

How did Snopes become the end all discussion authority on if things are true or not?

I don't like the site url, but the discussion is about Snopes. Some of the posts made me smile, some made me roll my eyes, others made me facepalm.

I will not modify it to add in emojis for the posters this time and only did some light editing for language. This was a four-page long discussion, and is now presented here on one page.



How did Snopes become the end all discussion authority on if things are true or not?

Posted by LSUsmart@$$ on 8/11/17 at 5:30 pm

I feel like as soon as someone says "well Snopes says that's false" then all discussion is halted and people dare not question it


Posted by Brosef Stalin on 8/11/17 at 5:31 pm to LSUsmart@$$

because they say they are


Posted by upgrayedd on 8/11/17 at 5:31 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Snopes says this thread sucks d|+


Posted by Hester Carries online on 8/11/17 at 5:32 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Cause internet and people are lazy and stupid


Posted by Nado Jenkins83 on 8/11/17 at 5:32 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Because it's a pšŸ±$$y liberal website. Look who owns it


Posted by LSUsmart@$$ on 8/11/17 at 5:33 pm to upgrayedd



Posted by notiger1997 on 8/11/17 at 5:33 pm to LSUsmart@$$

I haven't looked at their stuff in quite some time, but several years back when the low IQ folks in my family loved sending the BS fake political/racial/religous email chains, it was just easy enough to find the story on snopes and send it back to them. It was always correct with what snopes said when a little research was done.


Posted by notiger1997 on 8/11/17 at 5:34 pm to Nado Jenkins83

I never saw people upset with snopes until Obama came into office and some were p|$$ed that snopes proved some of the stuff about him was false.

They probably should have just stayed out of all of the crap.


Posted by Kafka on 8/11/17 at 5:36 pm to LSUsmart@$$

I'll ask snopes


Posted by CaptainsWafer on 8/11/17 at 5:38 pm to Nado Jenkins83

Well who owns it?


Posted by Proximo on 8/11/17 at 5:38 pm to notiger1997

Snopes didn't prove anything


Posted by LucasP on 8/11/17 at 5:39 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Nothing is true unless you feel it's true.


Posted by Nado Jenkins83 on 8/11/17 at 5:40 pm to notiger1997

Well they do have an agenda with some of their opinions.

Most political stuff has no facts to back up their thoughts


Posted by Nado Jenkins83 on 8/11/17 at 5:42 pm to CaptainsWafer



Posted by Kafka on 8/11/17 at 5:42 pm to upgrayedd


it's either sucks d***s or sux d**


Posted by gatorrocks on 8/11/17 at 5:45 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Snopes is complete cr@pe. If anyone quotes Snopes, I immediately know they're lazy and stupid.


Posted by Eightballjacket on 8/11/17 at 5:49 pm to gatorrocks

Snopes says that the asserted association between laziness and stupidity and using their site is False.


Posted by stout on 8/11/17 at 5:49 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Some stuff is obviously correct but they proved to be a liberal mouthpiece last election


Posted by Havoc online on 8/11/17 at 6:00 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Not any more. Snopes has lost all credibility to the point of not even being mentionable.


Posted by Antonio Moss on 8/11/17 at 6:01 pm to LSUsmart@$$


feel like as soon as someone says "well Snopes says that's false" then all discussion is halted and people dare not question it

Not sure what circles you move in but that is definitely not the case with my discussions



re: How did Snopes become the end all discussion authority on if things are true or not?

Posted by Havoc online on 8/11/17 at 6:03 pm to notiger1997

They started editing/scrubbing past opinion pages and also issuing opinions that were clearly bull cr@pe based on one irrelevant detail.


Posted by foshizzle on 8/11/17 at 8:03 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Because Snopes provides sources you can check for yourself if you like. Discussion is *not* halted, you can and should check those sources.

The real problem is that most don't even bother. They only share sources they find to be agreeable.


Posted by GreatLakesTiger24 on 8/11/17 at 8:16 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Some of their political stuff is so obviously biased. It's pretty funny??.


Posted by dpd901 on 8/11/17 at 8:29 pm to LSUsmart@$$

When you google "Snopes Wrong" or "Snopes Biased", the only sites that come up claiming they are are conservative sites.

Assuming they are politically biased, I've yet to see an article proving something they claimed was false backed up with concrete verifiable facts proving they were wrong.

They have a pretty great track record on the whole and present their case with notations and links to sources you can double check them on.

If you just WANT to believe something, then none of the evidence they present as to why it's ridiculous will convince you otherwise.

I hate Obama by the way, but he was born in Hawaii.


Posted by SeeeeK on 8/11/17 at 8:43 pm to LSUsmart@$$

because people are stupid

Snopes is about as factual as Baghdad Bobs memoir's.

I love how they claim that, because they haven;t found any proof, that it's false. They have the biggest cop out for why it is false, w/o any proof.


Posted by DustyDinkleman on 8/11/17 at 8:45 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Snopes is run by the Illuminati...


Posted by RogerTheShrubber on 8/11/17 at 8:46 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Snopes admits they are biased. They aren't an authority on anything


Posted by lsusa on 8/11/17 at 8:48 pm to dpd901

Don't bring any facts or common sense into this discussion!

Cognitive dissonance reigns.


Posted by LuckySo-n-So on 8/11/17 at 8:52 pm to dpd901

All of this.

The only people I've found who think Snopes is a biased site are right wing looney toonz...which means 97% of Tiger Droppings and most republicans.


