


Fanbase VS. Fandom

Annoying Things About Fan-brats

Top 10 Lies In Fanfiction



Zoe Lavender Chelsey,

Quotev, Gross site that caters to fan-brattery and their chain letter perpetuation.

Quotev Memes

Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games

Harry Potter

Harry Potter And The Twilight Hunger Games

Harry Potter And The Drones

Harry Potter Characters


Harry Potter And The Left/SJW Political Agendas

Harry Potter Syndrome

Harry Potter Haters

Henry Putter and the Stone of the Sorcerer - HP Parody


100 Plus Reasons Twilight Sucks

Angsty Vamps

Stranded With Vampires

Twilight Nightmare


The Hunger Games

Katzy's horrible otaku page for Toshinden

Snufkin and Marcia Ubong two otaku get into a fight over a chain letter one of them stupidly sent.

Blog Entry Upsets Otaku

Paid Article Upsets Otaku

Igarashi an angry otaku throwing fits on an anti-anime page.

Otaku Tantrum Over Dislike Of Anime

Otaku Desu Fight

Fan-brats fail to mangle a memes

Otaku Pride Chain Letter, the meme is properly mangled here.

IHA, The "I Hate Anime" Facebook Page

Reverse Sour Grapes, The Illusion Of "Anime Burnout" What Otaku Peer Pressure Does

Senna Marie Maxwell the biggest Lady Une lapdog, Treize K Mary Sue, Gundam otaku who stalked, bullied, spammed and harassed another Mary Sue otaku right off the net to please a fictional character and satisfy her own ego and desperate want of attention.

What Makes Bullies Like Senna Tick

MTJ Site Tantrum 1 Senna's Mary Sue Diatribe

Lady Monkey Senna wasn't getting attention for that underwhelming website whinge, so she launched a prolonged attack via guestbook and email against another person.

First Guestbook War, Spam Spam Spam FLAME! Origination Of The Hamgod Silver Sloth put a couple of especially vile flames up.

Email Crud 1 The Blame Game

MTJ Site Tantrum 2 Narcisist Pity Party

Guestbook War 2 Spewing On More Guestbooks

MTJ Page "Renovation" From Rants To Flames They thought they'd try to copycat an enemy they made and turn what was called their "Rants" page into one where they displayed and laughed at the few entries they received on their own guestbook,. They renamed the page "Flames".

Email Crud 2 They tried to convert her and got creamed.

Guestbook War 3She who is so fixated on teaching other people a lesson, never learns.

MTJ Lady/Senna and cronies continued harassing their victim, more or less leaving the other enemy they made alone.

They stepped up their hate and harassment campaigns, taking it to public internet forums, following their victim from site to site to ridicule her. They started gossiping mocking topics against her.

Malicious Forum Thread

During the time that topic raged, their victim gave up, took down her site, and, for all appearances, left the internet.

The bullies Gloated and threw a big tantrum all in one!

MTJ Site Tantrum 3 Senna's Babbling Fit

See the Lady Une page for backlash via foefiction against Senna and her favourite Gundam characters.


My little bronies: throwback or plain creepy

Bronies: Adult Men Who Like My Little Pony and Why It Disturbs me


The Truth About Bronies - Ex-Brony Speaks Out And Tells Of His Experience Inside The Fandom

Why Ryan Hates MLP FIM (Friendship Is Magic)

Bronies Spam Up Forum

This Brony Crap needs to leave the Sonic Fanbase

Fans React To Blog Entry

Flutter/AppleDerpy's Fascist Rage

Brony/Pegasister Rants At Slate Mag Story

MLP VS Slender Man ? All sorts of ugh..

The Fury Of A Brotaku Scorned



If I Should Die Before You Wake Combination furby story and MLP foefiction by Ocean Elf.

Creepy Pasta Fandom

Creepy Pasta Fangirl Pride Chain Letter

Which CP Character Are You

Blog Mary Sue Rants That Got All This Rage

Rage continued

The Wikia Discussion On Removal Of Jeff The Killer

Substandard Rants On Jane The Killer

Fangirl Pride Chain Letter

anime/Pasta/MLP Fandom Blog Memes

Anatolia, sadistic otaku, brony, creepy pasta/horror movie fangirl, and troll, all in one

Antis And Other Trolls

Creepy Furby Mythos Meme

Sam Biddle

Sophie Kleeman



Anti-fandom isn't what one might think - a rational opposition to fan-brat zealotry.

Anti-fandom is a troll subculture that consists of all kinds of fan-brats. Combine fan-brattery and trollish stupidity, and you have anti-fandom. These antis are also against casual fans of a series they don't like.

Daniel McDonald, perverted trolling anti

Anti-Fandom Disgrace

Like anti-chains are to memes, anti-fandom is to fandom - part of the problem.

As for trolls, they abound within fandoms, antis, and the internet in general.

General Losers

You Know You're An Idiot When, And Reality Checks

Animal Rights/Welfare SJW

The Disgrace Of Antifandom




