

Little Girl Sees Jesus After Drunken Father's Rampage

According to a post on Yahoo Answers, yet another blasted religious chain letter hoax has struck Facebook, and it is getting mangled here!


😈💩Memes: A dad comes home drunk and mad.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Ah yes it's always the drunken mad dad, isn't it? I mean, could you possibly get any less original? Women get drunk too, and yes, even past their teens. But in these stupid chain letter stories, it's always a drunken mad dad, or the drunken female who dies is always a teenager at a party…

😈💩Memes: He pulls a gun on his wife then then turns gun on himself,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh how cheery… And you reposted this depressing piece of dreck that has absolutely nothing to do with you personally because? Oh, right, you wanted to put a downer on my day. Thanks, pal… I just know there's supposed to be some super deep morality message in there somewhere, but most importantly, "PAY IT FORWARD!" Which, I won't do, by the way…

😈💩Memes: his little girl

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Badly written! She's not just "his little girl" she's "their little girl"!

😈💩Memes: sits behind the couch crying.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Again, - WHY - would anybody want to repost this piece of garbage and inflict it on anybody else's sight?

😈💩Memes: The police came and took the girl. She is now with a new family.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Okay, you're confusing me with the tenses. If this past or present tense? You really need to get that together. Oh, heck, you should've left this hackjob on the cutting room floor and not let it see the light of day, it's that bad.

😈💩Memes: Her first day of Sunday school she walks past the building and sees a picture of Jesus on the cross,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: ARGH! Don't even go there, pal! Don't drag Jesus into this! Besides that I don't think a little kid, especially one who's been traumatized should be subjected to the picture of a man on a cross, just don't even!

😈💩Memes: the little girl asks the teacher 'How did that man get off the cross?'

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Why would she even ask such a thing? For that, she'd have to have been told Jesus came down off the cross before this point, and that's very unlikely considering what her home life was like, and apparently this new family hasn't done much to explain things…

😈💩Memes: The teacher replied 'He didn't.' The little girl argued 'Yes he did, the night mommy and daddy died, he sat next to me behind the couch and told me everything would be alright.'

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, seriously, people! What a sham, what a mockery, what an utter fail this story is!

Look, that just doesn't happen in real life, not unless the person in question has a deep faith to begin with, and this little girl obviously didn't come from a Christian home, so, wouldn't even know about Jesus to begin with, much less recognize him in some vision during the most traumatic part of her life!

No, you failed to move me to big tears and big awe with this cheesy story!

And, it never happened.

😈Meme1: 33%


😈💩Memes: of you

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Mutation 2 is obviously getting even more desperate with the bogus stats.

😈💩Memes: won't

😈Meme1: re-post

💩Meme2: POST

😈💩Memes: this..

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Actually you have no idea and can't dictate which percentage of people will or will not repost it! And you can count me among those who will not repost it! I only wish the percentage of people who don't repost was 100%!

😈💩Memes: but, remember.

💩Meme2: WHAT

😈💩Memes: The bible says 'Deny me in front of your friends, and I will deny you

😈Meme1: in heaven.'"


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Look, you piffling, coercive, bullying hoaxer! Refusing to spread your stupid sacrilegious pile of dreck chain letter does not amount to denying God before anyone! Got that!? God will not deny anyone in heaven for not spreading chain letters!


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: NO! Obliterate it!


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I'm not interested in helping the percentage of Christian-mocking idiots grow! And spare me the stupid heart images! Yuck!

Over - and - out!


Gallery Of Sick Kid Hoaxes

Meme Kids 101

Forward-or-die threat memes

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