11. Maheen's Supposed Heart Attack, Someone Else To Blame Yet Again

From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 12:53:04 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Maheen is having a debilitating heart attack! Now look at your selves! Maheen have massive heart attack due to rudeness! He is having blocked arteries and has to have tripple bypass surgery! Now how do ya feel about that! huh? how! do! you! feel about that? Huh? People?? answer me! Andrew me? right? now! Maheen is having a heart, a? tack! heart? a? tack! His chest is paining him? and he is rushed to the scrooptha hospital! Scrooptha! Maheen have bocked arteries now! He is under stress test! He will go for stress teset! He is having a heart attack because people on this group leave without explanation! Karen his one and only sweet firend, left the group! and that was abusive and unfair!!! Maheen also have massive stroke? and is unconscious! now damit? look at your selves!!! All his dropbox files, are deleted!




From: "Phil " phil342

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 3:18:49 AM MST

To: "The supportive funhouse group Maheen Wick" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Listening to the words in this message it is obviously one  of the hackers.

If this was for real they wouldn't of said what was said in this message.

But When when when is all this going to stop? It  could become serious not knowing what to believe. But as I said above, this is obviously one of the hackers.



(#442): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/442


From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Oh Phil it's all been taken care of bro

Date: January 4, 2019 at 3:21:32 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

someone has got into my group aggain!


(#443): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/443


From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] Folks, Dr. Saman, is the best!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 4:53:54 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

My wonderful, wonderful friends,

I can’t find the right words to describe to you how blown away I am. Dr. Saman, was ever so understanding like no other doctor, he was so gentle with me today, and thank goodness! I don’t have to see another doctor. He was ever so gracious and so understanding, it literally blew me away. He is not like other psychiatrists.

So many people have said how good Dr Saman really is, and I explained to him everything that has been going on after the last time I saw him in October of last year. I told him about the nasty bullies that have been going on and how much anxiety it is giving me, and now I am not flying off the handle anymore after discontinuing those 2 meds. He is absolutely delighted! My dad, was absolutely right in saying that he is the best and head of psychiatry here in SL! I asked him to find a support group here where I can go to to meet new people. He said that these people the bad ones, are not my friends, and not to make friends with them and how correct he is! These people are so self sentered, and only think of themselves and they don’t realize how kind I am and from a decent family. Sri Lankans, are the most loyal. I really, really feel so at peace right now, I am very, very grateful for everybody for helping me see Dr Saman at a different clinic. See? I did not have to be nervous! He said that I have to see Sandhy every, single, week. I have, to get, help, for my problems. She is so sweet and he knows about our little misunderstanding, so all is now just so cool!

I have to get a blood test next month to see about my sugar and cholesterol because we explained to him that the cholesterol medication I had to discontinue caused problems. I have to take a Vitamin shot tomorrow morning at Lunawa, and I’m going out for lunch to my aunt’s place! Yay yay! Can’t wait! I am getting out of the house tomorrow! Woohoo!

Now, he did say that Risperidone is very important and the Zyprexa and Depakote. Now, only one he omitted and I asked him to because I was not very satisfied with Klonopin Clonazepam. It was causing me mild anxiety issues, so he gave me one which is very good for sleep, agitation and Anestheeza called Midazolam. It’s also called Versed. So he omited Klonopin and that’s a very, very good thing. He was ever so kind to me, he even told me that I don’t have to worry about my passed behavior. He is extremely forgiving and that is the kind of doctor, I want! He asked me about my sleep and I told him it varies, so he gave a tablet only, to take once in a while if I have sleeping difficulties. Not every day, though. Say for example if I did not sleep one night, if I had trouble, I can take it the next day and that will be all,. I have bad insomnia, you see. Nirosh and all said, if I am rude, he is rude, and if I’m polite, he is polite. That goes for everybody! If they are nice to me, I am nice to them.

