The article is found here.
Edited for language.
🤤Title: The fall of Milo Yiannopoulos
Abstract: Exhausting adventures with a fading right-wing phenomenon
Bi-line: Tanya Gold
6 April 2018 10:20 PM
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: I wouldn't call him a phenomenon... But yes, he is exhausting, and should've faded out long ago. The trouble with him is the same as with any troll, whatever good points they may try to make, get completely steamrolled by their stupidity. Milo is against feminism. Good. But he is also a shallow-minded dunce.
🤤Tanya Gold: It seems the phenomenon of Milo Yiannopoulos – the brief, bright arc of his invention – is over.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: You keep calling him a phenomenon. Stop it. An eclipse, the appearance of Haley's Commet, some wonderful invention that benefits people in a great way, all of that is worthy of the description of phenomenon. Milo is not. He's another Maddox. He just dresses in gaudy sissy clothes that indicate he is screaming inside for attention and adoration.
🤤Tanya Gold: I do not want him to fall without being understood so I will tell you the strange tale of our encounters last year. Monsters should be understood, and pitied, for our own sakes.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: I'll give you the understood part, but the pity? No. He chose to be a troll. He deliberately threw tasteless in once he found he was being paid attention to for the bits of good opposition to left-wing agendas that he managed every so often. Then he thought he would push the envelope and see just how much controversial, tasteless, stupid things he could spew and get away with. He was also a shallow-minded git, a serious strike against him from the get-go.
If he hadn't fallen into the trappings of image and addiction to getting rises out of people, if he had simply fought a straight fight without throwing off what integrity he should've had, and probably never did... But, his bad choices. And his fandom's problem for being a fandom and not tossing him out as a troll right along with the left-wing provocateurs long ago.
🤤Tanya Gold: It is midsummer and he is staying at the W Hotel on Times Square, close to where a $35,000 billboard of his face will soon appear to publicise his book Dangerous. Milo’s real face can, therefore, check on his paper face simply by looking up at the sky. The W is a slick pseudo-celebrity hotel for tourists. Milo has checked in under the name Emmanuel Goldstein, after the character in 1984.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Gag me with a spoon.
🤤Tanya Gold: Few British journalists recover from George Orwell.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: I don't know what the heck you meant by that statement. Orwell wrote books with messages/themes that people should heed. The problem I have with the right always using him in their campaigns is that his name and references to his books get overused and people just get sick of it after a while. George Orwell and his books should not be reduced to political talking points and memes.
The left is just as guilty of this, only they use Hitler to smear anyone on the non-left.
🤤Tanya Gold: Milo is very tall, handsome, and broad in the shoulder. He speaks in a strange combination of British and Miami. He greets me as a potential collaborator and friend. It is his instrument of seduction.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: The very first I ever heard of him was one of his smarter moments where he was debunking feminism, without being a troll or a Trump fanboy. But it wasn't long before he got increasingly more disappointing.
🤤Tanya Gold: I was in New York to report on his attempted comeback after a spring when he fell, swiftly and dramatically, down a hole. A few months earlier, a recording was released in which Milo appeared to endorse sex between “younger boys and older men (the age of consent was not, he said, “this black-and-white thing”), and he was dropped first by his publishers Simon & Schuster, then by his employer Breitbart. He was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: I know. I was wondering what in heck took them so long. He was a train-wreck just waiting to happen.
🤤Tanya Gold: But I have yet to see him vexed by any drama, because Milo has played this game all his life. You could call it his safe space. We meet again in London in October, and he is cheerful, rushing off to see Wicked! as his career continues to crash around his ears. I couldn’t tell if he cared desperately, or not at all.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: The way I see it, the guy thrives on drama. He needs controversy and to stir up muck more than he needs to oppose any political agenda. Negative attention is better than none at all to him. Such is the mindset of a troll.
🤤Tanya Gold: In New York, in June, the hotel room is filled with overflowing suitcases of clothes. The first thing he tells me is that he has just had $25,000 worth of AirSculpt on his abdomen, to make it smaller, because being fat is his worst fear.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That is shallow and stupid. That's enough to get him tossed off my ship of opposition to bad politics. It is also food-cop, which is a left-wing agenda, closely related to animal rights. That he has such a stupid phobia sort of explains his idiotic lulz comments about feminists and ice cream trucks. But it doesn't excuse them. His stupid fat obsession discredits him as a conservative/republican and especially as opposition to leftist ideologies.
