

Education Causing Cancer

The following gunk came from

HIPWEE // INSPIRATION // TIPS a non-English site, translated and mangled here.

[NEW FACT] The Higher Education of Girls, the Higher the Risk of Brain Tumors. Is it true?


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: It's false, obviously a lie started by a troll or misogynist...

🤥FERA NUR AINI: The higher the education, the higher the risk? via kiplinger.com

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: kiplinger.com is a finance-related page, nothing to do with this bullcrap.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: In the era of emancipation,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: emancipation happened long ago here in the civilized world. It still has to be worked out in the developing countries...

🤥FERA NUR AINI: it's normal that you girls also want to pursue higher education.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Ah, see? "we girls" are being targeted for some kind of agenda.

Well, not that it's any business of yours, but I have that higher education. What are you going to do about that? Cry?

🤥FERA NUR AINI: Learning and getting the right education is the right of everyone. Whether you are of the same sex, male or female.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No duh! Wow! How long did it take you to figure *that* out!? Wow wow wow! Great job, chick/dude, great job!💯


🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No buts. All buts will be rejected...

🤥FERA NUR AINI: you also need to be vigilant, because a study shows that the level of education has an influence on the risk of contracting a brain tumor.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Vidualant about some vague "study" which is fake as the day is long... This is about the biggest pile of bullcrap I've seen in a while.

Look, I've learned quite some time ago not to be wowed or intimidated by people throwing phrases around like "Studies say" this and "Studies say" that... Studies involve control groups, limited numbers of people, are sometimes conducted for the express purpose of promoting certain agendas so are not even subjective in nature, and others are strictly made up.

Cases in point?

P. Nichols "Study claiming Fox viewers were dumb

Tarandeep Gill's "Study" claiming Internet Explorer users were dumb

So the idea that girls are too sensitive in the brain to handle higher education is absolutely misogynistic stupid!

Cancer is a physical condition not brought on by too little or too much learning..........!

🤥FERA NUR AINI: A new study conducted in Sweden says people with higher education have a greater likelihood of getting certain types of brain tumors than those who don't.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, a new study in Sweden, well! That sure narrows things down to specific and totally credible information! NOT!

🤥FERA NUR AINI: And the more surprising fact is,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: "The more surprising fact" first it's not a fact, it's bollox. Second, that sentence looks like it was written by a sixth-grader. You don't need to put "more" before "surprising.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: women with high education have a higher risk than men with the same level of education. I wonder why?

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I call bullcrapping troll!

🤥FERA NUR AINI: . Girls who aspire to school as high as possible are fine, but the high risk of developing a brain tumor needs to be taken into consideration as well

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oooooooooh, the alarmist language here "HIGH RISK" scaaaaaaaaaaaryeeeeeeeeee!

Oh come on, if this thing was true, there really would be a heck of a lot of women with brain tumours... But there aren't.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: Researchers in a study conducted in Sweden revealed that women who had studied for three years at a university had a 23% higher risk of developing a brain tumor called glioma , compared to women who did not go to college.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Bull. As I've said before, there's no connection between tumours and education. Your "study" is still lacking in details. Names, places, researchers, I'm not interested in random numbers you spit out to try sounding like you know what you're talking about...

So let's set the record straight on glioma right here and now.

Mayo Clinic says there is no known cause, but certain types of radiation can be possible contributing factors. There was no report in either gender getting glioma more frequently. So there goes your barrel of trash, right down the shoot!

🤥FERA NUR AINI: Whereas in men in the same context the risk is only 19%. For cases of meningioma brain tumors , women also have a considerable risk of around 16%. Duh, it's a big risk too!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Lies! See above...

🤥FERA NUR AINI: 2. The relationship between the level of education of women with a risk of brain tumors has been proven,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Proven to be utter balderdash...

🤥FERA NUR AINI: and the results are very significant

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No, your wishful thinking is very stupid.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: The Institute of Child Health at the University College London does not know exactly what the relationship is between. There are allegations that people who are highly educated have more awareness to check themselves because of that brain tumor disease in them is easier to detect. But why are women more at risk than men?

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I thought you claimed your "study" was in Sweden.

There is no such thing as the Institute of Child Health at the University College London.

There is the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and they haven't supposed education gives girls cancer...

🤥FERA NUR AINI: FYI according to findings published today (June 20) in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: In what year?

I went to that site and came up with this, a theory that blood pressure contributes to these cancers. Nothing at all about women getting cancer from smarts.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: there were 5,735 men and 7,101 women affected by brain tumors.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Once again, I'm not impressed by you tossing out stats. They mean nothing especially when your whole premise is bilge.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: The institute has been researching 4.3 million Swedish residents since 1993 for 17 years to track possible causes of brain tumors. They collected various kinds of data, one of them was the level of education. When both of them are linked it turns out to be significantly related.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Lies! See above, and above link.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: 3. The reason why girls' education levels related to brain tumors are still debated,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No debate, your supposition is utter garbage.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: but there are two reasons you should pay attention!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: How many more lies are you going to pile on this lie mountain?

1. Your belief is just an opinion or a troll.

2. You are not fooling this girl.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: Many brain cells A large number of brain cells via globalinfotainer.com

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Infotainer: Well, that's sure a reliable scientific resource, anyone can clearly see that! *Sneer*

Patrick gives info about an image used in this and probably more false re-sharing memes about brain tumours,

👨‍💻"Her name is Bella Acierno, who underwent a second surgery on her brain tumor 2015 The Grant City basketball star was diagnosed with meningioma, a slow-growing tumor, in November of 2013 after experiencing her first seizure following a basketball game for the St. Christopher's Cougars."

🧝‍♀️And here are links to her story.

Link 1


If you had given that last bit of advice in a completely different, sensible context, I might even say that it was a good suggestion, which applies to everyone, not just women going to school...

But you loused up, big time.

🤥FERA NUR AINI: Note : the risk of brain tumors is also found in men with higher income and men who sit in the managerial profession and act as professionals.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wow, nice little footnote type thingie there. Why didn't you bring that up earlier? Still bogus, but it would've made you look less like you were trying to lay a big slam on girls who get higher education.

So basically what you're saying is this: To avoid brain cancer, gals, don't go to school...Guys, don't try to make too much money and manage things. Right...

🤥FERA NUR AINI: Disclaimer of the author: the author does not mean to prohibit someone, especially women, to get the highest education. It is precisely a good thing that women have begun to realize their role as agents of change, especially in today's era which has progressed a lot. But, there is nothing wrong we also see from the medical side, where everything that is thought too hard and torpor will have a negative impact, for example brain tumors.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Translation: "I'm not responsible for the bullcrap I spew."

Not gonna fly.

Over and out!


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