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Christmas Not Being Xed Out By Happy Holidays

Of all the holidays, poor Christmas gets walloped with the most memes!

And get this, they already start up in mid October!

"'Happy holidays' and 'Xmas' are taking Christ out of Christmas! Waaaah!"

That's alarmist grapevine stuff, and if there's one thing Christians should not be doing, it's spreading misleading stuff around. You can't believe everything your friends re-share just because it looks like a pro-God message on the surface. You got taken in, so did they. Nobody seems to know who's behind these friend of a friend of a friend memes, and that is what all re-shares are; but they are definitely not from God, and they are divisive, not meant to enhance the Christmas experience.

Christ was never out of Christmas, and the X is a cross...

Maggie helpfully points out:

👩‍💻"Also, it comes from the use of the Greek letter chi as an abbreviation for "Christ," as it's the first letter of the word in Greek. ( for those who were never made to learn the Greek alphabet, "chi" looks like an X.)"

🧝‍♀️Thank you!

For more info, please read this article about the word 'xmas' thanks, Caitriona, for that link, I had no idea there was a write-up on this.

And to clinch this once and for all, Pamela Margaret adds:

👩"Also don't the US say "Happy Holidays"? Not a UK thing. Then people moan it takes the religious side out. "Holiday" comes from "Holy Day". So no."

🧝‍♀️Veronica Clarke says:

👩"As for Xmas/Christmas, if you take the Christ out of it, that is on you. Xmas has been around as long as I can remember as a short way of writing Xmas when most of us handwrote our cards and had a lot of people we sent to. I still say Merry Christmas. I don't object if prolly say Happy Kwanza when that day comes around and don't object to Happy Hannukah. Each to their own. I will stick to Christmas whether it is a pagan holiday usurped by the church or not. It is significant as a Christian holiday and will remain so for me and mine at least as long as I live."

🧝‍♀️Here, here!

So, bottom line being: if you want to say "Merry Christmas" just plain say it, live, in person, You're not going to "put Christ back into Christmas" by re-sharing these memes which are really trying to nix out your Christmas spirit... Be a Christian, not a memer. And have a happy Halloween/TG, and Merry Christmas!

Courtesy of Perry:

👨"Καλά Χριστούγεννα = Good Christmas"


For a list of and debunking of some of the most persistent holiday hoaxes, go here.


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