
Confession: The Black Spot

Posted by BP

Gah, this one is particularly embarrassing for me...

Well, out with it. Yes, I actually tried to start a meme at one point-and, thank all the good and holy things in this world, IT DID NOT CATCH ON.

I don't much remember when I decided to embark on this ridiculous enterprize, though it was obviously years and years ago...when the Internet was still a fresh, unexplored and-harmless-place to me...but I do remember why. I thought it would be fun. *headdesk*

Now, I've got quite a bit more experience under my belt, and quite a bit more venom on the subject.

If Current-Me could give a good talking-to to Newbie-Me, well, I'd have quite a lot to say!

Wait a sec-gah, that came out confusingly...


As you can guess from the title of the discussion, I tried to pass along "The Black Spot". *facepalm*

Oh gosh...*grimace* Sheesh...I could have become one of THEM!

From Newb to Debunker...and I'm NEVER going back! I vow to do everything in my power to stop those chaining lackwits!

Long live MTM! Long live Debunking! And long live anyone who can't stand that trash and does something about it!


From former Ning site:

Replies to This Discussion

Reply by Ocean Elf

ROTF Yes, that WOULD be embarrassing! Lol You're lucky it didn't catch on or you'd have to debunk your own chain letter wherever you encountered it on the net. :)

I fell for so many cheesy old jokes, they were the ones that got me a lot when I was a newbie! :) It took receiving a few copies from different people at various times before I had to come to the realization they weren't original and certainly weren't funny after the 6th time!

Reply by BP

Hahaha! Oh, wow, yeah...I can picture that. *sheepish smile* Gah, imagine that...stumbling upon my own meme and having to turn right around and pulverize it!

Heh! Ah, the cheesy old jokes...the bane of so many newcomers to the net! Oy...

Reply by Ocean Elf

Lol Yes! That would make for a pretty sheepish admission "Erm, uh well...*shaking head*Mea culpa, please forget you ever saw that, it wasn't one of my brighter ideas!"

Yes, those old jokes suck pretty much everyone in, if newbies don't go for the obnoxious religious/political stuff, the "Insert something here) can kill you! Save yourself and all your friends and pass on this meme!" and the fake fluffy friendship spam, jokes will surely get them!

Reply by BP

Hahahaha! Yeah, pretty much. Urf. *smile*

H'm! Yeah, amazing how that can happen. The jokes have been going around for who knows how long, and still, people latch onto them like they're the best thing the world can possibly offer.

Reply by Ocean Elf

Yes! Sheesh, I remember laughing my head off at the "Politically Correct Santa" until I got it again the next year, and then the next, and then a few times in a year, then it got to be a huge ARGH! Stop with the old meme already!

Reply by BP

H'm! Exactly! Some of them are a bit funny, maybe, the first time around, but when it gets to the point that you get it multiple times in the year, sometimes the same MONTH, something has to give! Preferrably the meme in its entirety, but...you work with what you have to stop it.

Reply by Ocean Elf

Yes, and the jokes and viral videos and animations are terrible for hitting you from all sides in quick succession! I've noticed that so many times, someone will be totally awed or dying laughing at some funny pic they get in what turns out to be not a personal thing from their friends, but a meme - that other unrelated strangers are all going nutso over at the same time! Argh! Very annoying! Like you said, some of those jokes may be funny at first, but sheesh when they are cropping up everywhere, it's very irritating. But fun to trounce, I'm glad we started this meme-mangling stuff!

Oh, and I put up a whole bunch more, so that's what I've been doing the last 24/7 when I wasn't working, sleeping, or taking a breather. :) Heh, it just wasn't getting done fast enough.

Reply by BP

H'm! Exactly! The funny pictures spread like wildfire, with no one quite making the realization that it's not a personal e-mail from a friend. Yuck. :P

Heheh! Yes, definitely fun to mangle!

Ooh, great! *grin* Haha! I can relate. Sometimes, things just take FOREVER! Ugh!

Reply by Ocean Elf

Hehe! Yes! I mean, it's like, "Oh, no! Not that stupid pic/joke/viral video link again! That's the third time in the last 5 days somebody's sent it!"

Reply by BP

Haha! Exactly! Sheesh, that happened to me not that long ago. Got the same blond joke meme about three times in two or so days. Ugh! :P

Reply by Ocean Elf

Yeesh Argh! And if you're anything like me, you probably find blonde jokes to be as offensive as racial jokes! It's not only a chain letter, it's a blond joke. Not only a blonde joke, but a chain letter! And then if it came from people who otherwise hardly ever write, that makes it an extra huge honking poot!

Reply by BP

H'm! Yeah, never liked blond jokes. :P Stupid, tasteless excuses for humor. Heheh! Yes, exactly! A poot indeed.

Reply by Ocean Elf

No kidding! Argh!


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