Maheen Wick And Marvin Hunkin 2015/2017

Though seemingly unrelated offences got the pair kicked out of these forums, Maheen did his usual, blame Marvin and anyone else he feels like for whatever he claims is going wrong for him.


locked owners and moderators not fair

marvin hunkin 05/18/15


There should be a three strike process for the groups.

First offence, you get sent a private e-mail, second offence, you get put on moderated status, third strike, banned for life.

Not fair, what the owners and mods did with the three groups.

I and my friend should be given one more chance.

Not fair.

Pity there is no process for greivences or to report abuse, to

Maybe they should set up such a system.

Maybe mark can implement that, and pity he cannot oversee running of groups, on, and where he feels the mods or owners are not doing their job properly, or have a dispute with a member.

I have proof, if you like, when one of the mods, called me a nutter a loser and a scum bag via private e-mail.

They started it not me, if they had not banned me in the first place and my friend.

Had noreal reason, and yes, I never got the guidelines for that tech list, and never received them, telling the truth.

Why would I make up a story, if I was lying.

And never got those reminders.

Not fair., should be a more fairer mailling lists, and the people on the groups I am banned,m only the two mods, and not a third mod or a main owner, and they have a beef with me, and no one else to ask.

So, I did ask to be a mod or owner, they do not want me.

How can I prove that I have changed and my friend, is not given a chance to prove it.

They do not really know me.

They have a greivence, a beef, and have a biest, and not given this matter an impartial or unemotional look.

Not fair.


kr402 05/18/15


This is 'Off topic', so Mark has closed it.

Did you miss that post?

Steph hsrsp@... 05/18/15

I think something like this Marvin should be left up to the owner/moderator of every group not up to the developer.

Jim Poston 05/18/15

I think it will be hard because apparently you do not know, or do not

believe, you're breaking the rules.

Mark closed the thread. You started another one on the exact same topic.

That kind of behavior could lead me to ban you from my groups without

you even having applied.

You can start your own group without the approval of the other group

owner/moderators. Maybe you should do so, so you can see how hard it

is to build up a group, and how easily a single member can tear it apart. If

you see the situation from the owner viewpoint, you might see why it's

important that the owner alone determine whether a member is allowed

into the group or is banned from the group..




1 person liked this

Mark Fletcher 05/18/15


You have tried to make your off-topic point multiple times. I hope you're able (and wish) to contribute to the beta group, because the more points of view the better, but until you're able to stay on topic, I have placed you on moderation.


Moderator's warning (closed, arbitration hearing in session offlist): correct address for new tech group

Joseph Lee 10/22/15

Hi all,

I’d like to invite Marvin, Maheen and those concerned about them to an arbitration hearing offlist. If you are concerned about either of them, please send a message to Please write your concerns and actions you want taken, and once I gather some information, I’ll call the arbitration hearing to order (offlist). Thank you.



From: marvin hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:04 AM


Subject: [win10] correct address for new tech group

Hi.’here’s the new subscribe or e-mail address.


Should have read that properly.

My fault.


Ps: here’s the e-mail below.

From: Ian Gimm [mailto:ian.gimm.4380@...]

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 10:20 PM

To: startrekcafe@...

Subject: RE: [vip-l] new technical group for the blind

Hi mate

I have tried twice and both times it bounced back.

Followed you direction.


Ian Gimm

Home Ph: 07 46 813 415

Mobile:0407 747965

Email: ian.gimm.4380@...

Auditor: ISO 9001-2008 International Standards

Consumer Technical Expert – National Standards for Disability Services:

DEES Scheme/NDAP Scheme

Consumer Technical Expert: Human Services Quality Standards

From: vip-l-bounce@... [mailto:vip-l-bounce@...] On Behalf Of Marvin Hunkin

Sent: Thursday, 22 October 2015 8:42 PM

To: vip-l@...

Subject: [vip-l] new technical group for the blind


I and afriend have set up a new tech group for the blind.

It is called:

Technical support for screen readers.

To subscribe to this new group.

