

Have A Heart

This chain started back in 2012 or maybe even 2011, and recycled again in 2017.

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In July 2012, perhaps earlier, the ugly meme mutated and reared its horrendous head again, this time, in the form of a status full of heart images. *Rolling eyes*

😏Meme2012: Without replying to this message,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Right, because you don't want to get told off, well I'll reply anyway, in this meme-mangling.

😏Meme2012: put a heart (♥) on your wall; no comment, just a heart.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No. I dislike ascii art and don't see images and it annoys me when people post too much ascii and pictures anyway because I can't see the darn things. So why would I post some graphic thing on my own wall? Oh, right, because some chain letter told me to, well, forget that! I'm not interested in making my wall look like everyone else's who reposts the same thing…

😏Meme2012: Next, send this message to your woman friends, only the women.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowling* Sheesh, another stupid "Let's like totally confuzzle da men and look really hearty and cute because us warrior women are trying to raise breast cancer awareness!" I'm on to your scheme! Why women keep falling for this again and again is beyond me!!

Oh, and I'm not sending that message to any of my friends, regardless of gender! Got that?

😏Meme2012: Then post a heart on the wall of the person who sent you this message.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Yeah right, thank goodness no one actually sent it to me, I found out about this mutation another way. I wouldn't send a thing to anyone who did send it to me, for one thing, they would already have a stupid heart pic on their own wall, and for another, I'd be too angry, screaming inside my head at them to even say anything civil until I had sufficient time to cool off.

😏Meme2012: If anyone asks why you have so many hearts on your wall, don’t tell them.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Guessing games are so juvenile, and this meme has had the same components since 2010, even if the window dressing changes with every darn mutation. I already guessed it before I even got to reading this part of the message. So really, everybody should guess it by now, especially if it's only women trying to make their FB look like a Valentine just experienced a big bang… Oh yeah, another ridiculous supposed b c awareness thing… Seriously what else could it be?

😏Meme2012: This is only for women,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You already said that…

😏Meme2012: because this week is breast cancer research week.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Gah! *Rolling eyes* There is no Breast Cancer Awareness Week. There is no National Friendship Week or Gf Week either. October is the Breast Cancer Awareness month. So honestly, why do we need another b c awareness week besides, and every time this chain mutates and makes the female gender cause FB to render a huge belch of chain letter reposts?

😏Meme2012: One small act of solidarity among women.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, PLEASE! it isn't one small act, much less of solidarity! It's a giant viral that just never seems to die permanently!

A real act of solidarity would be for women to say no to this condescending junk and call it for what it is, and stop letting some anonymous meme originator push them around and playing the gender card to do it!

😏Meme2012:Thank you.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Don't thank me, because you're not welcome!

😏Meme2012: Ps to type a heart, first type < and then immediately 3 it will turn into a heart as soon as you post.”

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I may not know much about ascii art, but even I've figured out that much… *Disgusted glare*


This chain got rewritten and recycled again in early 2017!

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😏Meme2017: Hi darling

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Ugh! My friends don't gush at me like that in person so that's a dead giveaway this is yet another freaking meme they didn't actually write. So the idea of some hoaxer calling a complete stranger like me "darling" is creepy...And annoying!

😏Meme2017: can you put a on your FB wall, without comment,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No! That whole guessing game chain letter went around as one of the horrid "do this for breast cancer" memes already. I didn't oblige that one and I'm not doing it for you either.

😏Meme2017: only a heart,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: NO! Again, that idea was already done, and same as then, I'm not about to make my profile look like everyone else, specifically everyone else of the female gender, full of silly hearts. It's not really such a big secret anyway, when people put this stuff on their profile, it's clear another stupid chain letter has hit Facebook.

😏Meme2017: then send this message to your chick contacts.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Telling them to put more useless pointless hearts on their walls too, because we are women and we are awesome like that. NO!

😏Meme2017: This is for women to remember its the week of breast cancer prevention!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh gosh, this went around already! Years ago! Seriously, how freaking many breast cancer chain letters and weeks/months do you need? I suppose the troll who recycled this old chain letter decided to make it the week before Valentines so that might get any guy noticing all these hearts on girls' profiles thinking about the most important date on the feminist calendar and maybe starting up a conversation with some girl about it, only to find out 'BOOM!' Da big breast cancer "Make da guys guess!" game has started up yet again! Now that might just be the guys who are new to FB since the last time this meme splatted all over FB, or those who forgot. Those who have suffered through all the previous versions of the meme from bra collars to hearts to how she likes her purse to how long it takes to do her hair, those who actually remember any of that nonsense are probably doing a collective "Oh, no, not again." inwardly.

Well here's one girl who also remembers and will not play!

😏Meme2017: Check your boobies!!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You! Butt out!

😏Meme2017: Hold your finger down on the message and hit forward.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No!

Have a real heart and don't spread this meme!

Over and out!

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