

Having A Hairy "Karen" Meme Over Ellen's Hair

The "Me On Ellen/OMG Ellen You Didn't!" Meme

This article actually perpetuates the obnoxious stupid "Karen" meme. Then actually consists of this stupid shallow-minded stuff about hair determining personality, and then Film Daily actually accepted it for publication on their site. Film Daily has a few good articles on Ellen Degeneres, but this isn't one of them. It's chockablock full of use of the "Karen" meme and goes on about hair style, as if that's any determining factor in personality.

Unfortunately, Film Daily also has some idiotic articles promoting stupid memes. Not cool.

So when an article gets through that does both the meming and the conniption over the hair, one can only ask, why, and what in the actual heck?

It was likely meant as some kind of joke/humor, but it's the kind that is already way overkilled.

humor is definitely not sacred since it holds nothing sacred, so this joke article is getting panned, especially since it perpetuates a meme, many times within itself.



💇‍♀️Ellen DeGeneres a Karen? How could it be? Ellen may have the Karen haircut but what does this mean? Let's find out.

July 1, 2020 Carmen MacBeth

💇‍♀️Is Ellen DeGeneres’s Karen haircut proof she’s the worst Karen around?

🧝‍♀️She's an Ellen, not a "Karen" and no haircut proves anything about someone other than they are currently wearing a certain hair style. Take a moment to let that sink in.

Bob cuts

💇‍♀️At the 2020 Golden Globes (one of the last big events before everything got canceled), Ellen DeGeneres walked on the red carpet sporting a Karen haircut.

🧝‍♀️It is not a "Karen" haircut, it's just a haircut. As long as everybody adored Ellen Degeneres and overshared scads of links promoting her annoying show, nobody said anything about Ellen's hair.

Now that Ellen, the living meme for years, is finally undergoing some scrutiny for good reason, some morons decide that she's a "Karen" and her hairall of a sudden matters so much?

Oh please...!

💇‍♀️ That winged bob that big box store associates everywhere dread to see,

🧝‍♀️Don't lump big box store associates in with the meming idiots. If people were so stupid as to think "Oh noes! Here comes somebody with a bob cut! Nasty customer by default! Run for cover! Close the shop!" they wouldn't be fit to work with the general public.

💇‍♀️the Karen haircut is a short, usually blond do that screams entitled lady.

🧝‍♀️Wrong. Forget hair. Anybody can be a brat. I'm pretty sure this entitled lady is not sporting a blonde bob.

Neither is this entitled lady who is mad as a hornet because she can't get free water at a gas station.

Or this woman.

Then there's this woman at her sentencing and she scares me.

Another scary violent woman

Then there are people in this compilation. One of the idiots in that compilation even sniped at a guy over his "stupid haircut". The man complaining at the drive-through is Jose Camacho, a professional antagonizor, a huge troll.

Your use of the "Karen" meme has reached 5 times in this one article so far. Boo-hiss.

💇‍♀️What’s that, you ask?

🧝‍♀️No, I never asked you that.

💇‍♀️ Ellen DeGeneres a Karen?

🧝‍♀️No. She's a meme. You're just trying to use another meme on top of that. Your meme count is now 6.

💇‍♀️How could it be?

🧝‍♀️It can't. She's Ellen, not "Karen".

💇‍♀️Ellen has such an affable personality!

🧝‍♀️It's for show and ratings, and she would definitely love to keep being a huge living meme.

💇‍♀️People dance on her show.

🧝‍♀️All for the ratings, attention, money, and all to promote the show and keep that meme going.

💇‍♀️She was the fish in Finding Nemo.

🧝‍♀️1. That movie didn't literally turn her into a talking fish.

2. That movie was before she got her political activism going. So it really has nothing to do with anything.

3. That movie was before she became a meme

💇‍♀️How could she be mean?

🧝‍♀️That's how.

💇‍♀️Turns out, who Ellen is when the cameras aren’t rolling is a very different person from when they’re on.

🧝‍♀️Hurrah! Congratulations for waking up to that! Now you still need to trash the "Karen" meme and stop carping about hair.

I've always thought Ellen Degeneres was disingenuous and way over-rated, and now finally it's all coming out in the wash.

💇‍♀️That person, sadly, is a Karen,

🧝‍♀️Wrong. She is an Ellen. Kill the "Karen" meme! Your meme count is now 7.

There's nothing actually sad about people finally waking up and coming out of the celebrity or meme-adoration fog to realize some celebs just aren't always as nice as they thought, and the meme jokes and sappy social network re-shares are not as warm and personal and altruistic as they thought. It may feel sad to these people initially, but it's all for the best, and cause for celebration from a meme-mangler's point of view.