Send a blank message to:

Put subscribe in the message body of the message.

See you there on the group.

Your group admins.


No virus found in this message.

Checked by AVG -

Version: 2015.0.6172 / Virus Database: 4450/10859 - Release Date: 10/20/15

audio-central group

Maheen thejimmiedavisfan@... 10/30/15

Hi guys,

If you are interested in joining an audio group to share media or anything audio related material, you are more than welcome to come to:

Look forward to having you!


Representative's letter (thread closed for now): audio-central group

Joseph Lee 10/30/15

Hi all,

The group promotion thread is closed, as the original poster (not the one who sent the below email) may have not complied with one of our guidelines (and the original poster is gone). I’m keeping a close eye on that individual due to past evidences. Thank you.



From: MJ Williams [mailto:matthewjwilliams101@...]

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:02 AM


Subject: Re: [win10] audio-central group

He doesn't give up, does he? *smile*

locked Marvin Hunkin

Maheen 11/06/15

Okay. I am sick. Very, very sick. Marvin has made my mental illness worse so badly worse, I am going to the hospital to live there. You will never be hearing from me again. Marvin Hunkin is such a serious troublemaker and I will not tolerate people jumping down my throat and holding grudges. As much as I tell people like Hunkin not to forward other people's messages, he? will? just? nott listen! Enough is enough. I am off to the hospital right away. I have chronic OCD, and my groups are being shut down. i am very, very sick. Blame Marvin Hunkin. He seriously has made my depression worse. I have no apetite, no apetite what so ever and thanks to all of you for not being a friend. I am sick as a dog. I am very, very ill. If you would like to support and email me, my email is:


but, please, be civil. I will not respond if you are not civil and are rude. It will go straight to trash.

Alex Stone

Maheen maheen.wick31@... 11/12/15


Now, whatever you do, do not! I repeat, do? *not!* let Alex Stone on this group. He is harassing one of my good friends privately and calling him filthy, vulgar disgusting names. He is verbally attacking us on my group and I have no choice but to ban this individual for harassment. He is putting the blame on myself and my friend for supposedly shutting his music group down, which we did not do. It is illegal for sharing copyrighted material, and Alex is totally bullying us. Please, do not trust this person. He is a nasty, nasty, nasty man and a serious troublemaker. He told my friend that he hopes his family die of aids. Please know that the UK authorities have been reported and we will file a police report against Alex for cyber bullying.

Re: Alex Stone

Cornelius 11/12/15

I think this better go to the moderator.

Re: Alex Stone

Armando armando.l.vias@... 11/12/15

I agree.

Thread closed: Alex Stone

Joseph Lee 11/12/15


I’ll deal with Alex and other individuals privately. As of now, this thread is now closed, and an emergency response session is now open.



Head rep's letter: An arbitration and deliberation hearing about a list member is now open

Joseph Lee 11/12/15

Ladies and gentlemen:

First, for those who woke up to find a message from a member accusing someone (not part of this list), please rest assured that the member in question has been dealt with (the thread itself is closed).

Second, an arbitration and deliberation hearing about this member in question (Maheen) is under way. If you’d like to talk to Maheen or have something to say about him offlist, please send an email to so the leadership team can gather evidence. Once we gather some evidence, I’ll chair the arbitration hearing offlist and will announce the decision on this list. Thanks.



Hed list rep's warning (thread closed forever): Group to talk and share music files plus audiobooks

Joseph Lee 11/22/15

Hi ladies and gentlemen,

Yes, it is the same person, and the familiar pattern has returned (the individual in question is now gone), and this thread on music sharing is now locked forever. Thank you.



From: DJ Maheen [mailto:thejimmiedavisfan@...]

Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2015 10:09 PM


Subject: [win10] Group to talk and share music files plus audiobooks

The other groups have been shut down, so if you want to share and talk about audiobooks and music, please come join,


You can download all my good shares.

