This Facebook page is yet another anti-chain, called "Chain Letters and Chain Comments are the product of stupidity."
what a pathetic joke.
It only adds to the stupidity by being an anti-chain with tons of micromemes.
The post seen at the top from this display anyway, looks as if it could qualify as one of those micromemes, but I'll give it a little slack since it is bang on accurate.
😡Chain Letters and Chain Comments are the product of stupidity.
October 27, 2011
Every time someone posts a chain, another chain is created. It's a vicious cycle.
🧝♀️Otherwise, this page is nothing but other chain letter reposts and variations of the "Every time thisorthat happens, something else bad happens" micromeme, and yes, the stupidity got amped up right at their very first post at the bottom of the page with a Chuck Norris joke. And there was another Chuck Norris joke post some time after that.
More fail includes begging for people to like/share/invite more friends, and requesting people come up with more versions of the main micromeme that makes up the bulk of this cruddy lacklustre page.
Here is this anti-chain page content in all its rotting un-glory. And I will replace the page name of Chain Letters and Chain Comments are the product of stupidity. with the word "Page" to cut down on the repitition of that phrase which just surges as a sad parody to the page anyway.
😡Rylee Scarlet Nicole
Every time a chain is posted, an innocent child is hanged.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes* Gah so funny I forgot to laugh.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh brother! You're the one who defended a stupid chain letter in the very next post, which I removed from this particular link to mangle on another along with a bunch of other similar stupidity.
😡Rylee Scarlet Nicole: "share this to 11 other people or you will die" WHAT?! WHAT HAS THE INTERNET TURNED PEOPLE INTO?!
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, right, you only hate the forward-or-dies, you like other chain letter stupidity. Well you would fit in with the others on that FB page since they're all awesome like that.
The internet didn't turn people into anything, it's the other way around. People brought chain letters to the internet! Unfortunately, some people are just bound and determined to junk up anything.
😡Rylee Scarlet Nicole: Like if you agree!
June 27 at 1:17am
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Gah! Chain letter much? Begging for likes. Yeah, chain letters do that too.
😡Antino Fredrickson
Everytime someone posts a chain, an innocent man is put into chains
November 6, 2013 at 4:32am
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes*
😡India Aaliyah Paul
Every time someone posts a chain, Satan tries to possess an angel.
September 18, 2013 at 5:51pm
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* Don't go there…
June 28, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, people find it acceptable for vampires to sparkle.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: if you dislike Twilight, how on earth can you possibly like this kind of overkilled micromeme anti-chain dreck? You should be more advanced than that.
February 28, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, SyFy makes an original movie.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Another version of the "Every time x happens" micromeme!
February 27, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, a person's internet inexplicably disconnects at a crucial moment.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: No, that only happens when somebody falls for the "press alt4" chain. Enough with the stupid micromemes!
February 20, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, Chris Hansen fails 'To Catch a Predator'
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That show sucked, for so many reasons. To start with, it was a reality TV show, so you can be sure at least some of it was faked up crud. And way to get a child a sex education. Not to mention how corrupt it was. Then there was the devastation, not to the actual predators who were truly predators and caught, but the horrible humiliating experience the many innocent people who happened to be their friends and family would've experienced at not only finding this out, but that it was all aired for a greedy public to gloat at and so NBC could pull a super ratings grab.
Not to mention how an innocent person could've gone there in order to try talking the decoy out of meeting up with weird perverted creeps, and end up unjustly nabbed as a sexual predator.
Still, all your micromemes stink...
February 20, 2010
Got a good "Every time someone posts a chain..."?
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Facepalm* There is no good such micromeme…
February 19, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, someone actually likes Bloodrayne the movie.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And with each re-stating of this micromeme, the FB page gets more and more stupid.
February 18, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, someone installs Windows Vista thinking it's a good idea.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Vista is so obsolete now, and this micromeme needs to go the same way.
February 13, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, a beautiful angel gets punched in the titties.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* What did I tell you? This micromeme stinks to high heaven! No matter what objects and actions get put into the blanks that started out occupied by "a puppy/kitten dies" it's just stale old fail. No mutation of this meme will ever be funny or clever.
February 12, 2010
Every time someone posts a|t like this happens. Dear gods no.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* Stop the blaspheming!
