

Yahoo Yahoos

Idiots who deliberately spam Yahoo Answers with tasteless or at least very stupid questions and perpetuate idiotic chain letter hoaxes.

Some such trolls are featured here.

The hoax-spreading trolls often pretend to be scared in order to frighten little kids and annoy others. These drongoes often try to weasel their way out of their well-deserved flak by pretending to be little kids themselves. "I'm only 11 years old!" seems to be a favourite line of theirs.

They get sick kicks scaring little kids into the belief that chain letters are real and going to kill them. They are pathetic attention-seekers who need to be exposed for the frauds and bullies they are.

They use multiple accounts in their spamming racket. They do this to perpetuate any stupid lie, and also to troll anyone who exposes their idiotics.

Phoebe Chan and YourRiceCrispies are most likely one and the same person. He/she/it continues lying about their age, making up ridiculous stories about themselves, changing genders, and posting the same hoaxes from different profiles..

Nevertheless, the links will be placed under each specific profile and marked with '*'s instead of numbers as the instances of repeat chain letter and other dumb spam from these offending users continues increasing.


Chain letter/stupid question/answer (A debunk link will be put at the top of each listing where a specific chain letter has been reposted or mentioned by the offender.)


To start with, though:

A vamp-troll in a class all by itself.


Vampire/zombie-wannabe Crackalyn from Beyond the Grave who claims to not exist, but ask serious questions, gets the prize for gross-out creepiest trolling question of all time!



Dyamonde Taylor

Requested people to junk up YA with chain letters because he/she/it wanted to troll some friends with stupid chain letters. Yeah, what a friend, wow...

Somebody was idiot enough to comply, and given a best answer, and the question was closed lickity split. *Rolling eyes*



Girl Gamer

This idiot deliberately uses Yahoo Answers to spread chain letters, not wanting to listen to common sense.

Anonymous obliged and posted the stupid Carmen Winstead chain.



Creepy Lilith darksilentreaper@yahoo.com

Wants to restart the stupid Smile Dog cursed mad picture hoax Creepypasta meme chain.




Trolling Yahoo answers by pretending to be scared of stupid chain letters.

Stupid Smith Sisters Murder hoax






Stupid "Kissed on Nearest Friday" hoax











Stubbornly believes in the Slenderman hoax and wishes some chain letters were true. (Because what else would you call it when somebody insists on being scared of chain letters when it has been proven and they've been told again and again they aren't real?)





troll trying to spread pretend fear of stupid chain letters. "I'm only 8" Yeah, right. Way too young to be on Yahoo Answers. A likely story.



Jarrett acting like the most vindictive, spoiled girly brat, wants to create a fake FB impersonating a girl he hates, making her out to be a slut.



LeBron better than MJ

Another liberal troll.

he/she/it asked a typical deliberately judgemental, racist question and got punked and debunked by the people s/he tried to vilify and inflame.



Smoking Joe

Media Matters indoctrinated Liberal lulzer is on a mission to keep perpetuating the stereotype about conservatives and their addiction to chain email going, by spamming Yahoo with the same junk questions over and over.






No Chance Without Thor

another liberal obsessed with keeping the right-wing chain letter boogyman from going away.




The Moronic Inferno

Sheesh, how many sock-puppet accounts do these drones have?

Another liberal trying to pretend to be a far-right-winger who gets all their news from stupid chain emails.



Tea Party Hero

Yeah right, no real republican, not even a raving anti-abortion activist would give itself this egotistical handle.. This is just noter fake and worst stereotype of a republican, whose stupid question is as idiotic as Ingrid Newkirk of Peta comparing broiler chickens to Jews who died in the holocaust.




Another sock-puppet account from some desperate liberal trying to create their favourite stereotype.




So-called The Independent

Probably a Thor or Gov. Tim whatshisname sock-puppet, who is either flattered that his obsession with chain letters got called for what it is, or else he's mad as all heck that I happen to be a non-left person who hates chain letters, which completely shoots his favourite myth all to pieces.

He thought it would be super cool to lie about me in a rant disguised as a Yahoo question.