Head List Representative's letter: List of activities frowned upon by mailing list leaders, members and the public

Joseph Lee 11/22/15

Hi Windows 10 users,

Those of you who saw a message from a person calling oneself “DJ Maheen” sharing his music sharing mailing list, rest assured that this DJ is no more. The story goes that this person came to this list, announced his music sharing list and left on one’s own.

In order to prevent this kind of thing happening, the leadership team would like to ask that you keep the following in mind (a list f things frowned upon by leaders, members and the public):

1. Do not promote a service or a mailing list without leaders’ approval.

2. Do not subscribe to the list solely for promoting a service.

3. Subscribing using multiple email addresses is discouraged (exceptions will be granted in individual cases).

4. In case of Maheen’s email lists, please do NOT subscribe to a list that promotes music sharing or sharing of illegal material (illegal materials include cracked software).

Thank you.



announcing a brand new group and please, don't jump down my thrhoat

Maheen maheen.wick31@... 12/09/15

Hi everyone,

I sincerely hope you all don't mind me promoting my new group on your groups. I am sending this to a few of mine too so that of course is no problem for me, but on yours I will do it just this one time, so please, be civil and be understanding without jumping down my throat nor it will not be replied to nor read. My life has been so filled with happiness this year, and I have created a new group to ask for prayer, and to share bible scriptures plus posting about how much Jesus has helped you become a better human being. The old one I had on about prayer wasn't taken seriously so we shut it down, but this new one will be taken seriously and will be filled with miracles. My life has become a miracle. To join, simply send an email to:

Blessings, Maheen.

Attention: Marvin Hunkin/Maheen Wickramasinghe

Indika Anantharajah 12/29/15


My name is Indika Anantharajah. I am an assistant district attorney in the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka. I would like to address a very important matter that affects a blind individual by the name of Maheen Wickramasinghe. He has slipped into a coma and is at a critical care unit in a hospital here in Sri Lanka. Now... Marvin Hunkin has been causing so many problems to this person... Maheen... and we are going to proseecute him in Adelaide, Australia. He is a consistent rule breaker and a complete troublemaker. Mr. Wickramasinghe attempted suicide today and he is now comatose. We on behalf of everyone would like to extend our heartfelt get well wishes and we respect you all do the same. Marvin has created fake e-mail addresses and will be paying the price big time. He is causing lots of trash to several people.

Cordially, Indika Anantharajah, assistant attorney.

MJ Williams matthewjwilliams101@... 12/29/15

What on earth?

Lino Morales 12/29/15

I don't buy it. I'm sure Joeseph is on it. I think this is Mahenn himself writting this BS.

Austin Pinto 12/29/15

yes he has done this before

Lauren Merryfield lauren@... 12/29/15


That's terrible! If he gets us to think he is suicidal and in a coma, and it is just a hoax, sometime when he really needs help, no one will be there. It's like the boy crying wolf too many times. At first people listen; after a while, they don't.

I didn't know what to think when I first read that post.


Lauren, who is still concerned

Blessings in Jesus’ name:

My digital evangelism blog is at:

www . ask in jesus name . org (take out the spaces when you type it)

Satguru Rathi 12/29/15

At first place, why on earth a “Assistant district attorney” of any city would subscribe to a mailing list meant for blind people only and write there just to inform about this? He may simply would like to take any action if their law requires him to do so. This is just to gain attention and/ sympathy. Let’s leave this bloody bullshit and move on...

With best regards,

Satguru Rathi

Junior Assistant | NIOS

Mobile: +91-9871489945

Email: satgururathi@...

Skype: satgururathi


locked Re: Asking Joseph Lee for an Arbitrational hearing: was: Very, very frustrating issue

Christopher-Mark Gilland 08/05/16

OK, I'm gonna put my two cents in here, as I know Maheen quite well, not face to face, but he and I've both known each other online probably since about 2008.

OK, has Maheen made a crapload of incredibly, and I do mean incredibly! bad mistakes? Yes. Is he gonna change, and has he changed? I can't answer that. I myself have strongly limmited my contact with him, based on his past history. This however being said, your response was totally! totally! uncalled for! Maheen has not done anything on this list that I've yet seen, and even if he had, though I somewhat agree with you that his reputation isn't the best, that doesn't mean you call him out on list like this.

