters, and what truth they may contain is almost always twisted and distorted, and mixed in with a great deal of misleading content. The real story is often completely different from the one presented to you in a viral. Yes, this includes any and all political virals. Whoever actually started that far-right chain email is not looking out for your interests or some sort of greater good. Neither is some "fact-checking" viral countering it. The only interests such meme originators look out for is their own.

No, Samsung did not Pay a fortune in damages to Apple in small change, specifically nickels. The satire piece was spawned on eldeforma.com and en.paperblog.com.

Why Chain Letters Are So Bad:

"1: What they are and who starts them

2: Why they keep perpetuating

3: The many reasons recipients get annoyed with forwarders and virals

4: Excuses, excuses, angry Re-posters, friendships lost.

Chain emails are not to be trusted as factual, credible sources and because of this, they are the wrong way to fight liberal lies, including those coming in the form of memes. Yes, memes AKA chain letters are a huge liberal problem, contrary to their always sweeping theirs under the rug while pointing fingers at conservatives.

Even if something true does end up as a meme, it ultimately doesn't count as anything more.

Some journalist wrote an article moaning about how there wasn't enough outrage from Americans, especially liberals in the Bush era. Alisa Wilson, a very well educated middle-aged conservative responded with her barrel of outrage and said the reason it wasn't being heard was because she didn't have the bucks or the clout of celebrities and liberal politicians to make her voice be heard.

In a disappointing reaffirmation of this, WSJ showed their disgusting bias and refused to print her response in their paper, and they should have published itÉ

So instead, Alisa got a far shabbier result when her letter became a meme, ending up on Snopes. Adding further insult to injury, people even doubting whether or not she was a real person and if the letter was for real.

If that paper had printed her response, it would have given her a real venue for her voice to be heard, instead of ending up in the halls of conservative chain letter notoriety, archived on a left-wing political site that's still trying to masquerade as a chain-breaking site.

Just one more thing to be outraged about. It is better not to be heard until the time is right and then be heard clearly, rather than be heard through and thusly doubted in the form of a meme.

It is even more important than ever to debunk leftist chain letters/memes, hard, without resorting to perpetuating right-wing memes.

Republicans anyone on the non-left, and Christians, take heed!

But don't fall into the trap of using anti-chain letters including Lazy Truth to "settle it." LT and SI are associated with Snopes anyway.

Chain letters certainly can't send nonexistent ghosts to track you down and kill you or anyone else, but they are not harmless.

Memes are inaccurate and manipulative. They maliciously and needlessly terrify children and young people, trivialize and make coercive mockery of belief in God, tearjerk some people and seriously tick off others, drive people apart damage reputations, substitute racism for patriotism, hamper honest charity work, lie and condescend to people and more.

Hoaxers want to keep us:

-circulating false chain letters that contain outright bad, even harmful advice disguised as medical fact

-Crying over dying kids who never existed,

-Mailbombing the ACLU and faux-petitioning any other entity because we're so scared they're trying to snuff out Christianity,

- Confusing God with viral hokus pokus and giving non-believers as much opportunity as possible to yell "See! God is just a fairy tale chain letter hoax!" and perpetuate their bad misrepresentations of Christians based on these bad chain letters.

-Laugh at fictitious atheists getting punked by fictitious court judges, Christians, or by real people being lied about,

-Spam the net with pseudo-religious fraudulent junk so that others get the erroneous idea that God works through chain letters,

-waste by improper use or simply flush down the toilet products which are ineffective when used as the hoaxes instruct,

-boycott people, companies, charities, and products the forwards tell us to feel guilty about, because some poor third world person suffered so we could enjoy it, or we should fear, hate, be boiling mad at and save our countries from terrorists, "illegal alien immigrants" and freeloading welfare people who must surely be drug addicts or at least getting a total pie-in-the-sky life with everything handed to them on a silver platter while they are sucking away all our life savings; and we absolutely must stop this with a show of patriotism and standing up for the right to our own earnings, by passing on bullcrap chain letters!

- Spreading needless sadness and outrage over stories that are often false but sometimes true, but outdated and can't be changed by spreading them anyway.

