

Miranda The Movie Star

With Iona's help, Miranda had finally managed to get moved into the place that belonged to Mr. Un, one of her pop idols. However, it wasn't turning out as peachy as she had thought it would be.

Once inside, Miranda was surrounded by tons of other fan girls, every one of them going nuts whenever Mr. Un would make a brief appearance. The place felt more like a harem than a pop star paradise. there always seemed to be someone watching, and no one would let her go outdoors for long, or all alone.

She had become completely disillusioned with him since the night of the last show. He had told her she was special, yet he continued to act the same way toward many other girls. Miranda wasn't willing to share him, and she was the type who had to be THE most important in someone else's life.

She had even fantasized about marrying Mr. Un until the night of the show when she saw and overheard him with Kelly. The next show, it had been Kelly who had been the star along with him.

Now, Miranda had enough. She wasn't the one and only, far above every other person especially girls in her number one pop star's life and she just had to get out of there somehow.

Iona was still there, and she obviously had it bad for him, she got this awestruck look whenever he was near her. If he smiled at her, she nearly passed out. Miranda did not trust Iona with him. She knew if she married him, Iona was just the type to try breaking them up so she could have him for herself.

This just wasn't what Miranda had originally thought it would be. She felt small and unimportant in that huge mansion with all his employees and groupees around.

She remembered times in her childhood, feeling angry and deprived whenever her father went away on business trips, leaving her behind, as if she wasn't the absolute most important thing in his life. Ariel had always tried to make up for that. Although as soon as Daddy was back, Ariel didn't matter to Miranda any more, and Miranda had been absolutely spoiled rotten by her father whenever he was at home.

Well, that was gone now too, and there was no going back to Ariel's, especially not with that Danae Monroe around.

Miranda cursed NT for being born, and Ariel for crying abuse and working with other former employees to put Miranda's father behind bars right after that first confrontation with NT.

Miranda had been aware of her father's attitude and was herself very dictatorial toward anyone who worked for the Tompkins. They were just the little people put on earth to serve them and no more than that.

So when he was convicted of abusing his former employees including Ariel, and one of his abuses of Ariel had brought about NT, Miranda could not and would not accept that fact. She put the blame on Ariel and the others, and on NT for coming into existance and proving Ariel's claim of abuse right.

What a bunch of greedy and heartless buzzards they all were. Some day, Miranda would find the right man to marry, and a good place to live, and then she could begin to get her life back and perhaps even work to free her father.

"Miranda," a girl tapped her on the shoulder. "He wants to see you."

Startled and feeling irritable, Miranda shot a glance back at the one who had spoken, which happened to be that annoying tick Iona again. "Forget it. "I'm not going to be a fool twice. He can go jump in the--"

"No, seriously, Miranda, he says he's working on a movie script and he needs you to be in it."

Miranda's eyes widened. "Movie? I didn't know he was making a movie. But forget it. He'll probably want all the other girls to co-star in it along with me and I'm not playing second to anybody!" she ranted.

"No, there aren't any other girls. He said only you can play the lead in this show."

"Why doesn't he just go it alone? Hex knows he's demn bleepin good at acting. I sure found that out on Christmas Eve night."

"Oh for crying out loud are you still sore about that?" Iona rolled her eyes. "He's got to keep the other girls around for his image."

"Yeah, so he's said, again and again and again...and again... and - again...and - "

"Will you stop that!?" Even Iona was getting impatient with Miranda.

"Sorry lady, I'm not stupid, and I just don't buy that crock of shart."

"But won't you at least listen? It's a movie. He's already turned me down for the part and he's definitely not giving it to Kelly. C'mon, it'll be your show. Just think if the movie makes it big, your name will be up in lights all over the world!"

Miranda was wearing down, but still suspicious. "OK, what's in this for you? You aren't begging me out of the goodness of your own heart. you have a big thing for him too, I can see that. So if he turned you down for the part, why are you so fired eager to get me to do it? Seems to me you'd want it for yourself anyway, so why bother asking me?"

"You're right, there is something in it for me. I'm moving out of here." Iona's eyes misted. "I do love him, but he's always pushing me aside too. I know it's pretty stupid, but I'll do anything for him. Maybe some day he will love me if I--" Iona sniffed and turned away to wipe her eye. She wasn't really crying but it had to look that way to Miranda. She had to do whatever it took to get Miranda where the man wanted her, that was the deal.

