

Asian Racist Meme

No, Not "OMG SOOOOO COOL" D (Asian Prejudice Problem) ´ English 9A

J.J. posted, or maybe even originated this balderdash racist chain letter that is about to get mangled into the next galaxy. --


💩Meme: OMG SOOOOO COOL D (Asian Prejudice Problem) ´ English 9A

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Uh, no, not cool at all.

💩Meme: if you delete this now, you will not have any friends. Youíll be a loner and have nothing to show for it.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Guess what? I've refused to pass on chain letters, especially of this ilk which attempts to blackmail via threats and stupid insults on character. I still have good friends, and any I may have lost because of chain letters were because they were too thick to understand that spamming is no way to be a friend, so, I'm better off without them and their annoying forwards anyway.

💩Meme: Jack S. opened this chain email 2 years ago, unknowingly he deleted it.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: How can one unknowingly delete a piece of junk? And do you have any idea how many Jack S.'s there are in the world? So which Jack S. were you talking about, exactly? And two years is a very long time to hold a grudge against some obscure, probably fictional person for deleting a chain letter.

💩Meme: The next day he lost his job. He got fired by his Asian boss because of racism.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Okay, let me try to figure this out. Jack S.'s computer suddenly implanted a borg-like, uh, thing-a-ma-jig into his head so that when he deleted a piece of spam, the thingie in his head got mad, went and changed his brain chemistry and suddenly turned Jack into a raving racist? Wow, I guess that means you better beware of your own computer and be very careful never to delete a piece of useless annoying spam mail again lest you all of a sudden start doing things way out of character like turning racist, or dancing naked with a lampshade on your neighbor's rooftop or something!

In other words, this chain letter is a load of bulltosh. You don't become racist by hitting delete on your computer, and if Jack was fired for racism, it would've had nothing at all to do with what was in his incoming email and his deleting it. Understand so far?

💩Meme: Harry P. opened this chain email last month and deleted it. His Asian girlfriend of 3 years broke up with him because of it.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Harry P. Next time, pick a girl with some intelligence who won't pass on stupid chain letters and then dump you for deleting them. This deluded girl is beyond help if she breaks up with a guy because he deletes a stupid chain letter. And, ethnicity has nothing to do with it.

💩Meme: Jennifer L. opened this email on the birthday she turned 27. She sent it to all the people in her contact list and won $1,000,000 at the Asian lottery centre in New York.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: ROTF There's no such thing as the Asian Lottery Center in New York! You could at least make more of an effort to make your fictional places sound half-way real! Also, a chain letter doesn't win you a million dollars in any lottery. Buying a ticket might, but spamming your friends like an airhead sure won't do it.

💩Meme: She then travelled all over Asia and had a happy life.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: And the cow jumped over the moon...

💩Meme: Racism. Everyone knows what is any yet no one knows how to stop it.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: It's not a matter of not knowing how to stop it, some people are racist and some, like myself, aren't. The ones who are not racist are stopping it by not being racist. The ones who are racist are idiots and they don't care about stopping it and unfortunately, you just can't fix stupid.

💩Meme: You can help stop it by sending this email.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh? And are you trying to save Amy Bruce as well? Do you think Bill Gates will give you money? Are you still waiting for that cool video to pop up on your screen or for some web site to snap your picture? Do you even know what 2+2 is? In other words, no chain letter is going to stop racism. That claim is simply idiotic. All you'll do is annoy your friends and make yourself look like a doofus if you pass this on, believing it will cure anything...

💩Meme: Prejudice is hating someone because of what they look like or where they come from.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: DUH! Noooooooo kidding! Sheesh, how long did it take you to figure that out!?

💩Meme: Think about all the people at work or school that you just HATE.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: First, I don't "hate" anyone, and those I detest are, as far as I know, of the same race as me. Others I've run into online have got into my bad books because they are spammers and trolls, race having nothing at all to do with why they are disliked. I have good reason to dislike people when they act like jerks and bullies, regardless of what their race is!

You really haven't thought of the possibility that people of the same race/ethnicity can dislike each other? Just think of it! Yes, that does happen, probably more than you want to believe!

I don't like you, because you're a chain letter originator. I have no idea and I don't give a flying hot dart where you come from or what you look like. I dislike you because you're a manipulative twirp trying to guilt people into passing on a piece of dumb dreck that is false and makes no sense! So don't give me this crap about people I'm supposed to "hate" and then use that to judge me as racist, because if you knew me at all, and if you had an ounce of brain in your head, you'd realize just how utterly fatuous this chain is!

