

"Daddy It Hurts" Misty Sarah/Chris Child Abuse Hoax Meme Causes Email Fight

It's a Mary Sue character. Not only that, it's a Mary Sue in a sappy chain letter. Not only that, it's a hoax and useless and depressing child abuse e-petition all in one! On top of that, it 's responsible for at least one email-fight.

Anyone who's seen my meme-mangling has probably figured out that I have it seriously out particularly for sick/abused kid hoaxes like "Daddy…It Hurts, Misty/Sarah/Chris child abuse poem chain.

Ages ago, I happened on a blog that chronicled an email fight that resulted from one of these memes. Just one more reason people need to think twice, and hopefully decide not to re-share.

In 2007, Idiot Molly sent that horrendous Misty/Sarah/Chris child abuse chain letter to a bunch of people. Evil idiot Decca replied to all with a stupid anti-chain he made up on the spot. Katie was offended and replied back, understandably put out with the most extreme parts of Decca's anti-chain rant, but she also got after him for doing the reply-all to sound off about the meme, and that's where I seriously disagree with her. she was somewhat candid about Molly's gullibility, but far too easy on the initial offense and the meme itself., and didn't even mention Decca had written his own chain letter. Decca ranted back with more disgusting spew. Thus, the email fight had begun. All because of a hoax and an anti-chain.



Cat's can too fly! >:3

Because everyone knows itís cool to be a Cat...

Sunday, 11 November 2007

😾Katy: *sigh* Some people are just retarded.

Ok, so Molly sent me another of those stupid chain forwards. This was it.

🧒Meme: My name is Sarah, I am three.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Delete copy of meme* If you want to read it plus the mangle of it, go here.

😾Katy: I read it, thought "yeah, sad sad whatever, *delete*" Like I usually do with those emails she sends. That was yesterday. I got this today.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I'm going to mangle the lot.



🆔From: 💢🔅👹decca_72@hotmail.com

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:16:10 +0000

To: 😾the dozens of people the original email was sent to. The arsehole hit "reply all".

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes in irritation* I see nothing the matter with reply-all when debunking this junk. What is really offensive is people who yell at the debunker instead of the fool who mass-mailed the chain letter to begin with. What you should've gotten after him for is his hypocritical violent attitude and making an anti-chain.

👹decca_72@hotmail.com: problems with this poem which btw doesnt even rhyme.1. if shes three chances are she doesnt know how to read or write2.maybe if her eyes werent so disgustingly swollen she wouldnt have been punished.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* If you believe in "punishing" people over the way their facial features look, or for anything regarding appearance, you need to check yourself into a padded cell where you can't harm anyone, and stay there for the rest of your life. And you might as well believe in chain letters too, idiot! Oh, wait, you do. This is a stupid anti-chain you wrote, after all.

👹Decca: 3. maybe if she wasnt such a punk kid she wouldnt need to be locked up and banned from speech.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Says the punk who starts anti-chains.

👹Decca: its kids like her, the me-me-me generation in love with ipods and illegal music and disgusting violence and s*x on tv that cause this problem,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Says you who promote whipping your kids half or all the way to death later in this email fight. Bloody hypocrite! Your atrocious typing and spelling are the least of your problems.

And hey jerk! There's nothing the matter with loving your iPod, I like my electronics, buster, and yes, they help me to do my job! So don't knock it, pal! I'll give you the sex and violence on TV, though, somehow, I can imagine Misty sarah Chris AND YOU being way into that. *Scowl*

👹Decca: and if a little corporal punishment is needed to eradicate this problem who are we to judge?

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* Don't pull the old "Who are we to judge" self-righteous card! In case you don't quite get it, what the chain letter described is not by any stretch "a little" of anything. Beating a child to death is NOT punishment, it is torture and murder! If you actually wish for that to happen in real life, you are one sick shart, but I hope you were only trolling. It would still make you a moron, but at least a slightly less heinous one than actually wishing for kids to be beaten to death.

👹Decca: 4. and i quote ">Tonight my daddy>>>>Murdered me>"well excuse me for a CRAZY IDEA but if i know my maths,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You can't even type write, and your idea of stopping chain letters is starting more chain letters, so, you're not convincing me you know much.

