

Luke Ligar Z

Sick, but typical for animal activism.


Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 16:07:54 -0800 (PST)

From: Luke ligar_z@yahoo.com

Subject: Dog shoots man?!

To: ALF alfanimalliberationfront@yahoogroups.com, Planeta Animal planetanimal@msn.com, AntiFurSociety antifursociety@yahoogroups.com, Judith Bell judithb@sbcglobal.net, Charlie's Angel defendersofatwa@yahoo.com, CorrectTreatment correcttreatment@yahoogroups.com, Crystal crystal4_97@yahoo.com, John & Katie Davis jdavis52@columbus.rr.com, Debbie dkany821@yahoo.com, "Aderci L. Diana" alediana11@hotmail.com, Donna thelilacflower@yahoo.com, Lindy Greene lindygreene@adelphia.net, Karen Loveless kloveless@bellsouth.net, Nay M rescuersprotectanimalz@yahoo.com, Mary Alice cvfa.uk@virgin.net, CP Mondello cpmondello@yahoo.com, Moon Fairy horrorshow_revue@iheartpeta2.com, Natura_ng natura_ng@yahoo.fr, NMAC nomoreanimalcruelty@yahoogroups.com, RabbitWise rabbitwise@verizon.net, Bill Schramm meatisdead@cox.net, Tracy Silverman silvertracy@yahoo.com, Tracey traceyglover@gmail.com, Virginia virginia@connect.com.br, Wild Timber wildtimber2112@aol.com, Youth Anti-Fur Society youthantifursociety@yahoogroups.com

HAHA! I'm watching the evening news and a hunter (I live in South Dakota) here was shot and is in critical condition after he was shot by his dog! LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!

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"Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are like us.' Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are not like us.' Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction." -Charles R. Magel




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