💩Meme: Are there any similarities between all these people? There probably are.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I can think of many. We all belong to the same species, which means we're human, which means we all have certain definitive human characteristics in common. DUH!

💩Meme: If you donít send this message to at least 10 people, you will have bad luck for the next 3 years.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Yeah right, like pigs fly and the moon is made of cheese and chocolate milk comes from brown cows and the Easter bunny lays chocolate eggs and the sky is falling and 2+2 = 1! In other words, you're full of bullcrap!

💩Meme: Make a wish and think about all the people who you hate and why.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: I dislike you and I wish you would stop making up and passing on chain letters that appear to lower your IQ and annoy the heck out of sensible people. Oh, and I'm thinking about people I like who will hopefully find this mangle a good one. I'm too busy mangling this meme to think of the bullies and jerks I've had the displeasure of dealing with in real life.

💩Meme: Now stop.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Stop what? The mangling? No. But hopefully it'll stop the chain letter on at least some level.

💩Meme: Send this to 0 people ñ be a victim of prejudice

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Uh, dude, chick, whatever you are? I was a victim of prejudice long before this chain letter crossed my monitor, and if I am again, it won't be because I didn't pass on the chain. And what kind of screwed up idiot would send out curses of no friendship and prejudice for failing to pass on a foolish bogus chain letter? Says a lot about you, doesn't it? And what it says about you sure ain't pretty...

💩Meme: 1-5 people ñ get bad luck for 10 days

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: As if, please. No text has the power to give or take away luck, especially dependent on forwarding.

💩Meme: 6-10 people ñ get good luck for 5 days

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong. I'm not a believer in luck anyway and I'll determine the course of my own life. No chain letter is going to be able to stop me.

💩Meme: 11-15 people ñ you will have good luck at work/school

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: My work has and will continue going well regardless of this stupid chain letter!

💩Meme: 15+ people ñ you will be lucky for the rest of your life.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: What a pile of rubbish! No silly chain letter has that kind of power, and if you believe it does, I have to wonder how you managed to learn to type or do anything past early grade school at the very most. Seriously, wise up!

💩Meme: Get even more luck by going into MSN and posting this as your personal message;

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No. MSN Messenger is no more, and no matter what platform I use, I'll write my own personal messages!

💩Meme: OMG. I canít believe this => Really cool => Look here => Keep going =>

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No, not cool, and don't keep it going. Kill it, now!

💩Meme: Prejudice is cruel. Help stop it!!!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Duh, of course prejudice is cruel, but you cannot and will NOT stop it by passing on this drippy chain letter!

💩Meme: Please write your name below if you agree. Once the list is full, please send it to sky_bloom.1212@yahoo.ca

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: And spam some Yahoo address? Seriously? A yahoo address!? Chances are it's a nonexistent address anyway, I've never seen a username with both the _ and a . in it. If it did/does exist, that account got deactivated because of spam overload from all the schmucks who actually fell for this thing. Or else this Sky person is an address collecter, not to mention trying to collect everybody's names as well.

Know what this chain is? It's an info-collector. If you are silly enough to sign your name and pass it on to your friends as well as to the specified address, you've just opened yourself and your friends up to getting more junkmail. Oh, and

BTW, chain letters are against Yahoo's TOS. No one ever bothers to clamp down on them, though.

Break this moronic chain!

Replies to This Discussion - (from former Ning site)

Reply by Beth
Ugh, moronic indeed!
Yeah, prejudice is bad, but using it to get people to send on this garbage-h'm! That really annoys me...

Reply by Capri
Me as well. It's the same bullying game as the sick kid hoaxes, really. ARGH!

Reply by Beth
Ugh, yeah! The whole guilt-you-into-it business...Manipulative little twerps! *scowl* Why, if I could have five minutes with 'em, I'd give 'em a piece of my mind to chew on-and I hope they'd choke on it!

Reply by Capri
Oh heck yes! Give me a few minutes in a room with these sick bullies who make up these things and I'll...URGH!

Reply by Beth
H'm! You and me, both! *scowl* Like to give these twerps what they deserve!

Reply by Capri
Yes! Like a good swift kick in the you-know-where all the way into the gravitational pull of Jupiter!

Reply by Beth
Hahahahahaha! Oh, yes, that'll work quite nicely! Hahaha! *grin* Took the words right out of my mouth!

That's it.

Over and out!


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