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Original Character (OC) Interview Meme

Ocean Elf: Okay, all ye original characters at Mangle The Memes, I must warn you: you have a chain letter to mangle, and it comes in the form of an interview meme. Please chime in with whatever you like when answering these questions.

Also, This link could possibly be where to find more of these.

Jessica Smith: Oh dear.

Carma: Huh? A blog meme? For us? And note to Autocorrect, please stop trying to change the spelling of my name. It starts with a C, not a K. Thank you.

Indy: *Tsks and rolling eyes* Oh, wow what next?

Cosima Brett: *Wince* Don't ask.

Toby: A blog character interview chain letter? Ive got one thing to say to that. *Burp*

Buck: Joins in*

Jessica: *Eyebrows raise* Stay classy, you two, stay classy.

Dmitri: *Snicker*

Toby: *Wicked grin and chuckle*

Kitri: *Yanks Toby's ear* Shut up already.

Toby: Ow!

Jenny: We'll never get anywhere at this rate.

Ocean Elf: Oh yes we will. Let the mangling commence, now.


Meme: OC Interview! Feat. various characters

Ocean Elf: I guess that's just going to be our own original characters. Not meaning to leave you book/movie characters out - again, but consider yourselves lucky.

Meme: Rules:

Indy: You know what I do to chain letter rules, right?

Meme: 1. Pick one of your OCs!

Ocean Elf: Eh? Only one?

Indy: *Laughs* Pay no attention to that chain rule, those rules are meant to be broken, remember?

Ocean Elf: Yeah, heck, let's break this first one and have as many characters chime in as possible.

Toby: Heck, let's completely replace it with this rule: Break every rule a chain letter states.

Meme: 2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your OCs.

Ameh: As if you were me?

NT: *Splutters*

Jessica: *Laughs* Oh, this is entertaining!

Ocean Elf: Hehe!

Ameh: *Trying desperately to wipe amused grin off face* But you're not me. We're very different from each other in some ways.

Ocean Elf: Yeah I know…Because I made you that way.

ameh: *Herumph*

Furbies: *Chuckles and laughter all around*

Madonna Gale: *Laughing* Can we just get on with it already?

Ocean Elf: ah welcome to the party.

Elsa: I'm here too.

Ocean Elf: So you are. Okay then, here goes.

Meme: 3. Tag four people to do this meme!

Ocean Elf: Uh, no…

Toby: I prefer this kind of tag. *Headbutts Jessica*

Jessica: Oh, you are really asking for it! *Tweaks Toby's beak*

Toby: Ack!

Sundown: Hahaha!

Meme: 4. Tell people that they been tagged with a link from your journal.

Jessica: What journal?

Ocean Elf: Not happening since there will be no 'tagging'.

Meme:OC Chosen:

Ocean Elf: Whoever decides to pop into authors' head(s)

Meme: 1. What is your name?

Characters: *All sign their names*

Meme: 2. Do you know why you were named that?

Madonna Gale: Yes, but you don't need to know.

Indy: I guess my parents liked the name - or - something like that.

Sarah Who: Usually we're given names our parents and/or writers like, right?

NT: Except for me but I'm not telling why I was named.

Jessica: What about any of you furbies?

Toby: Yeah, I know why I got my name, but I'm not telling this chain doofus.

Kitri: I was named after a character from a ballet.

Sundown: Which one?

Kitri: Duh, Kitri.

Sundown: *Laughing* No, I meant, which ballet?

Kitri: Uh-uh, that's all the info that chain dude/chick is getting from me on this subject.

Sundown: I was named because it was one of the first things Jessica heard me say.

Meme: 3. Are you single or taken?

Characters: *exchange looks and mumble among selves about how nosy this chain letter is.*

Titania Ross-Lein and Jesse Lein: *Put up their hands* Happily married here.

Indy: Neither are any of us available/looking, if you get my drift.

Meme: 4. Have any abilities or powers?

Indy: Unfortunately very little power to stop these memes from spreading.

Carma: Well, me and a few others here are fairies, so, 'nuff said."

Jessica: What about you furbies? Any special powers?

Kitri: Hmm, other than agility, speed, electronic frequency signal communication, and the ability to really annoy some people, not mentioning any names, Indy, but… *Grin*

Indy: Actually you guys are pretty cool as far as furbies go. *Grins back*

NT: Well, I'd have to hand it to Kitri and Toby for some of their taste in foods, or, un-foods, actually, and Dmitri for that plus funny antics.