Then he thought it would be even cooler to make a sock-puppet profile giving himself my first name. "Mr Capri" what is this stalking idiot, a hermaphrodite?

It should be clear from all these links on YA that he and his cronies are the ones obsessing. They want so badly to keep the chain-email-spreading far-right nutter around he's mad as hell that I , a non-liberal, discover and call him and his pals out on it.

If he did the smart thing and read "Why smash Chain Letters" you'd know why I'm determined to smash them whenever I come across them, and this includes putting a stop to these stupid political stereotypes he desperately tries to keep going on YA. he'd also have to admit it is he and company and your liberal pals, or is that personas in your own head, who are obsessed. Politifact has been debunking some lies coming from democrats lately. Far-right chain email activity seems to have subsided somewhat or else it isn't being ranted over quite as much recently, and these liberal YA trolls just can't stand the idea that someone who doesn't buy into their political world view, also has enough upstairs to smash chain emails. So, what do they do in retaliation? They obsess and repost stereotype questions about bad republicans, or Ya tantrums over me.

He has gone from just idiotic to contemptible. He's too cowardly to put his own name into his YA handle.


The Equalist

Another of these liberal bullies who just can't stand the idea that a non-left person 1. doesn't worship Snopes, 2. actually dislikes chain letters, 3. *gasp* exposes chain letter activity coming from the liberals!




The right-wing Conservative is actually a liberal trying to pretend he/she's a conservative, then posting questions as if he/she is the most stupid example of the worst conservative stereotype liberals really want sticking around to make themselves look better and more honest than they really are.

Liberals are always yelling "Right wing CHAIN EMAIL!" and this doofus does the same thing, but in the form of a question on YA.








A troll calling itself Christian Conservative Patriot

Is anything but!

Spammd an idiotic trolling question pretending to want to start a political chain email, and yelled about Romney losing due to being "too moderate".





Andrei Ryan Roxas

this bandwidth-wasting drip thought it would be cool to post a pretend "Why do chain letters spread?" and follow it up with some "I spam chain letters because they keep mutating" as if.. When someone else answered, he pouted and voted it "best" within a day, and commented that he was disappointed because he wanted me to answer.


Not to mention this particular profile was newly created when he committed this troll.

Then, he had the nerve to try and connect with me on Yahoo.

What a loser.

My suggestion: he and his groupies need to get over me and themselves a little.


Holy Crab

Like the average birther who thinks Snopes is owned by George Soros and that Hoax-Slayer and all urban legend-busting sites are leftist conspiracies, this jerk is so desperate to hold on to the idea that only democrats hate chain letters and only the non-left love and spread them that it has managed to convince itself that I must be a "rumor mill" for trying to stop the rumor mill coming from the right while exposing the rumor mill on the left.

Its answer got rated down on its pal's chain letter question&lie combo just above.

Apparently this twit doesn't like my "tangents" or pointing out how liberals spread chain letters and rumors along with the far-right. The "Obama is a Muslim terrorist born in Kenya!" "Snopes is flaming leftist and funded by George Soros!" people and holy Crab are proof that you just can't fix stupid.

The article on left-wing chain letters isn't more tangent-ish than the one about far-right chain letters, and both get additions whenever more links that would fit into their collections are found. Other articles on more generalized chain letters also don't cover just one type of viral, the only one the left wants covered, the right and far-right leaning, so-called pro-Christian, anti-Islam viral. Not to mention all the links backing up what's being said. Then there are links I refuse to include because they are from the left or the far-right rumor mills, unless that's exactly what needs to be pointed out about them. So excuse me, Crabby, if that goes a bit over your head.

Nice lame try, but I'm not allowing myself to get bullied into shutting up about liberal chain letter activity, or taking back anything to shoot down the liberals' beloved stereotypes of Christians, conservatives and chain emails.


Some Media Matters brain-washeee with the suckish handle Paul Ryan's Incredible Thirst

Thinks only one certain kind of stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote, and perpetuates as many bad stereotypes about conservatives as he can in his Yahoo rants and lulz. He is an admitted troll, after all with his "joke accounts."




another Media Matters Foxophobic drone perpetuating the idea that fox always tells lies and only from stupid chain letters. But he goes a bit further in a hilarious display of stupid, suggesting that we should all write chain letters to fox.

