


There is questionable material and bad agendas on both extremes

Let's go through some terms and phrases. The propaganda buzzwords will have a checkmark.

βœ…"Echo chamber" (referring to all those far-right memes and bloggers spouting the same dreck, but completely ignoring the fact the liberals have their own echo chamber in the form of MSNBC, Dailykos, Media Matters and left-wing blogs.)

βœ…"Diversity" Liberals are always going on about how society needs more diversity, but they are really trying to create one that is less diverse with their divisive identity politics.

βœ…"Woke" as in "I'm woke." What? Liberal's new-fangled term for telling the world how enlightened they think they are, and they get mad when non-liberals toss it back at them. There is a notorious MTV video full of New Year's resolutions they ordered white men to make in 2017. One of their ranting points was "Stop saying woke!"

βœ…"Fake news!" a buzzword phrase started by liberals against Trump, then continued by Trump against them.

βœ…"Love Trumps Hate" liberal meme that actually shows no love.

βœ…"He will not divide us!" Stupid anti-Trump meme started and endlessly chanted by actor Shia Said LaBeouf. Trump isn't the one dividing people, the identity politics of the left are doing that.

βœ…"Resist" One-word anti-Trump meme that comes from the Hillary Clinton camp.

βœ…"I'm with her!"Pro-Hillary Clinton meme.

βœ…"Make America Great Again - (MAGA)" Trump slogan that became a horribly annoying meme along with the others mentioned here.

βœ…"Make America Hate Again (MAHA" Deceptive liberal meme that says Trump is about making America a country of hate. The liberals have been doing that for a long time, and doubled down in their reactionary antics when Trump got into office.

βœ…"Make America white again" an especially maliciously lying leftist meme designed to paint Trump and all non-liberals as pro-white racists...

βœ…"Punch a nazi!" Paranoid and malicious violent liberal hate meme, because they think they see nazis all around them.

βœ…"Drain the swamp" another annoying Trump meme.

βœ…"Clinton News Network" right-wing meme against CNN and the Clintons.

βœ…"Lock her up!" βœ…"Hillary For Prison!" Right-wing memes against Hillary Clinton.

βœ…"organized religion" (always being complained about but this is mostly directed against Christianity(

βœ…"flat earth" (If you don't believe in human-caused global warming or the big bang ape man, you can't possibly believe in any science at all and you must be so dumb as think the earth is flat)

βœ…"Free thinkers" "free-thinking" (the religious fanaticism of atheism/anti-theism propaganda)

βœ…"Ecocide" "creationists" (their label for people who don't believe in the big bang ape man theory) "made-up words" they accuse their opposition of that when being fired back at as 'evolutionists' or 'Christophobes').

βœ…Racists!" always dumbing everything down to black VS. white, playing the damn race card. always accusing conservatives of racism when whatever is being argued about has nothing at all to do with race.

Such is the case of the malicious attack in the comments section of an article written on Mediaite where the disappearance of some far-right terminology was disappearing from the Associated Press vocabulary.

Though the writer was lamenting the elimination of some obvious far-right lingo, he was spot on in pointing out that the AP has embraced some left-wing language.

Nevertheless, one idiot commenter brought up the damn race card, trying to make out that half a century ago, this same writer would've mourned the striking of the 'N' word (yes, the big bad one left-wingers absolutely love tossing around trying to demonize the whole non-left with accusations of racism.)

Normal people see people for who they are, good or bad. the progressive only sees things in terms of "white" or "coloured" or men VS. women boiling everything down to gender/race whenever they can get the opportunity.

Which brings me to another progressive term.

βœ…the 'N' word. They use that word so frequently as they fall all over themselves trying to convince everyone else that ''republican' is actually spelled 'RACIST'!

βœ…"Book burners!"

βœ…"Cross burners!" Liberals want people thinking republicans are nazis/the klan...

βœ…"Glass ceiling" (feminism, which is not equality but a very sexist movement bigoted against men. It implies there is a "glass ceiling" where girls can't go any higher than some unseen boundaries men supposedly place on them.)

βœ…"Patriarchy" (another favourite buzzword feminists love to toss around, because they believe the world is run by men exclusively when all is said and done.)