💇‍♀️haircut and all.

🧝‍♀️Am I writing too fast? See above...!

💇‍♀️What’s a Karen?

🧝‍♀️It's a girl's name that has now been crapped all over by an idiotic meme. You're up to 6 times now, but I'll let the last one go since you are trying to explain the meme rather than use it. But after that, the number will rise each time you mention "Karen".

💇‍♀️A Karen is a woman, often a white, middle-class suburban mom, who bullies people under her to get her way.

🧝‍♀️No. A Karen is anyone actually named Karen, who has been mocked by an insanely insensitive. often racist and sexist, stupid meme used by lazy cretins addicted to memes, who would rather screech "KAREN!" than try to come up with an original thought and express themselves personally.

From this point on, the number will be counted.

💇‍♀️Baristas tremble when they see her strolling in with her haircut and cross attitude.

🧝‍♀️Wrong. They may tremble when they see a woman or anyone for that matter, walking in with a sour expression and an entitled air. Bobhaircutaphobia is a form of descrimination just like blonde jokes. So quit prattling on like a third-grader about hair and write something fit to publish that won't possibly embarrass you years down the road.

I could go into a coffee shop wearing a bobcut and no one there would have any cause to fear me. I go into coffee shops and such places, assuming I will be coming out of them with a delicious treat. If that doesn't turn out to be the case, it's usually my own fault for being adventurous and trying something new that I didn't care for.

Only once do I remember getting a coffee I didn't like because it was stale or tasted like the smell of boiled drip coffee. I didn't make a huge fuss, though, just sent it back and got a refill, which was just fine.

Having something to look forward to makes me smile, and the smell of coffee reminds me of very happy times from since I was little. I love the stuff. I would go out for coffee with my parents before the covid thing happened, and those outings were always so pleasant. Not a care in the world during our coffee time.

💇‍♀️She’s also rude and has a penchant for speaking with the manager over the most minor inconvenience.

🧝‍♀️That is a womanchild, the male version being a manchild. An entitled adult brat. I know someone like that, and her name is not Karen.

💇‍♀️Ellen’s TV persona in no way comes across as a Karen.

🧝‍♀️Even if her name was Karen, it still wouldn't, because that stage persona is fake as the day is long. Goody2shoes is what it is. And that vineer has slipped many a time even in front of the camera.

Ellen has gotten smug. As a wildly addored living meme, she has become so popular that she's gotten away with stunts like trying to force Mariah Carey to drink to prove whether or not she was pregnant. That is horrendous. It's all just coming out now, and I have no idea why it didn't all go crumbling down around her way before this. Have people been this afraid of the Ellen adoration cult for so long?

Your meme count is 8.

💇‍♀️Backstage, reports of Ellen’s less than friendly behavior surfaced in April.

🧝‍♀️This should've been reported long ago.

💇‍♀️ While her TV presence doesn’t match, Ellen’s Karen haircut reveals all.

🧝‍♀️Kill the "Karen meme...!" It's an Ellen haircut, and I guess I need to remind you once again that hair does not influence personality... This clumsy attempt at humor is infantile and stupid, not cute or funny.

Your meme count is 9.

💇‍♀️“The meanest people alive”

A tweet called for stories from fans to confirm whether or not Ellen Degeneres was “one of the meanest people alive.”

🧝‍♀️That's already covered in the collection of good articles on Ellen.

💇‍♀️Rather than getting a bunch of tweets defending Ellen, the Twitterverse got the tea about Ellen being a Karen, and lots of it.

🧝‍♀️Twitter...verse. Ugh.

I'm tired of people tacking 'verse' on to things like that. There is only one universe, people. Please, use Twitterscape instead.

I didn't read through all those tweats, but along with the good ones that were mentioned in the articles, there probably were plenty of idiots gleefully perpetuating that stupid meme.

Apart from a lot of info being shared and painstakingly gathered by other people to make articles on things like Ellen's behavior, Twitter is a big waste of time IMO.

Your meme count is now 10.

💇‍♀️Former staff reported that Ellen has a lot of Karen rules on the set.

🧝‍♀️No...They are Ellen rules. Your meme count is now 11. Kill it!

💇‍♀️There are signs backstage ordering the crew to “never look the host in the eye”. If Ellen thinks a crew member or a staff member smells bad, she sends them home to shower. Because she has issues with smell, she makes staff chew gum before entering her dressing room.

🧝‍♀️Yes, it said that in the article collection. I find this particularly amusing since I always thought her show stunk and got so sick of seeing people sharing or sending me any stinking Ellen links personally. Ellen was a stinking meme, long before all this stuff started coming to light.

