Some people really need to put a warning on their blogs, telling potential readers/subscribers not to pay attention to the few posts they happen on that look like decent, sensible, even comedic, because despite those few posts, these bloggers suck.
When you hang around them long enough, (and for me, it never takes too long), you eventually find out they are over-opinionated, arrogant schlubs with nothing more to offer the internet the next prat of the same variety already has. This makes their entire blog worthless, cancelling out and invalidating anything they ever wrote that masqueraded as sense.
Dan Slott has really screwed up the Spider Man story, but really, the whole comic series plus movies are so convoluted, I prefer the cartoon series. Dan Slott did the Doc Ock/Spider Man body/soul switcher thing. Bleck. But Mr. Slott also has an arrogant, offish way of communicating with some SP fans in this link, but wrong-headed as I think his ideas are, he is not the troll who gets the suck award for 2015.
That goes to a supposed conservative, so-called "Christian" named Douglas Ernst.
I happened on his blog by accident and liked what I saw of his post about feminist Suey Parks, and another where he talked about Michael B. Jordan's epic fail where Jordan had beat long-time comic fans across the back with the freaking race card because they didn't care for his affirmative action motivated casting in a film.
It looked hopeful at a glance. Maybe this blog would actually turn out not to suck. Maybe it would reject the stupidity on the left and the stupidity on the far-right as well.
I was wrong - again.
If ever Ernst had a war with anyone, it seemed to be Dan Slott. You can look through Douglas Ernst's and Dan Slott's internet fights and be utterly confused as to which one of them is saying what.
Both of them have little fan clubs that pat them on the back in agreement with what they are saying about the other. Douglas Ernst accuses Dan Slott of this, but he is every bit as guilty.
An early indication that I wouldn't be sticking around his blog long was one of his whinges about Dan Slott's aversion to having Spider Man kill someone (I thought that was talking about self-defence and was wrong) and he brought up the freaking anti-abortion activism, like they all do... Oh, for crying out loud, Drop it!
At some point, the subject of rape came up. Once in the Dan Slott thread, once in a Bernie Sanders discussion. Whenever I said rape has no place in satire or comics, neither he nor his pals said anything. They didn't agree. They didn't disagree. They just - ignored. Not a good sign.
While I thought Dan Slott's motives for turning Spider Man into Doc Ock was because he was following the liberal trend of turning villains into victims or heroes, and heroes into villains, it became apparent that at least some people in Ernst's camp and very likely himself as well, "boiled it down to" (he said that in a tantrum against me so I'll use that phrase throughout this piece) to this. Dan Slott identified with Doc Ock and not with Peter Parker, all over which one of them got the eye-candy supermodel girl Mary Jane. Thus, in Dan's enemy's camp, it's all about Dan Slott's envy of Peter Parker, over some silly girl who didn't need to be inserted into the Spider Man setting at all.
Doug Ernst had nothing to say to me when I pointed out how shallow that theory was, and why we need to get supermodels out of the equation for entertainment.
Mind you, Ernst and friends had very little to say to me about anything until I torpedoed his epic fail post of theoretical judgmentalism against other Christians over the protest of that trashy sacrilegious series Lucifer.
Ernst wrote this silly rambling rant about why One Million Moms were wrong/silly/hypocritical/whatever his opinion was, for protesting that sacrilegious series. I'm surprised NBC didn't try to buy the right to air it. "Lucifer" is exactly the sort of content any Christian-mocking lefty would love.
The rant and the comments from his little fan club didn't talk about how awful the show's concept was, only spewed some drivel about how technology was a false idol and how the best thing people could do was toss away their TVs.
Well, anyone who knows me, knows I'm out of patience for anti-tech whiners, and knows why.
so, I pointed out that someone like me wouldn't be where I was without the use of technology. "Lucifer" is trash, One Million Moms' protest is IMO a futile effort, online petitions are worthless. But what the heck does that have to do with false idol-worship?
Man, did he ever become unhinged. He started off with some silly accusation that I "boiled" his supposedly profound statement about society down to technology being bad.
Well, when you say technology is a false idol, you are saying it is bad and you are ignorant of all the good that comes from it. Then when you get conclusion-jumping comments about it being best that TVs are thrown away, it sure sounds like anti-technology claptrap.
Christians don't worship idols, and even people who are too glued to the TV, don't worship it. They are addicted or obsessed, but not idol-worshipers.
I also pointed out that his silly rambling blog (without the descriptors) wouldn't even exist without technology.
Gosh, that had to rankle him.
Ernst pitched a tantrum that I didn't fall in line with his ludicrous way of thinking and didn't make the explanation any clearer when I said "Enlighten me." When I still disagreed, he got hissy and said something about how "I can't help you, you have been combative since you first were on my blog" sort of thing. Oh, and he used that word more than once. In his very first feeble rant where he was mad about my "boiling down" his post to anti-tech, among the first things he said was a judgment of "combative".