🤤Tanya Gold: There is a fat man inside Milo, like the villain in Dodgeball, and the bill will eventually rise to $100,000. He had invited me to watch the procedure but I said I could not interview a sedated man.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Who would want to watch that anyway? Sheesh, what a loser.
🤤Tanya Gold: We drive to the Trump International Hotel and Tower at Columbus Circle, where there is a generic rich-person restaurant on the ground floor. It is not busy; New Yorkers hate Trump and will not digest for his benefit.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: They didn't have a problem with that before he got into politics. I was among the minority who disliked Trump when he was just a loud-mouthed, no-talent celebrity, famous just for being rich. They would still love him if he was a democrat. That's why the hate-Trump movement sucks. It's not him they hate, it's that he switched sides.
🤤Tanya Gold: Milo chides me for my clothes, specifically my flip-flops.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And because you were interviewing him, professionally, you couldn't give him a good telling-off. Ugh. See what I mean? He's shallow as a puddle, and over-opinionated about things that he should keep his mouth shut and his great big nose out of.
🤤Tanya Gold: He has a very clear philosophy on how women should dress. He thinks they should dress like Nancy Reagan, or the Queen of England.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Actually, you're forgetting 50% of that equation. It's not just women's dress he's obsessed and over-opinionated about, it's men, too. Funny how you just decided to leave that out in order to imply he's some kind of chauvinist because he doesn't like feminism...
Not buying that angle.
🤤Tanya Gold: “I was never really worried about my career,” he says, speaking like a publicist describing a client. “Take a few months out, a dignified break to rest from the drama and let people stop being angry about nothing. They landed one on me and I took it as graciously as I could. Now I’m roaring back.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Angry about nothing? He has done a lot of stupid stuff to help rather than hinder leftist SJWs with his trollishness. That's an awfully big nothing.
🤤Tanya Gold: When he talks about Dangerous, he sounds mad. “This isn’t the biggest book of the year,” he says, “this is the biggest book of the decade – if they saw it through. Maybe the most influential conservative polemic of the half century.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: In his dreams! If that book is anything like his vulgarity-ridden, fat-shaming, trollish rambles, it belongs in a collection of the most embarrassing, stupid book-fails of the century.
🤤Tanya Gold: His editor at Simon & Schuster didn’t think so, describing it as “a superficial work full of incendiary jokes with no coherent or sophisticated analysis of political issues”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Given the choice on who to believe, I'll take the editor.
🤤Tanya Gold: After they cancelled the book, Milo sued them for $10m, then changed his mind and didn’t.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: He must've known that was one fight he was sure to lose and get laughed out of court. Not so much fun when on the receiving end, is it, Milo?
🤤Tanya Gold: Meanwhile, he says, he has outgrown Breitbart: “It is not a star factory. I was outgrowing the masthead.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: He is wrong. Breitbart outgrew him, at long last, hopefully other conservatives will too.
🤤Tanya Gold: He is in denial about why he is hated.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: No, he just thinks being a complete troll is cool. He is in denial about how opposing identity politics is supposed to be done.
🤤Tanya Gold: “Sarah Silverman has said worse stuff about Jews,” he says. “Joan Rivers said worse stuff about everyone. I haven’t really said anything that awful. The thing I’m most closely associated with is ‘Feminism is Cancer’, which isn’t even an insult.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Well, actually, it is. Would he like someone going around saying Trump is cancer? Or the "Dangerous" book is cancer?
More importantly, it's a stupid way overused troll MEME! And if you want to oppose leftist politics and fandoms, you have to either ditch the memes, or mangle them, not use them as if they were something kewl...
Yes, Silverman, Rivers etc. said similar stupid stuff. But that's no excuse to join them...
🤤Tanya Gold: He chews. “It’s an internet meme.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Exactly. A meme. Something he should've shunned. Instead, he fell back on a trolling meme, showing his brain was clearly taxed beyond its limits.
🤤Tanya Gold: This was a 2013 Twitter poll in which he asked, would you rather your child had feminism or cancer? “22,000 people voted,” he says happily, “and cancer won!”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Because he has a fandom of sheeple who are unfortunately okay with trolls and stupid memes.
