

Melissa Zimdars and Marco Chackon And Their "Fake News" Memes

Melissa Zimdars and Marco Chackon are the originators of the "Fake NEWS!" leftist chain letter.

Melissa Zimdars, who goes by "Mish", is a feminist Merrimack College assistant professor in Massachusetts. She made up a list of so-called "fake news" which included non-left actual news and opinion sources, lumping them in with the likes of Huzlers, the Onion etc. which are spoof news sites. She said she did that because she did not approve of the sources her students were using. That list became a huge chain letter as it was reposted by scads of progressive publications and shared on social media.

In a 2014 article from liberal magazine "Little Village", Mish said:

šŸ™Žā€œGirls is meaningful to me mainly for one reason: Lena Dunhamā€™s naked body,ā€

Melissa Zimdars is apparently part of the so-called "body positive" movement, which doesn't even belong on the left, since the alarmist and fat-shaming food cop movement, closely connected to veganism is also on the left. It was so important to Michelle Obama that she forced veggie lunches to be served in schools, and when the Obamas were finally out of office, her tyrannical lunch program was canceled. She threw a whining fit about it that was captured on video.

But no matter where a person is on the weight spectrum, it must suck to be someone like Melissa Zimdars, obsessed with body shape and size.

On October 4 2016, Mish tweeted:

šŸ™Žā€œTrumpā€™s constant sexist, racist, homophobic, and xenophobic comments.ā€

That is quite a mouth full of liberal propaganda buzzwords.

Then there's Marco Chackon.

He is a liberal troll and a contributor to The Daily Beast, otherwise known as The Daily Beastly.

In a November 20th 2016 Daily Beastly article, Marco Chackon brags about trolling the internet for six months by starting chain letter rumours to fool the political right.

This article is such a pile of sick that it gave me a virus. Nevertheless, it needs a good smash down.


šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Iā€™ve Been Making Viral Fake News for the Last Six Months. Itā€™s Way Too Easy to Dupe the Right on the Internet.

Ocean Elf: So you're a troll and you're proud of it. Excuse me for not giving you a pat on the back for that.

Progressives are just as easy to dupe, but the difference is they tend to dupe themselves. That is why "glass ceiling" feminist propaganda is in the mainstream media, and after 8 years of Obama, there are so many social cleansing warriors like Zarna Joshi getting away with harassment as they shout accusations of harassment toward whomever they choose to bully. That's why feminists like Jessica Valenti are actually writing articles for publications like The Guardian which are supposed to be neutral.

The left tend to keep many of their own chain letters to themselves. The right has a nasty habit of trying to make anything they agree with, go viral, AKA chain letter, and much to your childish delight, without checking if the stories are authentic.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Hereā€™s what I learned trapping trending algorithms and the people of Facebook, even when I wasnā€™t really trying to.

Ocean Elf: Of course you weren't. Yeah right.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: At first, I created fake news stories stories that were meant to be head-turning: Hillary sold passport-making machines directly to ISIS.

Ocean Elf: Chain letter 1. A ridiculous story no one truly believes..

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Obama wonā€™t say the words ā€œRadical Islamā€ because it would break an Islamic Spell he thinks he is protected by.

Ocean Elf: another incredibly stupid story that no one believes unless they're into that dumb idea that Obama must be a muslim because his name is "Barack Hussein Obama" or some such trash.

Again, you couldn't fool me with that garbage. I've been saying for ages that left wing trolls are behind at least some of the far right chain letter schlock that went around during the Obama years. So you just proved me right.

And since when does islam do witch craft? You might not have thought this one through very well, Marco, but I sort of think witch craft is against this little thing within islam called Sharia.

So that's 2 chain letters you've just puffed yourself up over creating. How many more?

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I did an exposĆ© on the reason the Clintons were immune to prosecution.

Ocean Elf: No you didn't. You made up a bollox chain letter and called it an exposƩ. You were sure that would really grab every conservative and maybe even some moderates, and they wouldn't be able to resist the call of the share. And you laughed your fool head off when that chain letter spread like wild fire.

Hoax admission count, 3.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: It was, I wrote on my website RealTrueNews.org, because they were sovereign citizens and therefore immune to the justice system.

Ocean Elf: Bull crap!

1. The so-called "sovereign citizens" or "free inhabitants" are not immune to the justice system. They just think they are.

