

That's Show Biz

That's Show Biz

After the disaster at Mike's, he and Sherry decided they would have to work with Savanna only at the studio and while Nuala was busy working on the Yedred movie.

Steelie and Maneisha agreed with this plan, after all, this was the Good Times Roll studio, and they wanted to make sure it continued living up to its name.

One day, the new prop shipment arrived. Among the items were the Practise trees, and now the scenery could be set up to fit with the action.

Mike and Sherry joined Lily, Nuala, Maneisha and Steelie on the set for their part in the movie.

That left Savanna all on her own, and sulking.

Savanna resigned herself to playing around one of the Practise trees that wasn't on the set.

The first thing she did was tell it to shake.

The tree did.

Next, Savanna told it to bear Steelie's favorite banana snack on its branches, and a Nuala face on top.

The tree did, but adding to the hilarious effect was the fact it was still shaking.

Savanna laughed, and then said "Stop shaking."

It didn't.

"Tree, stop shaking!"

This time it stopped.

"Tree, turn back to normal."

It did.

"Tree, shed one of your branches.

The tree did.

Savanna now took the branch and moved it away from the rest of the tree.

She looked at it. "Branch, grow."

Nothing happened.

"Tree branch, grow!"

Still nothing.

"Argh!" Savanna snarled, making an ugly angry face. "Tree, grow!"

It still did nothing, much to her chagrin.

Heaving an exhasperated sigh, Savanna went back over to the Practise tree and said "Tree, regrow the branch you shed."

It did.

And then it occured to Savanna to try something else. Looking at the tree again, she said in a commanding voice, "Tree! Grow and shed a Practise tree branch!"

In a moment, a branch grew, then fell to the floor.

Savanna picked it up, moved away from the main tree again with this new branch, and started giving it commands.

"Tree branch, grow a foot taller."

Much to her delight, it did.

"Yes!" She grinned wickedly. "Tree branch, shrink to two inches high."

To her great delight, it did.

"Sweet!" Savanna laughed malevolently. With that, she picked it up and put it in her pocket. "You willshoot up my career as a great star!" she said dreamily as she stole out of the studio for home.

In the mean time, there were problems On the set when some of the scenery wouldn't cooperate. Instead of blossoming in a blaze of color at Maneisha's command, a Practise tree toppled, decking Lily in the head with some of its branches.

"Ow!" cried Lily.

"Stupid tree!" an exhasperated Maneisha huffed.

Unfortunately she happened to be facing another tree, which immediately began chanting "Stupid tree. Stupid tree. Stupid tree."

"Tree! Steelie shouted, staring right at it, "Shut up!"

It did.

"Tree!" Lily chimed in, addressing the one that hit her head. "Stand up!"

It did.

"Whew." she breathed.

"Good, now let's get this--"

Maneisha was interupted by a crash as a pile of fake rocks not needed for this particular scene tumbled out of their place and rolled all over the set. The case storing them fell with them.

"Nuala, watch where you're pointing that thing!" Steelie warned, indicating the magic wand.

"Sorry!" Nuala blushed.

The next mishap was Mike tripping over a cord during a dance move with Sherry. He fell, knocking Sherry off balance, Sherry fell into Lily, who was just about to cut in on them as part of the number. Lily went flying one way, Sherry the other, and Mike got tangled up in some offstage wires that powered the film equipment.

"I think we should take a break," Steelie suggested.

"Good idea." Maneisha agreed. "See you all back here in about half an hour."

To promote the movie and raise funds to help combat ostriopliosis of the liver in children, Maneisha and Steelie set up prominant appearances of the main actors in their movie. The destinations of these appearances ranged from malls to formal banquets in swanky hotels.

Most of these went off without a hitch, but then there was that one appearance at the Cold Mountains hotel.

As Nuala anticipated another wonderful night of being famous and doing good works at the same time, she had to touch up her makeup a little, and make sure her dress wasn't torn or dirtied by the mad rush of fans on the way in.

Surprisingly, Savanna Terk was incredibly helpful, much nicer to her than she had been so far. Savanna offered her suggestions, delighted in their popularity, and set to work primping Nuala for the big appearance.

When it finally happened, Nuala found out why. As she was announced over the microphone, she stepped out into view, "Good afternoon everybody!" she said with a smile from ear to ear.

Then, something started happening to her dress on the back.

Savanna watched, trying to conceal her amusement behind Nuala as the practise tree branch she told to become a fly on Nuala's dress, grew over and around the dress like a cloak.

As it grew, it changed its appearance until it resembled a huge turkey. This took only a fraction of a second to happen. And then, it started making gobbling sounds.

"Dang mangit, what in hats for bats is going on!" Nuala exclaimed. She was drowned out by the gobbling, and now something else was happening.

She was being lifted up and flown about the building!

All sorts of reactions from frightened to hilarity greeted her from below.

Maneisha McCarthy, who had planned the appearance, stood in the background of what was supposed to be an orderly scene. Now it was anything but, and she was as confused as anyone.

Only Savanna knew what had gone wrong, thanks to her and the stunt she made her trusty little practise tree branch do. She couldn't help buckling over laughing at Nuala's embarrassing and very public misfortune with the costume. "Nuala Alexander, the great flying turkey!" she gloated.

It was some time before Nuala was returned, and Savanna's flying turkey outfit melted away in a hurry.

"I'll never live this down!" Nuala despaired as Maneisha came up to her to see if she was okay.

"Hey!" called a spectator from some distance away. "That was cool, how did you manage that, and is that going to happen to Yertkmy in the movie!?"

Nuala was too flabbergasted to make any reply.

Maneisha covered for her. "We can't reveal too much about the movie, as you know, and neither can we reveal our behind the scenes magic. You'll just have to see the movie when it comes out, and maybe a few behind the scenes secrets will be revealed then. Thank you very much."

Nuala didn't contribute much of anything to the appearance after that, it was mostly Maneisha answering questions from a multitude of fans and media.

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