To be honest, I actually considered writing him to offer my help with this, as I'm a huge! Youtube fanatic both on the viewing and uploading side of things. And, I still might! offer my help, if no one else steps up. Again, I agree Maheen doesn't have the best track record, but come on! Really? writing on such a professional list as this, only to complain about someone's past? That's pretty darn low of you!

If you have a problem with him, take it up with him privately, as frankly, I don't wanna hear you all's drama back and forth, and I'm sure, neither do others.

Joseph, I'm requesting an arbitration meeting about this. This is not right! Maheen shouldn't be treated this way, regardless of his past.


Christopher Gilland

JAWS Certified, 2016.

Training Instructor.


Phone: (704) 256-8010.

Re: Head list representative's warning (thread locked): Asking Joseph Lee for an Arbitrational hearing: was: Very, very frustrating issue

Joseph Lee 08/05/16

Hi everyone,

The thread on issues with uploading to YouTube has been locked due to arbitration request. I’ll contact the parties involved offlist.



Leaving permanintly from this list. Case closed.

Maheen maheentheniceguy@... 08/06/16

To each and everyone,

First, let me offer a sincere, heartfelt thanks to everyone of you for your help and your nice, decent comments about my win 10 problems whenever I needed assistants. Also, my sincere thanks go out to Joseph Lee and Chris Mark Gilland for defending me.

Also, my deep, profuse apologies to everyone for that down right despicable, offensive, uncalled for message aimed at me on this public list by this person. I also apologize very, very humbly to Chris and to everyone whom I have hurt in the past. Now that being said, I am sad to have to report that what this person said, did considerable damage to me mentally and I will have to leave. If you wish to join my win 10 group on facebook, by all means. I apologize for asking on this group about the youtube problem by god I only wanted help and I got a backlash. If you wish to join my ask-for-support-and-prayer group, you are more than welcome to do so as now, I have changed immensely.

So my good friends, fair thee well. I will not toleerate this type of abuse from anyone. I have made mistakes in the past due to wrong meds yes, and yes like with what Chris said, I will be the first to admit this that I was a jerk in the past. If I do! receive anymore messages from this person privately, you *will!* be reported to and your ISP because syber bullying, is against the law. So please come join my ask-for-support-and-prayer group and we can be civil and act like adults, not kids. Goodbye. You may emial me at:


Here is the link to my win 10 Facebook group.

Cordially, Maheen.

Marvin Hunkin: henceforth, dismissed forever


Joseph Lee 06/03/17

Ladies and gentlemen,

First, thank you for your comments regarding an individual who requested a comeback to this forum cluster. Based on your testimonies and my own data from observations over the years, it is clear to me that this individual did not change his ways, and the chances of him returning to his old ways is high. Thus:

I hereby declare that Marvin Hunkin shall be dismissed FOREVER from this group and its subgroups, effective immediately. This decision cannot be appealed and is binding on all members, including future head list representatives. In case Marvin tries to come back, he will be reported to Groups.IO over list conduct and site policy violations. In an event he shows up with a different email address, I will know and will ban additional addresses he uses.

Also, someone mentioned another individual who met the same fate as Marvin in 2016: one of the catalysts for me resurrecting a forum in October 2015 was the fact that the person mentioned (named Maheen) deleted an old version of this group hosted at Groups.IO after going berserk after reading a comment from someone. Due to this action, the individual in question was forever disqualified from becoming a moderator. Then a few months later, this person comes back and causes havoc, which resulted in this person being banned forever (if you are a long time member of this forum cluster, you may remember those times).

Is this decision an easy one? No. Although I do understand where Marvin might be coming from, numerous testimonies and my own observation shows a different picture. Nor was this decision my own alone: the community said it before and reaffirmed its will, and as I repeatedly tried to tell Marvin, I cannot and will not overturn decisions made by the community as a whole to demonstrate the power of ordinary members and for sake of my own integrity. As I wrote earlier this year (in February), for purposes of dismissal proceedings, petitions with evidence do count as votes.