🤤Tanya Gold: I ask him to imagine he has a child with cancer. He can’t do it. “Cancer, yeah,” he says, “Cancer is curable,” because he doesn’t understand cancer. “Feminism,” he ponders, “you could be the walking dead your whole life.” He doesn’t understand feminism, either.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That walking dead joke was typical Milo droll and stupid. No grin here.
Anyone can take or leave an ideology at any time, including feminism.
Some cancer is treatable. Others, not so much. I lost a good friend to cancer back in 2003. I've lost a few relatives before and since, to cancer.
But really, I wish people would just drop the cancer already. It barges in and makes the offline world suffer. When I go online, I do not want cancer blasts from charity chain letter meme hoaxes to stupid trolls with dying brains screeching out (insert entity/idea) is cancer!" all the time. Internet trolls and hoaxers addiction to cancer is tasteless and annoying as all get-out.
🤤Tanya Gold: When opposed, he collapses easily. For instance, he says he is against abortion in all instances. I name an obvious case – a baby who would die – and he changes his mind. Then I ask: second wave feminism or pancreatic cancer? I have told him that pancreatic cancer is very dangerous. “The second wave, no question,” he says. The feminism is cancer meme made him famous, and he didn’t even mean it.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: So you ask two questions, one of which is rational, the other, trollish just like his, and he is forced to show some actual sense for a change, and you call that "collapse". Pathetic. Just admit you want him to really be your worst fantasy "right-wing" boogeyman.
🤤Tanya Gold: We leave the restaurant and walk south. Milo says hello to a man who I see only as a passing smile: “That’s my old hairdresser. He does Eric Trump.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Who cares?
🤤Tanya Gold: He says there are 30 cats named after him, and 50 dogs, and a baby.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Big whoop-dee-freaking-do. Who cares?
🤤Tanya Gold: He is happy with his hair and spends $1000 a month on it
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Ugh! That's an obscene amount to spend on hair every month.
🤤Tanya Gold: – “this is the best hair I have ever had, I think I am very handsome”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Yuck! Talk about a conceited stinkface.
🤤Tanya Gold: – but he needs a new mouth:
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: No, he just needs to control it better.
🤤Tanya Gold: “My teeth are OK by British standards, but if I want to be an American star I have to spend $100,000 and get proper teeth.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: What a stack of baloney. Now it's British VS. American teeth? Yeah, Milo is in serious need of some kind of a life. Besides, he already spends scads on hair, why not teeth as well?
And to think, all that money could be put to better use, actually working against bad identity politics instead... He is squandering it on image.
🤤Tanya Gold: We go to the hairdresser and then the dentist – a celebrity dentist with a photograph of Sylvester Stallone on the wall. If he gets dental implants, he says, I can live-stream them.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, for the love... Whatever next?
🤤Tanya Gold: He puts on his scarf. He looks surprisingly like a woman, and I tell him so. He doesn’t mind. He doesn’t mind anything, if it is about him.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: He would only mind if someone told him he needed to lose weight. Other than that, for Milo, any and all attention is good. Pathetic.
🤤Tanya Gold: Milo Yiannopoulos arrived in the US in 2016, as technology editor at Breitbart, after a dramatic career in British journalism. He was employed by Steve Bannon, who saw in Milo a “superstar” who could mobilise the right-wing youth and create a coalition that would propel Donald Trump, or a similar vessel, to victory. Milo’s job was to test the boundaries of discourse; how far could he go? Milo really loves Trump; that is heartfelt. He calls him Daddy.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Pathetic.
But you are wrong about everything else. The reason he didn't last at Breitbart is because he turned out to be a troll. They didn't hire someone to be a troll.
And none of this was to influence an election for Trump. Trump won because people finally woke up and realized what a ruined nation resulted from Obama and identity politics gone wild.
🤤Tanya Gold: He is gay and claims to be one quarter Jewish on his mother’s side, although he can provide no evidence of Jewish ancestry (I asked, repeatedly). Even so, both are valuable tools in identity culture wars. “Drop your toys, pick up your tools, and go help save western civilisation,” Bannon wrote to him, in an email leaked last year to Buzzfeed. “U r Social Media and they have made it a powerful weapon of war.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Sage advice that Milo did not listen to. He only kept playing with his troll verbal toys.