2. They tend not to give out their full names. The Clintons never withheld their names.

3. The movement is not interested in being part of an established government.

So there's your fourth hoax from this article, shot to heck.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: It was silly and no one paid much attention to it.

Ocean Elf: Just going to show that the people you were targeting weren't as stupid as this particular hoax. That must've been awful for you. Not enough attention, not enough lulz, but obviously you didn't give up. You wanted that lulz high at the expense of some conservatives or others on the non left, and you just couldn't control yourself. You just had to keep churning out stupid lying memes.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: At least thatā€™s what I thought.

Ocean Elf: Because memes could end up anywhere, and if people can believe the "forward or die" kind, people can believe anything. Even if it's something as stupid as your laughable trash.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I didnā€™t know about Before Itā€™s News

Ocean Elf: Which is a publishing platform for any and all view points on the most recent happenings around the world, it's similar to Inquisitr without the left-wing bias.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: or the ecosystem of YouTube conspiracy theorists

Ocean Elf: Another word the left uses to slag the non left as nutters. Part of the reason they just switched to shrieking about "fake news" is because they just got caught touting some huge conspiracy theories, such as"

"The alt right is run by Russia!"

"Russian hackers are behind Hillary's opposition!"

"Trump is putting nazis in the white house!"

"Trump got in because Russia..."

"Hillary lost because republican women let men tell them how to vote."

"The lunar landing was a hoax."

"9-11 was a hoax or inside job."

And it was the Clinton camp that started birtherism.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: when I wrote an ā€œanonymous interviewā€ with someone ā€œinsideā€ 538ā€™s headquarters. This interview had a source saying what ā€œeveryone knewā€ā€”that people paid for polls as a psychological tool and that Nate Silver was in trouble because the ā€œreal pollsā€ showed Trump winning in a landslide. This was on Aug. 2 and, at the time, Trump was tanking in the polls prior to the conventions.

Ocean Elf: Well anybody can make a stupid poll, and yes, they can be mucked with. So I never pay attention to polls. You wanted Clinton to win. CNN wanted that as well. Polls or not, she lost. Deal with it.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: By that time I had a stats program up showing my traffic and I saw a huge spikeā€”where was it coming from? Two YouTube videos, watched hundreds of thousands of times.

Ocean Elf: Who cares?

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: And a vast number of conspiracy sites that copied the various explanations, all of which linked back to my page.

Ocean Elf: Which, let me guess. Your page contained a load of malarkey, including one or more of your stupid hoaxes covered in the above.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Seeing my dialogue and screenshots come out of the mouths of people solemnly reading them was a thrillā€”

Ocean Elf: Oh I'm sure you were just beside yourself, bubbling over with ecstasy that some newbies believed your stupid chain letters, especially since they had no idea who you really were.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: but it was also scary.

Ocean Elf: Yeah right. Well I suppose you would be scared of people willing to believe things that are different from your world view, even if it is in the form of one of your dumb hoaxes. You get no sympathy from me.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: These people believe this.

Ocean Elf: You already went on about that.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: And then: Of course they believe itā€”theyā€™ve been told to believe it. Why wouldnā€™t they? Smart, reasonable people got caught up in poll-unskewing in 2012. The mix of political desperation and absolute faith in a liberal media conspiracy was a toxic cocktail that meant anything could be a lieā€”especially if it was good news for liberals.

Ocean Elf: And then came 2016 where everyone was told Hillary would win, and they believed it. And why wouldn't they? They were told to believe it. Not so smart people got caught up believing everything the mainstream media told them about Hillary and Trump. They got caught up in the pro-Clinton biases, blind to the nastiness of the anti-Trump campaign which condemned anyone who would not vote for Clinton as racist or sexist. The mix of political desperation and absolute faith in a conservative conspiracy of racism and sexism was a toxic cocktail that meant everything from republicans that was not racist or sexist sounding, had to be a lieā€”especially if it was good news for republicans and anyone who couldn't care less about race or gender.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Never mind the humorous beats, like Nate Silver, frustrated with Trumpā€™s dominance was going to throw himself out a windowā€”literally.

Ocean Elf: Which brings your hoax admission count up to 5.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Never mind that this conversation was absolutely unsourced, that RealTrueNews was run by a guy calling himself, literally, ā€œMax Insider.ā€

Ocean Elf: Hoax number 6. So-called "real true news" is your site, and even the name is a tip off that it is bogus as the day is long.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Never mind any of that.

