Awareness Overload
here's an excellent post for anyone who's had more than enough "awareness" blasts come their way. I've used a made-up word combining "problem" and "condition" so as you read this, you can apply it to whatever awareness cause(s) you are just sick of hearing about. I've also included the link to the original article so you can find out what cause she is burned out on.
I'm tired of problition
Posted by Jill Smo
Friday, April 20, 2012 at 12:00 AM
I'm tired of problition. I'm tired of talking about it. I'm tired of thinking about it. I'm tired of "being aware" of it. I'm tired of hearing about it, reading about it, seeing tweets, Facebook posts, articles, news stories and emails..... about it.
I would like to take a break from problition, please.
Can we talk about something else for a little while? I don't need to know about any new theories about what causes it. Yes, I've heard about the CDC statistics, thank you. Don't tell me about conferences or speakers or events happening in my area, because I don't want to go to them.
I have awareness overload: I am completely aware. Thank you. Please stop making me aware of problition now.
I don't mind hearing stories about your kids, because I think your kids are awesome, and I don't mind reading your rants because I think you guys are awesome. I just don't want to know about any more studies or articles or featured stories or anything. At least not for a little while.
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