Crash And Burn - There Goes Another Email List Up In Smoke And Mirrors!

From: "Maheen Wick" everlovingman1984

Subject: [the-wonderful-funhouse] Urgent urgent prayers wanted please!!!

Date: January 28, 2019 at 12:11:41 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;


Friends!!! Please please please pray for our whole family as of immediately! A fire has struck our kitchen and now Dhammi can’t cook! I’m in a panic, so please pray this will be done right now!!! Will update you! All of us are in shock!   They are now saying they have to inform the police!




From: "Maheen Wick" everlovingman1984

Subject: [the-wonderful-funhouse] Update...

Date: January 28, 2019 at 12:33:11 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;


It turned out that our nextdoor neighbors took hold of a bunch of dirt in their garden and if we had not seen it, our entire kitchen would have been burned. Nirosh and Vasantha are going right away to the police to make them stop. I don’t know whether these people are on drugs or drinking or what, but Shan Uncle Nirosh’s dad is absolutely fuming about this. All is a relief! I don’t evver expect this to happen again. We all hope.




From: "Phil " phil342

Subject: Re: [the-wonderful-funhouse] Urgent urgent prayers wanted please!!!

Date: January 28, 2019 at 3:01:43 AM MST

To: "The wonderful funhouse group Maheen Wick"



I'll pray for you and the family.




From: "Piet " piet111

Subject: Re: [the-wonderful-funhouse] Update...

Date: January 28, 2019 at 3:04:04 AM MST

To: Maheen Wick


You are In my prayers buddy

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.




From: "Maheen Wick" everlovingman1984

Subject: Re: [the-wonderful-funhouse] Update...

Date: January 28, 2019 at 3:07:28 AM MST



Ohh thank you!




From: "Maheen Wick" everlovingman1984

Subject: [the-wonderful-funhouse] Lovelies

Date: January 28, 2019 at 3:28:26 AM MST

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;


   I am afraid, this person has given me no choice. I will be closing down all my email addresses, and never will be using gmail ever again nor groups but I am not not not gonna cancel it of it yet. I got literally 200 flooding emails from somebody, subscribing me! to nonsense? gibberish? newsletters! I am really, really very furious and angry about this. I hate having to do this, but I may have to only use Facebook until further notice and I am gonna right away give you my FB page to PM me. Some troublemaker? is just not quitting!!! I am going to only have to stick with PM’s until further notice. See there we go now I am getting 20 and 40 confirmation emails which are absolutely nonsensical gibberish. Thaththi, you can call my MagicJack. You may have to send me an urgent friend request if you aren’t on my friend lists.


This can’t continue anymore.These are all absolutely flooding my system to no end. If I continue receiving all these unnecessary harassing confimations, I will cancel both of my email addresses for life. Thaththi, we have to do something fast.




From: "Maheen Wick" everlovingman1984

Subject: [the-wonderful-funhouse] That does it all. I am now taking licker unable to stand it, any longer

Date: January 28, 2019 at 3:39:32 AM MST

To: "Mahes Wickramasinghe" mahes.wickramasinghe


don’t worry don’t worry I’m not hostile nor angry. I am at this point hurt. Very, badly,, drained and my emotions are all over the place. I am now getting 50 to 60 confirmation emails from an idiot a cyber bully who will not listen to me. I am taking alcohol. I want so badly to Ishan Aiya or Lahiru to come give me a new set up a new provider. Gmail is too much. This is just one day I am happy and doing sow ell, then later some idiot bully has to ruin it I am literaly getting thousands of harassing confirmations flooding my inbox like there’s no tomorrow. I can’t take it anymore. I wanna tlak to Dr Saman badly. I’m canceling this address.