"You can have him, I don't give a flying crap." Miranda said.

"Well, I just had to ask you for him. He'll be looking for you anyway. "Oh demmit I wanted that part so bad,, and I want him even more. It really hurt coming out here to ask you to do it. I know we're friends and all that, but I love him and he wants you for the role. I'm not mad at you, really (sniff) I'm sorry, it's just...just..." Iona let herself sag as she was heard starting to sob. She was really laying it on thick.

Miranda began to think. Much as she was starting to mistrust Mr. Un, here was Iona, grovelling because she was so hopelessly stuck on him that she'd even help him get another girl for a part she wanted.

And wouldn't it be a kicker for Iona if there were some heavy duty love scenes in that movie? Scenes she would die for to happen in reality. What a neat way to get back at Iona for showing off at another concert with a magic spell that nearly got NT up in the limelight if it hadn't been for that gutless baby chickening out. Not to mention Iona's falling in love with the star Miranda wanted for herself.

Miranda didn't know how much she might enjoy working on a movie with him now that jealousy had become such a constant companion for her, but maybe it would be worth it to get even with Iona. And then hopefully Miranda would have enough money and clout to get herself out of this rat-race. The thought of becoming a star with more money than she'd know what to do with, being able to call all the shots and order everyone else about, getting so much attention and adoration, knowing she, Miranda Tompkins, was number one, above Iona, and especially above NT, Ariel, Danae, and anyone else she hated...Sure, that just might work.

Already Miranda began to entertain fantasies of firing Mr. Un from his own movie that she was directing, because he had gotten too close to a girl off set. She would also have fun assigning NT to janitorial work, Ariel to fetch her water, and Danae being cast by Miranda in a role she hated, but had to play it or be out of a job.

Miranda smiled slyly, her eyes glinted. "Well, I just hope I get paid and paid well."

"Good luck, Miranda," Iona whimpered, "Let's go." And she and Miranda walked through the mansion until they found him in a rehearsal room. There, Iona left her.

"Miranda, you're just the girl I want to see!" Mr. Un said, putting on the charm that used to, and still did thrill Miranda from head to toe.

"Yeah, Iona said something about a movie that you wanted me for?" she snickered.

"It's no joke, my girl, you and only you can make this movie fly. I've already turned Kelly, Iona, and Shannon down, and I've asked them to tell all the others not to even bother me about it."

"Really?" She couldn't help the smile that formed on her face. "So, what kind of movie is it?"

"It's a thriller romance. You don't mind doing scenes with," And here he outlined some details that were questionable at the very best, continuing with, "you're a brave girl, aren't you?"

Miranda's eyes lit up. "As long as it's with you, and not some understudy." she said.

The celebrity laughed heartily. "I wouldn't let an understudy have all the fun, don't worry.

Miranda grinned malevolently. This would really get under Iona's jealous skin to see her beloved participating in some of these scenes with another girl. And wouldn't Ariel be absolutely shocked out of her mind if she knew. She wasn't sure her dad would like it but then again, he was in prison, and she didn't think they got much chance to go out to movies. "I hope the pay is good." Miranda didn't want to leave anything to chance.

"you'll get double the pay than if you weren't doing those scenes." Mr. Un stated.

"Then, I'm all yours." Miranda cooed.

"Oh, Miranda, it will be a breeze once you get started. You'll be having so much fun you won't even remember your initial nervousness. But first, before we get started," he looked intently at Miranda. "I heard from Iona how Ariel sent your father up the river and mistreated you while you were living there. Well...I've got a score of my own to settle with that harpee, and if you can help me, this movie could turn out to be only the very beginning of good times for us...you and me."

"If?" Miranda asked.

He picked up on her hesitation, he could see that, however she wanted to destroy Ariel for what happened to her father, Miranda was not willing to be manipulated into doing anything. He quickly thought up an explanation, which satisfied Miranda, and also happened to be true. "It's risky. If we play our cards right, we can have it all. But you have to be careful and very smooth when you bring someone down, not to bring yourself down with them. I don't want either of us blowing it, and some of the things we might have to do are, well, considered illegal depending on where we are and what we might have to do. I just meant we both have to be careful to look good and not end up getting caught doing anything or there will be no more movies for either of us."