-Making chumps of ourselves by believing and spreading their junk to others who will do likewise.

There's no such disease as squirrel aids (Squaids, but people fell for this one in early 2014.

Smashing chain letters is all about counteracting this cyber-bullying. It is about exposing the lies, distortions and half-truths of chain letters, and pointing out that what little truth may actually be included in any chain letter is only being exploited to keep them spreading.

Mangle is also here as something of an alternative to Snopes and Urbanlegends.about since it has come out those sites are run by liberals with a vested interest in politicizing these sites and using them to convince everyone to turn liberal. So, they've pulled off one of the biggest internet hoaxes of all. That being the idea that if you're liberal, you dispel myths and if you are a non-liberal, you are more likely to perpetuate myths.

The last thing any hoaxer wants is to be ridiculed, have their junk exposed for the bunch of bilge it is, and laughed at.

Meme-mangling has another purpose. To express one's disbelief, annoyance, disgust, even laughter at all the memes, and I don't mean "Hah! That was soooo funny, I gotta re-share it!"

When trying to play nice person and quietly deleting/ignoring memes just doesn't work because memes just keep coming back again and again from various sources, until one's threshold for tolerance is finally reached, Mangling memes does a world of good for recipients who have been pushed beyond their limit with getting this junk personally, and seeing it replicated all over the net.

Unchained From Chain-mail by Clyde, expresses this frustration well, and in a witty way.

* * *

At the most well-known level, chain letters are the good and bad luck, promise/threat "Forward or you'll be cursed in love and a dead kid will kill you" at midnight." variety. Hoax-busting sites deal with some of those, for example, the "Bloody Mary" urban legend. But there are too many variants always cropping up for them to handle, and the same is true of the many phony friendship varieties as well.

But the trouble is that just because you show an impressionable youth the Bloody Mary curse chain is a hoax, doesn't seem to insure they won't be scared all over again when the next forward-or-die hoax comes along with a different story. Some are even tempted to forward the same chain upon receiving it a second time, particularly if they've made the mistake of having forwarded it the first time hoping to ward off bad luck. The truth is, they were never in danger and would n't have died from not passing on the chain in the first place.

While some children are not frightened and taken in, malicious memes still succeed in frightening young people from children to young adults, especially if the people are particularly prone to anxiety.


These ridiculous pieces of bullying nonsense spam actually freak some young people out so badly that they really do cry, and parents have had to delete their children's accounts just to prevent all this unnecessary stress. Friends are forced to block other friends and have their own Youtube accounts deleted because of the originators of the Bloody Mary and all such similar chain hoaxes, and the easily scared people who get duped and bullied into replicating them.

I am here to prove just how bogus and un-scary these chain letters are and help you empower yourselves against these hoaxes. It is absolutely maddening that the trolls who make up these stupid memes really have managed to frighten people to this point, and these memes need to be soundly mangled.

The adult versions of chain letter appeal to adult emotions and concerns. Missing/dying kid hoaxes play on people's emotions in a cruel way, and cause them to deluge charities with calls, thereby hampering those charities from spending all the time they otherwise could, to help real children and families out. All because some sicko thought it would be cool to control a bunch of people and get a sick laugh at their expense.

Such chain letter forwards often include messages like "Tell your friends you love them before they or you end up like this sick kid and die." And by telling them you love them, the hoax really means, pass the chain along.

These hoaxes play a particularly mean emotional trick to bully people into spreading them. cFirst, the personal attack. This is the acusation of being heartless and selfish for deleting them. Next, the threat of bad karma for not spreading the hoax. It says the misfortune of the sick kid could happen to you one day, and you deserve it because you killed this kid by not passing on a hoax.

Whether it's "Forward or die" or charity chains, some of these even misuse the situations and names of real people who either died tragically or went through traumatic illnesses or events, in their hoaxes in a bid for credibility. The hoaxes woven around Amanda Todd, Antonio West, Kelsey Smith Briggs, Teresa Fidalgo, Savannah, and the hikers killed in the 1959 Dyatlov Mountain Hiker Tragedy, Junko Furuta, memes are examples in the "forward-or-die" and political outrage vein.


