5. Maheen Is Proud Of Himself, Makes Apologies And Excuses

From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Friends, I did an absolutely wonderful thing today and I am very, very, proud of my selff and an apology

Date: December 29, 2018 at 8:04:54 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io


a brand new year is coming, it will be 2019, and I want to apologize to each and every single one of you from the bottom of my heart for my very abusive posts lately that I have been writing, also this goes especially for dearest Bob Edenhofer. Bob, please, oh please accept my sincerest apology for the nasty things I said to you these days. I was just not in my right mind and I don’t mean to use this as an excuse, but I apologized very humbly to my blind uncle whom I had a go at the other day. I hit him on the left shoulder, and that was ever so bad and utterly wrong of me and totally uncalled for.

You see,, I was just so out of it and literally manic, things were just not going right for me. My folks could not manage to find a proper doctor, but thanks to my wonderful dear daddy, Vasantha and Nirosh, he has found one! Thaththi, I love you, very much, and I am deeply, deeply sorry for all the abusive language and nasty things I said. It was completely inappropriate and undeserved and you did not deserve that abusive treatment from me. The New Year is coming, and I want to make it properly right with you all.

I am having some chicken sandwiches for breakfast, and later this afternoon or early evening, I may go see this new DR but we don’t know whether it will be today but if it is not today, at least now I am way way more calmer and cool. Yes! I will have a nice rice dinner tonight. I’m listening to Jimmie Davis’s and Tennessee Ernie Ford’s hymns today. Both of them could sing beautiful Spiritual songs.

I love each and every one of you, very much. I have completely took Angoda out of my mind. I love you and again, please,please accept my sincerest, heartfelt apology. Nirosh asured me that they will not take me to that dump and I am not breaking things, and I will not harm anyone ever again. I mean my apology very well and I mean it straight from the heart, just like one of Freddie Hart’s albums. You are my friends, and I am gonna control my outbursts from now on! I have officially stopped Lithium and Strattera, so I am taking now a good Vitamin! Polybion! Love you loads all, and again, please I ask for your humble forgiveness. You are adorable. Ammi, I will wish you in the New Year. Promise! I love you, very much and to you also, I am extremely very, very sorry.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Jim Ed Brown!

Date: December 29, 2018 at 10:57:35 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

This song is one of my all time favorites by my wonderful and late friend, Jim Ed Brown.






From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] An extremely heartfelt letter to Cortney Jones

Date: December 30, 2018 at 12:39:02 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Dear, dear Cortney,

I really, really hope you are doing OK and that you had a very Merry, and wonderful Christmas, and looking forward to 2019.

My dear, I treated you and so many people absolutely horribly back in 2016 and I can only imagine how scared and hurt all of you were. Cortney, I want to make a confessionand apologize to you, very, very humbly and sincerely from the bottom of my heart for the very rude abuse I put you through. You did not deserve it and you are such a wonderful, steadfast, sweet soul.

I want to make it right with everyone now, and I truly, truly will understand if you feel you can’t forgive me yet. I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I’m writing you. I have been through a lot and I was absolutely and utterly mad and crazy for threatening suicide when you said you don’t feel comfortable me calling you on the  phone and my dear, I really, really apologize from the bottom of my heart for such comments. You see hun, back in 2016, I was a wreck. I did not have the proper doctor, and threats like that I have realized are utter worthless and abusive. I will never, never threaten you nor anyone else for that matter, sweety.

I really, really like you very much and you showed me so much support, I sincerely hope you can please forgive me and a New Year is coming up, and I want to repair this friendship. You are definitely in my daily prayers hun. I really, really appreciatte you so much and you are a beautiful person. I won’t send you a friend request until I see you read this, but absolutely no rush. Take your time. I love you like a sister. I keep beating myself up about the passed, I was so wrong. Very wrong and I realize this. You are so down to earth. So many have forgiven me but I will truly understand.

