

Killer Clown Statue

It's that stupid Killer Clown Statue hoax meme!

The idiotic meme keeps cropping up and scaring people, although it isn't scary. People just seem to like going soft and submissive in the face of stupid chain letters.

The "killer clown" chain letters/creepy pastas, horror movies and other tall tales have combined to make a gargantuan clown-fear meme.

Adding to the annoyance is that the killer clown meme has a rival in the form of a Killer Clown Statue anti-chain!


The Clown Statue meme has been circulating since at least as far back as 2004, and is not true… It never was true, and never will come true, however many times people repost it or how many variations of it there are.

The Killer Clown meme still circulates on Facebook and is one of the chain letters showcased on this hub page.

This one gets stupidly reposted on community.eu.playstation.com, Fanpop, and other such sites.

Another mutation names the sitter as Veronica among the scads of chain comments on this Youtube video.

No matter how they think he's scary and has the upperhand over everyone else, here, the creepy clown can't escape his fate, because:



this statue will be very sorry he clowned around making up stupid chain letters. Time to smash the clown statue and grind him to dust.

Yeah, look out, Clownie, you are so ended!


Killer Clown Statue Chain Variations

Sequel 2: Ben And Beth

Sequel 3: Free Street Clown, Hanging Around

Anna And The Killer Clown Statue Creepy Pasta

Here's what happened to the clown when he got in my way. And no, I'm not going to do the typical story where everybody's scared of and gets cursed or killed by some dumb meme.

Killer Clown Busted In Crushing Defeat

The chain letter killer clown statue is an irritant, a bit of cyber-dust, but never has, can, or will appear in anyone's bed or anyone's room to frighten you or any babysitters.


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