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A Gift For Santa

As Time Runs Short

Back at Santa's base, things were tense. The group was busy preparing for Miranda's attack, readying themselves to go out an meet her. Little did they know, she was on her way to meet them.

Almost everyone was in the living room, preparing weapons or discussing plans.

Ameh sifted through her pack and took out her handgun, which could be used for shooting normal bullets, or magic spells.

Elsa insisted on being in the battle though all others did their best to discourage her. In the end, she was given a pack with some ammo, a handgun, a dagger and a small can of pepper spray.

Pippi said she would use whatever weapons were on hand, and her own physical strength when necessary.

Even Keller and Shaw were making preparations of their own.

NT had returned, this time with an unexpected guest.

"Never fear, Indy's here!" her friend said as soon as they entered the room.

"What the heck are you doing here, Indy?" Pippi frowned at her in concern.

"I want to help or at least see her taken down!"

"It wasn't my idea," said NT, "She argued with me and grabed me just as I started making my way back here."

"welcome here, Indy, determined as ever not to miss a thing," said Santa, going over to her and shaking her hand. "I don't believe you have any real fighting experience, other than with those fists and dirty glares of yours,

Indy grinned up at him. "Please to meet you in person." she said excitedly.

Santa smiled at her. "Likewise."

Elsa's phone dinged. After reading the message, she sent a quick response, then addressed the rest. "All's well and your staff are bustling with battle preparations,." she announced.

"Well done, Elsa. And NT, you can fill me in about Norma's baby later. For now, have you and Elsa got all the most vulnerable people under protection?"

"Yes, we have, sir."

"You didn't think we'd forget to secure them first, did you?" elsa said in what was something like a reassurance and a retort in one.

"Of course not." Santa smiled.

The door opened, and in came Iris and Bethan, loaded down with loot from Miranda's base.

"We found one of her men out there and took him to the hospital. He was attacked by her." Bethan explained.

"And we have all this stuff from her base." Iris added. "I thought we might be able to use some of it to our advantage if and when she attacks."

"Good work, fairies." said Santa, and he and the two of them began determining which supplies were useful, and most importantly, safe to use, as in not harmful to the touch of a non-vampire. Only the fairies and Santa himself could conduct those tests.

Gretel had no weapon and no idea what she was going to do. She stole away from the others for a private moment in which to think, and send a text to her brother.

"You okay?"

Gretel jumped, startled, and looked at Pippi. She shook her head.

"Join the club." Pippi said.

"What rotten timing for a case of nerves." said Gretel. She took a second look at Pippi's absolutely palid face. "Looks like it's hitting you too."

Pippi nodded, "It's more than nerves over the battle, for me."

"Eh?" Gretel gave her a puzzled look.

"Even if we all come out of this, what on earth can I say to Miranda's mother? However it comes out, it'll destroy her, and that Miranda simply doesn't give a single - " Pippi trailed off, biting her lip.

Santa was heard in the hallway. "Now, what's your idea concerning Norma's baby?"

"I just thought," NT began, "that if I turn her into a likeness of Miranda as a baby, that Rebekah might start over and accept her as her own. I just don't have the ability to wipe her memory of the actual Miranda." She looked sad.

"What?" Pippi flung the door open to listen. "What's that about?"

NT beamed at her. "Elsa gave me permission to take her friend's orphaned infant to the Wood Between The Worlds. I haven't done it yet," she added quickly, noticing Pippi frowning, "but with a bit of magic, Rebekah could maybe have the daughter she always wanted - one who will love her."

Pippi stared at NT. "But Rebekah has to know this isn't her child."

"I thought we could tell her the girl we all thought was Miranda was actually an impostor, and that we found her real daughter who had been magically dormant all these years."

"What would make you take such a desperate measure, NT?" Santa asked compassionately. "You don't owe anyone anything because of what Miranda and her father did."

NT looked pained at Santa and then at Pippi. "I know it's a lie," she said ruefully, "But I couldn't stand the idea that Miranda would destroy Rebekah again - not after all she's been through, and not at Christmas. Elsa even said no one has offered to take the baby in yet - well, this solves everything, doesn't it?"

Pippi embraced NT and the two of them shed tears. When Pippi regained her composure somewhat, she said, "If you do this, Rebekah's going to find out sooner or later, though it was well intended."

Santa smiled warmly at them both. We can worry about that after Christmas," he reassured, "I may just have another idea to solve this situation. We still have to see what the outcome from this battle will be. I think we should hold off doing anything about this baby for now. But it was of the best intention, NT."

Then he approached Gretel. "You may need to transport yourself and others to the Wood via your rings at some point. I don't know how this battle is going to shape up, but you do have my permission to get people out of harm's way in this manner when necessary and the opportunity presents itself."

"Thank you, Santa." Gretel said.

"In addition, how about we get you fitted up with some battle gear?" Santa suggested. "And then I've got to help Indy find her place in this battle."

Gretel nodded, and it wasn't long before she too was about as prepared as she thought she would ever be. She and Santa rejoined the others in the front room, and Pippi and NT followed soon after.

Indy had been introduced to anyone she was new to by now.

Nutcracker, are you okay?" Santa asked, noting his somewhat palid face.

I will be." Nutcracker said with determination. "It's just that - this is different. It isn't just mice we'll be battling. It's going to be other people. Not quite the same as just killing a bunch of vermin."

But they have joined the dark side, and they think of us as nothing but vermin," Diane responded. "Some of them are probably hoping Miranda will turn them into vampires if they were to win, and then we'd all be dinner. You can't think about how similar this enemy is to us, because that's what they're counting on."

Nutcracker shook his head and smiled at Diane. "Who'd have thought you'd have such nerves of steel. everyone thinks you're this sweet little delicate thing, and here you are, counselling me about going to battle."

"Just remember, this is Miranda we're fighting." said Diane. "I've seen some things about her character, you don't know the half of it."

"Well, gang, I would say we're just about ready for-" Santa was cut off by the front door opening sharply.

A snow-blown Cosima entered the room.

There were reactions of shock from everyone. Most of the group was surprised Cosima had thrown off her disguise so suddenly. Keller and Shaw, on the other hand, had an entirely different sort of experience.

"Impossible!" Keller exclaimed, stumbling back slightly. "It's got to be another trick!"

"It's no trick, Keller!" Cosima snapped. "And we don't have time for this! Miranda and her forces are on their way NOW! And I think I'll remain unseen to her but working behind the scenes for a bit."

With everyone assembled and armed, they set out to meet Miranda and her horde in the ominous night.


Miranda Attacks

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