Warmly, Maheen.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Very happy update!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 1:24:28 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Well folks! I will be going to see this brand new doctor this coming week most likely Wednesday! Looking ever so forward to it! I am as happy as ever! Life is gonna be happy from now on! These previous meds were making me irritable and I was behaving like an animal. Now I’m delighted!

I am having fried rice or, flied lice for dinner tonight! Yum! Listening to some good Wilf Carter music!

I realize that when you take wrong meds, you behave eraticly. All is solved!




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Surprise!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 2:35:29 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Here's a very! rare single by Justin Tubb on groove!



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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Let's give a warm welcome to my new friend, Franklinn Robinson!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 6:23:17 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Welcome aboard Franklin! We are so glad to have you here!




From: "Keao " keaow

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Let's give a warm welcome to my new friend, Franklinn Robinson!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 9:22:21 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi Franklin, welcome to the group!

I am from Hawaii.


(#331): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/331


From: "Brenda Northorp" angelgal

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Let's give a warm welcome to my new friend, Franklinn Robinson!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 9:27:17 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi Franklin

Welocme to the group.


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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] I am very, very blessed

Date: December 30, 2018 at 10:59:38 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

My dear dear lovelies, I am very nervous and finding it difficult to sleep, but I definitely am not having any kind of hostility anymore Praise the Lord!

I am just scared because Mondays are always triggering days for me. I managed to doze off for 1 hour but here I am and I am getting so many, many beautiful Justin Tubb music! Justin was the son of the late and great Mr. Sincerety, the Texas Troubadour himself, Ernest Tubb. what a talented songwriter and singer he was! I am very, very positive.

My wonderful father calmed me down and said he will deal with the police if they do turn up here as I’m scared so bad sick of SL police, but they are wonderful people. I am not gonna sugar coat anyone in SL anymore. It is a beautiful country. Please, oh please pray I will be OK, I am scared and emotional right now. I will be OK though I know I will. I keep thinking of the rotten way I treated Cortney back in 2016, I broke down and apologized to her earlier today my time. I had to have a hot milk to help me relax, so that was good. I think I am gonna listen to some Justin and Lefty to help and will try and get more sleep. I love mom and dad very, very deeply and Nirosh is just amazing. Nirosh is absolutely wonderful and so down to earth, he told me that everything is gonna be OK. Now come to thinkk of it, I’d rather live in SL than other countries now. The warm love and console I am getting from everyone here is so moving and unbelievable, it literally blows me away. I am gonna have a wonderful, blessed 2019. I will spend the New Year with Aunty Ira, Shan Uncle and Nirosh and Roshel!!

This new doctor might help me with a good med which won’t conflict at night that I can take. Lithium and Atomoxetine are no no because they made me manic and hostile. I hated treating all of you like that but now I have realized and truly changed. I am very, very thankful and grateful that dad is helping and is here.

Love you!




From: "Sharon " ceegee2006

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Very important note from the list owner. please read

Date: December 30, 2018 at 10:53:33 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

There are some religions that donot celebrate Christmas Or Easter.. Just letting you all know. Mine does celebrate but several others donot.The Jewish and Jehovahs Witnesses do not.I know a Jewish lady that might be interested in joining a group that is Christian based. For her that means no nasty talk no attacking others . I just joined here so I don't know what rules are etc. other than what the Important note was




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Very important note from the list owner. please read

Date: December 30, 2018 at 12:10:25 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I am going to visit a Jewish family tomorrow. We are going to celebrate a combination of Christmas and Hanukkah together. We call it Chrismukkah.



From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] I am very, very blessed

Date: December 30, 2018 at 4:45:48 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Loveyou as well bro.

Keep up the good work.

Is here for you.

Marvim from Adelaide, Australia.

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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Very important note for all of you dear souls

Date: December 30, 2018 at 8:05:48 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hello everyone,

Please keep our dear friend Steve Dotson in our prayers. He is going through a very down time right now with his therapist and doctors. He deserves all the prayers as possible. Thank you all!