😡Page: Documental Emos
iTunes: Amazon MP3: ..... You can also get this song for FREE on youtube audioswap -- watch this video to learn how:...
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Sure, when it's a spammy ad, it's a type of chain letter. So you've figured out. Good for you. Your point?
February 11, 2010
Everytime somebody posts a chain, Hitler comes one step closer to ressurection.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: You've just pulled the Hitler card. Why can't you just do the internet a big favour and admit you're losing the battle against massive brain cell death and just shut up? My face is going to be stuck in a permanent scowl if this doesn't end soon.
February 11, 2010
Everytime someone posts a chain, Chuck Norris punches your mom in the face.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Facepalm headdesk* Aaaaaaaaagh! Another micromeme inside a micromeme! The dreaded Chuck Norris thing again! Somebody just shoot me! Please!
February 10, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, a Unicorn dies D: oh noes!
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Which is amazing since they don't exist. No really.*Flat expression*
February 10, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, children in Africa don't get ice water.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Droll...
February 7, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, gnomes steal your socks.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Nope, hasn't happened, and I've seen more chain reposts than I can count during my time on the net..
February 4, 2010
Hey! 101 fans! Pretty frickin' sweet!-------
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes* Because you might as well admit, you're no different from meme-originators who want attention or to feel popular…
😡Page: Everytime someone posts a chain, a morbidly obese woman decides that a tube top is a good idea.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: "morbidly obese" *Scowl* You sure got that food-cop propaganda lingo coursing through your brain, obviously well brainwashed… Just keep guzzling that kook aid. Just go away!
February 3, 2010
We need more fans like the world needs MOAR COWBELL. Suggest to your friends
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Rolling eyes and sneering* Pathetic.
February 3, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, Cookie Monster is forced to eat more vegetables. This is an atrocity D:
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: But I thought you'd be cool with that since you already buy into that whole "morbidly obese" thing.
February 2, 2010
haha Connor Ware, you are the 69th fan, congrats. You're e-famous.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Which is why nobody's heard of him. Big deal.
😡Page: Everytime someone posts a chain, the Solar System loses another planet.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: If that was the case, we would no longer be here. You've just said chain letters have the power to wipe out the solar system. Way to go, idiot anti-chain.
February 1, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, somebody decides to vote for Obama again.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That's now in the past, thank goodness. Even if you updated this micromeme to be about today's political players, it would still stink.
January 29, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, God kills a puppy D:
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Facepalm head desk!* See! This is exactly the way this micromeme started out. It was either "God kills a puppy/kitten/baby" which is both annoying and blasphemous crap, or God was left out of the equation with simply "A puppy/kitten dies". Excuse me, I will be repeatedly banging my head on a wall.
January 28, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, Pedobear has a very pedo day.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Aaaaaaaaagh! *Scowl* 4chan/encyclopedia Dramatica trash. Might have known you'd be a fan of those garbage sites… *Disgusted glare*
January 27, 2010
Every time someone posts a chain, the terrorists win. Suggest to your friends!
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong! if terrorists could've killed the human race with chain letters, they would've done it long ago. Stupid micromeme anti-chain!
January 26, 2010
Click the suggest to Friends Button....and then invite all your friends that don't post chains.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Never. People truly against memes wouldn't frequent your crappy FB page. I happened on it by accident when looking for something else. Turns out, this page is as deserving of mangling as any other chain. But it's particularly annoying because it claims chain letters are stupid yet promotes two of the most stupid annoying micro chains out there.
January 26, 2010
Everytime someone posts a Chain, Mr. T pity's da foo
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Droll.
January 25, 2010
Suggest to your friends! Fight the chains!
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Fight the chains my foot. This page is one big anti-chain, only adding to the problem. No suggesting to friends from me.
January 25, 2010
Everytime someone posts a Chain, Chuck Norris roundhouses an orphan.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Scowl* If Chuck Norris had the money, I would hope he could personally sue everybody who makes a stupid joke like this at his expense. Drop the Chuck Norris already! How would you like it if somebody said you beat up an orphan every time a chain letter got reposted? Oh, right, you're a troll. So you probably wouldn't care. Might make you happy about getting your internet 15 mins of notoriety.
This page stinks. I mean REALLY STINKS!
Okay, I'm outa here!
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