

Marry Him, Eh?

This silly article from the Atlantic Monthly, full of sweeping generalizations, probably based on the author's own experience (certainly not mine) is called Marry Him. It is about women panicking for lack of a hubby and kids when suddenly finding themselves out of their 20s and still single. Oh yeah, end of the world, gals, NOT!

Well anyway, this article turned into a Huffington Post chain letter and eventually a book of all things.

Evidently they haven't managed to realize that you don't have to have a hubby and kids to be happy. How sad for them.

Well, blame the media for pumping out that message, and it isn't just women who are always being told, subliminally or otherwise that they are no good, incomplete and can never be content single. Men are bombarded with this message too. That's why you never ever see someone on TV who is single and content to be so.

That might be true for some people, but certainly not everyone. You can be single without being a monk or nun, and still manage to be happy. Not everybody's ambitions in life is getting hitched and nor should they be. To each their own, romance and raising a family is not for everyone and neither is being single.

So live your life, don't worry about the status quo. So what if you're not married at 30 and haven't got any kids? You can cry about it and be unhappy, or you can jump into wrong relationships and be unhappy, or you can be patient and not dive into anything too hastily. Option 3 gives you a much greater chance at being happy sooner or later.

You're not a lesser person if you are single.

Oh yes, and don't pass on that chain letter. It won't get you a date or make you feel any better about your situation whatever it is.


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