Warmly, Maheen.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] And a very happy New Years Eve Monday it is!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 9:43:30 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Good happy Monday morning everybody!

Hope you all are doing great today! I finally managed to get some sleep last night, but tonight I’m sure I will have a better sleep. I was anxious last night but now everything’s solved!

I am seeing my new DR on Friday the 4th! Yay! I’m looking forward to that! I’m sure he won’t overmedicate me. From what I was told, he is an extremely wonderful,, nice doctor. This is gonna work out! I will be respectful and polite, of course. I know I had to snap at Dr Saman a few times, but he really did give me a very hard time last year but this year wasn’t too bad. Obviously Angoda and him aren’t the right people for me by taking away my home facilities to cure mental illnesses. I am doing way better after stopping those two meds.

I had hot dogs for breakfast, might have some bananas for lunch, and fried rice for dinner! I didn’t eat fried rice last night so I’m having it tonight instead!

Wow I can’t believe today’s the last day for 2018! Incredible how fast them trucks can go. Oh uh I mean, how fast them months and days can go! Lol! I am gonna be listening to Justin Tubb and George Jones today!

Enjoy everyone and will write later!




From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] And a very happy New Years Eve Monday it is!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 9:50:18 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hope your new dr, has got all your case files from dr saman. So then he can then review them, and then get a basis. And hope he has delath with blind people before. Hope his English is good enough, and not slurring or such a thick accent, hard to understand.


Ps: what did you have on your hotdogs.

Do you have subway in sl. Mom just got me a foot long subway, that we shared, think I had half a foot long, meetball, carrot, and blue cheese sauce roll.

Very tasty, as we had run out of home made bread and mom had not got around to making it in the breadmaker, and too busy doing other things.

It takes four hours to cook properly, a dark crust and then about 40 minutes to cool.not sure what I am having for dinner, maybe some pizza in the freezer. Saturday had a spag bowl with chillee, beans and  cheese.


Warm today about 29 today or 25 when I last checked.parmesan

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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] And a very happy New Years Eve Monday it is!

Date: December 30, 2018 at 9:53:19 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Thanks brother! I will certainly let you all know how it turned out. I’m sure this DR is well experienced.



From: "Phil " phil342

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Happy New Year to Everyone on this Group.

Date: December 31, 2018 at 3:04:55 AM MST

To: "The supportive funhouse group Maheen Wick" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi all.

Can I take this opportunity to wish everyone on the group all the very best for a happy healthy and prosperous new year, 2019.

So, all the very best to everyone of you.

Phil.What the World needs now is Love and Peace. Love and Peace, that's what the World needs.

Phil .


(#341): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/341

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Group Owner: the-supportive-funhouse+owner@groups.io


From: "Raymond Lombardi" ray214

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Happy New Year to Everyone on this Group.

Date: December 31, 2018 at 3:07:49 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Thanks, same to you all


(#342): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/342

Mute This Topic: https://groups.io/mt/28895675/492251

Group Owner: the-supportive-funhouse+owner@groups.io


From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] happy new year

Date: December 31, 2018 at 3:12:11 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi. would like to wish everyone a good and successful2019.


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From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] windows 10 1903

Date: December 31, 2018 at 3:15:31 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi. was reading a blog about the new features and the next major update for windows 10, called 1903, will be out around about April 10.

A couple of features that jumped out at me, was:

1. Able to uinstall built in apps, which you have not been able to  like for example, mail, callender, groove music, etc.

2. 2. Able to use narrator and able to read by sentence, and also able to hear the full url of a web page address.

3. So, this will be a good update. And also for home users, first time able to delay updates and then specify a number of days to pause the updates. Once you then unpause or resume, then it will get the latest updates.

