6. The Shocker Is Shocked

From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Shocked!

Date: December 31, 2018 at 8:56:12 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io


Today, is supposed to be a very happy day, but I am done with my therapist. I am extremely horrified and disgusted with her invasive behavior towards me. She did not accept my apology nor my friend request, and she left my groups. She is a very, very selfish human being. This is the last message I sent to her. I am devastated and crushed, I am now having a headache.


First of all, I want to wish you and family a very Happy New Year, but I am finished with you. You, Sandhy, are a very selfish human being. You did not bother accepting my apology, and did not accept my friend request, and you left all my groups. Sandhy, I am finished with you! I don't know if it was a bad rap, or what, but you need, to get, your act, together. today is supposed to be a happy day, but I am finding me another counselor. Goodbye. It has been a pleasure knowing you, but I am not gonna put up with someone who thinks only about themselves and other clients. You are an utter disgrace. Adios. I am very, very heartbroken and flabbergasted at your behavior.




From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Happy, happy first of January 2019 everybody!

Date: December 31, 2018 at 8:56:53 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Proud of you buddy. Yes, try to be good, and try to make up with those you hurt in the past. Hope they accept, but if not, their loss, not yours.

Have a great day.

My mom is out the back, painting some drawers and furniture for my bedroom.


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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh thank you so much Marvin!

Date: December 31, 2018 at 9:04:46 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi Marv! Thanks a lot brother! I know all is gonna work outw ell this year. Have a great day with your mom and family!



From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh thank you so much Marvin!

Date: December 31, 2018 at 9:09:10 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Thanks for that. Yeah, and did see my young brother last wed and had turkey and salad, and pavlova and biscotton torte. Very yummy. Did see my other brother, he passes if he is working downtown, in Adelaide, or like at Glenelg. And then passes on his way home and lives at victor harbor. Now my sister, and her husband doing cleaning or renovations, or something.

So yes do see family on a regular basis

Have a good family support network and friends.

Have a great day my friend..




From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Shocked!

Date: December 31, 2018 at 9:14:10 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Yep. Was thinking the same thing, when you go to see your new dr, then maybe ask for a new councelour there as well and do all the paperwork,and go with your cousin, or dad or other family members. Just a suggestion, not telling you to do that, that would be the more sensiable thing to do, kill two birds with one stone.

Love you bro.

Yes, that was strange of her, not accepting your apology, rejecting your friend request and no explanation of why she left your groups.


Don’t understand what goes through some people’s heads.

Oh well. Chalk to down to a bad experience.

And maybe you got a lemon in the end.

Love you bro and proud of you how you are handling your life.

Have a great day.


Virus-free. www.avast.com_._,_._,_



From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Awe! Marvin you are 100 percent right on my brother

Date: December 31, 2018 at 9:18:13 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Yes my friend, I am in shock. I can’t believe how this could happen. Nirosh and dad calmed me down and they’re gonna talk to Sandhy for me. I think she’s going through a difficult time her self. It’s very strange yes. Totally, totally agreed. She is truly someone I turned to and she supported me so much. I’m shaking.



From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Wonderful! news!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 12:47:25 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh! Friends friends! I have fantastic news at last! Sandhy is very ill and down with a high fever and flu, so please, please pray for her. Nirosh updated me and it was all a misunderstanding. I think she left the Funhouse because of maybe the flu or maybe she couldn't keep up but I fully, fully understand now. She will call me later gater! Lol! Now my New Year is much relieved I am much better! She is always so supportive.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Maheen

Date: January 1, 2019 at 4:52:12 AM MST

To: The Supportive Funhouse the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Thanks to Rachel Hargraves, Maheen is having panic attacks. He's calm, he's very happy, but Rachel is really getting to him. Rachel is a pain in the butt. She doesn't know when to quit. By the way, things are going well for Maheen, but Rachel is getting in the way. Please pray for him. He's trying to have a good day, and she has to go and spoil it. It's not right at all.


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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] I can't breathe

Date: January 1, 2019 at 7:04:46 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Friends, I am literally sittin’ on my computer chair shattered. I can hardly breathe. I have gotten major depression but I am not, not definitely not angry nor suicidal anymore Praise Be To Our Lord And Saviour. I am so distraught.. I know this year is gonna work out, but I am having paranoia that someone else is gonna stop talking to me. I think I am gonna have soup for dinner. I may have to drink a hot brandy before bed I’m so sick.I love you, very much. I am so guilty and so badly emotional, words can’t describe the severe guilt and pain I feel for all of you. I’m a big time sinner. I want Justin Tubb here. I want Jimmie Davis here.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] My dear friends, I am having now horrible chest pains

Date: January 1, 2019 at 7:39:58 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I am having horrible chest pains and having great difficulty breathing. I literally sobbed uncontrolably to our helper and caregiver, Leonard, and told him calmly what had happened. I am shivering and quivering, I am so sorry. I am very, very glad I will see this new DR on Friday, and I will explain every little thing and all the bullying  that has been going on lately. Leonard bless his heart, poor Leonard wiped my eyes and calmed me down. He told me that these people are just saying that to get a reaction out of me and not to take these things too seriously. Thing is, I love every human being on this earth, good or bad. I may end up going urgently to gett a shot to realax or I may drink a sip of brandy. I am so shattered. I am so shattered. I feel like I have lost a special sister.