In regards to disability as a reason for dismissal: no, I don’t think so, nor will let it become that way. What’s important is member conduct and integrity of this forum cluster.

Thank you. If you have love letters, please write to me and/or the leadership team privately. I’ll close the discussion thread surrounding this decision tomorrow morning.


Joseph Lee

Announcements from head list representative: a member was dismissed, Win10 forum cluster is not really a group of general mailing lists


Joseph Lee 01/28/17

Dear Win10 forum family:

First, for members with Asian heritage (including I), Happy New Year (lunar year, that is).

A few important announcements from yours truly:

The Win10 forum and subgroups is not really a group of general discussion mailing lists. I do allow messages that could fall into general discussion category, provided that it has something to do with Windows 10 ecosystem. Also, for the most part, this forum and is subgroups are not really first level question and answer desks either – that is, most questions posed on this list and subgroups could be answered by doing a web search (as I said earlier, do not be afraid to go through instructions optimized for sighted peers).

With that said, I hereby announce that a member (Marvin H) has been dismissed with no “get out of jail free card” (removed and banned). Reasons are thus:

Despite repeated warnings, this member posted messages that has nothing to do with Windows 10 ecosystem.

The forum leadership team has received numerous petitions from members seeking dismissal of this person. These petitions do count as votes in case of member dismissal requests.


Member dismissal decision for Marvin H cannot be appealed by the person in question.

Archives of messages sent by the dismissed member will be rescued from deletion to serve as examples.

For future reference: if you do have serious complaints about a member and would like to request dismissal, please let the leadership team know so we can examine your claims (the leadership team takes dismissal petitions seriously). For most cases, before a decision is made, the member will be allowed to send a statement to the leadership team unless if evidence says an immediate action is required. The only way that a removed member can come back is if forum members override leadership team decisions by offlist petitions (be prepared to think and present compelling and well-grounded cases), and this will not happen for full dismissals (removed and banned). In case of Marvin H, the leadership team decision is final.

In closing, before deciding on member dismissal matter, I thought about potential negatives, such as fractured community, criticisms and what not. However, the decision was made to dismiss Marvin due to evidence that’s before us, unity of this community, and to show that this is a serious business. Normally an admin would have banned Marvin right away, but I’ve delayed it in hopes that he understood what members are saying and changed his ways, and to instill patience in hearts of members. Ultimately, it was not I and other leadership team folks alone who felt enough is enough – the community has spoken, and it shows the power of citizens. Deep within, I still hope that Marvin would change his ways.

Thank you.



Important announcement from head list representative: a banned member returns with an alternate address


Joseph Lee 02/01/17

Dear members of the Win10 forum,

The leadership team was just informed that a member who was dismissed a few days ago came back with an alternate email address, yet membership list shows this member under the name of the person who was just dismissed. The leadership team decided to ban both addresses and plans to report this individual (Marvin H) to admins of other mailing lists.

Thank you.



Please help the head list rep and the leadership team decide: what to do with a banned individual who wants to come back

Joseph Lee 06/02/17

Hi everyone,

A few months ago, there was an individual who was banned for breaking several group policies. Despite warnings from people, this person continued to break policies, even subscribing using a different email address which was subsequently banned. A few days ago this person writes and asks if he can come back, and I told him that I cannot overturn what you all said: ban this person.