Ocean Elf: Stop telling me what to never mind. This is good to know, so I can warn anyone away from your real stupid lies site whenever the subject comes up.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Here was proof the polls were faked.

Ocean Elf: Faked or not, polls just aren't reliable. People stopped listening to the mainstream media carrying on about Clinton's lead in this or that poll. When all is said and, there's only one kind of poll that determines an election outcome, the voting booth, and considering all the balderdash you merrily spewed out to make fun of republicans, you deserved to lose.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: At that point I started creating other characters.

Ocean Elf: Oh this should get interesting.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I created #NeverEVERHillary, a 20-something young woman who wanted Bernie Sanders to give her a $100,000-per-year job blogging about the revolution and was certain she deserved it. She mocked ridiculous Huffington Post Sanders booster H.A. Goodman, writing that she believed him entirely and made a fool of herself.

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count, 7.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I created Projekt Pyramid,

Ocean Elf: Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me. The bad spelling of the word "project" would even make this fake look fake. Hoax admission count, 8.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: a totally mysterious entity that exposed the catastrophic secrets of the DEEP STATE.

Ocean Elf: No, just a stupid hoax that belongs on the deep web.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: During this phase I took a few requests. A friend sent me a meme asking why Obama didnā€™t light the White House blue after the police killings, but did light it in rainbow colors for gay marriage.

Ocean Elf: So you took requests to make up stupid hoaxes. Well, trolls will flock to other trolls. And you had a typo in there. I think you meant "like the white house" not "lie the white house".

Hoax admission count, 9. Even if it was the recycling of a chain letter someone sent you.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I did a story saying the White House was lit in blue to celebrate police killings and conservatives were outraged.

Ocean Elf: And you were walking on air, totally high on your own stink.

You would not have fooled me with that stupid chain letter either. Though I might've screamed on my channel or one of my sites at conservatives to stop spreading it around and looking like fools for the likes of you.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: My friend loved it,

Ocean Elf: Of course your friend who had to be another troll, loved it.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: but didnā€™t have the guts to post it to Facebook.

Ocean Elf: Guts has nothing to do with it. It doesn't take guts to be a troll or a friend of a troll. Whoever this friend of yours is, probably just didn't want to lose their other Facebook friends. To be a friend of a troll is to be a weakling.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: RealTrueNewsā€™ second brush with fame

Ocean Elf: Notoriety.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: came a week later with a story entitled ā€œClinton Collapse: Insiders Say May Drop ā€˜Soon.ā€™ā€

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count 10. And this one is like all other stories about her health. I don't believe in laughing at people's ill health, or speculating in a smug way how bad they might get. I wished everyone would stop with the health stuff concerning Clinton. It has nothing to do with her ideology, and rumours are just that, rumours.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: This story featured a DNC technological ā€œwar roomā€ where the Clinton forces were in chaos because her support was collapsing. This was when guys like conservative talk show host Bill Mitchellā€”who did, in fact, write in to RealTrueNews at one point to discuss a mention of his nameā€”was saying that Hillaryā€™s lack of support on Twitter meant she was losing.

Ocean Elf: I hope he suspected your bogus story and you for the junk it is and troll you are

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The story had the all-purpose anonymous insider saying that attacks calling Trump ā€œracistā€ had failed. That Hillary was buying followersā€”but all of Trumpā€™s were legit.

Ocean Elf: I don't give two craps about who supposedly buys followers. But you actually got only one thing right, purely by accident. Calling Trump racist did fail. He got elected.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: (Studies show this is not true. A lot of Trumpā€™s supporters are bots.)

Ocean Elf: I'm sure there were a few bots on either side. I don't care. That's just media polls anyway. Humans vote in actual elections. When some article says "studies show" that usually means there is bull crap coming right up and it's meant to make the reader or listener be persuaded to a certain view. You might as well just throw down your ammo and go sulk in a corner. You will never convince me of anything beyond being of the opinion that you are a troll who starts chain letters that far too many republicans have unfortunately already bought into, and you are a loser.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: It also touched on concerns about her health and hypothesized that, unable to participate in a debate, they would stage a Black Lives Matter "riot" or maybe a terrorist attack to stop them from happening.

Ocean Elf: Blah blah blah.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: This was breathlessly repeated all over the place

Ocean Elf: and you were on cloud 9 over it. Loser. Liar.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: and then Hillary did collapse. From pneumonia and dehydration, she appeared to pass out while getting into a van. Suddenly, the Clinton Collapse terminology, some fortuitous alliteration, went nuclear.