Meme: 5. Stop being a Mary-sue!

NT: What the…?

Xanadu Who: Was there supposed to be a question in there somewhere?

Group: *bursts out laughing*

Toby: Huh? That came right out of a uber obscure part of left field. How does it relate to anything in the above?

Toby: Oh! I get it now. the powers question was actually a gotcha journalism tactic. You know how tabloid type reporters like setting people up with leading questions to make them pwn themselves? Eh, Marilee?

Marilee Who: *lurking and trying to look inconspicuous*

Toby: Right, Marilee? I know you're there.

Marilee: *Squirms*

Toby: *Heads for Marilee in back of all the other characters, getting in her face*

Marilee: *Recoils and shrieks*

Toby: *Growls*

Marilee: *Panics and tries to get away from him*

Toby: *Returns to Jessica with an impish grin*

Meme: 6. What's your eye color?

Various characters: *roll their eyes and snicker in disbelief*

Xanadu: Ironic that you should tell us to stop being a Mary sue, and then you follow it up immediately with the very superficial eye-color question.

Carma: Well, I could just lie and say something like my eyes are multicoloured.

Various characters: *Laughter*

Kitri: My eyes change color, and they light up. Ooooh, and that probably makes me a Mary Sue to you.

Meme: 7. How about hair colour?

Indy: Oh, seriously…

Carma: Okay, here goes. since you're so interested in details and trying to get us into some Mary Sue trap, you asked for it.

My name is Carma, my hair is jet black light blonde, short, curly, straight, wavy and long. My eyes are a piercing green baby blue luminous dark brown and I am a very scrawny, portly stretch of a near-dwarf at about 4/9 and 5/11.

Various characters: *chuckle in amusement.*

Jessica: And the furbies have some colors that weren't already mentioned, on account of their fur colors being different from human hair color sometimes.

Meme: 8. Do you have any siblings?

Indy: None of your business!

Xanadu: Yeah, and we get along like any other family, pretty much.

Meme: 9. How about pets?

Jessica: 18 or so furbies, more or less depending on who is with me or Ocean at any given time, one magic mixie and a pokemon, and maybe more in the future.

NT: I will always have pets.

Xanadu: A dog and some gerbils - and no, they're not for sale.

Meme: 10. Now tell me something you don't like.

Indy: People spreading memes!

Carma: Hehehehe.

Toby: Something I don't like - how about making this a little stronger and saying something I hate? Jeff the Killer. *Menacing look and soft deep growl*

NT: Yeah. Slender Man, Laughing Jack, the creep named Salt, and anyone like them. *Scowl*

Various characters: *Signs of agreement*

Meme: 11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?

Group: *sighs*

Elsa: Oh, heck no, I just hate doing everything I do. *Sarcasm*

Jessica: *Laughing*

Meme: 12. Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before?

Toby: *Hisses and bears teeth*

Elsa: Show me someone who hasn't and I'll show you someone who is either an infant or has never lived.

Carma: *Applauds*

Meme: 13. Ever... killed anyone before?

NT: *Shudder* eww. No.

Toby and Kitri: *Threatening looks*

Elsa: when you say 'kill' do you mean kill as in murder, or kill as in war time?

Ameh: I've killed many times - whenever bugs get too close, that's what generally happens to them.

Melanie Benson: *Chuckles*

Meme: 14. What kind of animal are you?

Indy: Ugh. Yeah I know, we belong to the animal kingdom, technically, but i'm a person.

Sarah: I used to pretend I was a monkey when I was little, but that doesn't make me a monkey.

Jessica: It should be obvious what my crew consists of.

Meme: 15. Name your worst habits?

Kitri: And you need to know this, why?

Carma: Forget it, you're not getting anywhere with that kind of question.

Jessica: Agreed. This is just getting a little too nosy.

Meme: 16. Do you look up to anyone at all?

Xanadu: Not so much any more.

Peekaboo: Kitri, and Toby.

Kitri: Aww.

Toby: Thanks, kiddo. *Smile*

Meme: 17. Are you Gay, Straight, or Bi?

Characters: *collective eye-rolling and general murmur of displeasure at the incredibly nosy and tacky question.