💇‍♀️Staff also report that Ellen DeGeneres has a “least favorite” of the day. A new staff member was warned that Ellen is vicious towards one staff member each day and when it’s “your turn,” to just ride it out. He didn’t believe it at first, then he said it was true. Another source said Ellen treated them “like peasants.”

🧝‍♀️You could've gotten rid of everything else in this article and left only that. This detail needs to be put into other articles as well, it is that mind-blowing. And it blows her whole "Be kind" bullcrap right out of the water and into the next galaxy. Information like that is far more valuable than all the memes on the net put together.

So perhaps the better question is is Ellen really talking to herself when she's telling everyone to "Be kind"?

💇‍♀️That’s Karen behavior.

🧝‍♀️No, that's Ellen behavior...!

Your meme count is now 12.

💇‍♀️Nikki Tutorials

Nikki Tutorials is a transgender YouTuber. She was invited on Ellen DeGeneres’s show where everything seemed normal – no bigotry, no awkward questions, just a normal segment. Per usual, Ellen wasn’t a Karen at all in front of the cameras.

🧝‍♀️Ellen is not a "Karen" period...!

Ellen was not acting like an Ellen in front of the camera, she was acting like a fake.

Your meme count is now at 13.

💇‍♀️Then, Nikki Tutorials appeared on a Dutch TV show where they asked her about her experience on Ellen DeGeneres’ show. She seemed reluctant to answer, and her hesitation gave a clue that Ellen may not have been as nice to her when the cameras weren’t rolling. We think Nikki may have been scared to face the wrath of Karen.

🧝‍♀️You think wrong. Nikki may have been afraid to face the wrath of Ellen, not "Karen"...!

Your meme count is now 14.

Kill that meme!

💇‍♀️How much of a Karen is Ellen,

🧝‍♀️Ellen is an Ellen, not a Karen!

Your meme count is now at 15.

Kill that meme!

💇‍♀️ really?

🧝‍♀️Yes really. Kill it!

💇‍♀️Ellen’s reported Karen behavior

🧝‍♀️Not "Karen". Ellen's own behavior...!

Your meme count is at 16.

Kill that meme!

💇‍♀️goes back long before Ellen DeGeneres’ Karen haircut.

🧝‍♀️Not her "Karen" haircut. Her own haircut. And you've just started showing some signs of realizing that hair has nothing to do with it. That's a small step in the right direction.

But your meme count is at 17.

Kill that meme!

💇‍♀️Ellen received criticism for a lot of her actions going way back. She is a control freak regarding her show and unless everything is 100% her way, she’s not happy. While that’s true for a lot of creators and entertainers,per sources,

🧝‍♀️And sometimes nobodies like myself. I've been accused of being a control-freak, and it all depends on the people and situation. Sometimes it's unwarranted, other times, I can see where the other person's coming from when they are upset with me. Friends and I work it out. Other people who are much harder on me or my friends than they should be on trolls who are actual 100% control-freaks, not so much.

💇‍♀️Ellen takes it to Karen levels.

🧝‍♀️Wrong. Ellen takes it to Ellen levels...!

Your meme count is at 18.

Kill that meme!

💇‍♀️Is Ellen embracing her “Karen-ness”?

🧝‍♀️No...! Ellen is being Ellen. She is embracing her Ellen-ness...!

Your meme count is at 19.

Kill it!

💇‍♀️Ellen DeGeneres’ hairstyle is easy to do at home – it’s essentially a bowl cut.

🧝‍♀️There you go, obsessing on hair again.

💇‍♀️Maybe Karens everywhere will trade in the winged bob for a bowl cut.

🧝‍♀️No, just because someone's named Karen does not mean they are suddenly going to cut their hair, let alone the Ellen way...

Die-hard Ellen fans, though, well, some just might.


Kill it...!

💇‍♀️Even without the blowback, we don’t think Karens will stop liking Ellen DeGeneres.

🧝‍♀️Not "Karen"s. They are called fangirls/fanboys, Ellen's fanclub, Ellen's adoration cult, and there probably are some actual fans of hers named Karen. But being an Ellen fan will not automatically change your name to Karen.

Your meme count: 21!

Kill it!

💇‍♀️ In fact, with her new hair cut, Karens will flock to her more.

🧝‍♀️Oh please! There's no "infact" about it. This is a big pile of droll dreck.

real people named Karen won't just start adoring the living meme because of hair, and neither will anyone else unless they are a shallow-minded, hair-obsessed twit.

Your meme count: GRAND TOTAL OF 22!

Kill that meme!



Anti Chains Are Still Just Memes