So I’d like to request help in what to do with this individual. The whole conversation between him and I are reproduced below. If you’d like to write to this person privately, please do so. If you have something to say to me, please write to me privately. Thank you.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 7:23 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings






From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Friday, 2 June 2017 10:59 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


So it seems this conversation is going nowhere. If you thought delete key is a way to ignore criticisms, then I’d say this conversation is over. I repeat: your request to return to the list has been denied.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 6:26 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, just ask the community and well just post our conversation, big enough and can take the abuse, that’s what the delete key is for. So, ask other moderators and the community, okay, post on the group. See what they say, both, mods and community members. Happy to take the flack. Did find these groups very useful. I know my fault, I did sebd you a heartfelt apology about back in January , but you never acknowledged that.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Friday, 2 June 2017 10:43 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


If I’m stubborn, how come I kept saying that I cannot overturn the will of the community? Also, I’m not the only moderator who will say what I said: they will also say that your request has been denied. If I bring up your name to the community, chances are that you’ll come back to me and ask me to stop mean posts from some of them. The fact that you are asking me to ask the community now tells me to either:

Tell the community about our conversation, with the entire email thread sent to the community for review.

Take more drastic action.

I don’t want to do either of those things for sake of not causing harm to you, given your condition.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 5:57 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, well ask them now, see what they say now. If you are not willing to do this, then maybe get the other moderators to contact me, if you are not willing to do this. Give me another fair chance, and okay, ask the community.

Just do that, please.

Or are you just being plain stubborn.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Friday, 2 June 2017 10:20 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


What I meant by “traveling a parallel road” is that I gave the answer already, but it seems this isn’t convincing enough. What’s done is done, and what the community said, it shall remain the answer: by reporting and asking me to ban you, the community has effectively denied your return, and I cannot overturn their will. Sorry.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 5:46 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, well ask and see what they say. Fair that’s if they don’t want me back, fine, if they do want me back, then ask on the group.

Then you can get a fair and unbiest opinion if they want me back.

From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Friday, 2 June 2017 10:13 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


I think we’re traveling a parallel road.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 5:38 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, well just ask the community, general list, and see what they say. Can you do that for me?

Not just you, but the whole community.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Friday, 2 June 2017 8:50 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


Both requests are hereby denied. First request is denied because moderators cannot override will of the community to show favoritism to someone who’s been banned. Second request is denied as poll requests are first reviewed by moderators and must go through consultation process.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 4:03 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, yes, desperate to return yes. Maybe another moderator can help me out, and or just maybe a moderator do the poll, if you are not willing to do that.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Friday, 2 June 2017 1:04 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


You’re desperate to return eh? Your request is hereby denied.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 4:23 AM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi well do a poll, then get people to contact me, and then see if they want me back or not. Democratic as far as I can see.

Pity david moore is not a moderator of your group, or he could have done thisarangement.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2017 8:19 PM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


There is a strong sentiment in the community against your return at this time.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 3:37 AM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, well ask the community, see if they want me back. No harm asking, after 12 months, or almost. Thanks.

From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2017 7:58 PM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


I cannot overturn what the community has said, and no, this is not a matter for a poll.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 3:25 AM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, please explain. Will be on topic from now on got the windows creators update. I will adhere to the rules. Let me know. Will do a poll.

Not fair.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2017 7:35 PM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


At this time, the request is hereby denied. Sorry.



From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 10:44 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, well can you ask him, well ask the members if they want me back, okay, some one else who is on the moderation team, could be a mentor for me.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2017 1:15 PM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


David cannot answer that.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 8:39 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, well could you ask him, that would be a way, if you put it to a vote by the membership, if they want me back and this would ensure that all messages are on topic. Learnt my lesson big time.


Well ask him.


From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2017 8:15 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings


David is not a moderator of the list at the moment.

From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 3:40 PM

To: 'Joseph Lee'

Subject: RE: greetings

Hi, well did fix the webvisum, and now, have got the windows creators update, and what about if david morore was to moderate me or be a mentor, and then any posts, about windows 10, would go through him, then you could review it. Would love to be back on this list. Maybe could you ask david. Thanks.

From: Joseph Lee [mailto:joseph.lee22590@...]

Sent: Thursday, 1 June 2017 12:46 AM

To: 'Marvin Hunkin'

Subject: RE: greetings



From: Marvin Hunkin [mailto:startrekcafe@...]

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 5:16 AM

To: joseph.lee22590@...

Subject: greetings

Hi. can I be able to be back on the win 10 groups.


