

Rebecca Martinson

The sorority girl who completely lost it in a f-bomb-ridden rant She is clearly an embarrassment to sororities everywhere.

Rebecca Martinson has done one right thing by resigning from the sorority.

This is not going to be another tiresome dramatic reading, supposed parody (another word some Youtuber used for dramatic reading) or simple repost of the email. Everybody's already done that, and no one seems to want to mangle it. They do the repost/dramatic reading, complete with f-bombs, get comments full of "Lolz lolz funny!" etc. But no one has really given this thing a written pummelling.

So - once again, I refuse to follow the trend, and Rebecca Martinson's trashy vitriol is about to be thrashed.

First, let's get the obligatory stuff out of the way.

here is the Delta Gamma's FB page, posting and reactions.

Here's an interesting, thought-provoking article on the subject.

Here's a note from the president of the Delta Gamma sorority chapter at the University of Maryland. It is a request for Gawker to take references to the university and the sorority chapter out of the article.



My name is [redacted] and I am the current president of Delta Gamma at the University of Maryland. It has been brought to my attention that you recently published an unsavory email that was sent out over my chapter's list-serve. Is it possible for you to either remove the article or just remove the names "Delta Gamma" and "Sigma Nu" from your article? This email absolutely does not reflect our chapter's values nor Sigma Nu's and any assistance you can give us is greatly appreciated.





Very well. Point taken. MTM will replace "Delta Gamma," "Sigma Nu," and "Zeta" with something else.

But Gawker had changed this cussing brat's name to Julia, and I don't like that. So I had dubbed her "F-bomb Ethel" until finding out her real name on some other links.

So, her name is put back in, language edited with 'flare' instead of f-bombs.


💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: If you just opened this like I told you to, tie yourself down to whatever chair you're sitting in, because this email is going to be a rough flaring ride.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You may have "told" your mates to open their email, but I just happened on it, and you are in no position to tell me to do anything.

Thank you, however, for the warning, it being the only considerate thing you said in this whole stinking, vocabulary-lacking tantrum of yours.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: For those of you that have your heads stuck under rocks, which apparently is the majority of this chapter, we have been flaring UP in terms of night time events and general social interactions with Lotus totus. I've been getting texts on texts about people LITERALLY being so flaring AWKWARD and so flaring BORING. If you're reading this right now and saying to yourself "But oh em gee Rebecca, I've been having so much fun with my sisters this week!", then punch yourself in the face right now so that I don't have to flaring find you on campus to do it myself.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: in case you hadn't heard, not even sororities, are supposed to be organizations meant for "flaring" up anyway, and I mean literally… If Lotus Totus is grousing about boring, the solution to their problem is simple - get lives. Their problem, not yours. Though to be fair, you're in as much need of a life as they are.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I do not give a flying flare, and Lotus totus does not give a flying flare, about how much you flaring love to talk to your sisters. You have 361 days out of the flaring year to talk to sisters, and this week is NOT, I flaring repeat NOT ONE OF THEM.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: That's 365, not 361 days, Becks. If you spent more time studying and less time trying to sex it up, you might learn something and stop killing brain cells.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: This week is about fostering relationships in the greek community, and that's not flaring possible if you're going to stand around and talk to each other and not our matchup.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Matchups? What, you mean this whole thing is all about stupid flirting and dating? Please, you don't need a sorority for *that*! Why don't you just do the normal thing and date whoever privately and on your own time and keep out of everybody else's business? Or if this is some kind of sports matchup, well, whatever happened to each individual just being fans of whoever the heck they choose? My opinion of frats and sororities is not high to start with and you're definitely not helping.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Newsflash you stupid c**ks:

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong gender, you foul-mouthed idiot!


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Who cares? The whole concept of fraternities and sororities is so antiquated and cliquy anyway. Wasn't the whole idea supposed to be about gender-segrigation? So why are you whinging about whether or not the boys like you and your group of girls? You're supposed to be separate due to gender, right. The rest of the time you're not living as a little frat boy or sorority girl in your little group of same-gendered mates, you get to mingle with the rest of the population. Who cares if the other clique doesn't like your own?

