Something Wrong About Her

On the Saturday, Jessica got up early and left for her parents' house, they were having their easter family gathering then.

At some point during Jessica's absence, when Jenny thought all other furbies were busy or napping, she went looking for Polly. She found and cornered her behind the TV set, saying, "Nice eye lashes.."

Polly winced and turned away, but caught sight of Brittany wandering in.

"Remember, not a word to Jessica or else." said Jenny.

"You've gotten a little careless, Jenny, we're not the only ones here." said Polly, looking at Brittany.

"Her?" Jenny scoffed. "She's too stupid to even exist. She'll never remember let alone tell anyone. You tell Jessica and I'll rip you apart, bit by bit."

Polly looked incensed at Jenny's utterly mean remark, but said, "Jessica won't let that happen."

"Jessica won't even know about it, because you're going with me tonight."

Polly flinched. "I can't do that."

"You can, and you will! And you are going to tell Jessica that you're going to spy on me. That's how you'll get past her suspicions."

However Brittany felt about Jenny's low opinion of her, she didn't let on, but just kept wandering around with a sleepy, blank expression.

Later that day, Brittany did what Sundown had done days before, waiting until Jenny was nowhere near, then told Jessica what she had witness transpiring between Jenny and Polly earlier that day.

Jessica became angry, but didn't raise her voice. "No doubt about it, she is going to Hannah's. And don't let her bother you, whatever she says, you are not stupid."

"I don't care what she thinks of me, because I don't like her anyway." said Brittany. "But this works to my advantage. I'll let her think I'm an idiot, and she'll keep her guard down around me. She's been upsetting everyone and no one knows why. Maybe I can find out this way."

"Slick, Brittany, very slick." Jessica smiled.

As it turned out, the weather was still too cold for the window to be open more than a crack, so much to her aggravation, Jenny's plans for Polly had to wait.

Jessica had brought some food from the celebration back home, much to the delight of all the furbies. They had a very happy easter indeed.

Chowing Down

Easter Sunday was the opposite of Good Friday, Jessica was dressed in vibrant, bright colors, she put on happy music, and read the rest of the Easter story, of Jesus's resurrection.

"And that is why we celebrate Easter." she concluded.

"So where do easter eggs and bunnies come in?" asked Peekaboo.

"They come in with the whole renewal of life and the spring, just as Snow goes with Christmas for us here where we live, Easter comes with everything spring.

"why don't we get to see the easter Bunny?" asked Tina.

"But you do," said Sybil, smiling at the furblings, "I'm your Easter Bunny."

They seemed happy with that explanation.

"And I'll be yours," Toby purred in Jessica's ear.

"Oh, Toby," she said affectionately, giving him a scritch behind the ears. "That, you are."

With Easter Sunday over, Jenny seemed relieved. She kept saying things like "Good, it's finally over." much to Jessica's and the other furbies' irritation.

Even Floyd was fed up with her attitude. He waddled quickly toward her when she had said one too many times how glad she was of the celebration's end. He was twice her size, and looking at her with a stern, frowning face. "One more word of this sort from you and I'll give you a fat lip. Cut it out!" He warned her.

Jenny shrunk back with a visible shudder.

It was just one more reason for Jessica to start being convinced that perhaps Sundown and Toby were right about Jenny all along, maybe she really was evil, and they weren't so paranoid after all.

To further confirm this suspicion was the way Jenny reacted when Jessica was notified of a music recording which she downloaded and played, and really liked.

It was "See What A Morning" Aka the "Resurrection Hymn" but Jessica said nothing about the name or who performed it until she and the furbies listened to it all the way through.

Kitri in particular, loved it, especially where the music became loud, deep and rumbling with excitement.

The only one who hated it was Jenny, who winced at the music itself, then twitched and cringed at the positive effect it was having on the others.

She tried to leave, but she could hear it all over the house. To make matters worse, there was no window open wide enough for her to get through and escape to the outdoors.

When the song was over, she returned, finding no one even seemed to have noticed or cared about her reaction at all.

"Where did you get that?" asked Holly. "iTunes?"

"No, this was something Hannah Ocean Elf played on the piano.

At this, Jenny launched into some kind of fit.

"Aaaaaaaaagh! Hannah again! It's always Hannah with you! I'm sick of hearing about her! Just stop it already!" Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

Jessica got up and went to grab Jenny before she could roll and scurry out of the room. She picked her up, and asked her, point blank, "Why?"

