


Story: "Unella," by Madge; Robert Merry's Museum.

Information by Pat Pflieger


Madge was a subscriber who called herself "Blue-eyed Minna"; she probably was in her early 20s when she wrote the story.

Unella, a white child raised by Native Americans in 1865, so lovable that she holds the entire village in a gentle thralldom;

Unella's "fair and rosy" skin contrasts with that of the native Americans she lives with;

Unella has so many "cunning and winsome ways" that she becomes the "little pet and princess" of the Native American village which has adopted her; the "stern-browed warriors ... many of them," bring her gifts "at the close of each day," and, among the children, "many frowns followed the unlucky wight who displeased her." (Madge 172)

Unella's relationship with Ondino, the chief's son in the village where she lives, flirts with romantic love.

Taken by her biological parents, Unella receives from Ondino "a little box made of beautifully-veined wood exquisitely polished, and in it a small but heavy gold cross, made with little skill, but simple and beautiful."


Mary Sue Page

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