

Good Way To Tick The Interrogator Off

by Jesse Darty



Good way to tick the interrogator off (not recommended)

When ever they tell you something about anything ask every single question you can possibly think of.

👮‍♂️"You understand you're being filmed correct?"

🤪"Filmed with what?"

👮‍♂️"That camera and this microphone"

🤪"How does that work without a wire attached to them?"

👮‍♂️"We can synch it up"

🤪"Synch? What do you mean by synch?"

👮‍♂️"Putting them together to match"

🤪"Oh! And who watches it?"

👮‍♂️"I'm the one asking questions here"

🤪"Is it against the law to ask questions?"

👮‍♂️"We don't have time for this bullcr@p. You're gonna answer my questions."

🤪"But i don't understand."

👮‍♂️"Understand what?"

🤪"Why i can't ask questions, and whats up with the recording."

👮‍♂️"I'm not obligated to tell you anything about the cameras or anything else."

🤪"Is that a law?"


🤪"How is that law worded?"

👮‍♂️"It says you're about to regret it very much very soon if you don't start answering."

🤪"Why'd i regret it?"

👮‍♂️"Cause we got your @rse and i'm the one whose gonna get you through this. You can be on my good side and I help you, or I can make this a lot harder on you."

🤪"How'd you get that job?"

😄I could keep going but you see what i'm doing. The officer is supposed to have you understand charges brought up.

Pleading the fifth is the best advice. even on questions like your age or name or something unrelated to the crime.

👮‍♂️"What's your name?"

🤪"I'm going to invoke the fifth amendment so i do not incriminate myself in any way whatsoever to any question presented so as to avoid answering some questions and not answering others which would be detrimental to perceptions of my innocence."