Please read this excellent article about bogus charity campaigns on Facebook from Facecrooks com.

There are honest efforts to help find missing people or solicit help/support for sick people, sometimes even via viral, but they are few and far-between, and none of these real efforts claim some internet or phone company will donate any amount of money per share/repost/forward. Real campaigns never attempt to guilt you into or insult your character for not spreading the chain. Real viral campaigns do eventually go out of date when the situation is resolved or the missing person has been missing for too long and the case was never solved. So it isn't these genuine efforts which are current or out of date but were/are true we are talking about here. It is the hoaxes and heartless manipulative attention-seeking, power-trippers who start them that are the problem.

This article theorizes that people who start hoaxes about sickness and dying may have Munchauzen's, and while I agree that might've been the case with some, such as Kaycee Nicole, it certainly is no excuse. Whether it's given a fancy name and the title "disorder" or not, it all boils down to one thing - someone wants attention, and they'll go to any length to get it no matter who they bulldoze over in the process. It's just selfishness to an insane extreme. Does that really deserve the warm-fuzzy understanding "Oh, it's okay we really shouldn't expect anything better of you because you have a disorder" treatment?

The 17-year-old girl, who extensively stole and misused a family gallery to pull off a tasteless cancer kid hoax.

Because of her age, once again, another hoaxer got spared being named and facing any real consequences she deserves. The family she stole from and cyber-stomped all over, have every right to take her to court, and it's about time the courts took hoax-perpetuation a lot more seriously.

What really chaps my butt over this sort of thing is the hoaxer, especially when under legal age, always gets off with a little tut-tut and pat on the back, and remains anonymous, while the victims of their sick attention-seeking lies, get their names dragged into the public light, because they have to come forward to set the record straight that they are the ones being lied about and what those lies are!

Hoaxers should be named and face whatever the public throws at them.

That girl wrote a letter, dripping with very well-written, convincing-sounding remorse for the hoax, but the fact remains, she had it in her to commit it in the first place. Why shouldn't her supposed outpouring of remorse be just another hoax? Consider all the effort she put into her fake cancer kid blog and posts, where she made up a mom with a kid dying of cancer, but used pictures of a healthy boy and changed his name from Jack to Riley. Someone who does that and writes an ongoing blog to carry on that lie is more than capable of spinning a fantastic letter oozing with faux remorse.

That girl is sorry all right - sorry she got caught! Sincerely sorry for the distress she caused needlessly for the family she used in her hoax, or for all the other people she deceived? Not ruddy likely! If this sort of hoax made her sick to her stomach, she would never have committed it in the first place. People who commit this kind of malicious hoax just aren't capable of any real empathy toward other people. They are parasitic attention-seekers at best, and some are con artists who have managed to bring innocent people to financial ruin. This girl's just scared crapless because she got caught, that's all.

She only agreed to give any interviews if she was given anonymity and promised to be protected from "harassment" well, she harassed the family she stole from and lied about! She is a coward, like all other anonymous hoaxers, and does not deserve special protection. If we came down a lot harder on these miscreants regardless of their age, there would be a lot less of this kind of thing happening. And, just maybe that would help prevent future con-artists from bilking people out of their life savings. Surely, they all started somewhere.


Facebook and CNN are not donating any money per forward/share/like/comment to save a nonexistent nameless baby in a car accident, furthermore, the child's image is not that of a baby injured in a car accident. It was stolen for use in another tasteless sharing hoax two years after the death of the real baby.

His name was Grayson Walker, born back in February of 2012, and he lived for only 8 hours after birth because of a rare condition called Anecephaly.

The lows hoaxers stoop to are boundless! *Scowl*

If you see anyone "sharing" that story, please inform them it is false and why.


Samuel Ettore is a healthy, happy kid, he does not have cancer and his baby picture from back in 2004 has been ripped off and used to perpetuate a charity hoax that claims Facebook will donate money per photo share. His name is Samuel, not Cancer BabyÉ

Ian Gromowski passed on in 2007 due to problems with a vaccine, not from cancer, and his picture was stolen to be exploited in another cancer baby hoax!