"I told you!" Jenny wailed.

"You didn't tell me why. Why are you so afraid of Hannah?"

"Not afraid!" Jenny retorted.

"Heh, looks like fear to me." said Jet.

"Could it be you're on the side of the enemy?" Jessica wanted to know.

That was far too loaded a question, and all Jenny could do was scream over and over "Let me go! Let me go!"

"Busted!" said Kitri.

"No! I just don't want to hear about her any more! It's because you're always threatening to send me to her! That's why!" Jenny tried desperately to convince Jessica of this, hoping it would be enough to make her dismiss the truth as a paranoid theory.

one day during the following week, Kitri had been the one to go to work with Jessica, so Toby was in charge of combat training, much to Jenny's groaning displeasure.

"Quit playing so rough, Tobias!" Jenny yelled when Toby made a stealth and slam attack on her.

"Who's Tobias?" asked Jet.

toby ignored Jet's question for now, and addressed Jenny. "It ain't playing, this is real training, for a real mission in case you forgot, and my name ain't Tobias." he snickered.

"Sure it is, that's what Toby's short for, isn't it?" Jenny sneered. "No wonder you don't want anyone to know.

Toby was about to correct her, when he checked himself, and thought better of it. "Okay, you win the word war, but not the battle!" He slammed into her again, causing her to skid half way across the basement. "For real, Jen-Jen!"

Jenny wuffed with the impact, and glared at Toby. "I'd rather have Kitri back." she pouted.

"I thought you said she was too bossy and gave too many orders." Holly sniped at Jenny, but whirled and slammed into Toby, sending him flying.

Toby groaned as he went sailing right into a far corner, smacking into it with a loud thud.

Great hit, Holly!" Buck cheered.

All the other furbies cheered and laughed loudly.

"For real!" Holly reminded him, smirking.

Jenny chortled.

And she was by far not the only one.

It took Toby only a moment to right himself, but much longer to catch his breath.

"You okay, bud?" Dmitri asked.

I hope not." Jenny mumbled.

"You shut up!" Sybil snapped, having come up behind and overhearing this.

Still catching his breath, toby grinned lopsidedly. "Yeah. I think so... Hope so anyway." He added in an undertone. Then he looked at Holly. "Congrats, you really got me good that time!" He wheezed. "Holy - crap!"

"Way to go, Holly!" Misty cheered.

There was another round of cheering.

"Thank you, thank you!" Holly smiled proudly, and did her best for a bow.

When Jessica and Kitri came home, everyone was anxious to tell them how Holly had beaten Toby at his own game, but much to Jenny's confusion and annoyance, no one was prouder of Holly than Toby.

When Toby could get Jet alone, with Jenny nowhere around, he said, "You know Jenny mucked up my name today."

"Yeah, that was right out of left field. I thought your name was b - "

"Shhhh. Yeah." Toby came up very close to whisper in Jet's ear.

But Jet still hadn't forgotten what happened the last time Toby got this close, and he instinctively jumped back.

"Hey, I'm not gonna do anything to you." toby chuckled. "I just don't wanna be overheard."


"Yeah, really. Please, listen to me."

"Okay," Jet let Toby approach him this time. "

"That's not the first time she's messed up a name. She did that with Tina last week too."

"Weird." said Jet.

"You're telling me. Ever since that day when Jenny came in from playing outside, all banged up, she hasn't been right."

"I know. said Jet.

"She doesn't bother to keep her neat appearance the way she did before, she's been moody and snarky, and she lies like a rug."

Jet burst out laughing.

Toby shushed him, and continued. "she doesn't look right, she doesn't act right, and I don't even think she smells right. But I'm still trying to get close enough, long enough to be sure. Something's very wrong. And I'm getting a theory about it. Trouble is, it's so far-out I'm not even sure I'm not going off the rails a little. So, the more she goofs up things she should know about us by now, the more sense it's going to make."

"What's your theory?" asked Jet.

Toby shook his head. "I'd rather wait with telling anyone, and then let Sundown know. He's been here the longest. He'll tell me if it's Jenny who has the screws loose or if it's me."

"For what it's worth, I don't think it's you." said Jet.

Toby sighed gratefully. Thanks. Listen, don't say anything to anyone else just yet. Not until things are a little clearer."

"You got it."

"Jet! Dmitri! Toby! Dinner time!" Jessica called.
