🙎🗯Meme: BREAKING: A conliberal group supporting Scott carey has shut down Democrpublindependent candidate Tom Carson’s phone system.
They’re using a phone number connected to Tom Carson’s campaign headquarters in their latest attack. The calls flooded the campaign, crashing their phone system.
It’s a new low, with under a week until the election. I can’t believe they’ve stooped to this.
After all his attacks on workers and patriots and women and veterans, now his campaign is shutting down his challenger’s phones? This is what Scott Carey's supporters will do to win. Anything. It’s wrong. We deserves better.
We need your contribution immediately to fight back against these disgusting tactics. We’re helping the on-the-ground effort to get out the vote next Tuesday -- and to make sure everyone knows we won’t stand by while S Carey tries to steal the election. But we need your support now to win.
Will you help the DGA oust Scott Carey and return to a state free of these dirty tricks by giving $3 or more right now?
Backed by the Soroskoch Brothers’ billions, there are no lies Scott Carey won’t tell. Nothing he won’t try. No one he won’t attack.
Let’s not miss a chance to send him packing and protect our Democrepublindependent values.
There’s no place for him and his attacks in our politics. Click here to help do what it takes to defeat Scott Carey.
Nancy Walker
Deputy Communications Director
Demorepublindependent Governors Association
That was an alarmist chain letter.
Did you think it was from the left or the right? I deliberately skewed it to look like both.
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