👹Decca:and i do,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Coughs and rolls eyes*

👹Decca: dead people can't type and send emails. for these reasons, it is my conclusion that this, dear friends, is nothing other than a FORGERY!!!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No, it isn't. It's technically plagiarism. How many plagiarists have knowingly recycled, recirculated and modified this hoax with the poem included is unknown, but it is not a forgery. Forgery is hand-written content or artwork from one person impersonating another. Here with the playiarism, no one is pretending to be Misty Nicole Ramsey, they have stripped her of credit as the author and put her sad poem in a chain letter hoax.

👹Decca: thats rite, dear little sarahis nothing other than a FRAUD, preying on gullible chain email senders who blindly FORWARD FORWARD FORWARD everythingthey see.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Ugh! This anti-chain burns. The words run together.

👹Decca: now sarah is exposed and her evil shall never again infect the gullible masses and poison our beautiful world.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You are wrong. sarah was exposed before you wrote this pukey anti-chain, and unfortunately, she still hasn't gone away. Your anti-chain accomplished nothing.

👹Decca: spread the word, spread this anti-chain email and give hope to those who need it most. (our postmen and women)


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Bleck! No! So much no! Stupid anti-chains!

😾Katy: And I'm thinking "What a prig." So I sent this:



🆔From: 💢🔅😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com

To: 💢🔅👹decca_72@hotmail.com

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:19:31 +1100

😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com: Oh don't be such a b***h.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Frown* Watch your mouth.

😾Katy: That wasn't necessary.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Yes, actually, it was. It's just that Decca utterly stunk in the not-so-brilliant attempt at conveying the message that chain letters aren't cool.

😾Katy: She's three,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No, this story's been around since 1996, so she would've been written in as a three-year-old then, so that would make her much, much older. Not that it matters much, she never really existed.

😾Katy: she can't read or write or type or send out an email especially if she's dead. Whoop-de-f***ing-do. It doesn't make this any less of a real problem.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: As usual, you completely miss the point. This chain letter is NOT real! There is no Misty Sarah Chris, and that is the bottom line. Nobody needs stupid hoaxes to tell them child abuse is bad and real. These chain letters do nothing but trivialize the problem, they do nothing to stop it!

😾Katy: Maybe if you weren't so wrapped up in your own stupidity, you would have realized this.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Maybe if you weren't so wrapped up in your own self-righteous indignation, you'd realize that Decca probably knows full well that child abuse happens and is just sick of these stupid hoaxes.

😾Katy's sig: To err is human -- To moo, bovine


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes* email and forum signature lines. Argh.

Decca's attempt at humor was lame, particularly where he went on about spoiled kids loving Ipods and needing physical punishment. But what he said about the unreality of Sarah makes perfect sense, and so does his frustration with these guilt-tripping and depressing bogus forwards. too bad he made it an anti-chain and generally very poor attempt at debunking.

😾Katy: This was his reply:


🆔From: 💢🔅👹decca_72@hotmail.com

To: 😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:22:30 +0000

👹i think u missed my message, i agree there is a problem, and corporal punishment is solving it. no more sarah, no more problem. and please, reply all next time.


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* No, you fool, in case you're not getting it, you aren't funny.



🆔From: 💢🔅😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com

To: 👹decca_72@hotmail.com; everyone else

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:31:36 +1100

😾Fine. There. Hello everyone, sorry to disturb your evening. And I didn't miss your message. I just think it's retarded. I'm sure you mean capital punishment, and furthermore it solves nothing.Humans have no right to kill other humans. Doesn't matter who they are, what they're excuse is or who is or isn't on their side. It's still wrong. No one deserves the right or the privilege to end another's life.It begs the question: Why do we kill people who kill people to show killing people is wrong?


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, dry up. Misty Sarah Chris never existed. As for your theory, well, I don't exactly agree. If some violent sicko goes around committing terror, torture and murder, the reason s/he might get capital punishment for it should be IMHO to stop him/her from continuing to harm and kill more people. So let's drop it. This is about the problems with memes and not a big debate about capital punishment.



