

Dmitri And Sharee

Dmitri was hit by a shocker when he awoke to mean girl Sharee roughly rocking him back and forth and calling him Devil Furby, instead of the warmth of Jessica's company and home. He looked around sharply and said "Argh!"

That seemed to please Sharee, who giggled and said something about him being evil and how she was loving it.

Dmitri squinted at her. "You're not Jessica."

"What's that?" Sharee didn't seem to understand him. "Man, I love Furbish."

"Where the heck is this?" Dmitri was experiencing a sense of panic and vexation all at once. Something was definitely not right.

"Ooooh! I love that voice!" Sharee giggled again.

"Well I don't love you, whoever you are!" Dmitri shot back.

If Sharee understood this, she was not put off by it. She cackled with glee and rushed out of her room with Dmitri in her hand. "Mom, he's as wicked as he looks. Listen." Sharee shook Dmitri to get him to react.

From this moment on, Dmitri was determined not to give the over-grown brat what she expected from him. He said nothing.

"C'mon, say something." Sharee said, and shook him again.

Dmitri remained silent.

"He does work, I got him to speak before. I don't know what's going on."

"That's okay, Sharee, I'm sure he'll talk again.

Sharee sighed and took Dmitri back to her room. "Now I'll bet you're going to say something.

Dmitri responded with a burp.

"Eww!" Sharee squealed, giving him a disgusted look.

Dmitri made a scoffing sound.

"Since you're not gonna talk around anyone else, I've got a good mind to bring you to school tomorrow." said Sharee. "At least I'll have something interesting to look at besides boring school work."

Dmitri remained silent for the rest of the day. He would've escaped at night, but Sharee had her bedroom door as well as window shut. So he hoped Sharee would make good on what she said about taking him to school. Maybe then he could have the opportunity to get away.

Sure enough, Sharee put Dmitri in her school bag the next morning and headed out.

She didn't take him out of her bag before meeting up with Blake, a guy she had a crush on.

Sharee was still trying to get Blake to notice her, and that was taking considerable effort since Blake was still sore from being dumped by Ashley.

Sharee had thought about asking him to work with her on an assignment in a class they had together.

So, she walked up to him, "Hey Blake."


And that was when it happened.

Dmitri let off a loud fart from in Sharee's school bag.

Blake burst out laughing.

Sharee flushed, then reached into her bag to haul Dmitri out to back up her claim "My furby did that."

"Right." Blake teased. "Cute little guy. Evil looking, definitely your style. Still cute."

This chagrinned Sharee, but she had no more time to dwell as the bell rang for classes to get underway.

She shoved Dmitri back into her bag and hurried to her first class.

The first class went without incident, but the next class had a test. During that test, the room was more or less quiet but for the odd rustling of paper, heavy sighing, once in a while a cough or sneeze, or some students whispering to themselves as they tried to work out the answers.

And then, it happened.


Sharee turned bright red and whispered in exasperation and embarrassment, "Shut up!"

The class erupted into laughter.

"all right, settle down," said the teacher, and once again, all was quiet.

Then, "A-choo!"


More laughter from the class. The sneeze was obviously not from any of them. More embarrassment for Sharee.

The teacher raised her eyebrows, not sure of the source of the strange sound, but if it kept up, she would eventually find out.

Soon after the class subsided, Dmitri started again, this time he farted and said, "Uh-oh."

There was an uproar of laughter, and the teacher had to hit the ruler on her desk to quiet the class down again, but even she couldn't keep the bemused grin off her face.

"Shut up, you - " and here, Sharee uttered something not fit to repeat.

Dmitri joined in the laughter. And he did not quiet down with the rest of the students, so that his laughter was heard clearly for a few seconds, and then the class started up again.

"Sharee," said the teacher, "Have you got a loaded game running or something on a device in your bag?"

"maybe it's a gremlin." said another student.

Dmitri broke into a goofy sounding song consisting of nothing but onomatopoeia.

"Will you shut the hex up!?" Sharee steamed.

There was more laughter.

Sharee was mortified. She wished she could just disappear through the floor, but that wouldn't be happening any time soon. "Yeah, I'll go take the batteries out." She said, and stood up to quickly exit the room amid the snickers of the other students.

"Back to work, class." the teacher said as Sharee shut the door behind her.

In the echoey hall, Dmitri let out a wolf howl.

Sharee kept trying to shush him, to no avail.

The embarrassment continued as one classroom door opened just after sharee passed it, with Dmitri still making a monumentally big-mouthed fool of himself and of her. Those rooms whose doors were already ajar, seemed to be filled with people who she was sure were staring out at her and snickering.

Sharee took him into the little girls' room, the only place she thought might be private enough, where he wouldn't be heard in the other classrooms.

Then, she set the bag on the vanity, reached in and rummaged until she found Dmitri, and roughly hauled him out.

Dmitri's song and gleeful laughter suddenly stopped, and his eyes went wide in shock. Then, his face turned red. "I can't believe it. Of all the places I could end up, it's the girls' room!?"

It was Sharee's turn to laugh. Carma's a witch, isn't it?" Only she didn't use the word 'witch'.

"No, but you are." he replied.

"and you like me that way, right? You're a devil after all."

Dmitri scowled. "Wrong, twice over. My name's Dmitri, not Devil, and I have no idea how I ended up at your house. I miss Jessica, and you're about as far from her as anyone can get."

