

Michael Musto

Found this little rant on The Village Voice.


🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: Anti-Bullying Hypocrisy!

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Which is exactly what you do.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: That's what I was accused of by a Facebook friend.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Because it's true.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: He wrote, "So I hear you're going to be in an anti-bullying video."

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: No doubt it was really not true anti-bullying at all, but a liberal agenda in a thin anti-bullying mask.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: "But aren't you the one who bullied and maligned Carrie Prejean?"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Which does make you a hypocrite…

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: To which I responded,

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: With some lame excuse as to why it's not bullying when you do it, it's only bullying when you or some other liberal says it is…

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: "Um, my job is to go after the homophobes,"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Liberal propaganda buzzword used to tar&feather anyone who *gasp* doesn't agree with the gay lifestyle or is indifferent to it. Yep, you're a hypocrite and a bully. Your so-called "anti-bullying" isn't really anti-bullying at all, it's gay pride.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: "hypocrites,"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: You are among them.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: "and bible thumpers,"

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Anti-theist propaganda buzzword of derision against Christians. If you went after Jews and Muslims in the same way, you would be called out for hate/intolerance as an anti-Semite or an "Islamaphobe" but you're a Christophobe, and that's no less of a bigot.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: "not the innocent gays."

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes* So I'm a straight Christian, and that automatically makes me not among the "innocent" by you. Wow. I'm just feelin'' da love, here… No really. The open-minded warm tolerant, non-bullying attitude is just oozing out of you.


🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: "There is a difference."

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, sure, just like the difference between putting a girl through child abuse and putting a boy through it. The difference is so incredibly clear, Mr. Musto, it's perfectly fine to bully one group of people but not another! Oh, I see it now! *Rolling eyes* Because to you, only Christians and people who don't care about or don't agree with gay pride can possibly be bullies…

This farce of an anti-bullying movement is just as hypocritical and skewed as any other twisted activism out there, it has gotten so bad that even a UFO alien-related site has seen it for what it is.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: Goodbye."

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: Good riddance to you, hypocrite.

🙎‍♂️🗯MICHAEL MUSTO: And I unfriended him.

🧝‍♀️Ocean Elf: At least he didn't have to unfriend you. I'd say you did him a small favour.

Over and out.


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