🤥Meme: Hi....
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Shut up.
🤥Meme: I actually got another friend request from you yesterday...
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: No you didn't. I'd have to have another FB account for that. You can't re-friend somebody with one account w/o un-friending first.
🤥Meme: which I ignored
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Hmm, last I checked, ignoring doesn't mean telling the next person about it.
🤥Meme: so you may want to check your account.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: There's nothing wrong with my account. My privacy settings are high and I don't spread stupid memes, so am really not at risk for getting hacked unless FB experiences a monumental breach, which would be all over the news and not because some meme said so..
🤥Meme: Hold your finger on the message until the forward button appears...then hit forward and all the people you want to forward too....
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: 1. You don't check your account by forwarding a stupid meme to all your friends!
2. You used the wrong 'too' at the end of that sentence, the word is simply 'to'.
3. That misspelling should clue anyone in that this is bogus unless more people out there get 'to' confused with 'too' confused with 'two'.
Ah heck, I'll just spell it out. It's bull...
🤥Meme: I had to do the people individually. Good Luck!
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: No, you just felt like starting a hoax. Nobody made you do anything, that was your idea.
And I do not return the good luck wish to you.
Over and out.
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