Maheen Wick

Up And Down

Maheen Wick is the kind of person that squanders all the love, friendship, patience and understanding people give him. He doesn't appreciate it, he demands more and more and more all the time, and when people don't give him his way around the clock, he throws huge ugly tantrums, lays guilt-trips, and issues threats.

Maheen Wick 2009 Fight

Maheen 2015/2017 Maheen Wick and his on/off-again friend Marvin Hunkin break email list rules. Marvin gets banned, and Maheen stomps out in a huge self-pitying huff - but not before blaming everyone including Marvin for everything.

Maheen Wick's 2018 Facebook RansMaheen still hasn't figured out that he cannot stop anyone else from having access to the whole internet, let alone a social networking giant like Facebook. He actually thinks he can bring Facebook down.

1. Maheen's "Supportive Funhouse" Email List Web Archive - Late 2018 This group was started on December 18, 2018, I found out about it from a post to a different list on December 27, got the public archive that was there up until my joining. So this contains content from Dec 18 to Dec. 27.

The rest of the group's content to come after that point was archived on the web, but also collected in my email.

2. Spreading Of Maheen's E-petition, And Welcoming New List Members The funny thing is that Marvin thought I was someone else, probably the person from the 2009 fight who told Maheen off.

But nothing stays peaceful for long, that's too boring for entitled people who want to be centre of attention and entertain themselves by making other people feel like crap.

3. Maheen Disowns His Father In Wangst Fit 8:02:12 PM on December 27, 2018. The way his sycophants just believed everything and bashed his father, enabling Maheen to go on blaming him for his mental illness of all things, was sickening. In addition, Maheen published what he said was his father's email address. It appears he intended to get his friends ganging up on his dad. And he had the gall to whinge about cyber-bullying.

On December 27, 2018 at 11:37:37 PM, Maheen emailed what looked for all intents and purposes, like a suicide note, setting his friends in a panic.

By 2:40:08 AM on December 28, an email went out saying he was on life support with a 50/75% chance - of what? This was followed by more panic, more prayers, and more bashing his dad as a "bully" who "literally pushed him to the edge" etc.

What did his dad do that was supposedly so terrible?

Absolutely nothing. This quote is all it takes to get an entitled snowflake to disown you as a family member:

"you condition is hard for anyone to understand, even the doctors."

There are conditions doctors don't understand and can't cure all the time. There are also people whose conditions can't be understood because they don't actually exist. Or when a supposed condition is apparently not responding to treatment the way it should, people are not going to understand why.

Maheen took that as meaning "Nobody wants to be your friend" and freaked out. He knows he's taking full advantage of people's sympathy and kindness, and he wants to keep doing it, so naturally he would get super irate when he thinks he's being called on his bad behaviour and may not be able to get away with it any more. If he can cry "They're hurting me to the core!" long and loud enough to get sympathy and to be let off for treating those around him like slaves or like trash, the more he likes it.

All the fretting, sympathy, father-bashing, and prayers must've been just the medicine Maheen needed, because he was miraculously brought back from the brink of death and happily doing internet at 7:06:11 AM on December 28, and apparently smiling on his father once again, who was going to research and look for another doctor who would "understand" Maheen. Nothing being said about actually treating, just "understanding". To meet with Maheen's approval, that "understanding" would have to come with a boatload of coddling.

By 10:11:01 AM on December 28, Maheen was reportedly out of the hospital and back home. He was for sure having a "happy Saturday by 6:41:29 PM.

4. Maheen's "Civil" Letter to Dr. Saman was posted at 7:27:39 PM on December 28, 2018. How he loves to wallow in pity and tell stories about how all the "bullies" did this and that to him. How he goes on about his quest to find a doctor who can understand and do something about his mental illnesses, when he has been this way for years without any real improvement or change.

5. Maheen Is Proud Of Himself It's 8:04:54 PM on December 29, 2018, and for a little longer, all seems right with his world.

6. Shock! Suddenly there was another crisis at 8:56:12 PM December 31, 2018. Therapist Sandhy fell sick and left Maheen's email lists, did not accept his friend request (I thought he said he was done with Facebook)? and for that, he completely blew a thousand gaskets, calling her disgusting and very selfish among other things. He described himself as "shaking". All over somebody leaving his email list on the internet?

The sick thing was that his best buddy at the time, blindly agreed with him, wondering what went on in people's (in this case Sandhy's) head.

