

JTK Sucks 7: My name Jeff the killer! (Review?) (IT SUCKS!!)

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My name Jeff the killer! (Review?) (IT SUCKS!!)

Sally German

My name Jeff the killer! (Review?) (IT SUCKS!!)

Sally German

News report: There has been another murder, This time even more brutal, So brutal we have to censor the body. It is another murder by the man who calls himself "Jeff"

Another news report: There has been a murder, There is a house full of dead parents from that house and the one across the street, There are two missing people right now. One of them the suspected killer, His name Jeffery. The other is a young women called Jane, Who vanished from the hospital after being burned badly by the house.

A very well known hitman who decides to help the cops at very odd times: Bah! This is getting way too out of hand, This "Jeff" Guy needs to die.

The cops: Jeff has killed many of us, We need help.

Military: We can't send an army, Sorry.

Gangs: If you don't arrest us right after he died, We will gladly help. Just give us weapons.

The hitman goes to buy a high powerd rifle, And sees the police there.

Hitman: Oh crap... They will probably arrest me!

Store owner: Pay for this gun and scope, We don't have all day!

he buys it and goes to the cops

Hitman: Hey, I wouldn't expect to see you buying this kinda thing here.

Cops: The gangs have decided to help us, Who are you?

Hitman: I am a guy who wants jeff dead as well, Can I help?

They see his gun and agree wto let him help

He waits in a building while the cops are on the street

Cops: Come out here! We won't hurt you!!

Jeff comes out cautiously looking around, Not seeing the gun barrel in the building aimed directly at his head

Jeff: What do you sons of wenches want? He pulls out his knife

Hitman fires the rifle at jeffs head, Blowing it up, While the .50 cal bullet goes deep into the ground

The cops pay them all for helping them

Jeff: Haha... These people are too stupid to realize that wasn't me.

To be continued... My hands hurt

13:00, October 16, 2015

Ocean elf: That is absolutely ridiculous.



At this point, it's just lazy fanfiction. You've just finished writing your Donald Trump pasta and you start that one. Take your time, put actual belief and thought into your writing or it will never be good.

13:07, October 16, 2015

Ocean Elf: Donald Trump pasta? Oh, FCOL!

Sally German

Sally German

reply to #2

Okay... I will practice!

13:19, October 16, 2015



Practice is worth nothing if you don't have patience. Don't write your pastas directly on to the Wiki, a good pasta will take multiple days to perfect.

13:20, October 16, 2015

Ocean Elf: Actually, I thought this was intentionally a badfic. It made me laugh.

Sally German

Sally German

reply to #4

Using Google docs to practice right now. :)

13:27, October 16, 2015



Good to know :)

13:41, October 16, 2015

Ocean Elf: And that's it. Wow, that was short.


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