🆔From: 💢🔅👹decca_72@hotmail.com

To: 😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com; everyone else

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:48:13 +0000

👹Decca: no i meant corporal punishment (note my technique of 'bolding' the word to make it seem like i know what im talking about), ie punishment with physical force.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: So you're still stupid. Beating to death is not corporal punishment, it's torture and murder… You just keep adding to the garbage problem. No wonder the net needs MTM™ - whether they know it or mostly not. There are too many people like you out there trying to break chain letters and going about it all wrong.

👹Decca: and sir,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Eh, 'Katy' I think that's a she.

👹Decca: i think it, and capital punishment can solve almost everything.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Then you are a real ignorant troll.

👹Decca: let me use a contemporary example. You are watching a crappy bogan tv show (ie anything on channel 10) , and you want to watch no more.simply using physical force or violence can render the tv useless and ineffective, solving the problem.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No it doesn't. If you have to resort to that to keep from watching TV, it means you obviously have no will power and no strength of human character and no intelligence. Normal people simply turn off the tube when they don't want to watch. Duh! Instead of breaking the TV, try selling it and getting a little money for it, and if that doesn't work, drop it off to some charity or place that wants your old electronics.

👹Decca: another example, you have a daughter 13 going on 15 and she wants a pony and won't get good grades. just whip her bloodyand im sure she'll turn over a new leaf.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* You are promoting child abuse by way of torture now, scum! If this is how you treat people, don't blame anyone but yourself if you end up half dead lying in a dumpster somewhere and nobody goes to your funeral when you die.

👹Decca: so you see, i have proven through anecdotal evidence that violence and corporal punishment is very much a solution, and believe meit is a right, the right of the strong.


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Disgusted scowl* What the - …!? Dude, you are either a troll or just out of your head! I hope for the sake of humanity it's the former. You're not funny, witty or cute. You're supposed to be debunking a particularly rotten meme, not promoting death and destruction.

ever heard of the smarter way of nixing a TV show you dislike? It's called turning off the set! I suppose you'd do the Tommy Jordan thing and shoot up your kids' stuff when they displease you too. *Rolling eyes*



🆔From: 💢🔅😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com

To: 👹decca_72@hotmail.com; everyone else

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:03:41 +1100

😾Katy: No. See it would be corporal punishment if she wasn't dead.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Once it becomes a case of inflicting harm and injury, it's no longer just corporal punishment, but torture.

😾Katy: Either way you look at it, it's still murder.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: But not for Misty Sarah Chris, who never existed.

😾Katy: Also, I resent the implication that I don't know what I'm talking about, cause I kinda really do.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Except you keep forgetting the most important detail, Misty Sarah Chris isn't real, and you didn't make a distinction between corporal punishment and torture. Neither does Decca, so you two have that in common.

😾Katy: And the television example? What utter crap. That isn't capital punishment nor does it solve anything. You could have more easily turned the idiot box off rather than smash it. The way I see it, that's making you more like the arses on the TV than anything else.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Exactly, finally you said something I can really get behind without adding any 'if' 'and' 'but' or dispute.

😾Katy: And whipping your pony-wanting teenage daughter won't solve anything. It'll create a vicious cycle from which there is little return. Do you really think that whipping her will make her grades go up? No, she'll be too worried about getting another whipping or too busy making sure no one finds out rather than doing her homework or paying attention in class. She'll never turn over a new leaf, unless by "new leaf" you mean "become so timid and eager to please that it pi$$es off and drives away everyone around her".

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Beaming* Here here! Another one where I agree with you 100% on!

It's too bad this whole thing strayed so far from the subject at hand, being, the evil of the child abuse chain letter hoax. If only Decca had the smarts to have handled it much better.

😾Katy: You have proven nothing other than your total lack of intelligence. And it isn't the right of anyone to inflict such violence on another person.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Again, no argument there.

😾Katy: How would you like it if they did that to you? I bet you wouldn't.

Anecdotal evidence is it? You wont prove much with that. Especially since oh! Look! It's been disproved. Oh, what a shame.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Yes, disproven, just like the Misty Sarah Chris story.

😾Katy: Do the gene pool a favour, go get neutered you animal.


