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Don't Get Snowed By Snopes

So many sites already reference Snopes and only Snopes when talking about chain letters, or put it at the top of their short list of debunking sites. It's always Snopes Snopes Snopes.

Snopes, A Disinformation Operation

Here is a forum discussion about Snopes.

Whether or not you believe in or care about the tawdry details of the messy divorce or who is now running Snopes, (and I personally don't put much stock in that), they are not above telling fibs. There is no San Fernando Valley Folklore Society. Snopes made that up. Even the NY Times couldn't deny it.

"For well over a decade they have acted as arbiters in the Age of Misinformation by answering the central question posed by every chain letter — is this true? — complete with links to further research."

"The Mikkelsons did not set out to fact-check the Web’s political smears and screeds. The site was started in 1996 as an online encyclopedia of myths and urban legends, building off the couple’s hobby. They had met years earlier on a discussion board about urban legends."

"Mr. Mikkelson was a dogged researcher of folklore. When he needed to mail letters requesting information, he would use the letterhead of the San Fernando Valley Folklore Society, an official-sounding organization he dreamed up. They would investigate the origins of classic tall tales, like the legend of the killer with a prosthetic hook who stalked Lovers’ Lane, for a small but devoted online audience."

So... For all their supposed "fact-checking" and "truthiness" Snopes told a whopper about themselves in order to look better.

The NY Times article went on to include a ton of excuses for why Snopes went political, blaming it all on, what else? Conservative meme-spreading, of course...

Liberals don't complain about their own memes,. but they do start memes that target conservatives, and then sit back and have huge knee-slapping, gut-laughs over it whenever their satire fools their opposition.

Christopher Blair and his many hoax/satire sites and memes, Marco Chackon and Melissa Pimdars, are trolls/hoaxers. They are liberals who thrive on lulz at the expense of conservatives they can get falling for their memes. In addition, Pimdars censors the kinds of material she wants her students reading, she would rather they sourced The Onion than an actual source that is non-left.

Snopes used to be a somewhat legitimate site for debunking chain letters, but while it maintains its repository of some good articles from the past, it's always had its glaring flaws, especially considering what passes for discussion on their message boards.

But since its change to a political site and minus its original writers, Snopes's transformation into a political left wing site has thrown its integrity and usefulness as a resource right off the cliff.

Snopes was never always right or agreeable, and they have always been lazy with the truth whenever it came to debunking politically left chain letters.

The false Chief Seattle speech chain letter. Not by Chief Seattle. How anyone could find this nauseating piece of pontificating, environmentalist, racist drither to be "undeniably beautiful is confounding. But here's the kicker - even though it is false, Snopes loves it! Here's the proof.

the tale of Jason Dole says he was always bothered by Snopes suggesting this, and by the other mutations that added in references to animal dung.

Snopes, like too many other sites, have always been terribly lazy and apathetic about debunking chain letters from the left, and unfortunately to their advantage, the right kept giving them more memes to pounce on.

Snopes did all kinds of tripping all over themselves to defend The Great Barack Obama from any harsh words that were true or untrue. But their lack of interest in truthiness and utter apathy in dealing with a disgusting chain lettercalling Rush Limbaugh a racist was hypocritical and appalling.

Snopes smeared Gamergate by implying it was "alt-right/white nationalist" and even redpill, which is MGTOW, or has strong associations with MGTOW.

Gamergate is not white nationalist or Black Lives Matter. It is not feminist or MGTOW.

It's a movement against identity politics being forced on gaming by feminists and MGTOW.

Snopes And Politifact Are Fake News this video explains how Snopes, FB, Google etc. libel conservative publications as "fake news" and lump them in with the likes of TheOnion.com, but liberal rags like Salon and Huffington get called "fact" or at least, get passed over from being labeled tabloids/fake news...

So-called "Political Fact-checker" For Snopes Exposed As Liberal Hack Yes, her name is Kim Lacapria, and she used to write for a liberal chain letter mill site The Inquisitor. And she's not the only liberal at Snopes. With the original founders of Snopes splitting, and so many liberals using the site to run and point fingers at conservatives for years "Lulz, look at the stupid conservatives spreading pants on fire chain letters again!" the opportunity for liberals to seize control of that site and amp up the whole myth of chain letters being a conservative problem and not a liberal one just got a bigger shovel to fling more mud while trying to look truthier and put on an objective facade.

Adding to this is their financial and legal trouble.

Read more here.

However, that meme claiming the founders of Snopes were arrested for fraud is false, and originates from a satire site "The People's Cube".

Don't believe anything coming from sites with names like that, or "RealTrueNews" or "LightlyBraisedTurnip", "DailyCurrant", "TheOnion", anything that has an url that looks silly or trying too hard to convince you it's true news.

Snopes's long fall from grace means it should deservedly tank.

Bye-bye Snopes, You're Dead To Me Now - Great article on Snopes lies and bias.

There are other hints too that Snopes was never and is not as objective as they might like people to believe.

Some category names:

"Media Matters". Media Matters For America, often shortened to Media Matters, is a liberal rag mag.

They've added a "Fake News" category that I don't recall being there before that giant left wing meme, the cry of "FAKE NEWS!" exploded after the 2016 US election finally didn't go their way.

The "Fake News!" Meme Part 1

The "Fake News!" Meme Part 2

Some site states that Snopes is actually being paid by certain corporations and ad agencies to stretch the "truth" in their favour. Well, I don't take Food Babe's word for it, but have seen Peta ads on Snopes' site before...

So, other than the few links to articles where Snopes actually has no choice but debunk left wing memes, it's time to say nope to Snopes.