Baby Manuela has passed away, and still her picture is misused in a disgusting charity hoax.

Zoe Chambers passed away from a heart condition, and years later her photo has also been stolen and misused in a disgusting sick kid hoax. That's not all. The amoral hoaxer who has been lining his pockets and using the hoax to do it. Julie Chambers is understandably upset by this. It is as if the hoaxer is laughing at her having lost a child!

It is a distasteful, disrespectful way to treat the memory of someone who was once a living person and who died tragically.

Utterly outrageous and Facebook is sitting on their buts doing nothing about it! and it is Facebook these ripped off pictures and sick kid hoaxes are plaguing.

Here is information on this particular hoaxer.

Name: Garen Thoms

AKA "FreeCreditGuy"

His page on Facebook was "Free Digicel Credit"

His other web sites are:


Email: garenhotboy@yahoo.com

Info from whois lookup of these domains:

Thoms, Garen
Shaw Park Lime Bottom
Ocho Rios P.O Box 840, ST Ann 99999

Phone (1-876-398-9339


Some child abuse hoaxes hit Facebook in early 2012. Apparently it is not enough for these sick hoaxers to rip off pictures of children who were ill, and make up stories about them. Their sadistic addiction to child exploitation and making the masses sad unnecessarily, only worsened. Their cyber-bloodlust still unsated, these immoral louts up the ante and steal pictures of injured children to exploit in bogus child abuse chains. Not just ill children. Injured children.

The 'Share if You Are Against Child Abuse' Facebook chain letter hoax contains a genuine picture of an injured child, though not from child abuse.

Katie Ann Guttridge, was not "abused" by an adult as the chain letter hoax that stole her picture implies.

At three years old, Katie was attacked by Chucky, a two-year-old during play time at Ratby Pre-School Nursery in Leicester, UK, in December of 2011.

The 'Daddy, It Hurts' 'Misty' child abuse poem chain contains a poem that's been around since 1996, but the recent mutation also includes a picture of an injured, but not abused child. Even that incident is not recent.

In early 2012, the Chris mutation, retitled "Daddy, It Hurts" stooped even lower by ripping off a picture of a real child with a face injury, and incorporating it into this malicious, bullying hoax. Malicious, because it is designed to make people believe the child in the picture was abused and killed by her father, just as the poem says.

Not at all true!

The child's name is Jade, not Misty or Sarah or Chris. She was two, not three when she was injured. The injuries to her face were caused by a labrador cross, a dog, the family had gotten just three days before. That dog attack occurred back in September of 2002, and Jade had to have surgery, but did not die.

Now, some ne'er-do-well who restarted the child abuse poem petition chain thought it would be cool to callously steal Jade's picture and weave it into the hoax, thereby, giving the impression that Mr. Wardle had caused these injuries!

The meme then has the gall to accuse people of being heartless for not passing it along!

I - don't - think - so!

About the poemÉ

In 1996, Misty Nicole Ramsey wrote this poem about a three-year-old who gets beaten and murdered by her father. It is written in first person from the child's point of view.

It begins with:

"My name Is Misty
I am but three"

It went viral and turned into a downer of a useless online petition.

Misty Nicole Ramsey doesn't mind her work being shared as long as she is not stripped of the credit, she says it is meant to be shared.

But Various mutations have done just that, stripping Misty Nicole Ramsey of credit and taking things even further, changing the child's name from Misty to Sarah, Chris,, and probably others. I don't know where anyone gets Sarah or Chris from Misty, or why anyone would want to change the name of the child and leave everything else in tact. But such is the nature of things once they become chain letters.

Abysmal as the poem is, Ms. Ramsey is rightly put out by this treatment.

The truly heartless ones with no soul here, are the ones who keep originating new pants-on-fire sob-story hoaxes and recycling old ones, stealing pictures of real people to lie about, unnecessarily upsetting unsuspecting kindhearted people who never would've even thought of the possibility of anyone being sick enough to pull this heinous crap!