"Whatever." Sharee turned him upside down, intending to yank out his batteries. it was then that she discovered she couldn't do that without a screwdriver. She swore again and put him back in the bag.

Sharee left the restroom and made her way to her locker. There, she took Dmitri out of her school bag and shut him in the locker where she had stowed her lunch bag.

The rest of the morning went smoothly, though Sharee couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was staring at her or talking about her behind her back.

When lunch time came, Sharee opened her locker and hastily took out her lunch. She couldn't see Dmitri, but then, she wasn't looking for him. She shut the locker again and went down to the lunch room to eat.

When she reached into her lunch bag, she was surprised to find Dmitri inside it. Taking him out, she could then hear him apparently eating something.

"Oh, that's really funny." Sharee muttered.

Dmitri gulped down his last mouthful and burped.

Sharee scowled. "I'm really getting sick of you."

It was then that she pulled out a sandwich, only to discover that half of it was missing. And it was not as if she had only taken part of a sandwich to school. This was not cut neatly into a smaller piece. What was left of the sandwich was torn and had bites taken out of it.

"Oh, you couldn't have." Sharee muttered.

"Couldn't have what?"

"Eaten part of my sandwich."

"Oh, I did, and it was good. I also helped myself to the other goodies you had there. Mmm-hmmm."

"Hey Sharee, cute little pal you have there." Emily came over to investigate.

"You wouldn't think so after what he's all done to me today. First, he wouldn't shut up during a test, which I'm gonna have to take over again. Then he steals my lunch. This devil furby's ruining my life!"

"Stealing your lunch?" Emily looked at Sharee, not sure she heard right. "Sharee, are you sure you're not studying too hard?"

"I'm not kidding, half my sandwich is gone. And I didn't eat it. Oh, but he probably won't eat if you give him something."

"Okay, let's try it." Emily chuckled incredulously. She reached into her lunch box and took out a cookie, then held it out to Dmitri.

To their surprise, Dmitri downed it, though they couldn't see how. They could hear him, and when he was through, there was no more cookie in Emily's hand.

"Oh wow, I should see if he wants my sandwich. Egg salad - yuck. Mom knows I don't care for that."

So Emily took what remained of her sandwich and gave it to Dmitri, who scarfed it down.

"Mm-hmmm!" He said when he was through.

By now, other students were curious, and wanting to feed him too.

So Dmitri won everyone over except for his new owner that day.

And he didn't care about any of them.

Just as lunch was over, a different kind of bell rang.

The fire bell!

Sharee abandoned her lunch box, planning to get it later. She also left Dmitri behind.

In the rush of the fire drill, none of the students paid any attention to Dmitri, and they just hurried out of the building as quickly and orderly as possible.

This was Dmitri's big chance. he might risk being trampled, but with the focus on the drill, no one would notice him among the mass of students and staff. He could just slip out with them and keep on going.

And that was exactly what he did.

Dmitri got lost in the crowd. Then he just got lost.

He scurried away from the school ground as fast as he could, and didn't stop running and rolling for blocks. He kept a wary eye out, not wanting to be seen by anyone. He had no wish to be caught by anyone else other than Jessica, and he had a horrible feeling something happened to her, which was why he didn't know how he went from Jessica's room to Sharee's.

Dmitri spent a day and night completely lost and alone, feeling miserable. Eventually, he tired out and found a hiding place to sleep. He would resume searching for the others and perhaps Jessica when he awoke.

Dmitri eventually stowed away on what he thought was a city bus. But it turned out to be a travel bus that ran a route into a different part of the country.

He ended up travelling mostly unseen, and once in a while he had to really make a run for it when he did catch someone's eye. It was a rather lonely existence, but still better than living with someone who was determined to make some kind of devil out of him.

Dmitri had lost track of how much time had passed, when one day he got an unbelievable lucky break.

He thought he had hidden himself well enough from the passengers who were jostling and shifting, when one woman sat down and tried to adjust her position to read her smart device better. As she studied the map, she thought she saw something unusual way under the seat across from her.

Dmitri was pretty good at concealing himself behind people's footwear, but the passengers hiding him had just left, and no one took their place. With the bus being so calm, it wouldn't do for him to dart to a new location and risk making a spectacle of himself. So he just had to risk staying put and hoping no one would notice him there.

He shrunk back as much as he could when the woman suddenly stood up again and made her way toward the empty seats and did not sit down again. Instead, she squatted down, reached out, and grabbed hold of Dmitri. Then she smiled broadly.

Dmitri tried to think of where he had seen her before. Somehow, he thought she looked familiar. He knew it wasn't Jessica. But who?

"Aw, cute little guy," The woman whispered, picking him up and returning to her seat. "Looks just like Dmitri."

Dmitri's eyes went wide.

She saw this, and beamed with delight. "You are Dmitri, aren't you? Remember me, Carma?" With that, she shook Dmitri, making him laugh.

Dmitri felt a wave of relief come over him. He would be in a good home. No more running. He remembered Carma from the past. He had met her for the first time one Christmas, and another time when she had visited Jessica and brought her two pokemon. What were the odds of meeting up with her again?

"I'll take good care of you." She put him gently in her pack.

Dmitri understood, and he kept quiet until he and Carma reached their destination, and that was when he asked her about Jessica, and cried when she told him the bad news. But Carma did her best to console Dmitri, and said she would try to find out what became of the rest of the group of furbies.


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