Ocean Elf: That's not fortuitous, in your case, it's called dumb luck.

It got absolutely no help from me.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The hits lit up.

Ocean Elf: Much to your wild delight. Troll.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I was partially aghast, but also partially gratified. It was bullshit, but it was consumed as absolute truth.

Ocean Elf: I don't buy your "aghast" thing for a second. You were over the moon. You really got high that so many people got so unfortunately taken in by your stupidity and ate right out of your dirty lying hand. It was total gratification for you.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The fact-check section was popular for search engines, so I did one asking if Trump was a ā€œRussian Stooge.ā€ (False, it declared, of course.) I was gratified when, in the article, I gave him a code-name claiming it meant Golden Lion in Russian. I used Google Translate to translate ā€œUgly Hair,ā€ and a Russian Trump supporter wrote in to correct me.

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count, 11. Wow, such stupidity.

I could probably make up pro-Hillary hoaxes too with fake stats and code names and all that garbage, but unlike you, I have a life, and haven't the slightest interest in making up stupid hoaxes. I'm at the opposite end of that scale. You are mud as far as I'm concerned, and so is any site associated with you.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I wrote one of the two articles Iā€™ve redacted around then too. When the right was agonizing over Evan McMullin throwing his hat in the ring, I wrote up a story Photoshopping a Clinton Foundation document to make it look like he received money as part of the White Horse Initiativeā€”a mythical Clinton Foundation program using actual Mormon prophecy about saving the United States.

Ocean Elf: Because you probably think mormons are morons too. and, "white horse"? I would've picked that up as a laughable error and called out your chain letter for the horse poop it is. "White Horse" is a place in the Yukon.

Hoax admission count 12.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Later, when a bunch of hits started coming in,

Ocean Elf: Because when you're not making up stupid chain letters, you're counting counters and waiting for hits. It must suck to be you.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I put a retraction at the top and blamed Jill Stein for the misinformation.

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count 13. Idiot.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Following the Wisconsin primary, I had a story out that morning suggesting Paul Ryanā€™s opponent Paul Nehlen had actually won the voteā€”but had it stolen from him by Democrats wanting to test their election stealing software, called ā€œDemVotesMatter,ā€ against a Trump-like opponent.

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count 14, and it just gets more and more idiotic. "Dem votes matter"? Oh, please.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: This was picked up the next morning when one of the guys behind the (excellent) Decision Desk team asked if anyone had a ā€œthe election was stolenā€ take from last night and Andrew Stiles of NewsCorp-owned Heat Street told him, on Twitter, RealTrueNews is On It.

Ocean Elf: And you thought heaven couldn't possibly surpass the absolute elation you felt at someone else falling for one of your stupid ongoing gags.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: It took everything I had not to come clean right thenā€”but I was thrilled.

Ocean Elf: Of course you were. Troll.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: It got even better when Wonkette wrote a story making fun of RealTrueNews, the idiots who believed the election was stolen. Not realizing it was satire would become a theme. They also said in the article theyā€™d probably never write about RealTrueNews again. That turned out to be false, although they didnā€™t attribute the follow up to RTN.

Ocean Elf: Well that's Wonkette for you. They're some sort of Gawker offspring anyway, so now we have a troll trolling a gossip mag. Don't ask me to pick a winner here.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: But the huge breakthrough came with the Public Policy Polling memo. When PPP released a poll showing a major Clinton lead in Florida, I downloaded their PDF, turned it into a Word document and edited it. Heavily.

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count 15.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: All the polling mythology went into it. Trump was up by huge numbers. The more corrupt Hillary was, the more Democrats loved her, and so on. It was absurd. The spelling was iffyā€”I save time by not editing anythingā€”but it had a section in it where the author, at witā€™s end, complains about college pollsters, like Quinnipiacā€™s co-eds and Monmouthā€™s ā€œBernie-Grade Weed.ā€

Ocean Elf: another stupid chain letter. You don't get rewards for that here. And did I mention that I don't give a crap about polls? Though your stealing and editing a document from a actual polling system to pull off a nefarious hoax should land you in deep trouble for plagiarism and misrepresenting of whoever you stole the material from.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: It went super-viral.