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Applauds* I agree with this post completely. But do you see how this whole thing went off the rails? It went from a combination rant-fail and anti-chain by Decca, to a heated debate about capital punishment and how to and not to treat children. Yes, murder is still murder, but Chain Letter Misty sarah Chris never died because she never lived because she never existed.



🆔From: 💢🔅👹decca_72@hotmail.com

To: 😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com; everyone else

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:24:16 +0000

👹Decca: look, dear friend, lets not resort to petty personal insults in settling this rational, reasoned debate.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Look, Decca, what names you got called, you deserve, and you have no right to bring 'reason' into this since you threw reason out the window with your first email and did your best to banish it to hell in subsequent posts. You, who would whip someone, your own daughter no less, bloody, and you have the nerve to whine about someone insulting you and not being "reasonable" *Scowl* You really are disgusting!

👹Decca: firstly, it is corporal punishment because it involves physical violence,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong! When it involves violence, it is torture, not corporal punishment.

👹Decca: whether or not it occassions death,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong. When it's violence to the death, it is torture and murder, not mere corporal punishment.

👹Decca: secondly capital punishment refers only to punishment by the statefor capital crimes.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Well at least you were able to get that straight. Want a medal for that?

👹Decca: additionally in my first email i proved that sarah, in fact, did not die at all! and i quote "4. and i quote ">Tonight my daddy>>>>Murdered me>"well excuse me for a CRAZY IDEA but if i know my maths, and i do, dead people can't type and send emails."

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Which was the only thing you said right in that email, but for talking about 'maths' it's just 'math'. You could have backed up your position by including a link from a hoax-busting site that debunks the Misty Sarah Chris chain letter as well, but you must've been too lazy and ticked off.

👹Decca: and firstly, whipping my pony-lusting daughter would indeed (and has) made her grades improve, as her fear of further whippings(and worse) is very motivating.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* Not motivating, paralyzing, you stupid caveman! Unless you've caused her and others to hate you so much that you one day end up the victim of the same sort of violence you've been touting.

👹Decca: and of course, the right to punish my children is given to me both by US law and is my religious rightand i quote

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: The right to discipline does NOT mean the right to torture, you disgusting, conscienceless ogre!

👹Decca: Prov 23:13: "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die."

Prov 23:14: "Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Ugly scowl* Don't exploit history-chronicling Bible passages to excuse your stupidity! If you believe that "spare the rod" stuff then you must also follow absolutely everything in the Old Testament to the letter, including animal sacrifices. Jesus came along and changed all that up, but anyway, beatings are not promoted, in fact, they are condemned by Jesus in the New Testament. If you're not just spewing a series of big lies just to get a rise out of Katie, then you are definitely one disgusting sick individual who clearly does not have any business debunking bullying chain letters since you are a bully yourself!

👹Decca: so sir,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I really don't think Katy is a 'sir'.

👹Decca: it is clear that corporal punishment is effective, and has been effective throughout human history,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No, what's clear is that you're a dangerous skin waste who should never go anywhere near kids let alone procreate!

👹Decca: and if you think it is 'animal behaviour'to whip my daughter bloody

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Most animals wouldn't even do that to their own offspring. Face it, Decca, you're a failure at parenthood if these emails are a true indication of your attitude.

👹Decca: then i think you dont love your children.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes* "If you don't whip people, you don't love them." "If you don't spread this bogus story, you are in favour of child abuse." Decca, far from debunking this chain letter effectively, you have actually managed to upstage it in the ludicrous department! If you really are this stupid, you might as well have kept quiet and believe in memes yourself. Idiot!

👹Decca: (if indeed, you have any).please everyone, think about it, who loves their children more, i, who, whip my daughter bloody when she asks for a christmas pony, or dear alex here, who would give her the pony?


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No-brainer, Alex! But it would also be Maureen, who does neither. Does not whip her kids, but also doesn't go out buying them everything they want, because Maureen loves her children, so does not have your bloodlust, no desire to hurt anyone, especially her kids. And, she loves them enough to want to teach them that life isn't about getting everything you want, nor is it meant to be about living in fear of monsters who are just waiting to torture you at the drop of a hat.