In early 2014, another abjectly cruel, tasteless hoax laughs at two real cases of suffering, The picture stolen by the hoaxer is that of Nazia Masih, a 12-year-old Pakistani, who was a child labourer, abused by her employers who would have contributed to the blood poisoning, causing her death in 2010! The story in the text tells of another girl's all too true hellish ordeal in Pakistan in early 2013 in which seven people, four men and three women were responsible for kidnapping and torturing a 9-year-old girl, nearly ending her life! *Outraged scowl* Appalling! *throws punch in midair* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But true as those two cases are, the hoax claiming FB companies will donate money per shares/reposts to help the unnamed girl is utter, despicable, garbage!

I am convinced these hoaxers get their highs looking at pictures of injured children, manipulating the masses by insults and emotional manipulation, laughing at those they tear-jerk into spamming the net with this deplorable drivel, and they try to masquerade this behind a facade of fighting for a cause. These hoaxers get turned on especially by the sight of children whose faces have been severely injured. It is not enough for sick child story hoaxers to make up sad stories out of thin air any more. They lust for real children to be ill, and not only ill, but put through the agony of physical injury. It's the only theory that makes any sense as to why these hoaxers actually go stalking the net, collecting pictures of real suffering children to use in these absolutely stinking piles of lies.

Of all the chain letters there are, these have to be the worst of the worst, and the people who originate them are sociopaths.

Actor Kyle Massey was the butt of a sick hoax that claimed he was dying of cancer. Massey does not have cancer, and he is not dying. He has this to say about the hoax and the parasitic people who start them.

"I don't know where this inconsiderate and insensitive rumor originated from. Cancer is a disease that is very personal to me and my family. I have had two uncles and a very dear friend who passed away in the last two years from cancer and my Granddad currently has prostate cancer and my Grandmother is currently in a nursing home because of Alzheimer's Disease. So, making light of any illnesses that a person has no control over getting is not something to joke about or make light of! My team and I are making every attempt to find out the original source of this story because it's just not cool. I support Children's Hospital of Los Angeles through Disney Channel and Britti Cares International in support of children with various diseases and illnesses and donate my time with pride and dignity. This hoax is just plain classless!"

I hope the culprit is found out and exposed. Hoaxers get off way too easy while forcing unwanted attention on the people they victimize with these lies, laughing at real suffering, and wishing sickness and death on more people.

Here is a list of sites that archive and give information about these and other chain letters. Chances are if you search these, you will find what you need to know about the latest sad kid viral that's spreading through social networks, weblogs and email. Please research and then do your part to halt these horrible hoaxes.


* * *

Some hoaxes include manipulation by way of religious posturing in order to make their sick lies look like concerned Christian truth. They even go so far as sticking in a scripture quote to get religious people caught up in these lies.

Chain letters that play on religious sensibilities are just as wrong-headed and manipulative.

One of the most common and offensive examples is the misuse and twisting of this quote about God denying you and being ashamed of you for denying him; put into a chain email, it is used to threaten recipients with damnation, not for actually denying God, but for failing to forward a chain letter. The forward misuses and twists scripture as well as emotions around to make people think they might be guilty of denying God if they don't pass the meme along, and this is absolutely wrong, it is not Christian at all. When this is combined with a series of falsehoods, the chain letter is out and out blasphemy as well as fraudulent.

It's time to start turning the tide, breaking chain letters, and doing our best to quash that negative stereotype which says conservatives and religious people are always the ones who forward chain letters full of misinformation or at least labeled that way, and debunking and sounding off is always done by the left, non-religious and especially non-Christians.

It's almost impossible not to notice this trend.

And yes, Muslims also forward chain letters for the same reasons Christians do. This article against fabricated emails written by a Muslim, is not against all chain emails, only the ones that tell outright lies about their prophets/teachers/etc. According to them, it's okay to send chain emails that quote the Koran correctly.

We take this a step further, not only by discouraging people from replicating virals that make up quotes from God or any Bible personality, but discouraging the spread of chain letters that quote scripture correctly to incorporate it into manipulative viral schemes.