This was the prevailing atmosphere on that list. Whatever Maheen said, everyone agreed with whenever they said anything.

It was not until New Year's Day 2019 at 12:47:25 AM when Maheen found out Sandhy had gone off internet for a while because she had a horrible case of the flu, that he finally stopped feeling so sorry for himself and hateful toward her. Once again, he had to make a post, apologizing and claiming it was all a big misunderstanding.

No, it wasn't. It was Maheen jumping to bad conclusions, and acting out online in a way he had no reason/right to, as usual.

7. Grandma Marcia Maheen's grandma was admitted to hospital. The first post showed concern, but three hours later, he was busy talking about what a wreck he was again about things not related to Marcia. He blamed it all on wrong meds, but that should've been worked out long ago. He has a long history of being mercurial and abusive, and he claims when he hits a mellow mood that he'll never act that way again, but that's bollox. Take a look at what's coming right up.

8. Marvin Hunkin Gets Banned Maheen bans his best friend from his group for no good reason.

Marvin's horribly upsetting email is first on that link, Maheen's reactions come afterword.

The friends who are left step in line and support his rash angry decision.

Even though Maheen has banned him does not mean he is through with Marvin by any stretch.

From 7:02:33 PM, January 2, 2019 on, Maheen keeps up a solid hatred toward Marvin Hunkin.

The ban notice went out at 7:09:50 PM, January 2, 2019.

9. Grandma Marcia Revisited Maheen posted a tribute to his grandma, but it got marred by mention of his blindness again, right on the heels of a melodramatic description about himself crying. There was no reason to chuck that into any part of this write-up,

10. Maheen Hacked, Life Threatened Maheen must have the absolute worst luck in the world, because at 3:27:00 AM on January 3, 2019, another crisis hit. This time, it was hackers and people threatening his life. No specific details or proof of course. But Maheen somehow knew it had to be -


He accused Marvin of hacking and sending gibberish, and yet Maheen himself trolled Marvin by childishly making fun of his last name, and making fun of his disability as well, or at least using the trolling trope "autistic" which is one of several favorite insults trolls love to spew.

Maheen started his infantile prattle with:

Mister spoiled autistic little cognitive impairment hacker and unconsentrater little Adalade stunkin hunkin hunka hunka hunka burning love and a stunkin’ doughnut of a groveler little boy,"

Maheen goes on to say:

"you? are? officially!going to be prosecuted! for hacking? Amanda’s? email? address? and sending? gibberish!"

Besides his inflated ego and sense of power, this actually warns of things to come. Maheen is not only out to get Marvin Hunkin, but his friend Amanda as well.

He finishes this juvenile post with more of the same schoolyard bully tactic, picking fun of Marvin Hunkin's name.:

"stunkin hunkin hunka hunka hunka hunka doughnud technical problematic feller and a aussie little computer indulger, eater and pizza eater? Awww sweet Marvin, I feel so sorry for you little feller!"

If anyone is wondering if he is for real or if he's just having everybody on big time, no one is daring to suggest that directly. They know they either have to coddle him or else take the brunt of his wrath and get demonized wherever he posts, or threatened with legal action or being "banned off the internet" by him.

11. Heart Attack If life wasn't already cruel enough toward poor Maheen. At 12:53:04 AM, on January 4, 2019, he posted a scolding message that was supposed to look as if it was from a hacker, telling everyone that he was having a heart attack and blocked arteries, in need of a triple bypass, due to rudeness of all things. So his perception of people being "rude" gives him heart attacks and blocked arteries now. The rant went on to blame everybody.

Here is a quote.:

"He is having a heart attack because people on this group leave without explanation! Karen his one and only sweet firend, left the group! and that was abusive and unfair!!!"

Well what does that say about the other list members? They are not his sweet friends any more? His favorite left the group and caused his heart attack because she was being abusive and unfair?


But that's how Maheen's mind works. Stroke his ego 24/7 or else you are the most abusive scum of the earth.

By 4:53:54 AM, January 4, 2019 he was fine again.

Chilling Out For a little while, Maheen allows his members to chill out and have a little bit of conversation that doesn't revolve around him. But he soon posts about an allergy attack, and complains about "some rude person in England" sending email. He still receives "Praying for you" messages on the list, and laps up the attention and music albums he receives from various people.

