June 4, 2014mindmender

Let’s get REAL. Two twelve-year-old girls who stabbed their “friend” at a sleep-over to prove “Slenderman” is real are not mentally ill, “just kids,” or did they simply “make a mistake.” No. They are overcome by evil and today’s kids are becoming more and more influenced by it.

We can blame their parents, who may be partially responsible for not monitoring enough what they get into online, but kids have more access and “smarts” on the internet than their parents will. They can’t stop EVERYTHING they look at!

No, these girls planned this crime and carried it out. One of them said, “Many people do not believe Slenderman is real and we wanted to prove the skeptics wrong.” Really? She learned about “Slenderman” on a website (WHAT A SURPRISE) called CreepyPasta. (HUH?) I’ve been around 45 PLUS years and have been an interested party in everything WEIRD, but NEVER HEARD of “Slenderman.”

James McCann, co-founder of A Paranormal Group says that Slenderman is a fictional demon-orientated (ANOTHER SURPRISE!) character who “stalks, traumatizes and abducts children.” He also said to be able to “reach his level, you have to KILL SOMEBODY. So one of these demonically-possessed girls wanted to become a “proxy” of the demon, and took control which meant stabbing her friend to kill her and her 12-year-old accomplice joined in!

Reports say they will be tried as adults. There is a lot of chatter about how this should not be on crime shows and online, bet lets be real….There is no rehabilitation for 12-year-olds who have allowed pure evil into their lives. They have had no remorse, no regrets and no apologies since they stabbed their friend. Thank God the victim LIVED! However, their next one may not be so lucky! Try them as adults??? “But they are merely children!” The ever-babbling “Talking Heads” on television who are supposed to be “professionals,” blame their parents, the internet, their hormones, their age…..ENOUGH ALREADY FOR GOODNESS SAKE! They are TROUBLE, and TROUBLED! THERE IS NO HELP!

Sure, their parents should have been more diligent in monitoring what their kids are watching and into “online,” but guess what? That “ain’t” happening! Kids today are savvy, and way ahead of authority and reason! That’s exactly how Socialcide’s plan goes! We are in BIG TROUBLE and it’s not stopping anytime soon folks!!!

We need to get back to basics in the IMMEDIATE FUTURE! Otherwise, we will see more and more disgusting, evil and violent occurrences from our CHILDREN and adults! When is enough enough??

Check out my site at and buy my book. It’s ALL THERE and maybe, just MAYBE we can turn things around!

Thanks for reading this.


The site is no longer there, and neither is the blog this piece originally came from. I had to do a search on the Wayback Machine to find it. But it is one of the best reads on this subject I've seen.


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