

Guilt Trippers!

The Memes That Try To Ruin Your Day And Make You Feel Rotten For Living


Meme jerks don't want you to be happy.

You go along, having a wonderful day, and then WHAM! Some re-share shows up, reminding you that you shouldn't have the right to feel happy, because someone somewhere else might be getting bullied, has been killed horribly, or has been/is suffering endlessly just so you have the right to say stupid things, or have the luxury of the shirt on your back, or possess a set of Christmas lights or your phone or car or whatever.

You're not allowed to feel sad or any sort of negative emotion, because your life is nothing, you are nothing next to the people and situations in the re-shared meme stories. You're not allowed to be happy because the people in the meme stories are not, or maybe they are, and of course, living in abject poverty, which you are supposed to feel totally awful about 24/7…Because it's not you or your feelings or your situations that matter…AT ALL! It's the ones featured in the chain letter glurge re-shares, fictional or not…

Aaaaaaaaaaagh! No!

I'm sick of it!

And I'm sick of how so many people, friends and strangers alike, continue letting themselves get pushed around by these memes into re-sharing them.

And if I say anything about it, I'm the bad guy and I'm the one who gets yelled at in defence of these rotten virals, or just ignored and ditched as a friend altogether.

Well excuse me for living…!