Posted by RogerTheShrubber on 8/11/17 at 8:59 pm to LuckySo-n-So

Snopes isn't supposed to be unbiased. It's not a big group out to test and prove everything. Its a small group operated by few people who pick and choose what to report and how to present it.


Posted by goofball on 8/11/17 at 9:08 pm to LSUsmart@$$


How did Snopes become the end all discussion authority on if things are true or not

They didn't.


Posted by Kafka on 8/11/17 at 9:11 pm to LuckySo-n-So


The only people I've found who think Snopes is a biased site are right wing looney toonz...which means 97% of Tiger Droppings and most republicans

Snopes is as unbiased as you are


Posted by RogerTheShrubber on 8/11/17 at 9:16 pm to Kafka


Yeah, his defense of snopes is a dead giveaway.


Posted by LuckySo-n-So on 8/12/17 at 8:19 am to RogerTheShrubber

I would love for you to debunk any Snopes article that disproves myriad right wing memes. I'm talking about things like the "$200 million/day Obama vacation"; photos of Obama doing various disrespectful things during the Pledge or National Anthem; not laying wreaths or making speeches during certain holidays; "outlawing Christmas" ;

cr@pe like that.

They debunk plenty left-wing memes about the right, but the fact of the matter is that there are way more false right-wing memes out there to expose.


Posted by RogerTheShrubber on 8/12/17 at 8:21 am to LuckySo-n-So

Lookey here, no bias.

People generally believe what they want to believe.


Posted by Nado Jenkins83 on 8/12/17 at 8:25 am to LuckySo-n-So

Snopes is broke

Lol go fund me page.


Posted by rintintin on 8/12/17 at 8:27 am to LuckySo-n-So


They debunk plenty left-wing memes about the right, but the fact of the matter is that there are way more false right-wing memes out there to expose.

You're so sure of yourself you don't even realize your own bias. You are exactly what you claim those "right wing loons" to be.


Posted by RogerTheShrubber on 8/12/17 at 8:28 am to Havoc

Their conclusion of facts isn't bad. Their interpretation is the problem. They go on and on trying to explain why in a biased manner, which is where they get some flack.

I also think they are being sued right now.


Posted by IceTiger on 8/12/17 at 8:31 am to LSUsmart@$$

Don't believe their crap...paid shills...designed to keep the modern order

It's easy to disguise lies in piles of half-truths.


Posted by weagle99 on 8/12/17 at 8:31 am to LuckySo-n-So

You mean to tell me that people who have a bias that matches to Snopes' bias don't think there is a problem?




re: How did Snopes become the end all discussion authority on if things are true or not?

Posted by Crow Pie on 8/12/17 at 8:33 am to Nado Jenkins83

Nope to the Snope


Posted by Nado Jenkins83 on 8/12/17 at 8:34 am to Crow Pie

They have only raises a half million. You would think Monsanto would toss them a few million.


Posted by IceTiger on 8/12/17 at 8:35 am to LuckySo-n-So


"$200 million/day Obama vacation";

That's not a right wing meme...that's just stupid...

They pick the nonsensical to make people think more than a sliver of the population believes this and deserves to be refuted...

It's like the outrage about the outrage


Posted by LuckySo-n-So on 8/12/17 at 8:46 am to IceTiger

It was a right wing meme. That "news" appeared on my FB page 3 or 4 dozen times over a couple month period. In my book, that makes it a meme.


Posted by TGFN57 on 8/12/17 at 9:12 am to Havoc

Snopes is a no bull cr@pe source.

If anyone has a link to Snopes giving out falsehoods please post it.

LOL this should be entertaining.


Posted by goldennugget on 8/12/17 at 9:13 am to LSUsmart@$$

Snopes is run by the CIA


Posted by Nado Jenkins83 on 8/12/17 at 9:16 am to TGFN57


Posted by gthog61 on 8/12/17 at 10:04 am to PrivatePublic

Why do they always have to turn out to be 90% leftist?

It's like that is just a given.


Posted by PuntBamaPunt on 8/12/17 at 10:05 am to gthog61

They had the founder on NPR the other day and I've been saying the name wrong in my head for years. Always thought it was pronounced like 'Snoop's new album'. Almost as earth shattering as gif/jif.


Posted by TigerVespamon on 8/12/17 at 10:07 am to LSUsmart@$$

The OT is my only source for fact checking.


Posted by Peazey online on 8/12/17 at 10:10 am to Nado Jenkins83

Did you just link a "Food Babe" article as a reputable source?


Posted by PrivatePublic on 8/12/17 at 12:34 pm to gthog61

Because the people 90% rightist have real work to do?


Posted by SamuelClemens on 8/12/17 at 12:36 pm to LSUsmart@$$

Never heard of it.


Posted by notiger1997 on 8/12/17 at 12:40 pm to Peazey

Screw that ignorant count. I've seen her get her arse handed to her many times due to fabricating stories.


Posted by Godfather1 on 8/12/17 at 1:04 pm to Kafka



re: How did Snopes become the end all discussion authority on if things are true or not?

Posted by TGFN57 on 8/12/17 at 1:05 pm to Nado Jenkins83

FOOD BABE?!?! LMFAO..I told everyone this would be interesting, but I never expected this kind of stupidity.


Posted by LesMiles BFF on 8/12/17 at 1:13 pm to gthog61

Not surprising the biggest Trump supporters think Snopes is fake news. It's like a who's who of dudes that get on their knees for President Oompah Loompah.



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