Miranda nodded. "Then I'm game. What I wouldn't do to stomp that skanky little drudge of my father's into the ground after she took it all away from him and from *me*!"

"Then, it's settled. I knew I could count on you, Miranda, you're one of very few girls with guts." her pop idol said, putting on one of his devilish charming smiles for her. "We can start as soon as I get the call. A...mutual...friend is going to deal with that blighter AKA NT."

Miranda hooted.

Mr. Un continued. "When she's taken care of, here's what we'll do to get Ariel where she belongs." he snarled, and began laying a very sinister plan with Miranda.

At Ariel's...

NT had put the trash out, but on her way back to the house, she heard someone crying for help. It seemed to come from behind a tree in the backyard. She made her way over to where the sound was coming from and found the girl, who seemed to be in a lot of distress and wouldn't let NT get too close, apparently not wanting to be seen clearly.

NT thought this was odd, but did the usual, asking what was wrong and if she could help the girl, but when she got close enough, something happened and there was blackness, and NT had passed out.

The girl glared malevolently down at NT before quickly taking off. Some distance away, she called "S" "Hi S, it's Tonya...The stupid little whimp is down for the count. With any luck, she won't wake up for the next 6 hours."

"Well done, Tonya. Take the rest of the day and celebrate. I'll have your money for you tomorrow." S said with a chuckle.

Yes, that girl was indeed, Tonya Harper, and she had pulled off a wonderful disguise and act so she could put NT out of commission with pleasure. Now, she threw off the magical disguise, returning to her normal, wicked self.

For a few moments, she thought about how she could celebrate and with whom. She wished Jacquan could be here to see NT sprawled out helplessly on the ground, wouldn't he and Tonya have fun laughing at this pathetic little weakling of a brat. She called him, but got no answer.

Nick was starting not to be so crazy about NT as he once was, but he still hadn't come to despise her. Tonya realized that was part of his nature, it would have to take a great deal for him to literally hate anyone. He was more likely to start out feeling sorry for them, and then simply get bored with them when a new passion came along. Tonya feared every day his feelings for her would run out the way they were slowly but surely doing for NT now. So, she didn't feel she could call on him to share in her malevolent glee.

However, there lay NT several feet away, just waiting to have something done to her, and how Tonya wanted to do something, anything to humiliate her in every way possible, including physically. The temptation was too much, and stealthily she began to move forward, advancing on NT's still form.

In the mean time, "All set, now it's your turn to make a call and lay it on thick." the pop star said to Miranda.

She giggled gleefully before getting down to the serious business of pulling off one heck of an act on the phone.

Ariel's cell phone rang.

When she picked up, she heard Miranda, crying hysterically on the other end.

"Ariel? I'm in trouble."

"Miranda!? What's wrong?"

"I got robbed." she sobbed. "Some people who were at the party with me last night found out who I was and they stole all my money and everything! They'll kill me if you don't take out all the money from my account and take it to them and I'm scared to death!"

Ariel turned pale, but she didn't have time to ask or suggest anything.

"They want you to come with the money alone, no police! "They're gonna kill me, please!"

"Where are you?" Ariel asked, she needed to know that much in order to be of any help.

Miranda gave an address, not the mansion, but another location where she said the kidnappers wanted to meet with Ariel.

"Hang on, Miranda, I'll be there." said Ariel. Before she could say anything else, the line went dead.

Instead of going to the bank, Ariel went straight to where Miranda was being held. She had no intention of giving the kidnappers and robbers anything, not Miranda's money, nothing. On her way there, she remembered to call Danae and Pippi, letting them know what was up, and that their help might be needed.

Back at the mansion, Miranda turned off the crying act as quick as a wink. She looked at her director. "So, do I get an Oscar?"

"Nice work, Miranda!" Mr. Un commended her. "You are good! You could put any experienced actress to shame, you even had me going for a while!" he clapped her on the shoulder.

Miranda laughed like the giddy, unfeeling idiot she was. "Really!? Oh, I can't wait!"

Ariel called Pippi and Danae as she drove to where the trouble was. However, once there, she barely made it out of her car and was halfway up the steps to the house Miranda had said, when someone jumped her from behind and held something over her face.

She struggled and fought, and then blacked out.