Oh, and Buzzfeed is an identity politics-ridden, meme-mill.
🤤Tanya Gold: Milo does not deny the emails are authentic. He simply says: “We don’t comment on stolen material”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Which it was.
🤤Tanya Gold: In 2016 Milo embarked on a travelling roadshow called the Dangerous f@ggot Tour. He counted his fame in counter-protests and newsprint. After he was fired from Breitbart, Milo Inc was born. When we spoke in October last year, Milo said he and Bannon were still in touch.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: So just who are you in touch with on your side of the aisle? Nancy Pelosi? Bernie Sanders?
🤤Tanya Gold: The following day I collect Milo from the W and we walk to his gig on the Bernie and Sid WABC radio show. Bernie and Sid are bald and immense. “The great Milo Yiannopolous!” says Sid, who is the slightly larger, noisier one. “The fabulous Milo!” They congratulate him on Dangerous. “It means, the b|*ch is back!” says Sid, thrilled to be calling a gay man “b|*ch”. “You are more beloved, revered than you ever were!” Milo says he is hosting a Coming Out Conservative party as his drag queen alter ego, Ivana Wall (“I want a wall”).
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Aaaagh! Gross! Excuse me. I'm going to puke, then find something to punch to relieve some of this discomfort. "Ivana Wall" oh, for crying out loud!
🤤Tanya Gold: “I get it!” says Sid, “Lesbians hate you,” he adds. “With some justification,” says Milo, “because I’m so rude about them.” Who do you like less, asks Sid, lesbians – or Isis? “Oh Hamgod,” Milo replies, and giggles, but he doesn’t answer. Sid asks: “It’s a brain twister? Really, it’s worthy of consideration?” “Of course, it is!” Milo shouts: “Isis is just the Middle East eating itself which has been the case since the dawn of time!” “Don’t lesbians eat themselves, too?” asks Sid. “Good heavens,” says Milo, lapsing into British coyness.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Ugh! Nauseating garbage!
🤤Tanya Gold: “Your tour was called the Dangerous – what rhymes with maggot? – tour,” says Sid, dazzled by his own rhyme.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And just how do you know he was "dazzled" by his own rhyme? Oh come on. You really want to make this guy out to look like some simple-minded, easily-amused schmuck, because he's not on your side of the aisle.
Newsflash, I'm not on your side or even slightly impressed by that little sophomoric rhyme. I can see if someone was doing a broadcast interview, they might avoid uttering the word, and use the rhyme as a hint as to what word they're driving at. But this is stupid.
🤤Tanya Gold: “The Dangerous f@ggot Tour,” says Milo. He seems slightly annoyed. He doesn’t want to be a dangerous maggot, but he can hardly accuse Sid of homophobia.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: I thought he loved any and all attention. Now all of a sudden he's tweaked? Whatever. It's his own stupid fault for using that word in the first place.
🤤Tanya Gold: “Dangerous f@ggot was more about identity politics for the college tour,” says Milo. “Dangerous puts the focus on free speech and censorship.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Which is a lie since they are interested in abusing free speech, not exercising the right to free speech. But that's what trolls always do, whine about free speech whenever they feel threatened by people who don't like whatever crap they spew.
The real abuse of free speech and free exchange of ideas comes in the form of uber left-wing media biases, and Milo has done nothing to get that trend turned around.
🤤Tanya Gold: They talk about how ugly left-wing women are.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Which disqualifies them from the ranks of real opposition to identity politics and bad agendas...
Fangirls snipe on about characters they hate because they're "ugly" especially female characters. And there are plenty of left-wing people who wouldn't be considered "ugly" by the Miloyians... That would probably include most of Hollywood and any centrefold...
🤤Tanya Gold: “They have that disease that democratic women have where they think it is a virtue to be ugly,” says Milo.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Milo shows his trollish ignorance again. The so-called "body positivity" movement is a huge sham, especially when considering that the fat-phobic food-cop movement is also left-wing... But if ideas constitute disease, then everybody in the world has the disease, of having ideas! Milo needs to get off that disease kick.