βœ…"Rape culture" - definitely yes! (This is the most offensive term and is just as dishonest as the others. It accuses society en masse of being okay with rape and that all men are natural born rapists who must be "taught" not to rape. What demonizing garbage!)

βœ…"Mansplaining" "white-splaining" "manterupting/white-terupting" (because according to feminism, white males never tell the truth and are always just making excuses, nothing men ever do or say or feel is valid let alone justified, and they are 'disrespecting' any woman by explaining themselves or daring to interrupt her, no matter what.)

βœ…"Micro-aggression" This is basically anything a man does that upsets a feminist, no matter how innocent or insignificant. This is because feminists need to believe every single act a man does has one purpose - domination and control over the female gender. He can reply to her screeching diatribe with calm, reasonable remarks or questions, and she still accuses him of micro-aggressing.

βœ…"Tradcon" Shorthand for tradition and convention, this is a leftist MGTOW term of contempt for tradition and convention, especially Christianity and marriage.

βœ…"Cuck" Utterly stupid and vulgar sounding term used by MGTOW and extremely childish or trollish people on the right. It is short for 'cuckold' an old English term that meant a man who was betrayed by his wife. Now it has been corrupted for use as an expression of contempt toward a man who can't or won't stand his ground against a woman or the left.

βœ…"Honey" During an argument or debate, this is a belittling term usually directed at a woman by a man, especially a MGTOW. When a MGTOW calls a woman by this term, he is being derisive, not nice.

βœ…"Male gaze" Feminist conjecture accusing any man of undressing you in his mind if his eyes are on you for more than a few seconds.

βœ…Privilege" βœ…"male privilege" βœ…"white privilege" feminism's claim that if you are male and/or white, you are obviously too privileged and don't deserve to be treated as anything but a spoiled racist brat.

βœ…"Check your privilege!" same as above, used as a very snide dismissal toward an individual.

βœ…"Empowerment, empowering" etc. when coming from feminists, (because they believe women are perpetual victims all of the time and need empowerment. In actuality, what this kind of "empowerment" is, is a noxious combination of self-pity, entitlement, and bigotry in the form of sexism against men.)

βœ…Girl power" (feminism)

βœ…"Cis" Weird non-word that is probably supposed to be a hate slur against "the system" AKA the biology of gender. If you're a man happy to be a man, or a woman happy to be a woman without being a feminist/liberal, then you get branded as "cis" or "cis-gender".

βœ…"White power" (Aryan racism)

βœ…"Black power" (racism on the part of blacks)

βœ…"Uncle Tom" grieves slurp against the fictional character as well as the one being compared to him. This slur accuses Uncle Tom of being a yes-man to slave-masters, and accuses black conservatives of being yes-men to anyone opposing the left.


βœ…"Put y'all in chains" etc. (Referring to anyone as having a mindset of a slaver or plantation owner is a deliberate smear designed to vilify political opposition. In addition, it trivializes those in the past who really did suffer through slavery, doing them a horrible disservice.)

βœ…β€œMarriage equality”

βœ…"homophobe/ia" "xenophobe/ia" If you merely disagree with or don't care about the gay pride movement/agenda, this word brands you with a false accusation of utter hatred toward gays.

βœ…"Xenophobe" If you don't want to completely open the boarders and let absolutely every migrant in regardless of possible terrorism connections, this term is used by the left to accuse you of having a fear and loathing of all strangers/foreigners...

βœ…"GOP!" Liberals are always saying the GOP" does this or that bad thing...


βœ…"republiklans" (That one is not only odious, the KKK is a democrat group.)

The liberals turn everything into a stupid race/gender war, "The war on women!" or "The glass ceiling" telling women they are victims and always will be and that it's all republicans' fault and only democrats really care and will fix everything etc. etc. (Rubbish.)

βœ…"neocons" or just "cons"

βœ…"plutocracy" "the rich" "the wealthy" (which they seem to forget, also includes many celebrities and politicians of their own political persuasion,)

βœ…"Corporate/corporation" (very very evil and bad according to liberals), but unions are very very good and most altruistic, helpful organizations.