Ocean Elf: A chain letter, started by you. And you were higher than a kite over it.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: One of the most accidentally brilliant things I did was

Ocean Elf: Absolutely nothing.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: set up a Scribd document-sharing account. I had seen legal docs and such posted there so that was what I did. I could have hosted it nativelyā€”but it seemed more ā€œauthenticā€ to put it on the site and post a link.

Ocean Elf: Because you wanted to look authentic enough to avoid being detected for the troll you are. How noble.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: What I didnā€™t realize was that people could and did find the Scribd document without going to RealTrueNews firstā€”or, often, at all. This accidentally enhanced its credibility because it didnā€™t come from a clearly bogus website.

Ocean Elf: But no matter how it's packaged up, crap is still crap.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: For their part, PPP took it fantastically well, mocking people with their signature Twitter-wit and steadfastly refusing to disavow the obviously faked document to the anger of conservative detractors.

Ocean Elf: No, they didn't take it well, they completely wussed out. apparently there are some die-hard liberals among that organization too. Or maybe they were just afraid of being called racist.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: When polling director Tom Jensen mentioned the memo in a podcast, I almost jumped out of my seat.

Ocean Elf: Oh I'm sure you did. The highlight of your sorry excuse of a not quite life.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: To be clear: They were amazingly good sports about this,

Ocean Elf: April fools' jokes are entitled to reactions of what is termed "being a good sport." Provided the joke isn't in terrible taste and doesn't do harm. Lost games and lost elections are entitled to the losing team or side being "good sports".

There is no such entitlement for stupid trolling hoaxes. You should have got a good arse kicking.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: even if I made their days a lot harder and brought even more internet wrath down on them than normal.

Ocean Elf: Yep, you are a waste of internet space.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: When I did the same thing later with Monmouth it was, unfortunately, completely different.

Ocean Elf: No, that would've been fortunate.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: One of my proudest moments with the memo was a Daily Kos article written by the siteā€™s founder Markos Moulitsas himself, asking whether the faked memo was a pathetic right-wing attempt at propaganda or a brilliant left-wing forgery.

Ocean Elf: Ah yes, the illustrious Daily Kos. Funny how when a conservative says it, it's "pathetic propaganda" and when a liberal says it it's "a brilliant forgery" forgery is illegal and no matter how clever criminals like to think they are, they are not brilliant at being human, and that's where it really matters.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I couldnā€™t break character to tell him it was the latterā€”but I was proud to see the online poll asking that question was close to 50-50.

Ocean Elf: And your head swelled up even more. Obnoxious troll.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: As I understand it, a lot of people took Jonathan Swift seriously too.

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count 16.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The faked Monmouth poll actually upset them. I got a complaint to the website and was asked to remove their name from the page. I did, but the document was already out in the wild, as were ubiquitous screen caps of the front page.

Ocean Elf: Good on Monmouth!

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I owe those guys a box of chocolates or something. I wouldnā€™t do it again.

Ocean Elf: You owe me one as well, for having to read through this tripe in order to smash it down into its proper place. I wouldn't trust anything coming from you, though, it might be a box of chocolate covered roaches. Nor would I pay you for them.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: On the plus side, though, it got RTN written up by David Weigel of The Washington Post.

Ocean Elf: If it's Washed Up Washington Post, there isn't any plus side about it unless you are a liberal or a troll. But you're both, so, 'nuff said. I'm sure he was really pleased with your hoaxes and added his own dumb disparaging comments about conservatives like "conspiracy theories" and the like.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: In the article he writes that: ā€œThe ā€˜memoā€™ itself is nearly a parody of conspiracy theorizing about what goes on in the media and elite institutions.ā€ Nearly.

Ocean Elf: When Van Jones calls a Trump win a "white lash" and "glass ceiling" is in "girl power" ads, that there are even girl power and so-called "anti racism" ads at all, and let's not forget the sleazy way Sony mismanaged the PR campaign for their hamgodawful fem Ghost Busters movie, you'd have to be blind to still believe there is nothing biased going on with the media and their elites. Don't forget Clinton's own conspiracy theories, mainly patriarchy, Russia and the alt right sitting in a tree, and the birther campaign.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Despite a WaPo story pinned to the top of Monmouthā€™s page, people still believe it to this day.

Ocean Elf: Which gives you a lulz high. But Washing Post has no more monopoly on truth than you do.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: There was more. The biggest breakout I had came when a Vice reporter, Michael Tracey, was holding forth on Twitter in the wake of the Podesta Email leaks. He was speaking about the Goldman Sachs transcriptsā€”and I had one.