If you want to share a scripture verse with someone, there are plenty of real online Bibles in which you can browse and find what you're looking for. But really, if anyone wants to look it up for themselves, they can, and to find an online Bible site, just type "Bible online" or similar in a Google search, and you should find many resources. These are real resources, not snippets of scripture hijacked and misused in chain email memes.

As for simply making up stuff about God, such as "God will bless you if you re-post this meme," I'd like to remind everyone to beware of false prophets who claim to do things in Jesus's name. Yes, those religious forwards are some of today's false prophets.

God is not in that forward.

Far too many Christians and conservatives are indifferent to this problem, and their indifference makes them complicit. The less they speak out against bogus chain letters, the more forwarders will assume forwarding these misguided virals is okay. The more they do this, the more likely these forwards will end up debunked on hoax-busting and "fact-checking" sites and then ridiculed along with Christianity itself by non-believers. This is what happens when religious forwards backfire.

Just one of many examples of this, along with others I have cited with dismay on this page already, is this Youtube video. He doesn't out and out say he isn't a Christian, if he was a Christian, he most likely would've mentioned it in his rant when coming to chain letters that target Christians. But there is definitely derision in his tone when he mentions "Christian chain letters" and later on when referencing if people "believe" now whether that "believe" is talking about God or memes, I don't know.

The point is, I am so freaking sick of running into this stuff! We need a lot more Christians sounding off just as vehemently against chain letters as this guy, and as consistently as I do.

It is necessary to reject partisan bull crap on both the left and the right.

Here, extreme partisanship is looked down upon because so much of it is poisonous lies and inflamed opinion where everybody's version of "truth" and "facts" change with the wind.

I almost always, without fail, see sites that reject one hoax, only to embrace another that fell to the extreme of the side they're on.

This blogger advises not to spread chain emails if they don't come from verified sources. But that is typical namby-pamby you get from the vast majority of people. They're always willing to make exceptions for some chain email activity, and never discourage it completely and firmly enough. Another example of this was the anti-chain that went around years ago, called The Art Of Forwarding which condemned far-right and religion-themed re-shares, but was fine with the sickly cutesy or funny chain letters.

stop with the memes. Just Don't Do It.

Instead, smash them. This means sounding off about and exposing chaining and other hoax activity coming from the left/non-Christian contingent. while rejecting just as vehemently the hoaxes coming from the far-right as well.

Appearing without bias, news.investors.com posts articles about both right and left falsehoods.

PewInternet.org Research article and chart on social network activity surrounding politics.

Campaign finger pointing can backfire.

And this refreshing article that points out false chain letters coming from both parties.

So far, there are only a few Christian meme-manglers joining me, and we seem to be pretty much alone in this mission so far, but for this very encouraging voice of reason calling out through the morass of people ignoring or encouraging meme-spreading unless it's got conservative or religious themes. I hope this will eventually change, causing the tide to turn so that rational, unchained non-left netizens aren't so difficult to find. until it does, I'd rather continue mangling the memes, even if it means not being popular with people on the non-left who choose to keep encouraging and spreading them, or even with my friends any more. I'd rather do my part to stop this junk and turn the tables on the sick hoaxers, than stay quiet just to avoid bruising egos and letting hoaxers continue to bully and dupe people with these malicious lies.

I may be very blunt with my meme-mangles, and appear to be very insensitive to some people who don't know the whole story behind my own bad experiences with friends and memes on the net, or much about hoaxes in general.

But this brusqueness is a result of disgust and scorn for the hoaxers and all the sick crap they pull, and frustration with people who refuse to listen and take me seriously, because they'd rather keep letting memes control their thoughts and actions online without having to think too much. Not to mention the hurt experienced when friends can turn down anything I may personally request of them or they just don't bother to keep in contact with me - unless it's to re-share a meme, which is something they just can't seem to say no to.

Feeling misunderstood, dismissed and tossed aside by too many people in my attempts to help them not to get bullied and duped by all sorts of memes, sick of so much anti-Christian sentiment on other forums discussing chain letters.

How To Mangle Memes

What not to do

Who Are The Meme Manglers


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