βœ…"regulation" (is always good, the more of it the better,) "deregulation" is always bad)

βœ…"workers" (workers being all the poor huddled masses they claim to want to save from the big bad rich rulers)

βœ…"military/industrial" (always being ranted against by liberals)

βœ…"big oil" "peak oil" "βœ…Denialists" βœ…"climate deniers" "science deniers" and "climate change/global warming deniers" (derogatory and erroneous labels against people who don't buy into the misanthropic belief that humans are the cause of everything to ever go wrong, be it real or imagined,)

βœ…"undocumented laborer"

βœ…"Illegal immigrants" when used by the far right to rail against any and all immigration, especially during any "They're taking all our jobs and getting everything for free!" thing.

βœ…"Workers" (when used by liberals or communists to rail against a democratic/capitalistic system)

βœ…"Plutocracy" (Term used by liberals to slam the system when it isn't far enough left for their liking.)

βœ…"Marxist/socialist/communist" etc. (when used by the far right against a democratic system that doesn't go far enough to the right for their liking.)

βœ…Fascism/tyranny/dictatorship" (Used by both right and left to demonize their opposition and does a disservice to anyone living in a real dictatorship as well as to any democratic government who isn't really killing people left, right, and centre, Hitler/Saddam Hussein style.)

βœ…gun safety and "Gun control" (when used by liberals who want to make all gun ownership illegal.)

βœ…"Gun nut(s)" (same as above.)

βœ…"Gun-grabber" right-wing term against the anti-gun movement.

βœ…"Baby killer" (Anti-abortion activists use that ugly term to paint anyone who has ever had or performed an abortion as a Susan Smith.)

βœ…"pro-life" (The most famous term from and describing anti-abortion activism.)


βœ…"Pro Abortion"!


βœ…"Parasite" (referring to a fetus) (parasites are never the same species as the one they parasitize, they always harm or potentially harm the host and never benefit it. Of course, to the liberal mindset, the whole human species is considered parasitic, so it's no wonder they'd go as far as accuse a human embryo.)

βœ…β€œreproductive rights” Everyone has reproductive rights in this society, but liberals want you believing those rights will be taken away if some conservative gets into office...

βœ…"Lady parts" (Liberal and feminist term railing against the far-right anti-abortionists. It actually degrades women by implication that we are like property and come with "parts" like a piece of machinery.)

βœ…"Backyard breeder"

βœ…"Mill" as in "puppy mill"

βœ…"Factory farm"

βœ…"Hoarder" (if you have too many animals for somebody's liking, they can vilify you by calling you a hoarder, mill, backyard breeder, or factory farm. Animal "rescues" even slam one another with those terms.)

βœ…"Responsible" preceding the words "pet owner" or "breeder" etc. (Animal welfarist term that implies the word 'responsible' is necessary because it denotes the few breeders and pet owners as good "responsible" above the average breeder or pet owner who must be judged as "irresponsible" by default. It's typical animal activism "Shoot now, ask questions later" mentality.)

βœ…"Animal adoption/ing/etc" of animals (Animal rights/welfarism trying to insidiously get the idea into the mainstream that animals are children instead of pets or livestock.)

βœ…"Animal rescue" (A term that always demonizes the animal's previous owner and is designed to make you out to look like some sort of hero. Though there are in fact, real animal rescues such as a kitten in a pond that needs saving, most "rescues" are false because the animals in question were not in actual danger when going from one owner to another.)

βœ…"Guardian/parent of (some animal)" (Again, perpetuating the idea that animals are children and not pets.)

The list of terms and soundbites used by those people is extensive, and the core of this fundamentalism is nothing short of sick. We should be alarmed when friends start embracing this stuff. It is very seductive, and many don't know or care what they are really getting into, and disbelieve any warnings about it. It is that insidious.

βœ…Any fuss over the unborn - the fanaticism of anti-abortionism propaganda)

βœ…Any fuss over so-called abuse or cruelty to animals and "cruelty-free" products (Animal rights/welfare religious fanaticism propaganda)

Animal welfarism and anti-abortionism are really too different colours of the same ugly beast. They hurt people more than they help anything.


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