Faceoff With The Enemy

Vader stared at the elf, but found he could not bore into any part of her with his eyes, or read her thoughts. All he got was the energy field from the force, and it was clear that Ocean hated him. But she was not weakening, shivering, or showing any signs of submission or physical discomfort in the full brunt of his domination stare.

"What I can't figure out is why you aren't feeling it." he puzzled out loud. Instead, it was him who felt a little sick. "Even in the force, you resist me! But she can't, and if you want her pain to stop, little Miss Elfie, you will do what I say!" He quickly turned from the elf and stared at the girl in the bed, causing her to writhe and squeal.

It was then that Ocean caught on to what he was doing. She realized he must have been force-torturing Felicity to get her to cry out, and maybe beg Ocean to give in to him.

"I said knock it off!" She shouted.

"Michella! You said you'd help me!" Felicity appealed.

"I said a lot of things that didn't mean anything, little girl." was her cold reply.

"Oh, I love this." Vader crowed. "You have no idea how to stop me. None of you could, not Ben, not Yoda, Luke, Rey, not even your Uncle Brandon, child, I taught him all he knows. I made him, and yes, it was Reva who made the judge fall ill, at my request! So what's to prevent us from making the jail guards sick where Brandon is being held?" He blustered.

"If you're trying to get us to knuckle under for you, it won't work!" The elf shot back.

"Elf," he said menacingly, "if you do not comply with me, I will free Brandon, and none of you will ever see that child again!"

"In your dreams!" Ocean snapped back.

He ignored this and continued blustering. "But Even Brandon did not know who he was dealing with." The man said smugly. "None of you were aware that while Brandon forced every kinds of torturous demeaning punishments on you, Reva, or should I say Michella and I were there, enjoying the show, looking on with sheer delight. Reva was studying to get stronger in the darkness, and Brandon was well on the way to - "

Whatever he said next was drowned out by an incensed shout from the Ocean Elf as she came at him with punches, kicks, and a withering glare.

"I should've ended you on first sight!" She yelled.

"Now Elf that's enough! I was just trying to get you both to see reason!" He choked out as he struggled to get away from her.

"Reason my freaking foot...!" The appalled elf seethed.

He kept moving away from Ocean and toward the door. But Ocean kept trying to attack him.

"Oh, this is good." Reva looked on in amusement." "You get him, Ocean!"

Shut up!" came the reply.

The elf actually succeeded in pulling the sith lord's helmet off during the struggle, but couldn't do much beyond that since the man was in protective armour. All she could do was stand and glare at him, as if that could convey just how much she wanted to throttle him.

Felicity, being force sensitive, felt the two opposing force-wielders. Vader's smugness suddenly turning to terror as the elf's outrage and horror became something dangerous, an unseen thing that held him in its constricting grip.

Desperate to get away from the effects of the elf's rage and disgust, the Sith lord finally managed to free himself from the physical attack enough to knee her in the stomach, seize her by the shoulders, and send her sprawling out the door.

She hit the ground hard, and made an involuntary outcry as the wind was knocked out of her.

"You foolish elf," he sneered, "so stubborn and stupid!"

"You're ugly!" Felicity burst out at him.

Dazed and winded, the elf lay motionless.

"There!" Sheev said, gesturing toward the place the disturbance had come from.

"Look, someone seems to be hurt." Yoda said, then his eyes went wide. "That's Elf!"

"Come on!" Luke said urgently, and took off, followed by the others.

"Since you think you know everything, Miss Ocean," the Sith sneered, "it's time for a reality check! You are about to find out more about me and who I really am!" He drawled, outstretching his arms, hands and fingers. His face changed to a much older looking one, and he shrunk a few inches. "Not even you knew who you were really dealing with!" he said, and began to laugh. In this form, he looked and sounded just like Palpatine.

The elf looked stunned for only a moment, but his speech and posturing gave her time to recover enough from the violent push to fight back.

"Ocean!" Someone called from a distance. "Felicity!" Called another.

The elf heard them, but didn't have time to answer. There was something else that needed immediate attention. Still gasping for air, she walked shakily back into the shack, making sure to put herself between the sith and Felicity.

Reva stood with her mouth hanging open. Apparently this took her by surprise as well. "Darth Sidious!" she gasped.

"Why so surprised, Reva? Did you think you were the only one who could mask your identity?"

Then he looked toward Ocean. "I'll give you one last chance to change your mind and unite with me." He drawled.

The answer came in the form of a monstrous wave that swept him off his feet just as he was about to shoot his force lightning.

The sith lord screamed in fury and terror as he was sent headlong into the waves outside the hut, and went under. To his horrified shock, while submerged, he heard the eerie echoes of tortured screams, cursing, children and infants wailing, the voices of all the people he had caused to suffer and die, resounding all about him as they mingled with the restless waves.

"Oh my! There they are!" Ben exclaimed, and instinctively rushed to get out of the way. He continued on toward the shack as quickly as possible. Sheev and Yoda came after him.

Luke overtook them all and sprinted toward the little building up ahead. The ground was rocky and uneven, but that didn't slow him down much.

When the sith's head broke above the waves for a moment, he was Vader again, and the screaming voices stopped. "Elf! Please! Stop!"

"You didn't know who *YOU* were dealing with either!" the elf shouted, glaring at the hapless sith.

"Let the ocean have you!" Felicity chimed in, glaring in the direction of his voice.

Ocean, wait!" Luke called.

The sith lord went under, heard the screams again, and resurfaced, gasping. "It was all a misunderstanding! I'm not Palpatine! Ocean! Don't do this! Think of Luke!"

Luke glared when he heard this. "The games stop here, you faker!"

The elf couldn't answer any of them verbally, as she was suffering a coughing fit. But another wave broke over the sith. The screams and cries resumed.

"We got to stop her!" Ben called to Luke as he, Sheev and Yoda trailed him to the hut.

"Elf! Elf!" Someone was shaking her, trying to get her attention.

She looked away from her task for a moment, and saw that it was Luke holding her.

"Elf, please, don't do this!"

"Too late!" She shot back, shoving Luke away. "This time, he's done for, and I don't care if you hate me over it!"

"Elf, you got to bring him back!"

"Oh, get lost!" she exclaimed irritably.

"If you don't, I will!" and Luke used the force, causing the sith to rise and float above the waves.

"Oh, you knucklehead!" the elf shouted, hitting Luke in a fit of anger.

"It's not what you think, Elf!" Luke retorted.

"Luke! Ocean!" Ben tried to get their attention.

But Elf was too worked up to hear either of them. "Now he'll try to mindnap you all again!"

"No, he won't!" Luke shouted back, trying to be heard.

"He'll get away with murder, just like always!" The elf dissolved into tears.