

Kathy Griffin, Huge Internet Troll!

Kathy Griffin

She's done some tasteless, stupid things.

To start with, she triggered a meme. Later, she bullied a teenage girl. Then, she stood with a malicious liar. Then, she trolled Twitter by impersonating Elon Musk, and then she did the ultimate in tasteless, when she got herself banned, she used the account of her mother, who had already passed on, to throw a tantrum at Elon Musk for the ban.

Let's deal with the meme first.

I put this article up in case the Griffin viral recycle and spread around the net again.

Kathy Griffin Kathy Griffin's tasteless Emmy award speech where she said "Suck it, Jesus, once resulted in an angry meme.

Yes, it's true, but it's also old hat, no, old-shoe news. Old-stinky-shoe news .Kathy Griffin told Jesus to "Suck it"

Griffin claimed it was a parody on wrappers and others who thank Jesus for their awards, because Kathy apparently thinks that's quite ridiculous.

Okay, so I sort of get her point, and IMO, she was an absolute moron about it, and she should've used humor if she wanted to be funny or witty, or even cute. Face it, dragging Jesus into a joke just isn't cool, and it sours the whole thing into an unfunny anti-religious pile of crap. If she didn't actually intend to make fun of Jesus and those of us who believe in him, she should've made that clear, because that's exactly how it looks. Whatever her excuse, it was undeniably in poor taste.

But come on people, it's old news! Griffin's blunder was back in 2007 and you're not going to erase what happened or make Kathy feel guilty, or make yourselves feel or look like better Christians by passing on this chain letter!

What's said is said, what's done is done, Kathy screwed up. Whatever, suck it. She's not the only one who crosses the line and ends up attacking Christianity while trying to be funny. Yes, it stinks. But chain letters are only making the problem worse. For every Christian who passes on a chain letter, there is anti-Christian backlash. And in this case, even the people calling themselves Christians who pass on this chain are acting moronic., and I am not the only one disgusted by it.

No chain letter will stop Griffin from continuing to be an idiot.

Instead of passing on old news chain letters and ranting about what an "ugly bitch" you people think Kathy Griffin is, how about working to stop the spread of chain letters, fandom idiotics, feminism, meninism etc.?

This Kathy Griffin chain letter needs to die out. So, suck it, Kathy Griffin. Suck it up people. Let's move on.

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Kathy Griffin Full Of Bullying Hate Toward Immature 16 Year Old Girl

Kathy Griffin is truly suckish and when she picked on a 16 year old girl for being a typical immature teenager, Griffin has proven herself devoid of a life and to be nothing but a sad attention-seeker.

Oh, but the real problem with Griffin is she hates Sarah Palin's daughter, for being Sarah Palin's daughter. Because to people like Kathy Griffin, you are nothing but garbage if you're a conservative, especially if you are a notorious conservative, or related to one, and it doesn't matter that thousands of other foul-mouthed 16 year olds are using crude language on Facebook, it only matters to Griffin if Sarah Palin's daughter does it, because that must mean she's guilty of hate-speech according to Griffin.

- In 2022, after the defamation trial of Johnny Depp VS. Amber Heard, Kathy Griffin reared her ugly head again, standing with Amber Heard.


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Just when you think things can't get any more ridiculous, Kathy Griffin struck again in early November of 2022.

Warning, f-bombs in this video but it explains something very interesting!

Kathy Griffin is the biggest Twitter troll!

She got herself banned for impersonating Elon Musk!

And then she had the tasteless gall to rant back, using the account of her own mother, who has passed away!


Yeah, suck it, Kathy Griffin, you're still an idiot as well as a huge troll!