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Oh wait, DOUBLE flaring NEWSFLASH: Lotus totus IS NOT GOING TO WANT TO HANG OUT WITH US IF WE flaring SUCK, which by the way in case you're an idiot and need it spelled out for you, WE flaring SUCK SO FAR. This also applies to you little cr@ps that have talked openly about post gaming at a different frat IN FRONT OF Lotus totus BROTHERS. Are you people flaring retarded? That's not a rhetorical question, I LITERALLY want you to email me back telling me if you're mentally slow so I can make sure you don't go to anymore night time events. If Lotus totus openly said "Yeah we're gonna invite Kulu over", would you be happy? WOULD YOU? No you wouldn't, so WHY THE flare WOULD YOU DO IT TO THEM?? IN FRONT OF THEM?!! First of all, you SHOULDN'T be post gaming at other frats, I don't give a flare if your boyfriend is in it, if your brother is in it, or if your entire family is in that frat. YOU DON'T GO. YOU. DON'T. GO. And you ESPECIALLY do flaring NOT convince other girls to leave with you.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You are making the case for me, reaffirming my opinion of the frat/sorority stuff. It all must suck. How about joining the modern age, disbanding these silly little groups and ridiculous tyrannical rules that go with them - rules about who to talk to in front of whom, where to be seen out at night and who not to associate with and all that bull? Just who the heck are you to dictate who goes out with whom and says who-knows what in front of whom? You have some nerve.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: "But Rebecca!", you say in a whiny little b**ch voice to your computer screen as you read this email,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Hah! Says the brat queen bee of the whine-fest! If you're going to get so dogmatic about anything, I suggest you find a real religion and apply it to yourself first, then learn what sorts of standards you can reasonably hold other people to. Nobody likes getting bossed around by some fellow student over some ridiculous frat thing. Think about it. You're basically bossing everybody around and telling other people who to go out with, where, and what to talk about, all because a few dumb frat boys whined.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: "I've been cheering on our teams at all the sports, doesn't that count for something?" NO YOU STUPID flaring ArSe HATS, IT flaring DOESN'T. DO YOU WANNA KNOW flaring WHY?!!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I couldn't care less. If you had done the smart thing and left your sorority in disgrace, the least that should've happened is you getting kicked out on your sorry butt for this abusive email. No one has to put up with your foul, insulting crap.


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You, with your bad mouth, were worried about that?

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I've not only gotten texts about people being flaring WEIRD at sports (for example, being stupid cr@ps and saying stuff like "durr what's kickball?" is not flaring funny), but I've gotten texts about people actually cheering for the opposing team. The opposing. flaring. Team.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I hope they continue to do that, you don't deserve any better.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: ARE YOU flaring STUPID?!!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: There you go again, you little brat, so why should anyone take you seriously? You're not exactly someone who commands respect with an awesome personality. Yours is sadly lacking in good character.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I don't give a cr@p about sportsmanship, YOU CHEER FOR OUR G**DAMN TEAM AND NOT THE OTHER ONE, HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN TO A SPORTS GAME? ARE YOU flaring BLIND? Or are you just so flaring dense about what it means to make people like you that you think being a good little supporter of the greek community is going to make our matchup happy? Well it's time someone told you, NO ONE flaring LIKES THAT, ESPECIALLY OUR flaring MATCHUP.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: On the sports thing, I agree, but that's it. To hex with your stupid little dating game matchup. If you want to go out with the boys, forget about your stupid little frats during that time.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I will flaring c**t punt the next person I hear about doing something like that, and I don't give a flare if you SOR me,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* I have no idea what 'sor'ing you is, but you need to have your mouth and your mind washed out, take several anger management courses, and learn to chil out, a lot. Because you are clearly not ready to live in a world outside a school setting. You are perverted, deranged and utterly disgusting! Unlike some, I am definitely unimpressed with your filthy rhyming half-baked threat.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I WILL flaring ASSAULT YOU.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Glower* That is an all out threat, you raving idiot! if you get tossed in jail because you acted on any of this, you'll have only yourself to blame! And I wouldn't put it past you.

Warning to children under 13, or anyone with children under 13: steer clear of Rebecca Martinson, very bad-tempered brat! there's no telling what she's capable of when she blows her stack, it is ugly, unreasonable, potentially violent, and could happen at the drop of a wrong hat or at any time!

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: "Ohhh Rebecca, I'm now crying because your email has made me oh so so sad".

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Menacing glare* You only wish, disgusting bully brat that you are!

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Well good.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You are indeed the stereotypical sorority girl. You are a bullying, power-tripping, egomaniac and it's people like you who continue to provide material for how sororities are portrayed in the media.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: If this email applies to you in any way,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Which it doesn't.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: meaning

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: My goodness, but you sure love to listen to yourself talk. Yeah, I know, technically it isn't 'talking' but you know what I'm getting at.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: if you are a little arsewipe that stands in the corners at night

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: since when did Ed Cullen join your sorority?

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: or if you're a weird cr@p that does weird cr@p during the day,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: "weird cr@p doing weird cr@p" *mock pity* You better give your brain a good long rest. It's severely over-heated and beginning to short-circuit. When you're so redundant as this, you really do need to go back to your dorm, or maybe home to your mommy, and get yourself a nice steaming hot cup of STFHU and lie down like a good little lady, and you'll feel ever so much better!

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: this following message is for you:

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I think it's pretty accurate to tell you to apply it very close to home - only without the deluge of rotten potty mouth.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: DO NOT GO TO TONIGHT'S EVENT.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: And for you, Rebecca: Do not go anywhere you might hurt somebody who might do anything to set you off.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I'm not flaring kidding.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Now how on earth could anybody mistake your exceedingly puerile and crazy diatribe overflowing with expletives for kidding?