From: "Sharon " ceegee2006

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Happy, happy first of January 2019 everybody!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:04:52 AM MST

To: "the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I agree Marvin.  You can apologize to someone .It is their right to refuse or accept. . If they accept your apology that is great . If they don't accept it then just move on past it.  You might never get forgiven for something done. that's their loss not yours  Sometimes the hurt is so deep in their minds they just cant forgive at this time.

2019 is  NEW YEAR. we all need to treat each other better.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Happy, happy first of January 2019 everybody!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:11:15 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I agree completely. It is a new year, and we should treat each other with respect. If someone does not want to forgive someone else, it is their loss, not the other persons. I am so proud of Maheen, because he is going to a new doctor on Friday, and I am praying that things work out.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Awe thank you!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:15:29 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Awe! Sharon and Amanda, I am so very, deeplyy blessed. Dad saw that vile email, and he is not impressed. He too said not to worry about it.




From: "Sharon " ceegee2006

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Awe thank you!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:22:34 AM MST

To: "the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I guess I dont know what email you got that upset you. But Maheen for your own sanity you have just got to ignore those nasty emails.  When you react that shows they are winni9ng to upset you. Don't give them that satisfaction.  And yes I know it is easier said than done.

I have had to do it several times. When you respond they know they have upset you. When others respond for you the person also knows they have upset you. I was told by someone very wise to just ignore the nasty emails and messages and to not respond to them and to not let anyone else respond to them for me. He told me when I would respond or had a friend respond that means they have accomplished what they set out to do  and that was to upset me.  It is hard to not respond but for your sanity you must try really hard. It sounds like these nasty emails puts you into a panic attack  and that's why your breathing is difficult. I know that from  when I would have a panic attack. I haven't had one now for a few years.

Hang in there and expect 2019 to be better




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Awe thank you!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:25:38 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Absolutely. If anyone sends you a nasty message or email, just simply ignore it and brush it aside. Don’t even respond. That’s what I do. I just don’t even bother with it. I know that this year is going to be awesome for you.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh! Dearest Sharon, God bless you! That means a lot

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:27:32 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh! Sharon, thank you! I am still quite shattered but I replied very very nicely. I am gonna private you on FB the message. It was so nasty, but you are absolutely right. Years and years ago, I used to reply back filthy responses, but I now realize that will do no good and you are so so  correct. 2019 is a fresh new year, and 2015 is all gone away. I have to talk to Sandhy and my new DR about these panic attacks when people harass me.




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh! It definitely will!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:28:10 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

It’s gonna be a fabulous year! I am very, very blessed and happy to have you all in my life.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh! It definitely will!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:30:11 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Thanks. We’re glad to have you too. It’s going to be a fabulous year for you.




From: "Karen " karen19

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh! Dearest Sharon, God bless you! That means a lot

Date: January 1, 2019 at 9:56:52 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi Maheen agree with Sharon just try too move on you have tried your best to apology




From: "Franklin Robinson" franklinrobinson7

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Maheen

Date: January 1, 2019 at 10:01:33 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh no, that is horrible. Can’t he just go and block her? I hate it when people bring me down out of my calm and peaceful and happy state. It is so hard to be strong sometimes. Happy new year to you both though, and hopefully it gets better from here on out.



(#378): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/378


From: "Sharon " ceegee2006

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Wonderful! news!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 10:03:59 AM MST

To: "the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I am glad you and your counselor got things worked out. I wonder if maybe she is so busy she doesn't have time for facebook groups?  My friend used to be on Facebook all the time but now she is rarely on as she has gone back to work and when she comes home she just wants to relax. She left a few Facebook groups an email list group and some yahoo groups.I hope Sandhy starts feeling better.