🤤Tanya Gold: “I’ve never understood it. You go to the Republican National Convention and everyone is size zero in a beautiful little skirt and I think, ‘My goodness, I’ve gone to gay heaven!’”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Shallow-minded twit of a disgrace. The republican community doesn't need clowns like him.
🤤Tanya Gold: During the break Sid says: “I have friends in Brooklyn” – and he lowers his voice – “I’ll be honest, they don’t like gay guys. But they love him,” nodding to Milo. “I’m gay but not I’m a pri**,” shouts Milo obediently, in an American accent. “I’m not a Flaring f@g constantly whining and demanding to get attention and dressing up in pink feather boas”. He remembers that he does dress up in feather boas, but “I do it to make a point with a smile on my face”. “But you appeal to both,” says Sid, sounding amazed again. Milo did as Bannon bid him. He bridged the gap.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Wrong. Milo did as Milo pleased. Don't drag Bannon or any other republican into this troll mess.
🤤Tanya Gold: Bernie is the serious one. “Daddy, as you call him,” says Bernie, “was fantastic last night back on the stump in Iowa.” “It’s nice when you get a taste of it again, isn’t it?” says Milo. “The only thing I wanted from a Trump presidency was the complete extinction of political correctness in America. It’s a thirty-year project which I will now take up and,” – now I imagine him as a Spartan at Thermopylae but with a teddy bear – “complete for Daddy.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Ugh! This "Daddy" stuff is making me sick.
Well, I have even more things I want to see happen... the complete extinction of political correctness, identity politics, and trollishness in the civilized world.
🤤Tanya Gold: I then watch Milo on the Anthony Cumia radio show, during which, to please an older, presumably brutal, straight man – another potential Daddy – Milo imagines he is straight. “I exclusively date white chicks,” says Cumia, “I love white trash girls”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: 1.I hate that term "white trash". Kill it!
2. I don't care about your stupid dating preferences.
3. If you were trying to be funny, you failed.
4. If you were trying to be serious, you failed to impress.
🤤Tanya Gold: “Ooh, me too” says Milo. This is his most intense mirroring of straight right-wing men so far. “That’s what I would Flare”.
“The bleached blonde, the halter top and shorts, and just bruises on their legs,” says Cumia. “I love that %h|t”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: If that garbage is what passes for entertainment, it stinks big time... It is this sort of trash that hurts the non-left and helps the left and their identity politics.
🤤Tanya Gold: “Dukes of Hazard and downwards,” says Milo. “If I were straight I would like two kinds of girls. I would like big busted Latinos – and nothing as classy as J-Lo – and trashy Miami girls”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And the point of this sleazy stupidity?
🤤Tanya Gold: “Just trash,” says Cumia. He does love bruises.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: There's a word for that...Sicko!
🤤Tanya Gold: “And skinny fake t** blonde b|*ches like Pammy [Anderson],” says Milo.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: It was only a matter of time before this revolting cretin pulled out a favourite word in the MGTOW lexicon...
🤤Tanya Gold: “Barefoot out of their trailer,” says Cumia, and gives a moan from his solar plexus. “I love that”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Again, the point of this sleaze, other than excite the MGTOW and get feminists going "See? We are right!" ?
This is why bimbos like Milo and his kooky friends there, hurt far more than help the non-left.
🤤Tanya Gold: “Yes,” screams Milo. I think he can imagine himself into almost anything; that is why he rose, and that is why he fell. I think he led a political movement by mistake; but he would call me naïve and say the world I look to doesn’t exist anymore.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That all depends on what you and he mean by world. Put another way, your world, and Milo's world, don't exist in mine, because I will not allow them to. You are right about one thing, though, his getting involved with trying to join the non-left, and them letting him in, turned out to be a gargantuan mistake. Trouble was, he must've started out disarming people with silver-tongued arguments against feminism that sounded genuine at first, and then he got caught up in his own personality cult and love of attention and spiralled down to trolling.
🤤Tanya Gold: On Wednesday I meet him at a jewellery shop downtown. He has his fingers in trays of rings and seems remote: “I’m going to have a wedding band on here.” Milo is planning his wedding to John, 33, a “sensitive, sweet, calm” African-American man “with an endless capacity to love”. They met in a bar in Fort Lauderdale and hugged so much that Milo felt he was “dying”, which is a strange way to describe intimacy. “I never felt the things that I saw in movies,” he says; now he has a lover, “I have never told a single lie to”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Yuck!