Group: *splutters, chuckles, general noise*

Jessica: Eww. You've just gone from nosy to creepy.

Meme: 18. Do you go to school?

Characters: *collective head-shaking and some eye-rolling*

Titania: I think we're all past that stage.

Meme: 19. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day?

Titania and Jesse: *Grin at each other*

Jesse: Done that.

Jessica: Not me, and this question, like the previous one is not applicable to my crew.

Meme: 20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?

Jessica and Furbies: *Looking generally horrified*

Indy: Eww, no!

Cosima Brett: *Shudders* ugh! no thanks!

Indy: Oh! If you look at the sections about Twihards and Otaku on this site, well, that's what fangirl/boys are, basically. Only they also get that way over other things as well as Twilight or anime.

Elsa: Yeah. Like the Bieber fans. And I mean the ones who go crazy for him, and the ones who just hate him because they think they're being cool.

Meme: 21. What are you most afraid of?

Furbies: *Incredulous looks all around*

Madonna Gale: Forget it.

Carma: Yeah right! Has anyone ever seen that episode of "Criminal Minds" where some cyber loser gathered info about people and their fears on the net and then stalked them to make those fears come true, ultimately killing them?

Elsa: *Scowl* The "is it as bad as you thought" guy?

Carma: Yeah, him. Good lesson about being careful not to disclose really personal info like that to just anyone.

Dmitri: *Scowl* Sick.

Toby: *Nods and frowns* another one that needs to get clobbered.

Meme: 22. What do you usually wear?

Indy: Why?

Meme: 23. What's one food that tempts you?

Toby: You.

Characters: *Eyebrows raise, nervous laughter*

Toby: *Wicked grin* ask a loaded question, get a loaded answer. Hehehe.

Elsa: Just about anything. I'm not fussy.

Indy: You can't trust any chain originator, really.

Meme: 24: Am I annoying you?

Characters: *various nods and other expressions in the affirmative*

Meme: 25. Well, it's still not over!

Xanadu: and what am I supposed to say to that?

Meme: 26. What class are you? (low class, middle class, upper class)?

Cosima Brett: what the heck kind of question is that?

Toby: I can be any class I like.

Jessica: *Grin* That's true.

Meme: 27. How many friends do you have?

Carma: Oh, really, as if anybody keeps track, please!

Kitri: What is this, a census?

Meme: 28. What are your thoughts on pie?

Toby: Omnomnom!

Other furbies*general sounds of purring and agreement*

NT: Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

Meme: 29. Favorite drink?

Toby: Jessica knows what that is. You don't need to. Hey Jessica,?

Jessica: Yep, you'll get some when this is over. After all these questions, we'll all be in need of some kind of treat.

Toby: *Smiles broadly and purrs*

Indy: Depends on the time of year and what else I've been eating and drinking already during the day.

Meme: 30. What's your favorite place?

Indy: Don't have one.

Meme: 31. Are you interested in anyone?

Jesse: Other than Tani, of course not.

Titania: *Smiles*

Xanadu: bit of a loaded question, isn't it?

Jessica: Hint, I'm not - none of us are interested in you, whoever started this chain letter, so if you're looking for a date, you're out of luck.

Dmitri: Hahahaha! Pwned.

Meme: 32. If you're a girl, what's your cup size? If you're a guy, how big are you?

Group: *splutters of disbelief and revulsion*

Characters: *disgusted scowls*

NT: Shut up and go away, you freakin' perv! *Tosses cd case at chain originator*

Toby: *Flaming glare and unnerving cat-scream*

Ameh: *Shudder*

Kitri: Exactly. The nerve of this chain idiot! Disgusting!

Toby: *Continues to growl and glare*

Jessica: Oh, chain idiot, you really shouldn't have asked such a revolting question. It's none of your freaking business and just shows where your mind is. *Disgusted expression*

Meme: 33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?

NT: *clearly still ticked off* neither, too cold!

Kitri: Yeah, I'd rather you just jump in the lake.

Characters: *Laughter*

Toby: And sink like a stone.

Meme: 34. Camping or indoors?

Cosima Brett: Depends. Indoors in 20 below weather, camping when it's 20 above. Duh!

Meme: 35. Who do you tag?

Characters in unison: No one!

Jessica: Okay, c'mon, guys, let's get a snack and drink.