Ocean Elf: Hoax admission count 17.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I had written up a fake Goldman Sachs transcript days before, wherein Hillary Clinton is preparing a run for president and is speaking to the board of directors in 2014 about the coming threat to Wall Street and Washington power. That threat? Bronies, adult male fans of the cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. She has to explain this ā€œBronie Threatā€ to them and, in the process, describes a group of internet denizens she calls a ā€œbucket of losers.ā€

Ocean Elf: Since liberals are totally down with the brony cause, no one who knows anything about it at all should buy into that pile of pony poo. Bronyism is actually very feminism oriented with elements of furry thrown in.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: When I tweeted the link and an image of some of the text at Tracey, I did it because I find him to be something of a self-important git and wanted to poke fun at him.

Ocean Elf: Said Mr Self-important Arrogant Git troll himself.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I didnā€™t know at the time that there were Goldman Sachs transcript fragments in the WikiLeaks release.

Ocean Elf: Why would that even matter to you? Never let the truth get in the way of a bad story.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The tweet went super-viral.

Ocean Elf: And you were super-happy once again.

Clinton already trotted out her stupid "basket of deplorable" so I don't understand why anyone could fall for this BS. quote. What new trick are you going to come up with next? Claim that Hillary called Gamer Gate a barrel of monkeys?

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: It started an almost trendingā€”but still going todayā€”hashtag #bucketoflosers. A tweet declaring it a bad forgery was picked up by Malcolm Nance, an intelligence analyst for MSNBC among others, who tweeted to be wary of the WikiLeaks release.

Ocean Elf: So they were telling people to believe you over the stuff coming off an archive of Hillary's emails? Or maybe this is just you lying again.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Tracey, appalled by what he saw as casting doubt on the noble truth of WikiLeaks,

Ocean Elf: Because your "truth" is just so much more noble and true. Yeah right. Loser.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: declared me a possibly paid propagandist in Hillaryā€™s employ. The two-minute Internet Hate was turned on me.

Ocean Elf: And you laughed like an idiot.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Now, I wasnā€™t recognized as the creator of the document, and I had never said it was from WikiLeaks, nor did the RTN article mention WikiLeaks. But by the end of that night, I saw a note that Megyn Kelly had just apologized for reading it on the air.

Ocean Elf: And that really must've got your blood flowing, you would've been totally pumped, head nearly exploding out of sheer glee.

Hillary Clinton had to revise her sniper fire story quite a few times, and it somehow didn't turn out any truer with each retelling. Bryan Williams and to make an apology for saying he was in a plane that got hit when he was not.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: My blood froze. That was not a good feeling.

Ocean Elf: I would've thought that was music to your ears. A Fox News contributor having fallen for one of your stupid hoaxes and reading it on air, now having to apologize for being fooled.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I went desperately looking for a video and I found one. She was talking to 4 people about the leaks and, while 90 percent of her discussion was on the actual WikiLeaks, she at one point awkwardly stated that it appeared Hillary had referred to Sanders supporters as a ā€œBucket of Losers.ā€

Ocean Elf: So that must've made you feel incredibly relieved that this embarrassing footage could still be had.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I was stunned. I found a clip of her retraction later saying that was falseā€”but not divorcing the statement from WikiLeaks. Howard Kurtz apparently also read the ā€œbucket of losersā€ tag on the air and didnā€™t retract.

Ocean Elf: Which just tickles you pink rainbow sparkles I'm sure.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: That, plus the Nance tweet, had some impact on the WikiLeaks reception. This was entirely unintentional, but Russiaā€™s state-sponsored news agency Sputnik, of course, saw a conspiracy. A hilarious conspiracy:

Ocean Elf: the only conspiracy was between you and the sad cast of chain letter characters in your head.

Sputnik: That did not stop Nance, who with a firm intelligence background should have been able to easily spot the fake with ā€œ(chaos)ā€ actually written in the side bar and ā€œ((makes air quotes))ā€ written before the ā€œbucket of losersā€ piece in the completely comical so-called transcript, from referencing the document and saying: ā€œOfficial Warning: #PodestaEmails are already proving to be riddled with obvious forgeries & #blackpropaganda not even professionally done.ā€ After Megyn Kelly pushed the false narrative and then apologized on air, another more establishment FoxNews personality Howard Kurtz also referenced the ā€œbucket of losersā€ statement from the grotesquely comical fake transcript that has nothing to do with WikiLeaks whatsoever and claimed it was from the WikiLeaks document release which, again, a five second typing in the whistleblowerā€™s search box would tell you immediately otherwise in what no doubt tees up Clinton to claim itā€™s all a fraud at the debate.