* ç


Cindy "The Truth" Johnson

She is really an anti-theist liberal trying to impersonate the worst stereotypes of bad republicans who are complete idiots at Christianity. Cindy wants people thinking all people on the non-left who don't support Obama and who are Christians are complete nutcases, so she fabricated this crappy persona to perpetuate this stereotype. >Within hours of creating her crummy Yahoo profile, she posted these stupid trolling questions in support of an infamous wingnut cult that perpetuates false armageddons and is not Christianity, damning people to hell in the most exaggerated "homophobic" play-acting I ever saw, and tried to make anyone who doesn't believe in the environmentalist agendas look selfish and stupid.






The Coin Operator an American for America


might've written a pretty good question about liberal trolls, but turns out to be an anti-abortion activist, far-right "0bama" chanting nutcase. So he's as bad as they are.



Willard "Tim" Romney "Yenmor"

Spammed Yahoo with the usual pro-atheist, anti-Christian, democrat, anti-republican rants that yell out the usual left-wing call of "Christians and republicans all use chain emails!"



Then he changed his handle to Governor Tim Yenmor (Ret.)

Then he trolled YA again with more perpetuation an exceedingly stupid rendition of the worst stereotypical far-right drone, but we all know he's just a liberal trolling Yahoo, under another sock-puppet profile.

His stupidity was to make out that if you believe chain letters are false then you must be a communist, and that all chain letters must be true if you send out an anti-chain that says "You won't die if you don't pass it on."




Mr. Wolf

Drudged up the same old "Why do cons believe chain emails?" thing.

A few idiot cons, or rather, far-right drones, one of them a racist, spewed back with the "0bama" garbage, one of them referring to Obama as the liberals' 'massa'. *Rolling eyes* Oh, please! Cut the slavery terminology once and for all! There are no 'massa's running 'plantations' any more and there never will be again! The hankering for those days on both sides of the mud-slinging political aisle is nauseating!


S Robinson blathered on in ignorance, claiming republicanism is like the dystopia in Hunger Games because of the imaginary "war on women" that threatens to fiddle with our "lady parts".


The Hunger Games is just fiction, and crappy fiction at that, and no amount of liberals screaming "Republicans want to create a dystopia!" is going to make that true. Liberals want a dystopia if anything. Forget the anti-abortionist freaks, eco-zealots and animal rights activists, food-cops and other proponents of various liberal agendas are equally screwed up and dishonest, always waging war on somebody they disagree with.



Thinks trolling YA with ignorant rants passes for witty questions.



Bible-hating atheist drone Dragon Master is on a mission to tell anyone who believes in the Bible they are stupid, despite his flimsy claiming otherwise. He's on a mission to convert people away from belief in God and into the religion of atheism, no matter how he denies it. Otherwise, he'd just do the mature thing and leave people alone, but he doesn't. he trolls Youtube and Yahoo Answers with his anti-Bible, pro-global warming nonsense.

He throws Bible believers and people who reject the human-caused global warming hoax in with his list of "retards" in this question. His retard list includes free masons, race-baters (people who play the race card) people who believe in the 2012 Armageddon hoax, people who think the moon landing was a hoax, and holocaust deniers. Conspicuously absent in his highly subjective and opinionated list are atheists, anti-theists, and environmentalists…


Look, dude, don't lump me in with the race-baters and holocaust deniers!


Takero lopes Ignacio juanito luna

Spammed this stupid trolling anti-Christian rant four times.






Nazi card playing idiot DR BANANA trolled Yahoo Answers with "Google is better" and "Yahoo worships the devil and are nazis! and such idiotic junk.






Wants to hack into and edit a file at this url.



Edwin C who says:

"I may have trolled you but I had fun doing it so its okay :D" and is stupid enough to put his email address out there for all to see - darkphate@sbcglobal.net - has no feelings other than the basic want for self-gratification common to other animals.

He asks for help with more ideas for trolling questions.