I told him that before, I would respond in filth and use every name in the book, but that does not solve anything. I just ignore it, or politely respond lovingly. I am just so very, very happy today. God bless him and all of you! No reason to be scared now! Unbelievable! I told him that Lithium made me very sleepy and manic, and God bless him! he understood. Other doctors would say to take it, but he is not like that! That mania feeling is gone!

For dinner I am having rice with lentils, beans, a veggie called rabu, a Sri Lankan veggie and also chicken and spinach!! I am really, really relieved. Now never do I have to even fear ofAngoda, and I will stop talking and writing about it! A big, big, Amen! Praise the Lord. I am overjoyed.

Your friend, Maheen.




From: "jamie" jaimemcgill27

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] maheen have you been hact again

Date: January 4, 2019 at 5:09:34 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Hi maheen

See today a lot of weard emails were coming in from your account have you been hact again

Or the group for that matter just asking out of safety

Chat soon jamie




From: "Maheen Wick" lefty.frizzellfan1984

Subject: [the-supportive-funhouse] oh hi Jamie I htink we got it worked out now bro

Date: January 4, 2019 at 5:22:32 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I changed my password.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 6:27:51 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Three guesses who did. Just woke up. It is almost 9 o’clock in the morning Eastern standard time. By the way, my plush fair it arrived yesterday. He is settling in well and he’s very soft.


(#447): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/447


From: "Phil " phil342

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 6:46:09 AM MST

To: "The supportive funhouse group Maheen Wick" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io


I hope he doesn't bite you.



(#448): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/448


From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 7:16:48 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

He won’t bite me. After all, he loves to be hugged and cuddled. This fair it is an endangered species in North America, and it is illegal to own them as pets. This is the black footed ferret by the way.


(#449): https://groups.io/g/the-supportive-funhouse/message/449


From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] oh hi Jamie I htink we got it worked out now bro

Date: January 4, 2019 at 7:17:48 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Good. I’m glad you changed your password. Now, hackers should not be able to figure it out. If someone does hack into your account, just simply brush aside the vulgar stuff.




From: "Sharon via Groups.Io" ceegee2006=yahoo.com@groups.io

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 7:50:00 AM MST

To: "the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io" the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Yes I agree Phil. Whoever is hacking Maheens account needs to be found out and stopped.

Especially when they say stuff like this.

See some of you may not have ever heard this story but . There was this chicken called chicken little every day he would run thru the town and say the sky is falling the sky is falling.  At first people would believe it then they realized it wasn't true  so one day chicken little said run run the sky is falling no one listened and they all died because they didn't believe him and this time it was true.

This is what is happening here.  Some one says maheen is dying or has had a heart attack or in ICU dying   Please please verify it before posting it . I had a couple email or message me asking what happened to maheen. I did some checking and reported back saying nothing is wrong with Maheen  except when he has had anxiety and has had to just get calmed down.

 I didn't even read this and sure enough in my messages someone was upset and asked how maheen was after his triple bypass for his heart attack. It was like what?

Checked it out and reported back that it must have been some wrong information or someone trying to be an idiot .

Lets make 2019 the year for no more bullies and no more hacking into our email addresses.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Important Maheen have a heart attack!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:07:41 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Absolutely. 2019 needs to be a hacker free year. If someone is indeed hacking Maheen‘s account, it needs to be stopped. I have a feeling I know who it is, but I don’t want to mention names.




From: "Amanda " amanda.

Subject: Re: [the-supportive-funhouse] Folks, Dr. Saman, is the best!

Date: January 4, 2019 at 8:13:00 AM MST

To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

Reply-To: the-supportive-funhouse@groups.io

I’m glad to hear your visit to the doctor went well. I am praying for you. Let us know the results of your blood test. Whenever I have to have blood drawn to check my medication levels, they have trouble sticking me. My veins roll, so it’s very hard to stick me. They usually have to use a pediatric butterfly in my hand.