Ocean Elf: No conspiracy there. Sputnik just isn't impressed with your amateurish writing.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Grotesquely comical? I guess Iā€™ll take that coming from Russia.

Ocean Elf: Oh, you poor baby, did the Russians hurt your feelings? Everything about your crap is grotesquely comical, and that's putting it nicely.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Some of the stories took a whole lot of effort for very little immediate payoff.

Ocean Elf: Oh, cry me a river. So you didn't get enough attention and pats on the back, and didn't manage to get every single conservative falling for your stupid hoaxes. Too bad for you, troll. Go get a colouring book. That should make you feel so much better.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: For one, I found out that Correct The Record, a pro-Clinton super PAC that intends to ā€œcorrect the record on Hillaryā€ on Reddit and Twitter had a Slack chatroomā€”but it was CorrectRecord. CorrectTheRecord wasnā€™t taken.

Ocean Elf: Who cares?

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: So I took it.

Ocean Elf: apparently you do. Of course. Another opportunity to troll. Hoax admission count 18

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I signed up a bunch of users, created 4 personalities, and had a chat about hunting and (maybe) killing meme thought-leaders on 4chan and Reddit. I had been looking in the public financials for a pay-out to something that looked shady and I didnā€™t find anythingā€”but I wound up using first-initial/last names of real people who were paid by Correct The Record and people were able to figure it out.

Ocean Elf: That's you. Shady. Hoax admission count 19.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I also had the analysts arguing about not wanting more lunch from We The Pizza, a real pizza place from which Correct The Record had frequently ordered. When internet sleuths googled We The Pizza, they were stunned to discover it was a real place in the middle of Washington, D.C.ā€”just down the street from CTRā€™s offices!

Ocean Elf: hoax admission count, 20.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: To 4chan, this was all the proof some users needed.

Ocean Elf: 4chan is where you belong.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Another CTR ā€œdocumentā€ went super viral when I created a how-to-troll memo that had specific insults to be hurled at Trump supporters.

Ocean Elf: Chain letter count 21. Typical childish troll crap.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: This included ā€œpoll floggingā€

Ocean Elf: At this point I can't even do mock sympathy for you. This is truly pathetic.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: ā€”which I thought was a clearly obvious euphemism

Ocean Elf: Because of the whole flogging of slaves in the past, which makes your stupid joke go right down the crapper.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon:ā€”but I didnā€™t see anyone call it out

Ocean Elf: Most people probably have better things to do than hang out with you on your idiotic trolling sites. So if it wasn't called out, maybe not too many people saw it. But that's just a guess.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon:ā€”wherein CTR paid trolls would ā€œflingā€ polls at Trumpsters showing him losing in order to demoralize them.

Ocean Elf: Which totally gave you a sadistic selfish kind of high. And, flinging "polls"? How on earth do you fling a poll with a double l? That kind of pole is spelled 'POLE'.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: This caught fire and people felt that ā€œHEY! That happened to ME! It must be paid trolling.ā€

Ocean Elf: And you laughed your big stupid blockhead off.

Look, I don't buy into the whole "They must be paying for this and that" online". I'm not completely dismissing it either. Maybe sometimes people are paid, sometimes not. You don't represent the whole internet, not even every single troll. You have no idea what every other troll does on the net, let alone if they are being paid or not.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Itā€™s not paid trolling. Itā€™s just people who disagree with you on the internet.

Ocean Elf: You don't just disagree with people. You spread hoaxes. You make fun of people who don't share your politics. You're a troll.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: At the end of the day, did this change anything?

Ocean Elf: Cut the fake philosophy. It looks monumentally stupid on a troll.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I donā€™t know. I think I inadvertently hurt WikiLeaks, which Iā€™m not proud ofā€”

Ocean Elf: You give yourself way too much credit. And you can ditch the fake modesty too. You're not sorry for the bucket of lies you dumped on the internet for your lulz addiction at the expense of conservatives.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: but Iā€™m not too sorry about either.

Ocean Elf: You're not sorry at all. Admit it.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I suspect that some people came to realize that they were believing in fake things.

Ocean Elf: Yeah. Like "Hillary is going to win! Guaranteed!"

