


From a role-play list, characters discuss the mortification of a famous fictional character at having learned what a fan wishes her to have become as an adult.



πŸ†”From: Pippi

Subject: O...M...G - Definitely NOT!

I was editing a site when this came in the mail, and well, I am aghast.

----- Original Message ----- πŸ†”From: a fan on a mailing list

Subject: If Pippi decided she wanted a job, what kind of job would that be?

I think she'd be an environmental activist with Greenpeace or a professional lady wrestler...


----- End message -----

this person's uhm, ideas about me are dead wrong. Obviously they know nothing about Green Peace or animal rights/welfare/environmentalists and their true agendas for them to think I would ever be one of them and make my living doing any of the following.:

hating the human race, spreading fear and hate mongering, misusing funds, misrepresenting a position to get funds, oppressing innocent people with false accusations of "cruelty to animals" - staging abuse for the camera, delivering death threats and warnings to scare people into going vegan, lobbying and pushing bans on pets and work to make pet ownership a crime, launch sick hate and terror attacks against research facilities where vital research is being done to save human life, make people feel bad for having benefited from such research which enabled their life to be saved, stop agriculture, stop valued traditions such as turkey dinner at Thanksgiving or Christmas, contaminate consumer goods or threaten to in order to scare people off eating or to punish them for eating it, work to destroy one human culture after another, force an end to all connections between humans and animals except for the ones owned by the animal rights people themselves...

I never was a vegan and I have had pets, even from before I met NT.

Me, a green fundamentalist? As Indy would say, "NOT!" *gag*

I've seen first hand what false accusations, malicious lies, and this sort of psychological terror and bullying can do to people. It happened to NT, and it is happening to anyone the animal rights activists victimize with their hate campaigns.

This fan and similarly like-minded individuals can kindly keep their weird fantasies to themselves, thanks, please don't put them anywhere online. Because that is, well, it might not be Mary Sue in the strict sense, but it's the same idea, character distortion, violation, massacre, defamation 'calm down'

Let's just hope their ideas go no further than that email. I'm not sure what's worse, the prospect of someone typecasting me as an animal welfare and eco fundamentalist, or the fact this person is yet another who appears to hold the belief that Green Peace is really about peace and that animal rights activism is all warm, fuzzy, anti-cruelty.

I'm going to get something to settle my stomach because this has brought on a case of acute nausea.





πŸ†”From: Sarah Who

Subject: Re: O...M...G - Definitely NOT!

WTH!? OMG - that's really stupid! Gah!

And this is particularly sick because if this erm, fan admires you, she/he probably thinks of you as some sort of tough hero, but she/he also thinks of ar wackos as heroes too, no wonder you feel sick, argh, stupid, stupid, stupid! When the !@#$ will people ever wake up and open their eyes?





πŸ†”From: Andrea Rossi

Subject: Re: O...M...G - Definitely NOT!

I'm rendered speechless, I don't know what to say except I agree with you about keeping fanticies to your self.





πŸ†”From: Sarah Who

Subject: Re: O...M...G - Definitely NOT!

I know, Andrea, isn't that sick!? Pippi is too smart and too caring about people to be an animal rights nutjob. And just because she doesn't like cruelty to animals sure doesn't make her one of them any more than it does me or you. None of us can stand real cruelty being done to anything, but unlike the ars, we know what real cruelty is and don't spend our time trying to tell monstrous lies about cruelty that doesn't exist in order to get people under our control.

As for the "lady wrestler" thing, everybody knows Pippi wouldn't want to be stuck in a boring wrestling job, beating everybody, which is what would happen, unless she was competing with Bam-Bam Rubble and the Grinch. I also object to the term "lady wrestler" it's as outdated and sexist as "poetess" and "authoress" Come on, nobody talks like that any more!





πŸ†”From: Pippi

Subject: Re: O...M...G - Definitely NOT!

Thank you Sarah and Andrea; Indy I know there's no doubt you agree with us here, I thought I'd have to pick you up off the floor of the car when telling you about this on the way into work at KWHO that morning.

As for this "lady wrestler" business, not only is that a rather sexist term, If I was on a women's wrestling team, that would be obvious enough along with my name and appearance, I would simply prefer the term 'wrestler'.

Sarah, I agree there aren't many people who can match me for physical strength, and those who are, seem to be in the business of saving people, not beating them up. Super Man, Spider Man, Bionic Woman,. I have no interest in trying to out-do, or getting out-done by any of them in some silly wrestling match. True, I did outshow a few circus performers as a little girl, including the strong man. But I was young and curious, and quite wreckless. I know my limits now, I don't feel the need to prove anything to myself or anyone else.

By the way, that circus is now in danger of constant attack from animal rights/environmental activists.

I also find this fan's ideas rather disgusting when paired. Indy, didn't you say that Kayin Amoh was one of these, a martial arts fighter by career, but chooses to be a vegan because he can't bear to eat a "poor defenseless animal?" Or has he been distorted by a fan? So - it's not okay to eat meat although other animals do it all the time - yet it's okay to make a career and handsome proffit by beating the living tar out of your fellow human being?

No...I don't work that way. Just because I've trounced the odd brain-effected creep I personally caught in the act of being cruel to an animal or to another human being - certainly doesn't mean I am about to jump on the HSUS, Green Peace and PEta bandwagons, or that I'd care to spend my life as a "lady wrestler".

Ugh - no!

Whew, it's good to get this off my chest.

So, Indy, it may not always show, but I really do understand your vexation with people, who, as you have put it, "refuse to get it".


P.S. I almost forgot to mention the page about Peta's Fishy Agenda, and I'll ask Indy if she still has those Peta jokes. Some of which are her own, others she said she got from somewhere on the net, but thankfully they aren't micro memes like that 'eating tasty animals' one that's still going around since the internet began. Urgh... Could we please bury that one? Thanks.



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