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Don't go.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Look, chick, you're not running the university or the rest of the students in it. Get over yourself. If they want to go, they'll go. Tough darts for you.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Seriously, if you have done ANYTHING I've mentioned in this email and have some rare disease where you're unable to NOT do these things, then you are HORRIBLE, I repeat, HORRIBLE PR FOR THIS CHAPTER.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes and scoffing* Oh, brother! Hahahaha! For all your little shows of concern about PR, you sure did a louse-up job yourself! I'd put you down at the bottom, among the worst of the worst.







💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I would rather have 40 girls that are fun, talk to boys, and not flaring awkward than 80 that are flaring fa**ots.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong gender again, genius, that term doesn't apply to girls. but it sure says a lot about you. You are not ready for adulthood, you write like a ticked-off grade-schooler, and you have apparently learned absolutely zilch social skills since kindergarten.

The worst thing about that particular term is you've just given some fanatics more opportunity to ram their thought-policing agendas down everyone's throat. I'm not sure which is worse, you or them.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: If you are one of the people that have told me "Oh nooo boo hoo I can't talk to boys I'm too sober", then I pity you because I don't know how you got this far in life,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I had you pegged for some spaztastic and boy-crazy little airhead all pumped up on hormones. *Rolling eyes* You really are so closed-minded that you pity girls who aren't boy-crazy. You are simply too repulsive to be pitied.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: and with that in mind don't flaring show up unless you're going to stop being a g**damn c**k block for our chapter.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Disgusted scowl* So that's all you care about, sleeping around and getting all your mates to do likewise. Eww, utterly disgusting! You don't belong in university, you belong in the zoo, as a resident!

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Seriously. I swear to flaring God

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Enough! *Whack!* You have no business uttering God's name in this insane, sleazy rant, especially right after the f-bomb! God does NOT engage in that activity! Not that it would matter to you, you're obviously not a Christian.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: if I see anyone being a g**damn boner at tonight's event, I will tell you to leave even if you're sober.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You can't be a bodily function, and knowing you, that's probably the meaning you were going for.

You have committed a pretty serious boner yourself. Thanks for doing the sorority a big favour and making it one less "boner".

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: I'm not even kidding.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Don't worry, Princess, nobody's going to mistake your trashy email for kidding. That doesn't mean it won't help turn you into a pathetic joke.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Try me.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No thanks, the only thing you might be really good at is using your toxic mouth as some sort of biological weapon.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: And for those of you who are offended at this email, I would apologize

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Derisive scoff* Yeah right! It's clear you would sooner jump in a pool of acid. You are way too shallow, egocentric, controlling and bratty to be capable of making any sort of real apology. Any you might make would be fake and self-serving, or as some kind of passive-aggressive play against whoever ticks you off.

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: but I really don't give a flare.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Talk about pointing out the obvious, Becks, duh!

💢🔅Rebecca Martinson: Go flare yourself.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Um, chick, maybe you swing that way, but I definitely don't! Get your mind - what's left of it - out of your stupid pants or just shut up!

A few tweets captured from Rebecca Martinson's now deleted account:

💢🔅becca_martie On Mexicans: "One of the perks of going to class ugly is that the Mexicans working along the sidewalk don't try to talk to me #fug4thewin #nottryinghard"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes* So you're an appearance-obsessed, racist, shallow ditz. That doesn't surprise me at all… You're a lot uglier on the inside than you could ever appear to be, and looks doesn't matter anyway.

💢🔅becca_martie On the resilience of the elderly: "Old people everywhere"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Deal with it. You will get there some day…

💢🔅becca_martieOn how awesome she is (was?) at being a sorority girl: "It's gotten to the point where I have trouble talking to people not in greek life because I have no idea what they do with their spare time"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scoff* Figures. So try getting a life beyond your silly little clique. you might be surprised how well you actually like the rest of the humble human race.

💢🔅becca_martie On Hellen Keller (and Greek philosophy): "I might as well be Helen Keller because I have NO idea what's going on in this class right now #plato"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* Don't disrespect Helen Keller's memory! You're not the first person I've come across on the net who's done this and it's just rotten!

Cut it out!

Apparently there are copies of other Rebecca Tweets that are even worse, as in really disgusting. One of them was read out on some Youtube video. I'm not surprised she's into really gross sex acts.


Rebecca Martinson resigned as president of that chapter soon after her tantrum, and as this article states, the mayhem is over, but the lesson remains.

A lesson for all of us not to blow a million gaskets over unimportant things and abuse people through email. But the question also remains as to whether or not Becks has learned anything. Somehow, I doubt it.


John Stuart loves Becky Martinson. Well, at least the kind of trash she spews forth, especially when he can use it to call stupid names to people who he opposes.


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