From: "Franklin Robinson" franklinrobinson7

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] I can't breathe

Date: January 1, 2019 at 10:04:42 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Oh no. That is again quite awful to hear. I am a big-time center to though. Sometimes I do feel guilty about it, but I think it is more a matter of pushing through to the good and doing your best to be nice. Devil will always try to torment us with our sins, until we overcome him. Even as it is written in first John, blessed are you little children, for you have overcome the wicked one




From: "Marvin H" neilmarvin

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Awe thank you!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 3:58:37 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I agree with you sharon. Think my computer is having a fit, might have to find some software to then  my hardware, and this machine is about 4.5 or 5 years old. And see if I can get a program to save all my windows 10 programs. And then thinking of getting a Lenovo as my mom just purchased a idea pad 330s. it did not come with a dvd drive. So might look into this and  a new laptop. And also a new external drive.

Got a Toshiba mini external 1 tb drive, about 10 years old or almost.

Yes, and maheen should just delete the e-mails, not even open them, if he knows they are nasty or people he recongizes. A bit harder on facebook. If they only have their name, and unless you can then skip past them, or just unfriend, or block or delete. Not on facebook. So not sure how ti works.

Marvin.purchasing diagnose

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From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh thank you Karen I am much, much better today!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 7:31:10 PM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I am so much better! Thank you dear Karen and Happy New Year!




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] And! It is a much, much happier Wacky Wednesday!

Date: January 1, 2019 at 8:43:09 PM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Good happy Wednesday morning everybody!

Oh my goodness, I slept much, much better last night! I had to take an antihistamine to help me sleep because I was so stressed, and I meanm, very, badly stressed. I had tears all over my face and I kept sniffling, it was nasty. I have put Rachael Hargreaves out of my mind now and all is fine fine! She is history. I have better friends who care like you!

Got a rare Porter Wagoner album today! Love Shine! Great LP! Love Porter! I will listen to Porter Wagoner today!

I’m having some hot dogs for breakfast, most likely a fruit for lunch, and rice for din din!

Well, I will see this new DR on Friday at 4 PM! Wow! I am very, very much excited and looking so very forward to it! I know he won’t overmediccate me and I will calmly explain to him about my history, to make it short I will explain to him that I studied in Canada, etc.

I had to do this to a few doctors. I will explain to him about my condition, how I started getting these dissorianted neurological spells in school, how the teachers did not understand etc.

It’s gonna be such a new experience. Of course my previous doctor, well... folks, let me word this as gently as possible. Dr. Saman, as nice as he was, was just not very much understanding about my privileges and facilities at home. I think it’s because him and the staff at Angoda said to mom, “Maheen’s spoiled sick”. Of course now I am no where near as impatient and all topsy turvy when I ask dad for CDs. I now am very mature and grown up, and always tell him to take his time. No rush what so ever. I am doing very, very,well.

See, those meds, those antipsychotics and Lithium, worsened my obsessive compulsive disorder. It was nasty, but I am gonna explain to him/her that Lithium, Strattera, Seroquel etc, those were making me have nasty side effects. Oh my word Quetiapine Seroquel is nasty! The DR’s at Angoda gave me 600 Milligrams! It is a horrible drug, also they gave me one nasty one called Clozapine which is absolutely horrible.. I am very, very! happy with Zyprexa and Risperidal and also Depakote and Klonopin. The only problem is though friends? I just have to overeat. That’s my biggest problem. See, what a lot of people don’t realize is, I get so hungry, and dad have a very, very good point in saying my belly is so big, and I have to definitely explain this to the doctor. I just feel so hungry, I can’t help it and folks, I wanna confess, it is really not a good thing. My New Years resolution, this year, is to go to the gym. Now I am off of that nasty Lithium, I am no longer having dry mouth nor tired. I kept drinking so much water.

I want now, to go to do work out. I want so badly to have a treadmill here, but mom does have an exercise bike in her room and it’s not a sit down one, it’s a stand up one. I have to keep fit. One thing that bothers me is when I do exercises, I get cramps in my joints but hey, that’s no biggy! Going to the gym is so important for my blood circulation and keeps us healthy! I also now, now that I am off of Lithium, have started drinking green tea. Love green tea! Helps us a lot!

Well, I sincerely hope all will go well and I will of course, wear my hearing aids, an will keep y’all updated! I am very, very happy, and last year, the entire Angoda team and Dr. Saman, just did not understand and kept giving me time tables and restricted my internet privileges which did not cure my illness. After I stopped seeing Angoda, now, I have calmed down unbelievably. All this Angoda treatment and counseling from these doctors dibilitated my condition. I tried to tell last year Dr Saman that I was just not satisfied with his treatment, but they all kept babying me and threatening me. It was just ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous. I am glad that nasty Nishantha social worker control freak idiot is out of my life. Thinking about it now is again making me angry but  now I am controling myself.

Folks, let me make another confession to you. I was sending horrible, filthy, filthy emails. Admitedly, I did this towards the end of 2018, but now I apologized and admitted I sinned, so never again. Love you loads all! I hope you will have a great great day!


