13. Maheen's Head-gaming Hacking Fantasy Continues, Shuts Down List, Sycophant Leaves Another

From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Fw: your grandmother

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:24:11 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

-----Original Message----- From: amanda

Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2019 2:58 PM

To: lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: your grandmother

listen I don't really care about your grandmother being in hospital.

I'm actually sick of you complaining about stuff and I'm thinking about leaving the group. I have been thinking about it for a while now I just havon't told you

now fuck off and let me enjoy my life in peace



(#468): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/468


From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Fw: your grandmother

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:27:37 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

This was not me. Someone has written this under my name. If it were me, I would hear my own voice saying that. I would never say something this vile.


(#469): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/469


From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] giving it a few more days

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:30:46 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

If this rubbish does not come to an end, I am never creating anymore groups.io email groups, I may consider moving all my groups to yahoo, if it has to be the last resort! Hacker? if you are reading this, stop it! right! now! right? now! I am sick! to death! of this stupidity!




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] giving it a few more days

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:33:23 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I agree with you 100% Maheen. Hacker, if you are reading this, stop you’re bullying nonsense now. You are a child, and you need to grow up.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Pizza pizza for dinner tonight!

Date: January 5, 2019 at 12:49:32 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hey hey all!

Hope you’re having a great Saturday! Well I managed to get more sleep, ,and we are gonna call the aircondition people to see whether there’s dust in it. I think the dust is making my nose all uncomfortable, my throat itchy etc. I’m sure it’ll be sorted!

Well I’m going on Monday morning to get that injection, turns out today the was no one at Lunawa but no biggy! Dr Saman prescribed a special B complex Vitamin yesterday! Wow! I am so happy because B Vitamins are very good for me.

I had some Cheerios for breakfast, and some fruits, but really I don’t like to eat anything right now my throat is just so ruggid right now. I know the pizza will help lol! Only once a month I eat pizza. A real good dpepperoni pizza, but one thing that surprised me is this. My friend said that some of the American pizzas  the ingredients are shrimp! That was new to me! I would love to try a pizza with seafood! Wow! Never knew they put prawns in pizza! Interesting! Boy I sure love my green pepper and onions! Yum! I sure love my onions! Sadly, in SL, we have no delivery. I feel bad because our der caregivers have to go all the way to pick it up. I know, it’s a poor country, even though I love it!

Friends, I was in tears earlier. I received 2 Curly Putman LPs, and he is the songwriter who penned, the standard, Green Green Grass Of Home! I never, ever knew Curly even sang! What a voice he had! He of course wrote He Stopped Loving Her Today for good ol’ George Jones the Possum! I will listen to my Curly Putman albums and Porter Wagoner today!

I also came across Eddy Arnold’s very last interview which country DJ Ralph Emery did in 2007 when he was 89. Folks, I had the pleasure of talking to Eddy’s sweet secretary, Roberta that same year, and she was so gracious and kind to me. At that time however, our beloved Eddy was in failing health at the time and my deepest regret is not talking to him long time ago. He passed away on May 8th, 2008. I have every one of his albums and singles! He is my idol too. His memory was not all that good before his passing but that’s not unusual, even though it was so sad.

Well have a fabulous day all!




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] All done with you. Finished with groups.io's service

Date: January 5, 2019 at 2:03:55 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io


you wanna keep doin’ this? I am done with groups.io now. You have hacked my account and used sweet Amanda’s name, to send a vile, rude, cruel message about Mimi. Now you have done it. Please do not expect anything from me. As a last, I will get my friend Sue to press charges from her friends in Australia.

I told her you live in Adalade. This stupidness, has, to stop. This is ridiculous. You will do time and your hacking is finished now. I will stick with googlegroups, but I mean it I am not ever letting you on any of my groups and you are a computer stalker, and nothing but a hunka hunka stunkin’ burning love and a dunka dunka hunka stunkin’  doughnuts, and a computer induljer little child. Eat those fatty foods, all you want. I’m not having it. I wil stick with classic country group, and no? no? no? no? no? little retard head? is not welcome on that group, to talk, about, the letter that starts with a C! You must appreciate, good music! and convert, to Christianity! Listen to Jim Reeves and Lefty! That will turn you into a loyal Christian! You never had the heart to pray for my grandma Mimi, instead you hacked my account, pretending to be Amanda! Goodbye for life stunka hunka doughnut pizza eater! I wil stick with Ray and Bob’s groups? because they        will not let such nonsense happpen. Goodbye, and yes? God, Christian, bless you, little retard! I set my classic country group, to private archive!, and you also, will be suspended, from the internet, big time!




From: "marias-chat@groups.io Notification" noreply@groups.io

Subject: Subscriber has left marias-chat@groups.io

Date: January 5, 2019 at 4:10:04 AM MST

To: StormyOceanElf


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