🤤Tanya Gold: His entourage is here: Alex Macris, the CEO of Milo Inc., a second-generation Greek immigrant who took the job because, he says, he and Milo “want to build a 360-degree multimedia company that reaches this vast audience of consumers that is being ignored by so much of the bicoastal media”. That sounds like a press release, but it is from his own mouth.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Well, count me out. There need to be a lot more options out there that are not run by a troll and his fandom.
🤤Tanya Gold: I also meet Macris’ girlfriend Casey, a British glamour model with pink hair and tattoos; and a stylist called Sebastian Occhione, whom everyone calls Sea-bass. Like the fish. This is Trump’s America; you won’t be listened to unless you are beauty queen hot. At least, they believe that.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That's feminist bull.
🤤Tanya Gold: Sea-bass describes Milo’s clothes. “If it’s expensive-looking he’ll wear it, because it’s just how he is. I just dress him in %h|t I would wear. Literally.” “But can’t afford,” says Milo, who is half listening. Is there a name for Milo’s look? “Not really. He looks like Justin Bieber right now.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And acts nearly as bad, just shy of all the car wrecks and stuff.
🤤Tanya Gold: We get in a limo, and Milo tells me about a fashion shoot he is planning “in fat drag with cats and ice-cream and piles of Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer books, alone and miserable like everyone else who listens to feminists”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Typically stupid shallow food-cop drip.
🤤Tanya Gold: He hates Amy Schumer because he wants what she has. I think Milo is really a stand-up comic seeking approval and then sabotaging himself, so he remains in control. “I’ll going to sell more books than her,” he says, but, in the end, he doesn’t.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: So you're basically saying he is jealous of Schumer. I doubt it. This is all a game to him.
🤤Tanya Gold: They discuss plans for Milo Inc: a talk-show hosted by Milo; the launch of Dangerous; an appearance at Free Speech Week at University of California, Berkeley in September; a tour of Australia; world domination; merchandising. “We have no competition, the market is wide open, there are people desperate to throw money at us and I’m really talented,” says Milo.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: If only he actually used that "talent" instead of wasting his time trying to offend people for the lulz...
I don't want him dominating the world in anything, and it's the last thing the non-left needs.
🤤Tanya Gold: He sounds strained; how does he convert his charisma into political power while having no real interest in politics?
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: He's lost it as far as I'm concerned.
🤤Tanya Gold: “I want eventually for this to become a talent factory where I’m incubating more Milos.” I imagine an endless line of Milos stretching from here to the apocalypse.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Ugh. Give me a break, I'm already cringing myself into a seizure.
🤤Tanya Gold: We go into Balmain, where Milo is treated like clean water during a typhoid epidemic scored by Disney. He tries on a green silk bomber jacket and peers at himself. He is at his most serious in front of mirrors; in the hairdresser’s the day before, I thought he was praying. He doesn’t like the bomber jacket. He takes it off and picks up another jacket which is covered with paste jewels.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Tacky. Yuck. This is making me sick.
🤤Tanya Gold: Seabass is fretting. “I don’t like it,” he says, “You know when little kids get the colouring books and they don’t know how to properly colour so they just put all the colours in it? It just looks like that.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Okay, I couldn't care less.
🤤Tanya Gold: They now have a conversation so insane I type it out in full.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, brother! Time to take a break, get something for my stomach, and tackle this next bit when I think I can survive it.
💩Milo: “What’s the final price on this? Is it $16,000 or $12,000 or something? It started like $32,000 right?”
💁♂️Salesman: “So like $13,000.”
💩Milo: “When he [Macris] comes back in here I will try it on for him and then he can decide”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh I'm sure John Stewart's wardrobe, or that of any other celeb on the left side of the aisle is hardly any less expensive.
Still, criminally exorbitant anyway, no matter who's selling or buying. 💁♂️Salesman: “Are we wearing the proper attire for him to see it?”
💩Milo: “It will be fine.”
🤤Enter Macris.
💩Milo: “They will give it to me half off and we can have it mailed so we can skip the tax so it will be something like 13/14 [thousand dollars].”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That could buy a couple of top notch digital stage pianos and a couple of computers. It could also buy a lot of groceries for quite some time.