*Seriously ticked off disgusted scowl* You know what, Bubba? You have earned my complete loathing! You do not whip anybody and then claim that is "loving" them. You are a violent, power-tripping lout who has no right to be anywhere near children of any age, and if I was your kid, I would end up hating you with every bone in my body. Maybe even growing up to shoot you in the back, literally. Problem solved! No more abusive dad! Take that and see how you like your own nasty medicine!

😾Katy: Than this a$$hole came into it:


🆔From: 💢🔅👿scotty_burgess@hotmail.com

To: 😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com; decca_72@hotmail.com; everyone else.

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:57:57 +1030

👿scotty_burgess: my comment to Alex Parrish; Please do not reduce this discussion to the level of petty personal insults, noone thinks big of you when you do that. As an objective, third party outsider,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Bull!

👿scotty_burgess: i have taken the opinions of the concerned parties into consideration, and personally feel.... that Alex Parrish

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Am I missing something here? I thought this was Katy, not Alex Parrish. Please pardon my confusion, Katy or Alex.

👿scotty_burgess: has absolutely no idea what he is talking about,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong. Decca has no idea what he's talking about.

👿scotty_burgess: reducing the tone of discussion to insults and swearing

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Insults which Decca has richly earned. Swearing, which you somehow think is worse than promoting torture. *Scowl*

👿scotty_burgess: /Quote : What utter crap/End Quote ~~

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: That statement is not an insult nor a swear. You didn't even have the sense to back up your whinge with an instance of an actual insult and an actual swear word. "What utter crap" is a factual statement and very sound judgement against smashing TVs and torture.

👿scotty_burgess: i therefore am in favour of decca_72,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: More likely, you *are* Decca, under a different address. No one with a shred of humanity would perfer his vile blather over what Katy/Alex said.

👿scotty_burgess: who seems to have a much clearer understanding of the benefits of corporal punishment,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong. He doesn't understand it at all, and the only thing he's clear on is how to be an absolutely bad parent.

👿scotty_burgess: and backs up points made with legitimate claims and examples.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong again. He only backs up his pro-torture stance with vapid whining about iPods, ponies and TV sets.

👿scotty_burgess: Quotes from another great man include such as:ìThe one prevailing driving force of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.î "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks."

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: What the heck is this blither and what in the world does it have to do with the Misty child abuse chain letter?

👿scotty_burgess: This debate is clearly a case of Alex Parrish vs. The State,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No. It's Alex/Katy VS. Decca the miserable and sadistic internet troll. Decca is not a state, and definitely shouldn't ever become a prosecutor.

👿scotty_burgess: the state in which, seems to be winning.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh sure, winning the 2007 Idiot Of The Year Award!

👿scotty_burgess: i therefore end my judgements on these points

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Nobody cares about your "judgments". They suck.

👿scotty_burgess: Rule 1. Decca_72 is right

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Only in the eyes of trolls and tyrants. Higher functioning humans know he is wrong.

👿scotty_burgess: Rule 2. See rule 1

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: That's not a rule. You're just lazy.

👿scotty_burgess: Rule 3. See rule 2etceterai

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You're lazy and your idea of humour is uber lame and it sucks, badly.

👿scotty_burgess: bid you, adieu


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: And good riddance to you!


The Moronic mindset never fails to confound. It must be Decca under another alias. When a second person butts in and sides with such a noxious troll, and with such a half-witted attempt at humour, it's a logical guess that it's probably the same troll just trying to look like he has friends and is the more popular. *Rolling eyes*

😾Katy: To which I replied:


🆔From: 💢🔅😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com

To: 👹decca_72@hotmail.com; 👿scotty_burgess@hotmail.com; everyone else

Subject: RE: =[Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 22:11:18 +1100

😾Katy: Oh please, this has nothing to do with you.

I am showing restraint. This is not a court case. It is a rather pointless debate, about an email that was sent to everyone here.

I sent one in reply, not to everyone, but to "decca_72" only because I felt the need to say something in response to his horrendous claim. He/she/they insisted everyone else was brought into the matter.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No, Katy, these trolls are in the wrong for promoting child abuse, but your friend brought everybody into it by stupidly reposting this vile chain letter.