Re: Please help the head list rep and the leadership team decide: what to do with a banned individual who wants to come back

Laz 06/02/17

Hi Joseph,

From the email exchange you posted it does not appear that Marvin has

changed for the good, perhaps more to the bad as he did take a few

pokes at you in his messages. I vote to keep him off the list.


Re: Please help the head list rep and the leadership team decide: what to do with a banned individual who wants to come back

Adam Morris 06/02/17

Hi Joseph,

As a moderator of lists here in Australia where Marvin is from I can see that his emails are along the line of ones he has sent me where he begs to be allowed back on lists.

I'm writing privately like you asked, I could have replied to the list and increased traffic but honoured your request.

I think if he was added back it would only be a matter of time before he goes back to his old ways.

My vote is for him to stay banned.

Adam Morris

Jaws certified 2016


02 6654 7777

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Re: Please help the head list rep and the leadership team decide: what to do with a banned individual who wants to come back

Laz 06/03/17

As you said, you haven't been following the thread. Apparently you

don't know Marvin's track history on this list and others either.

Again I must reiterate that we shouldn't dream up possible and fancied

excuses for Marvin. He has done what he has done despite warnings and

being given chance after chance after chance. As we all know Joseph is

a very very patient list owner/moderator and he didn't ban him in a

knee jerk reaction he had reasons and feedback from the list before

the banning took place. Marvin's behavior has gotten him banned from

several lists because he refuses to change his ways despite being

given chances because of possible fancied and dreamed up excuses for

his actions.


Re: Please help the head list rep and the leadership team decide: what to do with a banned individual who wants to come back

Laz 06/03/17

It should be kept in mind that Marvin has not stated anywhere that he

has a learning disability or that it is his excuse to behave as he

does. The mention of a learning disability was proffered by someone

else on this thread trying to advocate for Marvin in an effort to find

an excuse for Marvin's behaviour and to show compassion towards Marvin

instead of just looking at the facts. Plainly put it was a smoke

screen meant to obfuscate or complicate the situation. Just look at

how much banter has hit the list because someone used the phrase

"learning disability."


Marvin Hunkin: henceforth, dismissed forever


Joseph Lee 06/03/17

Ladies and gentlemen,

First, thank you for your comments regarding an individual who requested a comeback to this forum cluster. Based on your testimonies and my own data from observations over the years, it is clear to me that this individual did not change his ways, and the chances of him returning to his old ways is high. Thus:

I hereby declare that Marvin Hunkin shall be dismissed FOREVER from this group and its subgroups, effective immediately. This decision cannot be appealed and is binding on all members, including future head list representatives. In case Marvin tries to come back, he will be reported to Groups.IO over list conduct and site policy violations. In an event he shows up with a different email address, I will know and will ban additional addresses he uses.

Also, someone mentioned another individual who met the same fate as Marvin in 2016: one of the catalysts for me resurrecting a forum in October 2015 was the fact that the person mentioned (named Maheen) deleted an old version of this group hosted at Groups.IO after going berserk after reading a comment from someone. Due to this action, the individual in question was forever disqualified from becoming a moderator. Then a few months later, this person comes back and causes havoc, which resulted in this person being banned forever (if you are a long time member of this forum cluster, you may remember those times).

Is this decision an easy one? No. Although I do understand where Marvin might be coming from, numerous testimonies and my own observation shows a different picture. Nor was this decision my own alone: the community said it before and reaffirmed its will, and as I repeatedly tried to tell Marvin, I cannot and will not overturn decisions made by the community as a whole to demonstrate the power of ordinary members and for sake of my own integrity. As I wrote earlier this year (in February), for purposes of dismissal proceedings, petitions with evidence do count as votes.

In regards to disability as a reason for dismissal: no, I don’t think so, nor will let it become that way. What’s important is member conduct and integrity of this forum cluster.

Thank you. If you have love letters, please write to me and/or the leadership team privately. I’ll close the discussion thread surrounding this decision tomorrow morning.


Joseph Lee