12. Maheen Chills Out After False Alarms Worried Friends Sick

From: "Phil " phil342

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:16:00 AM MST

To: "The supportive funhouse group Maheen Wick" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh I see, he's not a real one. Just a cuddly toy as we would call them in the U K.

My late wife use to like her cuddly toys.



(#454): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/454


From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh, I am so so sorry

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:15:51 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Sometimes, needles can be tough. I know, tomorrow morning I am getting this itamin shot for depression, so I know that will go very well.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:20:48 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

That is correct. I love my cuddly toys. I am a child at heart, and sometimes, I let that side of me show. I know when and when not to release my inner self. What I mean is, my inner child.


(#456): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/456


From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh, I am so so sorry

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:23:18 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Praying for you. By the way, everything is uptodat in dropbox. I’ve sent you loggins and mesina. I will also be sending you an album by enya, that is not in her dicography, called dark sky island.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh, I am so so sorry

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:25:23 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh wow looking forward to that one! It’s so good we can share music together! Music is soothing.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh, I am so so sorry

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:32:26 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I am glad we can share music together. By the way, are you familiar with the wizard of oz? Just asking. I’ve got all 14 books of the oz series in txt format. Ulysses sent them to me so I could read them.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh, I am so so sorry

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:36:21 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh! Yes! Somewhere Over The Rainbow! I’ve heard of it.




From: "Phil " phil342

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] no subject

Date: January 4, 2019 at 10:27:37 AM MST

To: "The supportive funhouse group Maheen Wick" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

My wife use to have 2 teddy bears that were special to her.

I've still got those. I kept them as a keepsake.



(#461): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/461


From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Early Saturday! Lol I am really sick

Date: January 4, 2019 at 12:42:20 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hiya everyone!

My goodness, it did it again. My throat is so scratchy and I’m sneazing like mad. I can’t even sleep. I took a Piritin before I went to bed along wit this new sleeping pill, and slept for 3 hours and in my sleep I had to scratch my throat. Verya nnoying, but I’m gonna try and get more sleep.

I talked to dear Ammi and she said to take honey, so when I have my morning tea I will have Leonard to put some bees honey. My nose is all sticky, smarting and burning. This weather, the dust is so bad. Anyway! I’m very happy! I may listen to some soothing Jimmie Davis music for a while. You all are my life and I love you so much! My nose is absolutely uncomfortable and I keep sniffling.I may see a doctor and have him examine me. Anyway, I gotta go get this injection later on today, so all will be cool! I might get a tablet or syrup or something. I took a strepsil too.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Early Saturday! Lol I am really sick

Date: January 4, 2019 at 1:59:23 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh my gosh! It’s raining here. It is literally pouring. I hate it when your nose is all stuffy, and your throat is all scratchy. It makes it really hard to do what you love to do.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh that's for sure! I managed to get some more sleep

Date: January 4, 2019 at 5:23:14 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh for sure! It’s a mild alergy. Now all’s great! I managed to get more sleep finally! It may rain soon!




From: "Raymond Lombardi" ray214

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Folks, Dr. Saman, is the best!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 6:30:25 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I’ll continue praying for you.

And Dr. Saman is right, these bullies aren’t friends, and it’s not good to give them another chance if they are going to repeat the same thing over and over again.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh! Thank you my brother Ray you're right on!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 6:32:40 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

You’re absolutely right on! They are not my friends. By the way, I am staying here brother. Some rude person in England sent Amanda and myself a nasty message last night.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Tear jerker!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 6:34:33 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io


This, is especially dedicated, to my dear dear buddies an most wonderful friends I could ever have, Steven Dotson,, the sweet adorable Rachel Parker, and Amanda Scevitski, my wonderful princess. Today, Saturday morning in sunny Sri Lanka, I received, from my wonderful wonderful brother in Norway, Hallvard, 2 albums, by  one of the most talented songwriters, the late, Curly Putman. I literally lost it. I cried my eyes out listening to this. What an absolutely, beautiful, powerful voice, somewhat similar to Eddie Noack! Here now, is the original version, of the all time standard,