😾Katy: And I may have sworn once,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No Katy, you swore three times. You used the f-bomb and the b***h word, and now @$$H**e makes three. I can't exactly blame you, the trash Decca and his alter ego spewed was infinitely worse.

😾Katy: but that hardly matters, especially when it is compared to the described act of violence towards a young girl.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Yes, if you're talking about that troll whipping his daughter. I hope to God that is in actuality as fictional as Misty Sarah Chris in the chain letter.

😾Katy: I only swore because he/she swore first. "watching a crappy bogan tv show" I was simply drawing from that.

Also, the rest of that quote "(ie anything on channel 10)" implies that "decca_72" is Australian and indeed not American. And in this country, using whips on your children AND whipping - or even beating them until they bleed is against the law."Mr.Scott", you are not objective, if you were objective you would not take sides. Especially not so quickly and with such foolhardy reasons.

You haven't taken any opinions into consideration, if you had it would be plain that neither side can "win" because they are two very different opinions based on completely different ideals. While I believe that there is no validity to the opposing argument, not everyone agrees.

Then I replied to the other one:


🆔From: 💢🔅😾katy_dont_sleep@hotmail.com

To: 👹decca_72@hotmail.com; everyone else

Subject: RE: =[

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:49:55 +1100

😾Katy: I never said I'd give her the damn pony, do you know how hard those thing are to keep?Corporal punishment was not the right word, neither was capitol punishment but under the circumstances, that is what I thought you meant.

And since were dealing in facts now.I'm not your friend. I wasn't insulting you I was giving you advice.Sarah never existed. She is an email forwarded on by gullible people such as Molly.

The whole "poem" was made up by someone with nothing better to do than pull at the heartstrings of aforementioned people. Not a three year old dead girl.

Maths has nothing to do with people dying like that.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Ah, okay, if you had said this right at the very beginning, it wouldn't have looked as if you were completely disinterested in debunking this chain letter. Because this isn't about real death, it's about fictional Sarah Misty Chris. Troll Boy just went way too far in his reaction to it, and in turn, it rightly ticked you off. The meme wants us confusing fiction with reality to get us passing this worthless, needlessly upsetting junk on. Bottom line…

😾Katy: Whipping you daughter isn't your right. Since were quoting the freakin bible now;

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* The Bible isn't "freaking"

😾Katy: In everything do to others as you would have them do to you. Mathew 7:12.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Exactly.

😾Katy: More quoting. This time of the Human Rights treaty.

Article three: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

That includes whipping fool. Oh, and don't pull the "she's my child" bullshit.

Article two: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

You live in America yes? Well, that particular country has been a part of the United Nations, from which those previous basic human rights are from, since 1945.

And I'm fifteen. I don't have any children. If I did, and they asked for a pony I'd tell them to get a job and pay for the thing and it's upkeep themselves.

That's a he|| of a lot better then whipping them bloody because they simply asked for one.

Oh, and by the way, I'm a girl. Stop referring to me as "sir".


Personally, I think these people are stupid and should adopt Michael Baker's policy for stupid people.

Meaning get chemically castrated to save the human race from their spawn.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Applauds* Yes!


2 Leavings:

Indy said...

👩‍💻Obviously that poem wasn't written by a dead three-year-old.

It was written in 1996 by Misty Nicole Ramsey, a college student. IMO, it looks like the work of a young adult or angsty teen.

Misty is unhappy that it's used in a chain letter that strips her of the credit. She doesn't mind the poem being passed around as long as she's mentioned as its author.

But whoever actually turned it into a chain letter and added the rest of that guilt-tripping crap is anybody's guess. Very tasteless and cowardly on their part to judge people as not caring for children for not passing on a sappy poem or any chain letter for that matter...

Here's just one re source I hope more people will look at. It should stop them from passing on emotionally charged and most often completely bogus chain letters, but unfortunately people just can't seem to kick the forwarding habit, and people who make up chain letters and cyber-whip others with guilt-tripping or anything else just to get them passing them along are sick.