4. So, very intresting. So will see if non visual desktp access and freedom scientific have to then put updates before that, if any othermajor changes.

5. Marvin.

6. Ps: if you need help with windows 10, and jaws, happy to offer advice for free.,

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From: "Raymond Lombardi" ray214

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] rules for this group

Date: December 31, 2018 at 3:57:09 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to refresh everyone of the rules since we have some new members here.

1.  There will be no bashing, flaming or trashing of any of the members on this group, if you are caught doing this twice, you will be put on moderator status for a week.

If  you do it again, you’re going to be banned an not aloud back.

This is a group to support people with their problems, weather it be via the word of God, or any other means.

2.  Please do not bring whatever problems you’re having with a member within the group that happen outside of the grou to the group.

We can not, and we will not get onto another member for things they do to another member outside of the group.

If it’s in the group, we can do something about it.

3.  Respect others as well as yourself.

4.  Have lots of fun in the group.

Thanks for reading.

Raymond Lombardi





From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] rules for this group

Date: December 31, 2018 at 4:01:06 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

   Thank you my friend and yes folks, please let’s all respect one and other here We are so glad you are here with us and we hope you will abide by these important guidelines.




From: "Raymond Lombardi" ray214

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] rules for this group

Date: December 31, 2018 at 4:02:13 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

You’re welcome.




From: "Brenda Northorp" angelgal

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] rules for this group

Date: December 31, 2018 at 5:59:49 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I am having respect for everyone Raymond and I am going to stay respectful to everyone.

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From: "Brenda Northorp" angelgal

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Happy New Year to Everyone on this Group.

Date: December 31, 2018 at 6:08:51 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi Phil

Happy New Year to you also.  I hope 2019 will be a good year for you.


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From: "Raymond Lombardi" ray214

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] rules for this group

Date: December 31, 2018 at 6:22:28 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io


Respect is is a two-way street, not a one-way highway.



From: "Brenda Northorp" angelgal

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] rules for this group

Date: December 31, 2018 at 6:33:39 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

That is right.  It works both ways.  Not just one way.-------Original Message-------




From: "Raymond Lombardi" ray214

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] rules for this group

Date: December 31, 2018 at 6:59:00 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] It's night time at our house

Date: December 31, 2018 at 7:22:59 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

My dear, dearest friends,

On behalf of my parents and family, we would like to take this occasion to wish every single one of you, the bundles of physical, mental, and most of all, Spiritual, prosperous New Year and a happy one! I truly hope 2019 will be the most happy year for you ever, and all your dreams come true. Only few hours more in SL for 2019 to begin. I’m very excited! It’s gonna be one happy year! I officially have a new doctor now, an from what I heard he is very nice. I will see him on Friday, so of course, it’s gonna be wonderful!

I have tapered and come off of 2 meds, and I am doing unbelievable. Happy New Year everyone! Love you loads!

Love and hugs, Maheen.




From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] It's night time at our house

Date: December 31, 2018 at 5:20:40 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Love you too maheen.

Happy new year my friend.


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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Happy, happy first of January 2019 everybody!

Date: December 31, 2018 at 8:20:12 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Good Tuesday morning everybody!

Happy, happy New Year! I hope this year will be a happy one for everyone! Had a good  deep sleep! Had some banana bread for breakfast that dad bought and it was delicious!I enjoyed it! It’s with fruits and butter! Yum! No lunch but for dinner it might be a special rice and curry.

Lots of fire crackers went off last night wow! Got up at midnight! We certainly had lot of fun. Wished mom and everyone of my family! On Friday I will see my new doctor, so it’s gonna be fabulous.

My resolution for this year, is to be good to everybody. I hope to make peace with those whom I have hurt, and I know all will be positive! Yay!

I will be listening to Hank Williams as it was back on this day in 1953, we lost him at the young age of 29. What a legend he is! I will listen to him and Lefty Frizzell.

Have a great day all, and a very, very happy New Year!