Asked this truly obnoxious beyond belief question:

"Where can i sign someone up to get tons of email spam or junk sent to them in the mail, good or bad junk? Don't judge me please, just trying to get some harmless revenge. Looking for places to enter someone's email or home address, preferred the home address..so they get a lot of junk mail, good or bad"


Yeah right, there's no such thing as "harmless revenge" and you are an exceedingly childish and selfish idiot who deserves to get yourself yanked off the net with all your toys taken away.

Better keep a look out for this cretin's questions.



spammed YA many times with the same play-for-sympathy question.

















Steven S

Spammed YA with a copy-paste of a store from the socyberty.com web site, touting the great levitating Donnie Decker hoax.







Intends to originate an annoying email chain letter!




Thinks people who don't believe in false doomsday hoaxes are ignorant.



Usain Bolt

Carmen Winstead hoax



Twisting one unimportant Bible verse to make as if he/she thinks God has cursed him/her.


Repeat question about flooding FB with picture posts





actually put that stupid Toma Sota Balcu chain letter in her profile. then she spammed YA with more chain letters.

The Smith/Moore Sisters Murdered Anonymously hoax




Keeps asking if chain letters are real.







Sleepover Club and Toma Sota Balcu chant chain in one question


The faceless girl Ofelia/Jaime Heras and Scott Jackson/Johnson hoax
























Kata Lata Kulu chain letter



Silly question asking if people curse their chain letters with witchcraft


Ariana hoax


I got a chain letter


Turkish chain mail




Can chain letters scare you to death?


Scary Breakup Sarah








The Shadow







The Shadow


Asking for scary chain letters



Troll jacquelyn admitted in a Yahoo Answer to knowing chain letters were hoaxes but forwarding them on anyway because she loves scaring people.



Another anti-Christian trolling twit with the unlikely name of enki loves you all proves to do anything but, and he spams YA with ads for a stupid Satanist site.









Mila thinks religion is a big joke and that racist trolls on Omegle are Christian.




Anti-Christian twit with the vulgar handle of Bastard Please

What are the symptoms of Christianity?



Mike Hunt (Yeah right.)

This twit is obsessed with only Christians who misuse capitalization. he doesn't obsess about advertisements, chain letters, other trolls, etc. shouting in all caps or random punctuation.



John Galt

Trolled YA with more dumbbell anti-Christian, anti-republican questions.

Pretends to be a Christian in order to try getting that typical atheist fantasy of Christian-humiliation accepted as some kind of legitimate question.





And here, admits he's not a Christian and is sorry for Christians, then goes on a tirade of anti-Christian insults.





He believes free will can't possibly exist without sin and wants sin in Heaven.


He's a racist and steaming mad that so many of "us Blacks" as he put it, are Christians. Of course, he would be under the mistaken belief that white racists are or where Christians. *Rolling eyes*


And this huge monstrosity of an anti-Christian question where he wishes Christian parents would lose their daughters via serial killer and end up in hell.


Other stupid questions:







Sucking up to and spamming Yahoo with an ad for an anti-Christian web site.


And this question that literally bombs simply because it's so hopelessly stupid.



Devious and Obeese Black Woman

Spammed the same deliberately antagonizing anti-Christian question under these profiles.





Spouts that same stupid old far-right "Barack Hussein Obama" stuff like all the other idiots who don't know how to be smart when opposing him. This is what happens when the far-right spreads chain letters and moderate conservatives don't tell them to cut the crap in no uncertain terms.



Some troll calling itself Heil Obama (need I say more?) posted a snarky question and a rant that he/she very likely didn't actually write given the mindset of someone doing the "heil" thing.



Kamal/Betsy and various other nicknames, same loser

The Obama birther thing in jumbled up leet-speak

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Phoebe Chan (appears to have deleted all her questions, but here is the list that used to be there.)





Kelsey Smith Briggs (She even got that wrong)





Generic video chain letter spam




Hit up 15 pretty girls chain spam


Ofelia Heras Faceless Girl hoax chain








Anna chain letter


After posting all these stupid chain letters, Phoebe Chan did the stale old borg anti-chain thing and posted how she thought she was a ghost.



Yeah right, and pigs sing…

That chain letter is mangled here.

She got called out as a troll by someone on this question where she claims the space bar on her computer is stuck.