Now, presenting for your entertainment *drumroll*

The Chain Letter Child!



Today, I'm a poor little girl with swollen eyes and I think everybody's stupid, though I tell everybody that I think I'm stupid instead so they'll feel sorry for me.

My name is - Sarah - no! Yeah, that's it, Sarah for the child abuse chain! What was my last name again? Bruce? No, I think it was Arlington. No, it was Winslet. No, sorry, it was Mydek - no, that was my other identity Jessica or Rachel, also known as Amy Bruce! I don't think I have a last name as the abused Sarah. I'll keep acquiring new names in order to do my best at keeping ahead of the hoax radar.

I'm also the kid who goes missing every two weeks for the past ten years, just call me Brown...Penny Brown...And the same one who keeps coming down with some rare fictional condition that gives me only six months to live. In that form, I like to call myself Rachel Arlington, Jessica Mydek, Amy Bruce, and many others. When I decide to be Rachel, I'm ten month-years old. And I've been pulling the six months to live stunt for the past decade at least, and people still buy into it.

I'm also the dead girl who sometimes threatens to kill you if you refuse to pass on a chain letter.

Sometimes I can be very angelic and outwit stupid adults every time! Then I'll bless you if you pass on a chain letter and curse you if you don't.

I'll sometimes take on the role of any sad or angelic child in the poems and essays of other people to do it; even if these writers didn't give me permission and they are stripped of their proper credit as the author.

My cyber-life as Sarah started when Misty Nicole Ramsey of Dell Rapids South Dakota posted my poem on a college web site in 1996. I was her creation, and she doesn't mind people passing around my sad poem. But she doesn't like it when she isn't credited for it.

As Sarah, I've been three years old and dying every night, and barging into people's inboxes to depress and snow them ever since.

The best way I know to get people passing on chain email is by threatening to die if they don't, and by telling them they are heartless if they refuse.

I like to pack the hardest emotional wallop as possible so you'll think I might be for real, and I can continue to sadden people with my sob stories.

That way, I can indulge in my favorite passtime, calling insults, fooling and mega-guilt-tripping people into passing on my completely fictional life and death stories! You see, I get a big charge out of accusing everybody of not caring about children whenever they fail to pass on a smarmy chain letter to bring tears to the eyes of all their contacts all over the internet!

And the best part?

I've been getting away with this for years! Scott free! I like to see others take the heat for both being gullible, and for not being gullible, and nobody has ever been able to catch me yet!

Dipsy forwarder falls into their tissue box, believing every one of my malarkey sad tales. Forwarder spams all their contacts.

Maybe one or two contacts actually have enough sense not to believe it, and the honesty to set their poor manipulated friend straight.

Forwarder gets mad at the debunker for being insensitive, or maybe just because the forwarder is embarrassed at having been made a fool of.

Debunker gets mad at the forwarder for being a git, and then for trying to excuse their folly.

Forwarder eventually stops emailing debunker because forwarder would rather go on believing in chain letters and passing them on without having their sad heroic illusions about themselves and chain letters, shattered.

So, did I make you cry?

Or did I just make you mad?

Did I make you mad at your foolish friends?

Or did I make you mad at the person or people who told you you've been had?

Or maybe you were misguided enough not to get mad at the forwarder, but you got ticked at the debunker who wanted to educate all that were included in the forwarding doofus's Cc: list by using the reply-to-all.


Either way, I win, you lose, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Monday, 12 November 2007 08:23:00 AM EST

Asajii said...

😾I had no doubt in my mind that it was nothing but crap.

This isn't the first time one of those emails has been passed on to me by Molly, and I usually set her straight with a scathing email.

Which she thanks me for, she find them amusing apparantly.

Anyway, thank-you for revealing the origin of the poem and thank-you for commenting ^-^


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Now you see from this content how spreading memes can result in a lot of hard feelings and wasted time on useless, ridiculous arguments?

And when somebody spams a meme through email or posts it on their social network, it is the right of anyone who sees it to jump in and debunk it.)

It is too bad so many people go too far with their reactions, into the realm of tastelessness and indecency, and use anti-chains, turning what started out as a bit of an internet stink into an all out stench.


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