13. Hacker Fantasy Continued Even though Maheen said he had changed his password, the fantom hacker apparently wasn't through with him yet. It struck again on 8:24:11 PM, January 4, 2019

Maheen posted a supposed hacked email dated Wednesday, January 2, 2019 2:58 PM, probably Sri Lankan time. That email was meant to look as if it came from one of his friends at the time, saying she didn't care about his grandma. That was the part that was meant to utterly vilify her to the list or convince everyone there really was a hacker. The rest of that email was actually a lot of common sense telling Maheen to grow up.

The result was her quaking and saying she never sent that email, and Maheen eventually claiming it was a hack, and screaming that he would be done with IO Groups if it didn't stop.

By 12:49:32 AM, January 5, 2019 Maheen was apparently feeling wonderful once again, but that was short-lived.

At 2:03:55 AM, January 5, 2019 Maheen was screaming once again that he was quitting Io Groups, and this time, he bullied and blamed Marvin Hunkin for the so-called "hack" again, and reverted back to making fun of Marvin's last name:

"hunka hunka stunkin’ burning love and a dunka dunka hunka stunkin’ doughnuts, and a computer induljer little child.

There was more rubbish, some of it obscene, and then he finished off with the most ludicrous thing of all:

"You must appreciate, good music! and convert, to Christianity! Listen to Jim Reeves and Lefty! That will turn you into a loyal Christian!"

As if Maheen is any example of a Christian. None of the music or artists he loves has managed to turn him into a loyal Christian, or his behaviour toward the human race in general would change for the much better; and as can be seen, it has not.

Maheen continues with this ridiculous false accusation:

"You never had the heart to pray for my grandma Mimi, instead you hacked my account, pretending to be Amanda!"

He couldn't resist yet more poking fun of Marvin's name.

"Goodbye for life stunka hunka doughnut pizza eater!"

His last statement shows he still believes he can run the whole internet. "you also, will be suspended, from the internet, big time!"

There was no hacker. It was all Maheen, or some friend called Andrew, who was mentioned in that incoherent heart attack message jumble: "answer me! Andrew me? right? now!" setting up people left, right and center, as his "bullies" so he could continue playing the victim and jerking everyone around with impunity.

Shortly after that message, Maheen deleted his Supportive Funhouse group at

But of course, he did not leave

On January 16, 2019, Maheen created another group called "The Wonderful Funhouse" which naturally turned out to be anything but. It's a continuation of the last laughable "Funhouse" drama, starring Maheen as the world's biggest "victim" bullied by all, again.

The group's description:

"Welcome to the-wonderful-funhouse! We can make new friends, talk about anything in general and ask for support and prayer requests. Now, the only rules we ask you are to not harass nor bully a single member nor owners and co-owners. Please treat everyone with respect on this group. We hope you have fun and enjoy the group!"

I discovered it while searching for new groups to join.

The first section is the web archive of messages before I subscribed and started receiving them by email.

1. From The Wonderful Funhouse Message Archive

2. Maheen Is More Or Less Happy

3. Maheen Is "Heart-broken" Again

4. Maheen Solicits Harassment Via Email Again then changes his mind...again. Counting the time he published his dad's email on the "Supportive Funhouse" list, then a girl who finally had enough in the "heart broken" section" and now this.

5. Happy Happy

6. Down Again

7. Happy Again

But he can never get enough people buying old country music albums for him, or people telling him he's great and in their prayers no matter how abominably he acts.

So he has to keep making demands and trying to stay above suspicion, and he just loves drama too much not to create it, especially if he can have the starring role as the poor blind babe in the world whom everybody abuses and bullies.

8. Crash And Burn! There Goes Another Email List! This time the excuses were that his house caught fire because the neighbours were throwing dirt in their yard, or, something totally implausible, and that was such a trauma because somebody there couldn't cook him dinner any more.

The other excuse was that he was being inundated with all sorts of message confirmations at his newest email address at the time. This meant he would have to delete the list and the email address associated with it.

Have you ever heard of anyone so singularly unlucky?

"The Wonderful Funhouse" email list lasted from January 16 until January 28 in 2019.

Although Maheen had sworn in his 2018 Facebook rant that he was done with Facebook, he went back and created a Facebook group.

Maheen can "love" you one hour, and hate you the next. It all depends on how much he can get you to do for him. As long as you put your own life completely on hold to spend all your time bowing and scraping and coddling Maheen, he "loves" you. But one misstep and suddenly you're "cruel" a "bully" of a "blind mentally ill person" and "unGodly" as well.


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