💁♂️Salesman: “Only one in the world”.
💩Milo: “It’s a complete one off”.
🐟Macris: “Put it on let’s see”.
💩Milo: “I think Dad’s persuadable”.
🤤Me: “You’re Dad?”
🐟Macris: “I’m Dad”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Yuck. It's obvious Milo has some kind of daddy issues.
🐟Macris [To Milo]: “It fits you like it was made for you”.
💁♂️Salesman: “It was made for him”.
💩Milo: “This is why I’m considering it. I could have been measured for this”.
🐟Macris: “That is definitely a wardrobe item for a tour”.
💩Milo: “I can just walk out on stage and be what – this old thing? OK I want it. Can I have it?”
🐟Macris: “Yeah we can get it”. He swells, like a proud father.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Yeah right. You're just imagining that, or more likely, you want the reader to imagine it and just believe everything is as you suggest.
🤤Me: “Do you get the hanger?”
💩Milo: “I don’t think so”.
🤤Later, in my bedroom, I receive a series of texts. They are copies of credit card receipts for the monstrous jacket, so I will believe that he really bought it.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Whatever. Bleh.
🤤Tanya Gold: In a fusty pink room in Chelsea, Milo is made into a woman. He wears a red and black dress. He is silent, transported somewhere I cannot reach. Miss Veronica Vera is the Dean of Miss Vera’s Finishing School for Boys Who Want to be Girls. “We weren’t sure,” she says, “if he wanted to go very over the top big bouffant drag queen look. That was what I was told initially. But when we got here we decided that he wanted to be more real – and pretty.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Burp* Excuse me. Stomach is still rebelling.
🤤Tanya Gold: “This look is festive because Milo’s femme self – who we will call for now Mila – will be hosting a party. It’s a long gown and it’s kind of a combination of a gothic look but it’s also very kind of Miss Kitty dance hall girl look. Mila sees herself as a curvy girl so we have built in curves”.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Vomits* Eww. What a drag.
🤤Tanya Gold: Finally he speaks. “It’s fantastic”, he says, “There’s enough bad girl in there, isn’t there?” There is, yes; he looks like he’d do anything. I ask him if he feels different. “Not really,” he says, “but I live my whole life in character.” I think that is the second most truthful thing he has told me. He climbs down from the mirror and sashays towards me. He has added a red ribbon to his wig and looks like a ruined Dorothy Gale. He looks like his mother.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: His mother looks like a ruined Dorothy Gale? You're not making any sense.
🤤Tanya Gold: The Coming Out Conservative party is in a greasy club uptown. We are very early. Milo takes off his wig, sits down in a curtained-off VIP area, and drinks champagne through a straw. His manager Jeanette administers a Vitamin C spray because, she says, “if he gets sick we all get sick”. The king and the land are one. She fans him while the PR team iron a Dangerous sign. He is calmer, more serious, and more likeable as a woman.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: No actually, he's just a nauseating drag.
🤤Tanya Gold: I ask if feels responsibility for the behaviour of his supporters: for the abuse of the actress Leslie Jones on Twitter, which got him permanently barred (he called her “a black dude”).
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, please. Milo is responsible for what Milo does. He isn't responsible for the stuff anyone else does online, but really, Leslie Jones dishes out just as much stupid crap. She even finds abuse jokes funny. So stop with the bleeding heart thing for her already. Milo was stupid, she was stupid, both their fandoms were stupid, the fem Ghostbusters movie is stupid, and you all stink.
🤤Tanya Gold: He says it is the left who protest violently at his events. “I get asked, am I mean and cruel and vindictive?” he says. “Meanwhile [the comic] Kathy Griffin is the one with Trump’s bloody head [in a video]. Get your own house in order before you come and talk to me about %h|t. I’m an artist and I’m going to create provocative, dangerous things. I’m not the one standing up with a decapitated head. I could have done that to Leslie Jones. It wouldn’t even occur,” – and the “occur” is totally aghast – “to me”. This is the closest I will come to thinking there is something decent inside Milo but it flees and he is someone else again.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: This is where Milo has good points - however, just because the left does the disgusting stuff he mentioned, doesn't mean he should join them and be a troll like they are.