Once the fight was taken out of Ariel, the man responsible for knocking her out, brought her back to the mansion, where Miranda and the pop star were.

Miranda sneered. "Let's give it to her!"

"Miranda, Ariel doesn't know who I am. But she knows you. That's why you can't be there when I settle my score. If she can make up stories about your father, just imagine what she'd do to you if you actually saw what she's got coming from me."

Miranda's bottom lip hung down in one of her infernal childish sulky pouts, but she nodded sullenly. "Couldn't you at least tape it?"

"Yes, of course, my dear." he said silkily with a grin. "I'll make sure you see it all once we've pulled it off and are in the clear. I'll make it worth watching for our pleasure for later on, too. She'll be screaming for mercy or death, and wishing she had never tangled with either of us by the time I'm through!"

"Oh, COOOOOOOOOLLL! Hahahahahahahaha - I can hardly wait!!!" Miranda threw her head back, shrieking in lurid hysterical ecstacy.

"And NT can have it on her conscience that she slept while her mother suffered."

Miranda slapped her knee and positively howled with laughter. "Man, oh, holy gockin freakin bleep! If that doesn't make her jump off the nearest bridge, I don't know what will!" She took a few deep breaths to come down off the sadistic high. "Oh...I guess we won't shoot the movie right now then...?"

"I'm sorry, not right now, miranda, but soon, very soon." he purred.

Mr. Un took Miranda into the adjacent studio and shot a quick scene with her before going back to confront Ariel. Not only did he say it would fit into the movie, but it would make Miranda more convincing as a victim of a robbery if it came down to the police finding out anything about this.

So, to really look the part, Miranda, with her pop crush's help, got some for real but do-it-yourself-bruises. Anyone, particularly Ariel wouldn't blame her for her part in this revenge plot of theirs.

Then, he went back to the other room, bellowed at Ariel, and by being very cruel to her, woke her out of the faint.

Ariel jerked her head out of the way--that was the only part of her she could move, she was tied so tightly. "What have you done with Miranda!?" she cried desperately.

"Never you mind about her!" he glared down at her. "It's you I want! Look at me demmit You're the one who ruined *everything*!"

He seized Ariel's chin and tilted her head up towards him. "I said *look* at me!!"

Ariel's eyes flashed angrily. Being tied up and talked down to like this was humiliating and outrageous and it brought back terrible memories of her abusive Master.. "Young man!" she started, but he cut her off.

"Not a sound out of you! And don't be thinking anyone's going to save you." the evil man sneered. "You cost me everything, cow...and now you've got to pay. Scream all you want to, no one's going to hear you..." he laughed. His magic was more powerful than hers also, and he made sure she couldn't fight back that way. "You're going to give me back what's rightfully mine!" Again, he was cruel to her.


Tonya in the mean time, had clouted NT on the head with a fist, slapped her face, rolled her over and took out a pen, which she used to write "I'm a spoiled, whiny, stupid, nauseating, bratty little idiot and I don't deserve to live. Make the world a better place, put me out of your misery and shoot me." on the back of her shirt.

After all this, NT still showed no sign of awakening.

"Hahahahahaha! That'll teach you, you stupid little..." and here Tonya uttered some nasty names too foul to repeat.

She had no scissors on hand or she would've shaved NT's head and cut her clothes to ribbons. She had to settle for yanking as much of her hair out as she could.

Still, NT didn't move.

Not satisfied that NT was apparently not feeling any of this, Tonya decided she wanted NT to wake up knowing she had been mistreated in a particularly humiliating way.

Once again, she rolled NT roughly over on her back, kicking at her in the process.

But as she reached for the front of NT's shirt to begin tearing it off, the girl suddenly shuddered violently and groaned as if in the middle of a bad dream.

The surprise caused Tonya to back away, sweat profusely and turn very red in the face. The last thing she wanted was for NT to wake up and catch her in an act that could come back to haunt her if anyone made the connection between her and the true identity of the rock star impostor.

One more twitch from NT, and Tonya had no choice but zap herself out of there by magic to avoid being seen.

NT awakened with a pounding headache, and an overwhelming feeling that something just wasn't right. It reminded her of waking up in that dungeon when she and Macy had been taken prisoner.

A quick glance around revealed she was in her own backyard, so it wasn't her who was in danger this time, unless the house was on fire or something. Her loved ones, though, what about them!?