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: For people who are desperate, however, believing in grand master plans to bring them downā€”no matter how obviously fake they immediately appear to beā€”is almost a necessity.

Ocean Elf: You just described feminism and B L M.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: For moderates, I think itā€™s a bit easier to avoid pitfalls:

Ocean Elf: Which is why Hillary Clinton ended up losing.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The mainstream news may not always be accurate on everything

Ocean Elf: It is often grossly inaccurate, on a lot of things. The Trump win shows the public has finally awakened to this and are saying something about it.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: but there is a lot of it and they get the main points right.

Ocean Elf: No.. "Trump is racist! Trump is sexist!" "Hillary is the one who cares and she is being relentlessly attacked by Trump! "This is a white lash!" All of that is inaccurate and just plain wrong.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: For conservatives there is no trusted media.

Ocean Elf: Wrong. For moderates, there is no trusted media.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: There are only trusted positions.

Ocean Elf: If you are a democrat.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Breitbart, World Net Daily, even InfoWars now count as on-my-side places where they believe the real truth lies.

Ocean Elf: Think again. They've caught on to you.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: When the only news you are willing to believe is partisan news,

Ocean Elf: Which the shame stream media has become.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: you are susceptible to stories written ā€œin your languageā€ that are complete, obvious, utter fabrications.

Ocean Elf: Yes, like "white lash".

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: RealTrueNews has Trump signifiers all over it. The language use is from right-wing blogs.

Ocean Elf: Because if a troll wants to look authentic, he has to go researching various vocabularies. I could probably write a feminist hoax site and sound convincing, if I wanted to. But I don't.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Several of the articles are written with overt sexism or implicit racism that comes from the alt-right.

Ocean Elf: No, it comes from your own wasted brain, and your pathetic wishful interpretation of what you consider to be akin to Satanists, "the alt right". You'd probably prefer the Satanists, actually.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: This is like the protein shell of a virus that allows it to penetrate a cell.

Ocean Elf: In other words, a parasite. You are an internet parasite. You thrive on making trouble for other people. That's what parasites do.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The ā€œDNAā€ payloadā€”the story itselfā€”is then injected straight into the brain, bypassing critical thought.

Ocean Elf: And the result was people going to pieces when Hillary Clinton lost.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: This is a problem on the very far left as well: The doctrine that Bernie had his nomination forcibly stolen or that the Democrats are colluding warmongers seeking literal thermonuclear destruction is deep and entrenched.

Ocean Elf: And feminism.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The difference is that on the left, it is not nearly as monetized.

Ocean Elf: Yeah right. I don't care about monetization or keep track of who or what is or is not monetized. The real difference is that the left are busy making up chain letters to fool the right, while keeping a lid on where their own progressive chain letters end up. They really want conservatives to keep spreading chain letters so they can mock them, but you already know that. Not so much with their own.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The main voices are far more mainstream, like Rachel Maddow and Stephen Colbert.

Ocean Elf: Those people are far from moderate. They are very much progressive left.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: The Rush Limbaughs of the left either do not properly exist or reach far, far fewer people.

Ocean Elf: Wrong. You don't want to hear or know this, but Rachel Maddow, stephen Colbert, Van Jones, Chris Matthews etc. are all left wing Rushes.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: There are fake stories, but the media machine to promote them and sell advertising with them is not yet mature.

Ocean Elf: Not mature? how about just not quite called out for what they are?

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: What ads do you sell on a Clinton Stole The Primary website? Plagiarized college papers?

Ocean Elf: Who cares? this isn't about boring ads, this is about your stupid hoaxes and the whole dumb "fake news" progressive chain letter trying to make everyone believe that anything that disagrees with the shame stream media is "fake news".

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: Still, I would like to think, perhaps in the margins, that RealTrueNews either made peopleā€™s lives a little more excitingā€”in a generally good way

Ocean Elf: Definitely not. Speak for yourself only. Your site is garbage and your attitude sucks.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: ā€”or, perhaps, gave them pause about believing everything they read.

Ocean Elf: Wow, look at you, little Mr. Professor Marco Chackon, trying to teach the world about truth. What a pathetic joke.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: READ THIS LIST

Ocean Elf: If it's Melissa Zimdars's list of smears, forget it.

šŸ¤„šŸ’©Marco Chackon: I Write Fake News. Hereā€™s What Works.

Ocean Elf: no kidding. Loser...and your truckload of lies.

Over and out!


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