🤤Tanya Gold: Milo walks to the top of the stairs in sunglasses. He is carrying a bottle of champagne, a glass, and a microphone. I think he is drunk. “We are here,” he says – and he lowers his voice – “because we don’t think that just because you like *crude description of gross sex act deleted* you have to give up God, or guns!” He doesn’t have a gun. He told me he isn’t allowed one, because he is British. “We are here because the oppressive, corporatised, Flaring boredom of the mainstream extreme progressive Left Pride movement does not represent the fun, mischievous, dissident magic that made the gay community so fantastic in the first place!” A woman shouts: “Amen!”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Magic? Fantastic? Ugh. That's a matter of opinion. Neither the words "God" nor "Amen" belong in this seedy event.
🤤Tanya Gold: “You are here,” he says, “because, like me, you recognise that there is something a bit more at stake than transgender pronouns in America today for gay men – and lesbians”. A woman shouts: “Feminism is cancer!”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Because she's another unthinking, meme-loving sheeple fangirl for a troll.
🤤Tanya Gold: “Did anybody in this room read the Washington Post’s account of the Pulse nightclub shooting this week?” he asks. A man shouts: “Flare WashPo!” “Could you have a wild guess how many times the Washington Post report about the shooting in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando mentioned any of the following words: Muslim; Islam; terrorism?” “Null,” says a man. He wins a glass of champagne.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Now, if that question was asked by someone who isn't a drag of a troll, without audience members bleating out the cancer meme, It would reach more people. They are correct about the Washed Up Washington Post deliberately not mentioning those details. Yet if the killers had gone to a Christian church, Wa Po would be sure to mention that...
🤤Tanya Gold: They start shouting: “Build the wall! Build the wall!” Then: “Lock her up!” I can’t tell if they are joking.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: More stupid memes, uttered by Milo's sheeple. Oh goody gum drops...
🤤Tanya Gold: When they stop, Milo shouts, “We are gay! We should be pushing every conceivable boundary. We’re not all idiots who turn up on a Saturday night for attention in a wig”. He tosses his wig. “Sipping through a straw”. He sips champagne from a straw. “Lolloping around in fake t**s.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Now you're sounding like a MGTOW. And as I've said before, his outrageousness and continually playing out dumb stereotypes is hurting, not helping opposition to feminism and other leftist ideologies.
🤤Tanya Gold: That’s not all of us! Please give it up for the end of political correctness, the end of political correctness – and coming out conservative!”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: The end of political correctness is not pro-trolling and being as outrageous and offensive as you can be. The end of political correctness is an end to identity politics, an end to biased media trying to pass itself as non-partisan while being very partisan.
🤤Tanya Gold: He poses for selfies with a succession of nerds and gay conservatives. I meet a man who is afraid to tell his colleagues he voted for Trump and a man who came out as conservative and lost 500 Facebook friends. They are not all monsters but some are very stupid.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: By that statement alone, you have shown that you are very stupid. "Not all" are monsters? Oh please. Most aren't monsters, but too many, such as Milo, have done stupid things. But I would call the 500 people who unfriended just because somebody revealed themselves to be conservative, are very stupid, and pretty close to being monsters.
🤤Tanya Gold: I meet a female journalist who asks me what feminism has done for her. Everything, I tell her.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And you are wrong. Feminism didn't do anything for her, she got where she is because she didn't believe the miserable whining feminist nags telling her that she was supposed to feel oppressed and like everything bad happened because men...
What was called feminism back in the suffrage era was actually for equal rights. Second wave was again equal rights and that brought about the equal pay act. The feminists who did anything nutty then weren't egalitarians, just misandrists. We now vote. We have equal rights, period. Feminism is not needed in the civilized world. Feminism is a misandrist cult, just like the MGTOW, a 🤤Tanya Gold: He says he is “one of seven people who put Trump in the White House”.
🤤Tanya Gold: The seven people “maybe” includes Trump himself.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Since when do election candidates get to vote?
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: There was violence at Berkeley...
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And other celebrities don't spend that much on their weddings, I suppose?
🤤Tanya Gold: In October Buzzfeed exposed his closeness to Steve Bannon,
🤤Tanya Gold: and the funding of Milo Inc by the Mercer Family, just as it was ending.
🤤Tanya Gold: They also said that he once used the password Kristallnacht for a joke.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Too bad so sad for him.
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