Excuse me?
Not even close.
Definitely Not compared with liberals who had all kinds of arguments on other blog threads. But we'll get to his own "combativeness" in a bit. I didn't fight with anyone on his blog. I mostly stated my opinions same as anyone else. Unlike liberals who did pick fights over there, I was ignored. That's pretty normal. My mangling of memes and other garbage is not full of the same tripe as many internet rants, but they show me to get pretty intense, and that frightens people.
I said "I don't need your help." He said "First you say, 'enlighten me' then you say 'I don't need your help'."
Hello! Duh, There is a slight difference between 'help' and 'enlightenment'.
And I was being sarcastic anyway. "Enlighten me" is a phrase commonly used by someone who is trying nicely to get a babbling idiot to make sense.
I expressed my feelings about liberals and their affirmative action and how the in thing seems to be turning everything on its head I.E. making Satan not evil and making Spider Man one with Doc Ock, who was evil… I said rape was no laughing matter. I also said we need to get rid of the "guy gets supermodel girl" stereotype. And I posted a couple of short troll-manglings; one of Michael B. Jordan's racism, the other of Hillary Clinton's hair speech. How was that "combative" toward Ernst?
Whatever. I think his continuing to stalk Dan Slott's Twitter and post flames about Slott on comic forums is a little more combative. I'll even go further and call it trolling.
Then, he did this big posturing thing, threatening, or maybe just boasting of *gong* The power of the great big ban!
Yeah, right, you can't ban me, I'm so out of here. A take on the "You can't fire me, I quit" thing.
He followed that up with yet more of his typical condescending crap, because Ernst is the kind of person who gets his kicks trying to "humble" people. That's why he fights with liberals who get mad at his blog, and why he and his little band of comic fanboy pals sift through Dan Slott's twitter and make stupid sniggering comments on his blog about Slott and his band of fanboys.
Oh yeah, that brings me to another idiotic and hypocritical thing he said, about how "combative" people who don't see things his way, especially when they are Christian, need to "practice humility"
it's clear he's a bigger troll than Dan Slott and is the one in serious need of "humbling". Usually those who go on about how they think others need "humility" are the least humble of all. Except for the odd ticked off liberal venting, I haven't come across anybody so easily tweaked, judgmental and up his own butt in a while.
I looked around the net to see if this loud-mouth had ticked off anyone else, hoping to find other non-left people fed up with him. All I found were the war between Ernst and Slott over Spider Man, and some liberal blogger who tried to prove that Ernst hates America. doesdouglasernsthateamerica . wordpress . com
*Rolling eyes*
In that search, I found some really telling stuff that made me wish an idiot blogger warning had been plastered on his blog so I wouldn't have bothered with it in the first place.
If my experience on his blog turned out to suck, it pales in comparison with the following.
At some point during the Ernst/Slott internet fight, somebody brought up Hitler…Again. I'm not certain, but think Slott might've been the first to mention him. The whole thing is so whacky that it's hard to make much sense of it.
What Ernst did, though, was to post pictures of concentration camp deaths.
This was a Spider Man argument, right? So that plus all accusations of anti-semitism just don't belong there…
The liberal blogger said Ernst was pro-waterboarding, and unfortunately had the quote plus the link to back that up. douglasernstblog . com /2012/05/20/spider-man-wont-kill-n-korean-soldiers-or-waterboard-a-man-to-save-6b-loser
I'm so sick of people claiming to be conservative and Christian, turning out to scream "Baby killer!" over abortions yet being so in love with torture. I do not care what their excuses are, waterboarding is just a pc way of saying what it actually is, water *torture.*
And that is WRONG!
Infinitely more wrong than spending too much time watching TV.
It has been proven that torture is not the way to go for extracting information. People will say anything they think the interrogators want to hear, just to make it stop.
If you're pro-waterboarding, you have to be one of two things. 1. Completely ignorant of what that is. Or 2. You really have to be that sadistic and sick. And, you are not humble…
Do people actually have to watch real footage of this torture to finally get some sort of a conscience and stop promoting its use?
I call that sick.
Worse still, if they could watch real people getting waterboarded without flinching, and/or they still think it's a just and right thing to do, that makes them devoid of the capacity for mercy.
So it wasn't even about Spider Man killing some attacker to defend himself and his family, the whole thing appears to be about Dan Slott's Spider Man refusing to water-board somebody, and that was what Ernst was having fits over.
That really shows up his prattling anti-tech "Lucifer" soapbox post dingbattery and his hypocritical judgment-ridden tantrums for the ludicrous slop they are.
Epic fail!
So, I unfollowed, unsubscribed, and now he's added to the list of things disliked by MTM. I will never intentionally promote or go to his blog, his Youtube or his anything else again.
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